View Full Version : The "New" Spartans

General of Darkness
18th September 2010, 05:12 PM

18th September 2010, 05:52 PM
The truth is there are people I just don't want to be around and guess what - they feel the same way. That is the law of the jungle. The rest of the "if only they would assimilate" ride is a red herring. This guy is way too truthful for people to handle - I don't detect racism, I detect someone who has thought it through and drawn the only conclusions possible any thinking person would. That is likely the ultimate heresy for detractors.

Saul Mine
19th September 2010, 06:30 AM
I see examples of poor people compared to prosperous people, but this guy only wants us to see dark skinned people compared to light skinned people. He carefully selects photos of poor dark skinned people and prosperous light skinned people and that is supposed to prove his thesis that skin color is the only important factor. He is full of bull-oney.

19th September 2010, 06:49 AM
I see examples of poor people compared to prosperous people, but this guy only wants us to see dark skinned people compared to light skinned people. He carefully selects photos of poor dark skinned people and prosperous light skinned people and that is supposed to prove his thesis that skin color is the only important factor. He is full of bull-oney.
The topic was more about displacing native white popultions with other ethnicities.

However what you mentioned is happening. We are importing dirt poor Somolian (Sudanese etc.) Muslims, who hate us into this country by the 10s of thousands. Some of these people have never used a flush toilet-- I know a social worker who dealt with them in Minnesota.

So while we are pointless losing the best men of our generation in overseas wars, we are importing the problem here. In short, we are engaged in national suicide.

19th September 2010, 06:57 AM
This quote may fit here:

"I would say that there's a terrible habit that humans sometimes fall into, and America is now falling into it on an epic scale. This habit involves using our brains backwards: not to examine the world and understand it, but to convince ourselves that the world is the way we want it to be. This habit is now synergizing with an impulse we have inherited from our chimp-like ancestors: to identify and exterminate the enemy tribe."

What I am seeing is a lot of people who are waking up are latching onto their base genetically programmed monkey brain reaction rather than taking the time (or having the ability) to see how we have all created this elite controlled clusterf*ck of money for nothing and the overpopulation and overconsumption around the world needed to sustain it.

In other words not fully evolved humans. Certainly not actual Christains.

I used to think people like Kunstler were misinformed, or even pushing top supporting propaganda we he was always saying 'corn-pone Nazis' would come out of the woodwork when the middles started 'waking up' or others starting using the opportunity to be more vocal.

Over the last few months, I'm wondering if Kunstler was right.

Displacement of native populations in support of short term usefulness for cheap elite labour is wrong. But whites in North America are not a native population.

That said we have an overpopulation problem, the biggest problem of all, and in the Western Countries it is immigration causing this problem. And immigration is used by those protecting old elite interests to destroy community and labour value. And the sociopaths pimping this don't care about long term consequences.

19th September 2010, 07:09 AM
Deleted, I think I misread Keehah's post.

19th September 2010, 09:22 AM
What is wrong with blond haired blue eyed races displacing the Chinese and African races? Where would we be today if stronger specimens had always respected the territory of lesser specimens? We would still be single-celled organisms floating aimlessly in the sea.

Racial preservation is an evolutionary dead end.

19th September 2010, 09:47 AM
Unless you are super rich and with your own army to protect you all will be same where where you will be fighting for your life and looking behind your shoulders and every bush all the time.

First post of the day............good morning to one and all.

19th September 2010, 09:51 AM
Unless you are super rich and with your own army to protect you all will be same where where you will be fighting for your life and looking behind your shoulders and every bush all the time.

First post of the day............good morning to one and all.

Morning dude!


Unfortunately there will be more of Them than You. :box