View Full Version : Alex Jones = Zionist Pig

17th September 2010, 09:42 AM
"I Support Israel Its Their Land"

"I've done the research, Israel could not have done 911!"

on Israel critics: "FBI should watch" "weak minded idiots" "mentally ill"

He is a cult leader that I think is going to entering more mainstream "news" as time goes forward.

17th September 2010, 11:02 AM
He married a jew and has jew babies.

He poses as a Christian, but I know better. He is a deciever.

old steel
17th September 2010, 11:22 AM
This is true ..

Shame on you Alex for supporting the machine and pretending otherwise.

Twisted Titan
17th September 2010, 02:15 PM
This is true ..

Shame on you Alex for supporting the machine and pretending otherwise.

Why shouldnt he support it???

He profitted off it quite well.

Anybody got that you tube vid of AJ in his pleasure boat just skimming along???

17th September 2010, 05:07 PM
Operation shill fest has made its weekly attack on Alex Jones, the crypto Jew... ::)

Silver Rocket Bitches!
17th September 2010, 05:14 PM
I can only think of one thing when I see or hear AJ:

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

18th September 2010, 08:49 AM
Operation shill fest has made its weekly attack on Alex Jones, the crypto Jew... ::)

Shill fest? Are you afraid of the truth? He has admitted his father is jewish (http://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/03/22/english-alex-jones-my-father-is-jewish-wns-fail-without-storm-troopers/). His wife is jewish. His children are jewish. Paul and Steve watson are suspected jews. WHo are you trying to fool?




Alex Jones' Jewish Advertizers Alex Jones has at least sixteen(16) different radio and website sponsors that are Jewish owned and operated

Who is Violet Jones? (http://www.erichufschmid.net/TFC/FromOthers/Violet-Jones.html)

18th September 2010, 08:58 AM
Of course he is suspect, he self identifies as Abrahamic infected. He is a flawed man as we all are in some way.

Now for all you attack the messenger repeaters and weekly same old thread starters, perhaps you could at least hint at what part of the message needs decoding then because of your Abraham 'relevation'?

18th September 2010, 09:04 AM
Instead of being a smart ass, why don't you start wondering why AJ continually covers up israels involvement in 911, 77, USS Liberty, etc?

Doesn't that bother you?

Obviously not, because no matter what I or anyone else posts, you put the blinders on and justify it.
Calling him a "flawed man" is an understatement.

Calling him a philo-semetic deciever is accurate.

18th September 2010, 09:41 AM
Rev Ted Pike (http://www.truthtellers.org/) was guest on Rense for an hour last night. From his homepage,

Hear Pike and Rense Tonight!
Friday, September 17, 2010

Listen to Ted Pike and Jeff Rense discuss censorship and half-truths in right-wing media, particularly in regard to trusted news sources such as News with Views and Alex Jones. Also to be discussed will be disturbing trends, such as the increasingly homicidal statements toward Arabs by leading Orthodox Rabbis in Israel, as well as ADL’s new organization protecting Mosque-building in western nations. ADL will possibly litigate against those who are “prejudiced” in their opposition.

I think this hour will be repeating next hour, IE 10AM PST. It'll be repeated several times over the weekend, but it's mixed in with other host's shows, and I don't see a schedule of how the repeat shows work. Pike was on the third hour. Pick your player to listen:

Pike has these recent articles on AJ:

Alex Jones To Ted Pike - 'Don't Criticize Jews' (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/jonestopike.html)

An Open Letter To Alex Jones (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/OPENletterAlexJones.htm)

By Rev. Ted Pike
7 Sep 10


I watched with pleasure a two-year-old YouTube video clip of your program in which you indicated you were sick of not speaking the whole truth concerning the threat of Jewish supremacism. (Watch clips at bottom of page.) You then went on to discuss this threat, revealing a knowledge of the subject much more extensive than the great majority of right-wing leaders or talk show hosts.

Jewish supremacism is untiring and relentless in its attempt to bring about a Judaic new world order. It is not enough that you occasionally punctuate your radio outreach with such truth, giving token opposition. It should be your habitual response to be vigilant and vocal against the greatest threat to Christianity and civilization that has ever existed.

...more (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/OPENletterAlexJones.htm)

18th September 2010, 09:50 AM
Instead of being a smart ass, why don't you start wondering why AJ continually covers up israels involvement in 911, 77, USS Liberty, etc?

Doesn't that bother you?

