View Full Version : Reporter: "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"
18th September 2010, 07:57 PM
"Massive, massive disasters"
Full interview:
Youtube snippet:
General of Darkness
18th September 2010, 08:05 PM
The only way to cover that up would be with a larger disaster, AKA false flag high yield nuke. This might be an October surprise.
18th September 2010, 08:09 PM
Aren't there any GSUS members in the gulf area to verifiy this?
Joe King
18th September 2010, 08:22 PM
Entire communities in Lousiana throwing up blood. Sounds serious.
What might the names of these towns be? Or are we supposed to just freak out over reports we can't verify?
Again, I'm not saying it's not true, but him saying what he said is like me saying the gov rips you off, but without ever saying how they do so.
More info please.
18th September 2010, 08:34 PM
Entire communities in Lousiana throwing up blood. Sounds serious.
What might the names of these towns be? Or are we supposed to just freak out over reports we can't verify?
Again, I'm not saying it's not true, but him saying what he said is like me saying the gov rips you off, but without ever saying how they do so.
More info please.
I believe the info you're after is in the full interview. I'm only 22 minutes into it though. So can't say for sure.
18th September 2010, 09:51 PM
"and many will die" I said will take time.
18th September 2010, 10:38 PM
here's a full article on this,
Fascism in America, Government Complicit in Covert Spraying of the Gulf (
MP3 of the full Jamail interview is in the OP. This is a 14 min highlights,
18th September 2010, 10:55 PM
"and many will die" I said will take time.
Ponce, I bet every last one of us is going to die..............
but it will take time.
19th September 2010, 12:05 AM
Hahahahahahahahah you got it brother, I finally found an intelligent one.......
19th September 2010, 03:26 AM
there is such a huge disconnect between the MSM and what's appearing on youtube that i have no idea where the truth may lie. seconding the question for anyone that lives in the area, is there any independent evidence of this?
19th September 2010, 03:31 AM
Odd that they chose an audio file to present this information. You'd think a video of entire communities where they're vomiting blood would be more compelling. Gosh, I wonder why there are no pictures....
Silver Shield
19th September 2010, 03:46 AM
if there is no video of this it smells like bs...
I would post it on YouTube in a heart beat...
If it got banned from there I would post it on my Ezs3 server...
If it got banned from there Wikileaks and RT news.
the white rabbit
19th September 2010, 03:48 AM
I'am glad Madfranks got the hell out of there !!!
Large Sarge
19th September 2010, 03:51 AM
hard to say, controlled media, etc
one thing is that the oil/corexit is getting into the local environment.
whether its through seafood (that the govt is saying is "safe to eat"), or through toxic rain (local produce is now suspect), and eventually in the local water supply (again through rain and aerosol spraying).
so unless people have a good gravity water filter (doulton, or berkey), and are filtering their drinking water, they are likely getting some exposure.
it seems doubtful to me that local water companies would test or treat for corexit or crude oil in tap water
19th September 2010, 04:56 AM
Gosh I wonder why Shill-A-Thon has been assigned to obfuscation/disinfo duty WRT the Gulf chem-warfare/genocide/ecocide op? This new development bolsters the cred of all the independent Gulf op reporting, as well as the conspiratorial view of the Gulf op ( generally, more than anything I've seen so far. - esp see stories marked (PHOTOS) and (VIDEO) - see "Oil Catastrophe" area, esp stories marked "Vid"
Gosh I wonder why Shill-A-Thon does their new assignment "work" from behind anonymous internet handles, rather than via photos & video broadcast on the MSM, hmmm? :conf:
19th September 2010, 05:48 AM
if there is no video of this it smells like bs...
I would post it on YouTube in a heart beat...
If it got banned from there I would post it on my Ezs3 server...
If it got banned from there Wikileaks and RT news.
This is possibly the most important thread of the week or more!, There are many incidences being reported all over the news orgs. and bloggers ,all one has to do is use a search engine and many will come up.This one here appears to be the most graphic, but many are reporting "Gulf War Syndrome" type reactions all over that area. If this is all true, It has truly begun in the US.The SHTF is now here.
19th September 2010, 06:09 AM
[...] "We're going to have to evacuate the gulf states," said Matt Simmons, founder of Simmons and Co., an oil investment firm and, since the April 20 blowout, the unflagging source of end-of-the-world predictions. "Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people? . . . This story is 80 times worse than I thought."
