View Full Version : Dan Norcini Agrees with Silver Art's prediction - "$23 in months"

18th September 2010, 02:34 PM

Norcini doesn't actually say Dec. 31, but he's talking about a period of time between a few months and six months.

but it's interesting, he talks about the market blowing through $21 and getting to $23, just like Silver Art has already predicted (for Dec. 31, 2010).

1970 silver art
24th September 2010, 07:27 PM
I am glad that someone else is also saying $23 silver even though it is not on a particular day. I feel better already. I still stand by my prediction that silver will finish at $23 (or more) on December 31, 2010. I truly believe that this will happen. My gut says so. ;D

5th October 2010, 01:20 PM
Came within 9 cents today!

Silver Rocket Bitches!
5th October 2010, 01:54 PM
Truly prophetic.

5th October 2010, 02:54 PM
I am glad that someone else is also saying $23 silver even though it is not on a particular day. I feel better already. I still stand by my prediction that silver will finish at $23 (or more) on December 31, 2010. I truly believe that this will happen. My gut says so. ;D

$22.85 is pretty close.

if the stock market goes up tomorrow, i think silver will close at $23 or above tomorrow October 6.

Silver Art, do you have a new prediction waiting in the wings once the first prophecy manifests itself ? ;D

5th October 2010, 03:11 PM
Add in a reasonable premimum and you're @ 23+ NOW

5th October 2010, 06:38 PM
Meh... I'm saying $23 TODAY.

1970 silver art
5th October 2010, 06:45 PM
I am glad that someone else is also saying $23 silver even though it is not on a particular day. I feel better already. I still stand by my prediction that silver will finish at $23 (or more) on December 31, 2010. I truly believe that this will happen. My gut says so. ;D

$22.85 is pretty close.

if the stock market goes up tomorrow, i think silver will close at $23 or above tomorrow October 6.

Silver Art, do you have a new prediction waiting in the wings once the first prophecy manifests itself ? ;D

Not yet. I am working on it. It might take a while. I will let you know on January 1, 2011. ;D

5th October 2010, 10:44 PM
Meh... I'm saying $23 TODAY.

Just broke $23 - am I good, or what? ;D

1970 silver art
31st December 2010, 05:24 PM
I am glad that someone else is also saying $23 silver even though it is not on a particular day. I feel better already. I still stand by my prediction that silver will finish at $23 (or more) on December 31, 2010. I truly believe that this will happen. My gut says so. ;D

As of close of business on Friday, December 31, 2010.........Silver finished at $30.91.

That's my DOG. ;D Time for me to get on my kness and worship the white metal master....................

31st December 2010, 05:46 PM
January 1st 2010, silver was at $16.85. That's an 83% gain for one year! Incredible!

1st January 2011, 07:49 PM
January 1st 2010, silver was at $16.85. That's an 83% gain for one year! Incredible!

Just think, if we get another 83% gain in 2011, we are looking at $55 silver! I think we'll hit $50 silver this year, sometime, for sure.

1st January 2011, 08:14 PM
Silver was the no. 1 investment of 2010.

Congratulations to all who have bought and held silver and profitted from the wisdom and knowledge of greats like Butler, Morgan, Turk and Norcini.

SAEs now selling routinely for $38-40 on Ebay. Kudos to Izzy Friedman!

1st January 2011, 08:54 PM
Silver was the no. 1 investment of 2010.

Congratulations to all who have bought and held silver and profitted from the wisdom and knowledge of greats like Butler, Morgan, Turk and Norcini.

SAEs now selling routinely for $38-40 on Ebay. Kudos to Izzy Friedman!

Not to belittle the wisdom and knowledge of Butler, Morgan, Turn and Norcini, but COMMON SENSE, when understanding the fiat money and credit game is all one needs to know to understand that real money (gold and silver) is going to appreciate against paper currencies.

$50 silver by this time next year.