Obviously not, because no matter what I or anyone else posts, you put the blinders on and justify it.
Calling him a "flawed man" is an understatement.

Calling him a philo-semetic deciever is accurate.

Why should I believe Alex Jones is a a Zionist Pig just because he is Abrahamic. Most of the USA is.
So he is Christian and married a Jew. Yet I still don't expect him to be a messaia. He is a businessman offering good news and commentary.

Why not just tell us what Alex is doing wrong rather than attack me for asking for a deed more than his religion and wife?

I have some issues with Alex's business. Seems fair to ask of the person who started the thread or has expressed opinion first to start.

I need more that the statement "continually covers up Israels involvement." Any study or examples? Because well everyone in NA does this, every Christian does this to some extent does this. He covers Israels crimes more than any other broadcast radio show I know of. Is it the 'right amount'? I'll agree with you too little, perhaps enough to be a 'cover-up' of sorts. But going along these lines one could say William Cooper did not do enough either.

My personal experience listening to Alex is he is up front about his personal factors more so than any other media personality I am familiar with. No one is unbiased or knows absolute truth, so such background is the best we can get from others.

18th September 2010, 09:55 AM
Instead of being a smart ass, why don't you start wondering why AJ continually covers up israels involvement in 911, 77, USS Liberty, etc?

Doesn't that bother you?

Obviously not, because no matter what I or anyone else posts, you put the blinders on and justify it.
Calling him a "flawed man" is an understatement.

Calling him a philo-semetic deciever is accurate.

Why am I being a smart ass for asking what actually does Alex do wrong?
Why not just answer this fair question. Why should I believe Alex Jones is a a Zionist Pig just because he is Abrahamic. Most of the USA is.
So he is Christian and married a Jew. He like all the rest of the media of that corporate size and larger has a bias towards powerfull controllers. IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO GO ON?????

Why not just tell us what Alex is doing wrong rather than attack me for asking for a deed?

I have some issues with Alex, but I don't want to be seen as fill your head with ideas. Seems fair to ask of the person who started the thread to start.

I need more that the statement "continually covers up Israels involvement." Any study or examples? Because well everyone in NA does this, every Christian does this to some extent does this. He covers Israels crimes more than any other broadcast radio show I know of. Is it the 'right amount'? I'll agree with you too little, perhaps enough to be a 'cover-up' of sorts. But going along these lines one could say William Cooper did not do enough either.

My personal experience listening to Alex is he is up front about his personal factors more so than any other media personality I am familiar with. No one is unbiased or knows absolute truth, so such background is the best we can get from others.

Screw you Keehah, I'm onto your game. I'm not going to waste time with you.
If you did any research at all, you wouldn't need me to tell you that AJ is covering for israel on an ongoing basis.

"I need more that the statement "continually covers up Israels involvement." Any study or examples?"

Seriously, are you deaf, dumb and blind? Did you click on a SINGLE LINK that I posted? Do you read ANYTHING?

I know your agenda here. Piss off.

18th September 2010, 10:02 AM
while it is obvious that AJ is part of the zionist conspiracy (which is in itself just another cover story to my mind), as with all good disinfo, there's a lot of info mixed in there. i can't believe i'm alone here in having watched a lot of AJ when starting the waking up process and finding a lot of useful stuff in his work.

18th September 2010, 10:05 AM

The OP stated it clearly. He shills for Israel!

If you consider yourself anti-war I don't know why you can support a guy who is brought to you by Jewish sponsors, supports Israel and ignores the Kosher Nostra!

Capone? Gotti? These guys ain't got nothing on the cartel and someone with the audience Jones has now has who doesn't go after it is disingenuous in my book.

18th September 2010, 10:07 AM
Well I did tone down and edit my message in the first 5 minutes after posting (but you already had it).
So sorry for the tone.

Sorry I'm not interested in what he said as a kid. I'm talking about his news and radio show over say the past few years.

But you keep just saying he is Jewish. While he says he is Christian.

Sorry for asking for more detail than his religion or sound bites from one's youth.

Well go ahead blow me off then. Tell your friends to be your enemy.

We go back years, Golden Agora etc. I actually have some real issues with Jones, he may be Jesuit or Zionist or simple Christian influenced (we all are to some degree), and I would be willing to offer them in a discussion on the issue. But his business has the best radio show of its size in America I (and many others) are familiar with. In part because is does expose Israel more than any of the others. So an arguement that it is not enough, when it is one of the best, carries little weight with me sorry. Overall I'm undecided on the impact of his influence which is one of the reasons why I'm interested in a discussion on this topic.

