View Full Version : ClubOrlov: The Future is Rated “B”

14th September 2010, 11:36 PM
A long quote from a post at Club Orlov.

The Future is Rated “B” (http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2010/09/future-is-rated-b.html)

...The people whose job it is to write the fiction that we are expected to accept as our one real and true present don't seem to have much of an imagination. They also seem to have had a rather short reading list and lift their ideas from just a handful of slender volumes. George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World are their particular favorites, along with Franz Kafka's The Trial. Take, for instance, the cult of Osama bin Laden as the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks: it is an image of the perpetual enemy of the state lifted straight out of Orwell. Osama was a sickly CIA operative who succumbed to renal failure a long time ago and who was posthumously demonized using some grainy amateur videos and some muffled audio tapes featuring some other CIA operative. For years now Osama's restless and lonely ghost, clad in white robes and towing a broken dialysis machine across rugged and bare mountain passes of Waziristan has been relentlessly hunted by a swarm of endlessly circling Predator drones. The war in Afghanistan is currently costing the US a billion dollars a day. Sorry to bring up yet another “B” movie, but how much did Ghostbusters charge per visit?

I have no wish to debate these topics, and would urge you to shy away from them as well. There are just a few people who know enough about them, and they generally have no wish to debate them either. There is nothing in it for them—or anyone else. Just about everyone else is either wallowing in blissful ignorance or has been subjected to a mind control process used in advertising: proof through repetition. Here is a contemporary example: a purely fictional phenomenon from the 9/11-season of 2010 known as “The mosque at Ground Zero.” The kernel of truth behind this mainly fictional story is the proposed Islamic cultural center, not a mosque, to be built at a location that is nowhere near Ground Zero, but we now live in a realm of compulsory fiction, reinforced through repetition in the echo-chamber of the media, which makes truth irrelevant. Once the media start ranting and raving like that, it becomes hard for them to stop, and next they trot out some obscure evangelical pastor from Florida who wants to burn a stack of Korans, and they cannot for the life of them stop talking about him either. When in response violent demonstrations erupt in already violent places that are patrolled by US soldiers, that just adds spice to this already wonderful story. I hope that you are beginning to see a pattern here: first a country goes a little bit senile, then noticeably demented, then completely stark raving running-around-naked-smearing-feces-all-over-yourself insane. Then it hurts itself. Individual insanity is rare, but group insanity is, unfortunately, the bane of societies that are nearing their end.

It would seem that, if you are a certain kind of popular author, a good way to ensure that the future comes to resemble your worst nightmares is to write a novel about them. This has certainly worked for Orwell, Huxley and Kafka. But there is also an alternative: compose your own fiction instead of accepting anyone else's, then go ahead and turn it into reality. A good first step might be to write a short story. It can be very short, and it doesn't even have to be particularly interesting. Something as trivial as this might do for starters: “The next morning she woke up and, instead of having a bagel with cream cheese and a cup of coffee for breakfast, she fasted until sundown.” And then, the next morning, she woke up, and something curious happened: this short story came to life, and so it came to pass. Next came other stories, each a bit longer than the previous one, bridging the present and the future in new ways, and eventually spanning decades. And as these decades rolled by, these stories too came to life.

This, as I see it, is the best way forward in a depressed and increasingly demented and accident-prone country that is heading straight for collapse, where the present (reality, what people think is going on, common notions of the state of things) is degenerating into useless noise—the clamor of clueless but self-important people desperately begging you to continue giving them your attention, so that they can stuff your head with more “B”-rated trash. But if you ignore them long enough, they will go away. Don't hope, don't wish, don't dream, but do write your own fiction and use it to create a present that works for you. Invent places for yourself and for those you care about in your stories about the future, and then go ahead and live in them. You don't have to settle for anyone else's “B”-rated nonsense. And don't let anyone tell you that you are crazy or that you are living in a dream. It's not a dream, dammit, it's a work of fiction!

old steel
15th September 2010, 12:00 AM
I don't always see eye to eye with everything Dmitry Orlov.

He seems to think anyone who owns firearms is a gun nut nevertheless this is a very well written piece.


General of Darkness
15th September 2010, 12:20 AM
I don't always see eye to eye with everything Dmitry Orlov.

He seems to think anyone who owns firearms is a gun nut nevertheless this is a very well written piece.