Matt Simmons: “It was painful as can be†to be only insider willing to speak out (VIDEO) (
Saul Mine
19th September 2010, 06:30 AM
This reminds me of the FEMA camps meme that was going around last year, which was the umpteenth time it had gone around. That included photos and lists of locations. But this last time around people started looking at the lists and lots of people noticed that those locations were pretty close to where they lived so they drove out and looked and there was no such activity. In my case I noticed that MCAS in Arizona appeared on several lists. MCAS happens to be about four miles from me and it is also called Yuma International Airport. You haven't heard any more about FEMA camps, have you? It's because some of us checked and it was all bullstuff.
So that may be why we are getting MP3s and video outtakes instead of written reports. I don't even bother with MP3s because I can read about five times as fast as a person can talk and I don't have the patience to sit through an MP3 interview. One thing about the internet, you have to demand supporting evidence. Another thing is you have to check to be sure the story hasn't already been debunked.
19th September 2010, 07:07 AM
For those wanting video of communities vomtting blood...
You're not going to see hundreds of people running out of their houses to puke in the streets. There won't be rivers of blood in the gutters.
Puking is a private affair. You go to the bathroom, throw up in the toilet and flush it. Most likely there isn't exorcist projectile blood, probably more like flecks of blood-- it is common with coughs and irritated throats as the main complaints seem to be.
The next day people will see their doctors and report throwing up blood. I believe this video.
Unless the camera man follows a person to the bathroom, you will most likely NOT see someone vomit blood.
19th September 2010, 10:22 AM
"and many will die" I said will take time.
Ponce, I bet every last one of us is going to die..............
but it will take time.
It is very possible that a few of us will not die. That is how close we are to the end of this world.
19th September 2010, 10:25 AM
I'am glad Madfranks got the hell out of there !!!
Thanks white rabbit! Thankfully I was on the Texas coastline, not Louisiana or Florida, but when the oil was reported to be in Galveston, I knew it was on the way. While the oil itself may not be visible, I believe the fumes and other toxic elements have already contaminated much of the gulf area! I'm glad I don't have to worry about my wife and kids breathing toxic fumes every day now!
Joe King
19th September 2010, 10:56 AM
For those wanting video of communities vomtting blood...
You're not going to see hundreds of people running out of their houses to puke in the streets. There won't be rivers of blood in the gutters.
Puking is a private affair. You go to the bathroom, throw up in the toilet and flush it. Most likely there isn't exorcist projectile blood, probably more like flecks of blood-- it is common with coughs and irritated throats as the main complaints seem to be.
The next day people will see their doctors and report throwing up blood. I believe this video.
Unless the camera man follows a person to the bathroom, you will most likely NOT see someone vomit blood.
So how does the person in the interview find out about that personal affair if we can't? Did he hack millions of peoples medical records, or what?
No one is saying it isn't happening, just that it'd be nice to have at least some shred of tangible proof rather than simply being asked to believe a voice on an mp3 recording that can't be independantly verified to even the smallest degree.
All I'm asking for is a name of even one town where this is happening.
With the name of a town, you can at least start checking it out.
The way it is now, believing it is based upon blind faith and not much else.
willie pete
19th September 2010, 11:07 AM
This reminds me of the FEMA camps meme that was going around last year, which was the umpteenth time it had gone around. That included photos and lists of locations. But this last time around people started looking at the lists and lots of people noticed that those locations were pretty close to where they lived so they drove out and looked and there was no such activity. In my case I noticed that MCAS in Arizona appeared on several lists. MCAS happens to be about four miles from me and it is also called Yuma International Airport. You haven't heard any more about FEMA camps, have you? It's because some of us checked and it was all bullstuff.
So that may be why we are getting MP3s and video outtakes instead of written reports. I don't even bother with MP3s because I can read about five times as fast as a person can talk and I don't have the patience to sit through an MP3 interview. One thing about the internet, you have to demand supporting evidence. Another thing is you have to check to be sure the story hasn't already been debunked.