Yeah my 'agenda'.

18th September 2010, 10:12 AM
I think this hour will be repeating next hour, IE 10AM PST. It'll be repeated several times over the weekend, but it's mixed in with other host's shows, and I don't see a schedule of how the repeat shows work. Pike was on the third hour. Pick your player to listen:

this Pike hour is indeed playing again right now, listen at the link above.

18th September 2010, 10:13 AM
while it is obvious that AJ is part of the zionist conspiracy (which is in itself just another cover story to my mind), as with all good disinfo, there's a lot of info mixed in there. i can't believe i'm alone here in having watched a lot of AJ when starting the waking up process and finding a lot of useful stuff in his work.

I look at that aspect like this; Compare the video Loose Change to 911 Missing Links. If you were just starting to question the OCT which film would help you get up to speed faster?

His films act as a smoke screen to what really happened. Knowing now that Jones is likely be a disinfo guy and you watch Terrorstorm, are you as inclined to believe some of the stretches he makes? If the film were accurate it wouldn't be out there. Jones provides a scapegoat.

18th September 2010, 10:30 AM
He covers Israels crimes more than any other broadcast radio show I know of.

Here's a couple alternative podcasts which will illustrate the gaping hole in AJ's presentation,

-rense radio show playing right now, see link above

- http://theuglytruth.podbean.com/
Their latest podcast, 9/16, begins with a good AJ soundbite showing his occasional over-the-top bombast, very unhelpful to the credibility/effectiveness of a truth/patriot movement. Direct MP3 (http://theuglytruth.podbean.com/mf/web/g8ypgk/UT16SEPT2010DankofVisible1MP3a.mp3)

- http://iamthewitness.com/ (see podcasts in the 2nd column.)

I more/less quit listening to AJ when it came into focus that, besides the zion omission, his bombast schtick was basically serving to "terrorize" me (and others), leaving a sense of "NWO inevitability", and consequent despair. Bad for the mental health, depressing, etc. Granted some of the interviews he does, and infowars articles are worthwhile.. so I grab what's good about his operation, and avoid "the hook".

18th September 2010, 10:32 AM
i hear what you're saying, DMac, and while i've seen loose change i've not watched missing links, but i still think the guy is (most likely inadvertently) providing a service to those in the early stages of waking up. that's a process to go through, and realising that "controlled/led opposition" is a major factor in the world is a later stage, by which point most people will have realised AJ's agendas.

i haven't seen anyone else wander into bohemian grove and start videoing the place, and that vid made me take seriously the possibility that the "elite" really are nutty satanists. which indeed they probably are.

18th September 2010, 10:40 AM
i can't believe i'm alone here in having watched a lot of AJ when starting the waking up process and finding a lot of useful stuff in his work.

You're not alone. I believed in AJ right up until around the time the Obama Deception was released.
I even bought some DVD products. Thankfully some more aware GIM members showed me the missing links.

They always mix truth with lies. Standard procedure.

18th September 2010, 10:45 AM
I have more 'issues' with his previous work. I did not like his radio show in years past.
I found it much improved this year. Listen enough to notice he does not really promote the older videos.

Have you listened recently? Overall he seems to ignore the left - right diversion, even often correcting guests who fall into it. A focus on the elites that control washington. But in the limited context of course of talk radio, and current events. Protection of the borders of state and country and legal citizens, yet a message of unity of the masses against the dividing diversions used to control them. Gold and gardens get good exposure. He is upfront repeatedly about his religious influences and seems to fairly explain them. He seems to be learning and improving and growing and his coverage of the news reflects this. The signs of someone being real rather than outside agenda driven over the years.

My biggest problem with Alex's politics is he is pro overpopulation and does not quite grasp the science of the environmental issues we face involving resource depletion.

I think he has improved because his focus is less on fear and prisoner training in years past than now. It still may be too much now. I would look forward to him to continue to grow and learn and continue his trend and in the future focus more on practical solutions and working forward, rather than reacting to big government.

This is think is what Mike Ruppert has started doing more of.

his occasional over-the-top bombast, very unhelpful to the credibility/effectiveness of a truth/patriot movement
I agree, but this is gold for talk radio. 'i am what i am' ;D

I don't often feel like running Ron Paul Speeches in the background when I'm bored in the afternoon.

