View Full Version : Kitco Censorship

15th September 2010, 07:11 PM
I am so glad to "work towards making the Kitco Forum community a better place."

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Your post quoted below has been deleted: offensive material

The Kitco forum is highly visible and connected to a commercial website. Kitco desires that the forum maintain a certain business decorum and posts that are offensive are not appropriate.

I hope you will take this as an opportunity to work towards making the Kitco Forum community a better place.


Originally Posted by gunDriller View Post
Greedspan blocked the CFTC chairwoman, Brookesley Born, from doing her job and investigating fraud in the derivatives industry - during the Clinton administration.

if she had been allowed to do her job, a lot of banksters would be in jail, and the US economy would have been a lot different.

without the expansive effects of the housing credit bubble, we probably would have gone into recession sooner.

and kept an extra $10 Trillion off the nation's balance sheet.

Greedspan, Rubin, and Summers blocked Born.

3 Jewish bankers blocked Born from investigating fraud in the banking industry.

it's amazing how if you're a member of the right club, you can get away with some amazing crimes.

15th September 2010, 07:24 PM
If that's all it takes to get censored over there, most of us would be banned there the first day! :o

15th September 2010, 07:25 PM
Thing about Kitco is it's primarily a business that sells PM's, and happens to have an online forum. Not the other way around.

It would be wise for them to steer clear of politics, and focus on their product.

General of Darkness
15th September 2010, 07:33 PM
I never heard anything good about Kitco's forum in 10 years. Actually I've never really heard anything good about Kitco in general. Am I missing something?

15th September 2010, 07:42 PM
I never heard anything good about Kitco's forum in 10 years. Actually I've never really heard anything good about Kitco in general. Am I missing something?

No, you're not missing anything. It's as bland as white rice over there. There is the occasional good post, but most aren't worth bothering with. Remember, that it's a corporate site, they are selling high value products. They have to keep it nice and neutral to avoid offending any customers. It's good for a read a couple of times a month, that's about it. It's also a good site for noobs to get some information if they are absolutely green to buying PM's.

willie pete
15th September 2010, 07:45 PM
I'm really surprised kitco even has an online forum, and especially as varied as what they've got, they just added a "firearms" section not too long ago, and given the fact kitco is out of canada..... :o Wow, overall the kitco forum stinks, but like what was mentioned, they have to keep it sterile, the mods over there Suck, guess they have to be though, I used to hang around there, not anymore just too regulated ...and I'll almost guarantee you; mention words like "jew" or "nazi" and you'll get a PM real quick from a mod :D

1970 silver art
15th September 2010, 07:47 PM
I'm really surprised kitco even has an online forum, and especially as varied as what they've got, they just added a "firearms" section not too long ago, and given the fact kitco is out of canada..... :o Wow, overall the kitco forum stinks, but like what was mentioned, they have to keep it sterile, the mods over there Suck, guess they have to be, I used to hang around there, not anymore just too regulated

I used to post on the Kitco forums but I quit posting there in early 2009.

15th September 2010, 07:52 PM
If that's all it takes to get censored over there, most of us would be banned there the first day! :o

Say the magic word "Jew" and you are out..........they did kicked me out in my first day hahahahahahaha... but of course I did add a few adjectives LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL

15th September 2010, 08:15 PM
If you want to test Kitco to see if they are going to let the truth be told, then tell the truth.

Tell the truth without garnishing it with speculation and generalitites. Had you called George Bush and the a large majority of elite global banksters of the world traitors and criminals then you would have been spot on and would have been able to support that opinion.

But you went on to things that you do not and can not know for sure. You said, "3 Jewish bankers blocked Born from investigating .... it's amazing how if you're a member of the right club, you can get away with some amazing crimes." Stringing those lines together indicates that the club you are talking about is simply a general religous belief.

But that is speculation on your part which is contrary to the evidence. It doesn't matter who has the most top dogs. Not all dogs of that color are going to be the top criminals. I imagine there are plenty of jews who would go to jail even for jay-walking if the TPTB so desire it. Being a member of that religion does not always indicate a criminal, does not give everyone in the religion a free pass, and criminals do not all come from that religion. That is where the real truth exists.

Tell the truth and then find out if they let you say it or not.

15th September 2010, 08:18 PM
I don't frequent Kitco for the chit chat. Although something interesting may pop up from time to time.

The thread by Tidefighter about the Gulf was interesting.

Nadler is always there for a good laugh. :D

On the otherhand, the focus on the metals/miners blows GSUS away.

I also like to see what Cyclist has to say. Quite a few good other market watchers are there too.

Back to the topic, everything in the post is spot on. I'm surprised you weren't banned for a couple of days.

Damn Canadians!

15th September 2010, 08:38 PM
Funny Money, to me the word "Jew" no longer represents a religion but rather a race of people withing the religion........I no longer think of Jewish people as a religion but rather think of the Zionists in the state of Israel and all over the world.........only when people think as I do will something be done.

willie pete
15th September 2010, 08:47 PM
isn't the Founder of kitco a jew?