Reminds me of something I came across last year I think, it was a small abandoned(?) airport outside of J-ville FL, well someone had posted this joogle earth snapshot of the runway filled with maybe a thousand white,unmarked vehicles, the story was FEMA had stockpiled these in preparation of rounding everyone up.... :D AFTER investigation the photo turned out to be 2-3 years old, and while there had been a fleet there, it wasn't related to FEMA....people pick up on something and Run with it ala "chicken-little"
Found a linky:
19th September 2010, 11:16 AM
Puking is a private affair. You go to the bathroom, throw up in the toilet and flush it. Most likely there isn't exorcist projectile blood, probably more like flecks of blood-- it is common with coughs and irritated throats as the main complaints seem to be.
The next day people will see their doctors and report throwing up blood. I believe this video.
Unless the camera man follows a person to the bathroom, you will most likely NOT see someone vomit blood.
Ditto for bloody stools. And “Brown SH*T leaking out of his ears for 4 months†( I'm not sure we need hi-res pics/video of these sort of bloody specimens resulting from chemical warfare poisoning; and if they were out there, Shill-A-Thon would likely still be dissatisfied anyways until they released videos of the bloody specimens being discharged directly from the sickened Gulf residents, all of them, to prove they weren't just faked evidence by those involved in the vast conspiracy to make BP/Guv/Mil/Co look bad. :o
Really, it's such telltale Chutzpah Maneuvering for Shill-A-Thon to be inferring that Gulf residents are conspiring en masse to fake their chem-warfare-poisoning symptoms...
They're masters at projecting their own evil onto others, flipping reality 180 degrees, or what I call the chutzpah maneuver. This sham zionist 'Stop the Scary-Moozlemization of America' organization is a classic example: projecting their own intentions onto an innocent group, while posturing as 'protectors' with righteous & altruistic intentions.
On the FEMA camps issue, a given (secretly designated) FEMA camp laying in wait for future activation isn't going to be like Area 51 today with "Future FEMA Camp, trespassers will be shot, no cameras..." etc all around the perimeter. They're likely to be existing, probably still active public facilities like schools, airports/transit hubs, event stadiums etc which have reasonably securable perimeters, with restroom & cooking facilities to serve a large number of people already on site. When the engineered-SHTF and TBTB pull the martial law etc trigger, these locations stop serving their former function and start acting as FEMA camps. So Yuma AZ airport is a prime candidate as a (secretly designated) future FEMA camp.
On "..why we are getting MP3s and video outtakes instead of written reports", here (again...) is the "IntelHub" article accompanying the topic of this thread,
Fascism in America, Government Complicit in Covert Spraying of the Gulf (
Again, this new phenom of Gulf-Truth threads getting shilled with lame/transparent obfuscation "contributions", is an important Gulf op development in and of itself. In the months since the Gulf op officially began on 4/20, the threads questioning what's really going on with the Gulf were quality discussions unmolested by Shill-A-Thon. It's likely that TPTB have become frustrated that their efforts at total-information-control surrounding their Gulf op are being circumvented so effectively, largely via the blogosphere, so they've recently chosen to allocate (taxpayer) resources to derailing any quality Gulf-Truth discussions with a tsunami of joospew. So it'll be telling looking forwards, the level of Shill-A-Thon participation in future Gulf-Truth discussions, what lame new tacts they take in seeking to undermine/obfuscate the discussions, etc.
Same as how Shill-A-Thon's telltale 911 Truth derailment efforts were so lame that honest/neutral observers were more likely to wake up to 911 Truth than without the shills; it could be that Shill-A-Thon's lame efforts to undermine Gulf Truth dissemination backfires in a similar way, actually helping fuel the growth of public awareness. ;D
Joe King
19th September 2010, 11:35 AM
[size=10pt]On the FEMA camps issue, a given (secretly designated) FEMA camp laying in wait for future activation isn't going to be like Area 51 today with "Future FEMA Camp, trespassers will be shot, no cameras..." etc all around the perimeter. They're likely to be existing, probably still active public facilities like schools, airports/transit hubs, event stadiums etc which have reasonably securable perimeters, with restroom & cooking facilities to serve a large number of people already on site. When the engineered-SHTF and TBTB pull the martial law etc trigger, these locations stop serving their former function and start acting as FEMA camps. So Yuma AZ airport is a prime candidate as a (secretly designated) future FEMA camp.
That is exactly how it works.
i.e. existing facilities that can be commandeered in an emergency.
Now that's not saying they don't have some facilities that are more like an actual concentration camp with barbed wire and machine gun towers, but they certainly do not have enough of them to house millions of people.
