View Full Version : How Student Debt Wrecks Marriages, Inhibits Family Formation, and Delays the Hou

14th September 2010, 06:21 AM
How Student Debt Wrecks Marriages, Inhibits Family Formation, and Delays the Housing Recovery

The New York Times had an interesting article last week on how student debt is affecting family formations. Please consider How Debt Can Destroy a Budding Relationship

Nobody likes unpleasant surprises, but when Allison Brooke Eastman’s fiancé found out four months ago just how high her student loan debt was, he had a particularly strong reaction: he broke off the engagement within three days.

Ms. Eastman said she had told him early on in their relationship that she had over $100,000 of debt. But as the couple got closer to their wedding day, she took out all the paperwork and it became clear that her total debt was actually about $170,000. “He accused me of lying,” said Ms. Eastman, 31, a San Francisco X-ray technician and part-time photographer who had run up much of the balance studying for a bachelor’s degree in photography. “But if I was lying, I was lying to myself, not to him. I didn’t really want to know the full amount.”

Ms. Tidwell, 26, is involved in a serious relationship with Stefan Kogler, an architect who is a native of Austria and living in Vienna. To Europeans, who often pay little or nothing toward their university studies, the idea of going deeply into debt to get educated is, well, foreign.

Ms. Tidwell feels no guilt about the $250,000 in debt she will probably run up, including some from a master’s degree program she completed in London, where she and Mr. Kogler met. “I didn’t acquire it because I go out and shop a lot,” she said. “It’s because I’m doing something that I’ll love for the rest of my life.”

Still, if she and Mr. Kogler are going to move in together and get engaged, she wants their financial arrangements to be clear and fair. But how do you define fair when you’re bringing a quarter of a million dollars in debt to a relationship?

All of this raises the question: At what point do you have a moral obligation to disclose your indebtedness during courtship? On the eighth date? When you get to third base? In your eHarmony online dating profile?

Ms. Eastman in San Francisco says she knows that now. “What would I have done differently, besides bringing a copy of my credit report on the first date?” she said, with a rueful chuckle. “I would have been more responsible.”

Family Formation a Serious Macro Issue

Such stories may make for pretty humorous reading, but this is a serious macro issue. Housing typically leads the economy out of recession. If couples put off marriage, or never get engaged in the first place, that obviously hinders family formation.

In turn, that hinders the demand for houses and related goods and services, not to mention the goods and services required to have kids.

Moreover, student debt contributes to the problem of unloading a massive inventory of homes and a massive shadow inventory of homes on top of that. Many students are so deep in debt and without a job that not only have they delayed marriage, they have moved back home and are not even renting apartments.

Banks sitting on foreclosures thinking that a housing recovery is around the corner, have another thing coming. These structural problems, including boomers headed into retirement wanting to downsize their homes (with no one to sell to), puts additional pressure on home prices.

Ironically, falling prices is the cure for this mess, not the problem that politicians see and attempt to fight. Home prices need to drop to affordable levels where there is genuine demand to clear housing inventory.

Because of all these factors, I expect housing prices to remain weak for a decade, even after prices bottom.

That bottom in housing prices may still be a couple years away (or longer), and the more the Fed and Congress tries to prop up prices, the longer away the bottom is likely to be. Although some localities my be in the process of bottoming now, there is simply no economic reason to rush into buying a house today. Other reasons may prevail.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

link (http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2010/09/how-student-debt-wrecks-marriages.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MishsGlobalEconomicTrendAnaly sis+%28Mish%27s+Global+Economic+Trend+Analysis%29)

1970 silver art
14th September 2010, 07:00 AM
The problem here is that people got so brain-washed (including myself) in believing that a college degree is the ONLY way to a good job and to be successful in life that students are going to all extremes to get a college degree. As I and other people have mentioned in the past on GSUS and on GIM1, a college degree is no guarantee of a good job. Accumulating $170,000 for a photography degree? WTF? A college degree now-a-days, more than likely to just guarantee that a student will be in student loan debt for a large part of their working career.

I really do not blame the fiancé for breaking up with this lady. It would have been a mistake to get married anyway but That would have been a much bigger mistake on the guy's part to marry a woman with that much debt. In my opinion, it is irresponsible for a person to accumulate $170,000 for a degree in a field that probably starts at around what? $25,000/year?, $30,000/year? Either way, it was not a very good return on investment if a college degree for her was considered as a investment.

Joe King
14th September 2010, 07:10 AM
Ms. Eastman needs to look for husband material in a guy who's just as deeply in debt as she is. Because no guy who isn't, would sign up for that kind of liability.

Especially with the failure rate of marriage these days.

As for pumping student loans? That's just creating more fodder for the credit/debt machine our society is.

14th September 2010, 07:13 AM
Hahah "Housing Recovery". The magical words that suggest things would be better if houses were massively overpriced and selling like hotcakes again.

14th September 2010, 08:38 AM
Leaving aside $250k in debt for her degrees in Photography (a staggering amount of debt for a newlywed with, umm, limited income potential) - one wonders how someone with this track record of financial decisions would ever be a good life partner?

My impression is that the woman usually waits until after marriage to ruin a man financially (ultimately via divorce) - this one jumped the gun!


Silver Shield
14th September 2010, 09:07 AM
where is Ruthless Defaulter???

14th September 2010, 12:43 PM
Unless you are going into the hard sciences or a high-skill career, DO NOT ACCEPT STUDENT LOANS!

14th September 2010, 12:43 PM
where is Ruthless Defaulter???

You rang?