What were the Obama Deception issues that I assume caused you to reject it on the whole?
On the whole IMO it seemed to credibly cut apart the left right illusion in Washington and that the same gang controls both parties? I recall being a little bored with pacing or repetitiveness of it.

18th September 2010, 10:54 AM
Re "9/11 Missing Links" (see it free on google (http://www.google.com/search?q=9%2F11+Missing+Links)), I've said before, I find this disinfo in it's own over-the-top 911 JOO-HOP way. How many times do we hear the word "JEW!" in this video. Seems to me to be designed to elicit the average well-programmed sheeple's "oh my, neo-nazis!" conditioned response. Other aspects of Delaney's schtick suggest the same thing to me.

Imagining it's disinfo, the technique would be, lay the truth out there openly, but "poison" the whole thing with a calculated, conspicuous tone of HATEhttp://www.messianic-torah-truth-seeker.org/Torah/Kashrut/logo-ou-kosher-48.gif, so that majority well-programmed sheeple reject & run like hell from it.

18th September 2010, 10:56 AM
Re "9/11 Missing Links" (see it free on google (http://www.google.com/search?q=9%2F11+Missing+Links)), I've said before, I find this disinfo in it's own over-the-top 911 JOO-HOP way. How many times do we hear the word "JEW!" in this video. Seems to me to be designed to elicit the average well-programmed sheeple's "oh my, neo-nazis!" conditioned response. Other aspects of Delaney's schtick suggest the same thing to me.

Imagining it's disinfo, the technique would be, lay the truth out there openly, but "poison" the whole thing with a calculated, conspicuous tone of HATEhttp://www.messianic-torah-truth-seeker.org/Torah/Kashrut/logo-ou-kosher-48.gif, so that majority well-programmed sheeple reject & run like hell from it.

Alex says the same things on his show this year! He's learning.

18th September 2010, 11:11 AM
I think this hour will be repeating next hour, IE 10AM PST. It'll be repeated several times over the weekend, but it's mixed in with other host's shows, and I don't see a schedule of how the repeat shows work. Pike was on the third hour. Pick your player to listen:

this Pike hour is indeed playing again right now, listen at the link above.

the Pike hour is playing yet again now, listen at link above.

18th September 2010, 11:29 AM
the Pike hour is playing yet again now, listen at link above.

Listening. Pike and Jones were fighting and now Awoke and Keehah are fighting.

So far Pike complains Jones is more talk radio host than watcherman. And Pike is deep in political Christian and left right thinking. Pike gives a pass to pro Israel Congressmen elected by evangelical Christians.
An inner Christian schism.

I like that Jones is more watcherman than other radio hosts but not too much so.

18th September 2010, 11:30 AM
ZOGmedia and Federal Reserve has stayed in power precisely because:

1) They control the media which includes RADIO.
2) They always lead the opposition.

If you look to radio and teevee for someone to lead us out of this mess what do you think you'll get?

18th September 2010, 12:15 PM
Listening. Pike and Jones were fighting and now Awoke and Keehah are fighting.

We're not fighting, I just refuse to re-post a million articles for you when the truth is so evident.

18th September 2010, 02:27 PM
The Prison Planet forum is absurdly, ridiculously corrupt. All sorts of chicanery going on there- it's kind of funny it's so obvious (although I do believe there are a small handful of good people trying to learn the truth not associated with the mods). Even more funny is that I am now blocked from viewing the forum even though I've NEVER registered for an account there.


18th September 2010, 03:23 PM
Even more funny is that I am now blocked from viewing the forum even though I've NEVER registered for an account there.


Wow, that's sad. What a "Freedom Fighter"!

24th August 2011, 04:09 AM
Mike Adams "Health Ranger" vouches for AJ,
Is Alex Jones For Real? - Mike Adams (http://www.naturalnews.com/033389_Alex_Jones_radio_show.html)

Sunday, August 21, 2011 12:59

... then Les Visble / Dog Poet slams Mike Adams,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Alex Jones, Mike Adams and the 9/11 Litmus Test. (http://zippittydodah.blogspot.com/2011/08/alex-jones-mike-adams-and-911-litmus.html)

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Large Sarge
24th August 2011, 04:41 AM
I still remember that old call in to AJ, by Mike delaney "prothink"

and prothink just asks AJ "why don't you just tell people the truth, Israel did 9/11"

AJ was just flabbergasted...

Insults flying


that was it for me, I heard that and knew he was not there to find the truth.....

Large Sarge
24th August 2011, 04:43 AM