Well as a "gun nut", I still think he's missing the mark on the main issue. TPTB are working towards wiping the white race off of the planet, by mudding up our genes. Some folks might see that as being hateful, but it's the truth. Why is it, that this country is fighting wars based on "terrorism" and other lies, when they have NO intention of winning them? On the home front it's southern border is wide open. In Europe there's massive influxes of muslims and north africans that the indigenous white people don't want, yet the government promotes it?

This guy wants to talk about the future? Talk about a future without the white race, write about that fuckhead.

15th September 2010, 12:37 AM
Talk about a future without the white race, write about that f*ckhead.

Taken in the context of the article, why to write your fiction, would this not be running-around-naked-smearing-feces-all-over-yourself insane?

General of Darkness
15th September 2010, 12:47 AM
Talk about a future without the white race, write about that f*ckhead.

Taken in the context of the article, why to write your fiction, would this not be running-around-naked-smearing-feces-all-over-yourself insane?

Taken in the context of your reply, based on the facts at hand, are my statements reality, or are you throwing feces at my commentary by trying to hid the truth through deflection?

Saul Mine
15th September 2010, 04:12 AM
It's a pretty essay but I can't figure out what the point is. It's seems sort of like he's marveling at the sparkling lights around him, not realizing that he is being hit in the head.

15th September 2010, 09:43 AM
I think you two are making the point.

GD, if you don't want to read the article or even the section I quoted, read only the last paragraph of the article (and quote) if you have trouble understanding my comment.

General of Darkness
15th September 2010, 10:01 AM
Well that wasn't very nice Keehah. :boohoo

However. ;D


15th September 2010, 03:35 PM
GD, I'm not sure what you are attempting here.

Not sure why you had to seagull your racism into this thread that as I don't see what it had to do with the article, but you did, and in the context of the article in the OP (writing your future then making it happen), your first post was about promoting the destruction of the white race.

I used the vernacular of the article leading this thread to point out your writing had the opposite intention I expect you had intended.

I used the later post to answer your question. I took your 2nd post at face value, however reading it again just now I see that perhaps it was a joke, a post of deflection on deflection.

What is your last post about? More FAIL of the race again? ;D

Joe King
15th September 2010, 03:56 PM
I don't always see eye to eye with everything Dmitry Orlov.

He seems to think anyone who owns firearms is a gun nut nevertheless this is a very well written piece.


Well as a "gun nut", I still think he's missing the mark on the main issue. TPTB are working towards wiping the white race off of the planet, by mudding up our genes. Some folks might see that as being hateful, but it's the truth. Why is it, that this country is fighting wars based on "terrorism" and other lies, when they have NO intention of winning them? On the home front it's southern border is wide open. In Europe there's massive influxes of muslims and north africans that the indigenous white people don't want, yet the government promotes it?

This guy wants to talk about the future? Talk about a future without the white race, write about that f*ckhead.
How are the PTB able to muddy up anyones genes if the person in question doesn't want them muddied up?

Is someone going to hold a gun to my head and make me procreate with someone of another race whom I would not have chosen to procreate with otherwise?

Or is it because once placed in my proximity I might not be able to resist the sometimes exotic good looks of a foreign born woman and will, of my own free will, seek to procreate with her?

Seems like it's gotta be one or the other.
i.e. either forced, or too weak to resist.

15th September 2010, 04:16 PM
I'm not sold on any ideologies of how the destruction of the white race is perpetrated but I do believe there is a concerted effort to do just that underway.

You are looking at it from a male-centric point of view. Men will, at their base level, impregnate any female and as many females because he loses nothing by doing so, his genes are transmitted regardless. It is throughout nature that the female is selective of the male.

How about the female point of view?
Why does the white female, of all races, primarily choose not to bear children at all? Why does she, of all races, primarily choose to sleep with women instead of men?

Look around you. The white race isn't breeding with itself or at all. The white race bought into feminism (not the women can vote kind but the we don't need men kind). The white race, of all races, primarily eats up birth control. The white race, of all races, primarily aborts its own offspring. The white race continues to marginalize itself while popularizing other races. Many of the concepts of suicide above were proffered by a very narrow band of non-white races.

I don't lean towards being racist by any means. I wish for all races to prosper and to excel in their own strengths. I do, however, wish for my own race to perpetuate itself.

The evidence that the white race is suiciding itself is overwhelming and the evidence that non-white races continue to propagate themselves remains steady or increases.

15th September 2010, 07:42 PM
The evidence that the white race is suiciding itself is overwhelming and the evidence that non-white races continue to propagate themselves remains steady or increases.

Our Federal Government is now suing Arizona to STOP them from identifying and deporting the illegals. That says it all.