19th September 2010, 11:46 AM
I live in Fla and this morning I coughed up some phlegm if that will help.
19th September 2010, 12:03 PM
Ditto for bloody stools. Puking is a private affair. You go to the bathroom, throw up in the toilet and flush it.
Google 2 girls and a cup.
If there were entire communities puking blood, I'd expect someone to have posted a video showing an example or two.
19th September 2010, 01:41 PM
If there were entire communities puking blood, I'd expect someone to have posted a video showing an example or two.
i'm not the only one who keeps a video camera in the bathroom, am i ? :o
19th September 2010, 02:08 PM
Ditto for bloody stools. Puking is a private affair. You go to the bathroom, throw up in the toilet and flush it.
Google 2 girls and a cup.
If there were entire communities puking blood, I'd expect someone to have posted a video showing an example or two.
Help us out here Osaka; what precisely should this video depict, to satisfy your skepticism? Would a specimen jar of bloody puke, and/or a bloody stool, be sufficient? 100 such specimens? 5000?
Or would such videos also need to show the sickened Gulf chem-war victims actually puking/defecating into the specimen jar, while holding up a driver's license, passport, & GPS device to prove that they're who and where they say they are?
Gulf resident/victims, and those following the Gulf chem-war genocide/ecocide op are eager to make Osaka & Co happy, you know... but we'll first need you to very precisely define your requirements of proof that Gulf victims are not just all conspiring together to impugn the historically impeccable integrity of BP/Guv/MIC/Co. :oo-->
Censored Gulf alert: Entire La. communities where vomiting blood (
Censored Gulf news: Ill filmmaker radio host shocking lab report (video and audio) (
EPA employee: “Many of the health effects that we hear occurring… is that there was internal hemorrhaging and bleeding from orifices†(VIDEO)
Feds threaten reporter on oiled Florida beach: “ILLEGAL TO DIG†without permit — NO SAND CASTLES (VIDEO) (
Feds try CONFISCATING more samples from Gulf — “Agent in an unmarked car†(VIDEO) (
Researchers say “more VOC’s†from oil may still get released into Gulf’s air supply — 10 new monitors installed “to see if we should worry†(VIDEO) (
FDA says CATTLE from areas along the Louisiana coast can’t be sold for 6 MONTHS and must have extensive testing (VIDEO) (
Alabama woman who used to be an oyster shucker is “collecting cans†for a living — Now can’t sell the aluminum because of “illness†AND having difficulty paying for medication (
BREAKING: Now a THIRD fishkill in Plaquemines — Bayou Robinson (PHOTOS) (
Five patients exposed to oil via “ingestion†— “Complaining of oil-caused symptoms†(
New reports of ACID RAIN “further INLAND†from Gulf; “Not a big surprise†says reporter — Dispersants can “also be carried inland†(
“The SUPPRESSION OF INFORMATION is literally going to be COSTING A LOT OF LIVES†along Gulf Coast (VIDEO) (
LOCKDOWN: Bipartisan Obama Oil Spill Commission INTIMIDATING SCIENTISTS — Investigating whether they ILLEGALLY SAMPLED GULF without permits… MORE (VIDEO) (
Mississippi fishermen report hauls of oil-covered shrimp during ‘seafood safety’ meeting — Official says talking about it “is hindering the recovery process†(
OUTBREAK: Toxicologist finds “mysterious PERSISTENT rashes†from Louisiana to TAMPA-area — “Some of the oil-eating bacteria have been GENETICALLY MODIFIED†(PHOTOS) (
19th September 2010, 02:38 PM
Author Debra Dupre's archive of articles, including some of the best most blunt Gulf-Op Truth articles out there, can be found here:
Censored Gulf alert: Entire La. communities where vomiting blood (
* September 19th, 2010 2:50 pm ET
The inhumanity of the petrochemical-military-industrial-complex (PMIC) Gulf operation, warfare on Americans using its dispersant chemical weapon of mass destruction manufactured in the United States, becomes more apparent each passing day. One of the latest reports is that there are entire Louisiana communities where people are bleeding internally.
In a Dahr Jamail Interview by Intel Hub ( Radio on September 17, 2010, Jamail stated that there are "massive, massive disasters happening on any given day along the Gulf and the human impact - rashes and other related to the dispersants are becoming commonplace." (See the video at the very bottom of this article)
Jamail stated that there are entire communities in south Louisiana where, "they are vomiting blood and passing blood when they go to the bathroom."
