View Full Version : Good Deeds and Evil Deeds

Joe King
15th September 2010, 04:13 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this or not, but it seems like it is.
Just found it interesting and thought I'd share.
Seems to shed a bit of light on a few things, human-nature wise.


Good and Evil Deeds Stimulate Surprising 'Superpowers'

The mere act of kindness, or one of evil, can boost willpower and physical strength, a new study suggests.

The results, based on three experiments, show that those who performed good deeds, or envisioned themselves acting charitably, were able to hold a weight or squeeze a hand grip significantly longer than those who didn't perform or think about such deeds.

But evil acts appeared to confer similar and perhaps even greater superpowers.

"When you think of superheroes or super villains, [you think of people] that can possess huge amounts of willpower and are relatively unfazed by pain," said study researcher Kurt Gray, a doctoral student in psychology at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. "And because of your stereotype of heroes and villains, you kind of embody that, or transform yourself into your perception of hero and villain," when you perform good or evil acts, he said.

Weight lifting

In one experiment, 91 volunteers were asked to hold a five-pound (about 2.3-kilogram) weight for as long as they could, and then given $1 for their efforts. About half were asked if they would like to donate their dollar to the United Nations International Children's Fund, or UNICEF. Everyone in this group agreed to donate, while those not asked of course didn't donate.

All participants were then asked to hold the weight a second time. Those who had donated to charity were able to hold the weight for an average of 53 seconds, or 7 seconds longer than those who did not donate.

In a second experiment with 151 volunteers, participants held the weight while they wrote a fictional story featuring themselves either helping, harming or not causing impact on another person.

Those who wrote about helping someone were able to hold the weight 5 seconds longer than those who wrote about a neutral interaction. Envisioning evil acts seemed to confer even more strength — those who thought about harming someone else held the weight about 8 seconds longer.

The boost in strength from evil might be because participants who thought about hurting someone needed to first conquer their conscience telling them that evil is wrong.

"Evildoers have more [agency], because they need to overcome the voice of their conscience to harm others. It takes even more agency to harm those around you," Gray said. Agency refers to the ability to have self-control, tenacity or strength.

Boosting willpower

The findings might have implications for all areas of life in which strength or willpower is needed, Gray said.

"This suggests that the way to get more willpower is to just do good or evil, hopefully good," Gray told LiveScience. "So if you want to diet better, maybe do good before you try to avoid that dessert."

The study will be published in a forthcoming issue of the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

15th September 2010, 07:17 PM
Interesting study.

I know that doing good gives strength, and I learned it from a going through a hurricane clean up in my area. I'll never forget it.

I was a pitiful mess, hauling branches to the curb, raking pine needles for hours and hours in the wet heat. Exhausted, frustrated and sad, I sat on my patio step, looked out at what seemed like an insurmountable task, buried my face in my hands and cried. I was so exhausted I thought I couldn't lift one more branch or rake one more patch of grass. But then, for some reason, I decided to go to a neighbor's house and help them with their hauling and raking. After twenty minutes or so, I realized that I was not tired at all.

At that neighbor's house, when we had finished what we could do, we walked to the next house, and so on.

Giving is an incredible source of energy. It is for this reason that I volunteer. I'll admit, it's completely selfish. It makes me feel better - that I am contributing somehow to something bigger than me.

Since my early 20's I have always made it a point to volunteer, but I never knew why until that day after the hurricane. All along, I had been doing it for me.

Joe King
16th September 2010, 08:55 AM
I was a bit surprised about the bad side of it.
But it does explain some things as to why some people seem to enjoy doing bad things, as they get a similar energy only in reverse and they feed upon it.

Not to mention that they often times gain tangible things in the act of doing their evil. So in that case it's a sort of an evil win/win for them.
Whereas you only get to feel good inside from raking your neighbors lawn. Only one "win" for you. The other "win" goes to someone else.

So I can see where for some people the temptation to do wrong can be even greater than the temptation to do good.
i.e. it typically has a larger payoff.

16th September 2010, 09:21 AM
My experience has been that evil deeds may be rewarded short term but there will be negative consequences eventually. Good deeds are rewarded long term and the consequences are always positive.

Joe King
16th September 2010, 09:28 AM
I agree.

But what if a person is short sighted to the point they can only see in the short-term? What choice will they make?

16th September 2010, 09:35 AM
Joe King the consequences for evil behavior are negative and I think carry punishment and suffering with them and we will experiance that sooner or later.

I thought I should edit this and add that when we have learned out lesson we will choose good deeds. School starts every morning.

17th September 2010, 06:19 PM
"The mere act of kindness, or one of evil, can boost willpower and physical strength"

Interesting... I heard a story of a guy who thought he was drowning, couldn't get back to shore because of riptides (I think), anyway he decided to give up and drown and started to remember his loved ones then remembered how much he hated his divorced wife...

The thought of him dying and his wife getting to raise his kids made him so angry he determined to swim back to shore...

he is alive today raising his kids.. LOL