the white rabbit
18th September 2010, 05:41 AM
Australian Mainstream News Reports Gulf Diaster Truth, Police State Action in the Gulf
September 16, 2010 by Alex
Filed under Gulf Oil Disaster, Intel Hub Featured Articles, Laws & Orders, U.S. News
The Intel Hub
Wilma Subra, an environmental activist and patriot has documented thousands of cases of sick people in the Gulf. While the corporate news has continually refused to report the truth, people like Wilma and Project Gulf Impact have done everything in their power to document the horrors caused by the toxic combination of oil and dispersantt. BP, with the help of the federal government, has hired goon squads to terrorize independent journalists in an attempt to silence free speech.
Deborah Dupré of the Human Rights Examiner had this to say in her latest article:
Too sick and scared of Obama’s thugs: Australian SBS reports Gulf truth
Obama’s authorized hit-list appears to be squarely aimed at people who dare speak out, suppression through the CIA’s hired mercenaries, private contractors such as Blackwater (Xe), it’s 20 subsidiaries plus Wackenhut and others defending crimes on the Gulf Coast. It appears as though these thugs are using their dirty tricks to both maintain the controlled U.S. mainstream media black-out of Gulf news that would be in best interest of the public and to enable the petrochemical-military-industrial complex to continue its slow-kill operation of Gulf Coasters where it continues to gas people and all other life struggling to survive.
In June, a passenger in a car passing Subra’s house fired shots through her window, the bullet lodging “in a brick a few feet from where she was sitting.†(See: Environmental warrior takes on industry – CNN) Recently, the Examiner reported that Project Gulf Impact filmmaker who has been documenting Gulf Coast evidence was paid a visit at his home by men in black. There is widespread speculation about the untimely death of one of the most vocal of all Gulf Coast whistleblowers, Matt Simmons.
September 16, 2010 by Alex
Filed under Gulf Oil Disaster, Intel Hub Featured Articles, Laws & Orders, U.S. News
The Intel Hub
Wilma Subra, an environmental activist and patriot has documented thousands of cases of sick people in the Gulf. While the corporate news has continually refused to report the truth, people like Wilma and Project Gulf Impact have done everything in their power to document the horrors caused by the toxic combination of oil and dispersantt. BP, with the help of the federal government, has hired goon squads to terrorize independent journalists in an attempt to silence free speech.
Deborah Dupré of the Human Rights Examiner had this to say in her latest article:
Too sick and scared of Obama’s thugs: Australian SBS reports Gulf truth
Obama’s authorized hit-list appears to be squarely aimed at people who dare speak out, suppression through the CIA’s hired mercenaries, private contractors such as Blackwater (Xe), it’s 20 subsidiaries plus Wackenhut and others defending crimes on the Gulf Coast. It appears as though these thugs are using their dirty tricks to both maintain the controlled U.S. mainstream media black-out of Gulf news that would be in best interest of the public and to enable the petrochemical-military-industrial complex to continue its slow-kill operation of Gulf Coasters where it continues to gas people and all other life struggling to survive.
In June, a passenger in a car passing Subra’s house fired shots through her window, the bullet lodging “in a brick a few feet from where she was sitting.†(See: Environmental warrior takes on industry – CNN) Recently, the Examiner reported that Project Gulf Impact filmmaker who has been documenting Gulf Coast evidence was paid a visit at his home by men in black. There is widespread speculation about the untimely death of one of the most vocal of all Gulf Coast whistleblowers, Matt Simmons.