"People are very, very sick. Very very serious situation here."
In a recent Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors interview, Delia LaBarre stated, "We need the world to know."
Urgent support is needed for Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors to distribute Toxic Survival Kits according to LaBarre who is now inundated with requests for help to survive.
People can obtain a Toxic Survival Kit or have one delivered to a Gulf Coast resident in need. (See Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors ( online or email
The military and EPA have been working on chemicals for dispersants for decades. This can not be attributed to negligence.
On July 12, Dupre reported, "Chemical warfare on Americans in the Gulf Coast region and beyond has been planned and researched by the EPA, DoD and petro-chemical companies for decades according to government documents." (See: Censored Gulf dispersant news: Act of war (Pt II) The art of chemical warfare. ( Examiner)
"It is tragically naive to think that the Gulf region aerial pesticide spraying will stop before the mission is complete. The major agency holding the key to halt the genocide, the agency portrayed as the government body protecting the public and environment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has been collaborating with chemical companies and the Department of Defense (DoD) for decades rather than protecting the public from their kill-off agenda. This collaboration increased during the Bush administration, its fruits finally overtly witnessed in Obama' Gulf operation."
Earlier in the operation, EPA adviser and whistleblower, Hugh Kaufman stated that millions of people would experience internal bleeding because "that is what Corexit is suppose to do." (See; Dupre, Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says 'EPA whistleblower' (
The PMIC has continued to spray the poison through this month.
This inhumane treatment of Americans is by design.
According to Griffith, these acts are part of Agenda 21 (, including relocation, taking over the land, full control of survivors and depopulation.
"The deliberate aerial poisoning of Americans with a chemical weapon of mass destruction now obvious in the Gulf of Mexico and coastal region is not only an act of war on the American population. As the poisoned waters and air circumvent the planet, this operation is a national security risk to nations throughout the world." (Dupre, July 12)
19th September 2010, 06:00 PM
Ditto for bloody stools. Puking is a private affair. You go to the bathroom, throw up in the toilet and flush it.
Google 2 girls and a cup.
If there were entire communities puking blood, I'd expect someone to have posted a video showing an example or two.
[size=10pt]Help us out here Osaka; what precisely should this video depict, to satisfy your skepticism?
How about a video of a doctor saying his office is full of patients vomiting blood. It shouldn't be hard to find if there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"
Saul Mine
19th September 2010, 07:09 PM
For those wanting video of communities vomtting blood...
You're not going to see hundreds of people running out of their houses to puke in the streets. There won't be rivers of blood in the gutters.
Puking is a private affair. You go to the bathroom, throw up in the toilet and flush it. Most likely there isn't exorcist projectile blood, probably more like flecks of blood-- it is common with coughs and irritated throats as the main complaints seem to be.
The next day people will see their doctors and report throwing up blood. I believe this video.
Unless the camera man follows a person to the bathroom, you will most likely NOT see someone vomit blood.
Good points, but that is exactly what the headline lead us to believe, and that is exactly why we rejected the report as grossly exaggerated. Now we have to wait for a more honest report.
19th September 2010, 07:50 PM
5 min video compilation illustrating some of BP/Guv/MIC/Co's efforts at total information control re their ongoing Gulf genocide/ecocide op. They're also playing dumb re the reason for the fish kills, and laboring to contain dissemination of the symptoms which millions of Gulf resident/chem-warfare-victims are suffering:
Compilation: Federal government CONFISCATING SAMPLES and PREVENTING RESEARCH all over Gulf (VIDEO) (
19th September 2010, 08:32 PM
5 min video compilation illustrating some of BP/Guv/MIC/Co's efforts at total information control re their ongoing Gulf genocide/ecocide op. They're also playing dumb re the reason for the fish kills, and laboring to contain dissemination of the symptoms which millions of Gulf resident/chem-warfare-victims are suffering:
Compilation: Federal government CONFISCATING SAMPLES and PREVENTING RESEARCH all over Gulf (VIDEO) (
Could you direct us to the part where the doctor talks about the dozens of patients who are vomiting blood?
19th September 2010, 09:10 PM
they cant even get the title correct, complete BS.