15th September 2010, 08:58 PM
Most of you must be new to gold and silver. At one time Kitko had a wide open completely unmoderated forum. All kinds of things were posted there with very little moderation. I think only pornography wasn't allowed. Some posters ruined it by posting excess spam, but bagel bashing was tolerated....

Someone probably complained and they revamped the forum with new software/rules/etc.

15th September 2010, 09:03 PM
Funny Money, to me the word "Jew" no longer represents a religion but rather a race of people withing the religion........I no longer think of Jewish people as a religion but rather think of the Zionists in the state of Israel and all over the world.........only when people think as I do will something be done.

I don't care what the word represents. You can not possibly know all those people that well. All those words are generalizations and you can not throw large blocks of people into some criminal camp based on some generality. Maybe you think they are all evil down to the new born child. But whatever you think about them I can assure you that some member of that large group does not fit into your generalization of them. Leave judgement to higher authorities. Stop blaming people like throwing darts at a dart board with the names of different groups on it. Individuals commit crimes and individuals enter and leave this world as individuals. Get onto the root cause problems.

Joe King
15th September 2010, 09:20 PM
Funnymoney is right on the money

Better that the message get across than to be dismissed outright

General of Darkness
15th September 2010, 09:30 PM
While I agree with Funny Money, I think it's irresponsible to label an entire group of people, but when they're known to act a certain way it's also irresponsible to not take that into considerations when you have dealings with them or not having dealings with them.

Things I don't do.

1 - Have ANY business with jews
2 - Walk in black neighorhoods at night
3 - Let a mestizo in my back yard
4 - Buy dog food from China

I could make a longer list, but common sense, while it my might sound offensive, it's defensive.

Joe King
15th September 2010, 09:41 PM
That's fine general, but you want the pertinant part of the message to get through don't you?

Try to look at it like this. If you just leave out the jew part, people will at least be able to see the rest of your message. The way it is now, no one will.

After people have been exposed to the message for a bit, they'll figure out the other part on their own and you won't get banned for having told them.
Which means you'll live to tell more another day, too.

See how that works?

15th September 2010, 10:25 PM
Okay, I see the difference. The first part is a report, and the second part is some opinion. The opinion part is a very valid criticism, but let's see how it looks with just the reporting:

Originally Posted by gunDriller

Greedspan blocked the CFTC chairwoman, Brookesley Born, from doing her job and investigating fraud in the derivatives industry - during the Clinton administration.

if she had been allowed to do her job, a lot of banksters would be in jail, and the US economy would have been a lot different.

without the expansive effects of the housing credit bubble, we probably would have gone into recession sooner.

and kept an extra $10 Trillion off the nation's balance sheet.

Greedspan, Rubin, and Summers blocked Born.

It's actually more damning this way, because there is nothing for anybody to latch onto. It's just a report on the facts, and that's it. There's really no room for anybody to assassinate the character of gunDriller, or call him a liar or a racist, etc. We all know that when somebody brings up race, the whole discussion turns towards that. We basically forget all the other points being made.

So in summation, his commentary was valid, but it's actually a more effective post without said commentary, because it leaves no room for criticism.

Saul Mine
16th September 2010, 03:55 AM
I never heard anything good about Kitco's forum in 10 years. Actually I've never really heard anything good about Kitco in general. Am I missing something?

Yeah, you missed 2007. It was probably the best forum (non-pay) on the internet for PM discussions. It lasted over six months, but we eventually all got banned. In my case, I was pushing a plan to trade the gold/silver ratio, which I got from Franklin Sanders at the-moneychanger.com so every time I credited my source I got a gig for advertising Kitco's competitors.

I've been back a couple of times since then, but it's like all the people who made the place special don't hang out there any more.

16th September 2010, 08:20 AM
i got banned there on my third post.

16th September 2010, 09:11 AM
If you are in the business of selling expensive products to high wealth individuals, would you want to run off all the Jews...people who historically know the value of gold? Good way to ruin your business.

In my town, we are divided between pro-development interests and limited planned growth interests. I have friend that owns a restaurant in town that became very involved in local politics. He is pro-development and has alienated most of the people that want to keep the small town charm...and consequently, his business is failing. He had a good business before he got into the fray.

16th September 2010, 09:14 AM
If you are in the business of selling expensive products to high wealth individuals, would you want to run off all the Jews...people who historically know the value of gold? Good way to ruin your business.

In my town, we are divided between pro-development interests and limited planned growth interests. I have friend that owns a restaurant in town that became very involved in local politics. He is pro-development and has alienated most of the people that want to keep the small town charm...and consequently, his business is failing. He had a good business before he got into the fray.

All kidding aside this is a great proof of the saying "Do not bite the hand that feeds you"