Author Debra Dupre's archive of articles, including some of the best most blunt Gulf-Op Truth articles out there, can be found here:
Censored Gulf alert: Entire La. communities where vomiting blood (
* September 19th, 2010 2:50 pm ET
The inhumanity of the petrochemical-military-industrial-complex (PMIC) Gulf operation, warfare on Americans using its dispersant chemical weapon of mass destruction manufactured in the United States, becomes more apparent each passing day. One of the latest reports is that there are entire Louisiana communities where people are bleeding internally.
In a Dahr Jamail Interview by Intel Hub ( Radio on September 17, 2010, Jamail stated that there are "massive, massive disasters happening on any given day along the Gulf and the human impact - rashes and other related to the dispersants are becoming commonplace." (See the video at the very bottom of this article)
Jamail stated that there are entire communities in south Louisiana where, "they are vomiting blood and passing blood when they go to the bathroom."
"People are very, very sick. Very very serious situation here."
In a recent Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors interview, Delia LaBarre stated, "We need the world to know."
Urgent support is needed for Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors to distribute Toxic Survival Kits according to LaBarre who is now inundated with requests for help to survive.
People can obtain a Toxic Survival Kit or have one delivered to a Gulf Coast resident in need. (See Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors ( online or email
The military and EPA have been working on chemicals for dispersants for decades. This can not be attributed to negligence.
On July 12, Dupre reported, "Chemical warfare on Americans in the Gulf Coast region and beyond has been planned and researched by the EPA, DoD and petro-chemical companies for decades according to government documents." (See: Censored Gulf dispersant news: Act of war (Pt II) The art of chemical warfare. ( Examiner)
"It is tragically naive to think that the Gulf region aerial pesticide spraying will stop before the mission is complete. The major agency holding the key to halt the genocide, the agency portrayed as the government body protecting the public and environment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has been collaborating with chemical companies and the Department of Defense (DoD) for decades rather than protecting the public from their kill-off agenda. This collaboration increased during the Bush administration, its fruits finally overtly witnessed in Obama' Gulf operation."
Earlier in the operation, EPA adviser and whistleblower, Hugh Kaufman stated that millions of people would experience internal bleeding because "that is what Corexit is suppose to do." (See; Dupre, Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says 'EPA whistleblower' (
The PMIC has continued to spray the poison through this month.
This inhumane treatment of Americans is by design.
According to Griffith, these acts are part of Agenda 21 (, including relocation, taking over the land, full control of survivors and depopulation.
"The deliberate aerial poisoning of Americans with a chemical weapon of mass destruction now obvious in the Gulf of Mexico and coastal region is not only an act of war on the American population. As the poisoned waters and air circumvent the planet, this operation is a national security risk to nations throughout the world." (Dupre, July 12)
19th September 2010, 09:48 PM
Could you direct us to the part where the doctor talks about the dozens of patients who are vomiting blood?
I aint your research monkey, if you're truly curious, you'll visit sites like, "oil catastrophe" area, & including their oil catastrophe archive page (
BP Gulf Oil Disaster: Conspiratorial View Of History Perspective (
Google News: Gulf oil medical health bleed doctor (
... among others, and you'll DYODD.
Let us know how your self-education endeavors go, & be sure to share any good finds with the group! ;) s.jpg
"You can't wake someone up, who's only pretending to be asleep." -- author unknown
19th September 2010, 10:18 PM
Could you direct us to the part where the doctor talks about the dozens of patients who are vomiting blood?
I aint your research monkey, if you're truly curious, you'll visit sites like, "oil catastrophe" area, & including their oil catastrophe archive page (
BP Gulf Oil Disaster: Conspiratorial View Of History Perspective (
Google News: Gulf oil medical health bleed doctor (
... among others, and you'll DYODD.
Let us know how your self-education endeavors go, & be sure to share any good finds with the group! ;) s.jpg
"You can't wake someone up, who's only pretending to be asleep." -- author unknown
Are you unable to directly link to something which would verify that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"?
19th September 2010, 10:31 PM
Are you unable to directly link to something which would verify that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"?
the question is, are you able to find the answer to the question you profess curiosity about?
are you able to find material disproving the allegation?
again, be sure you share with the group whatever goodies you find on your educational journey! :D
19th September 2010, 10:46 PM
Are you unable to directly link to something which would verify that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"?
the question is, are you able to find the answer to the question you profess curiosity about?
are you able to find material disproving the allegation?
again, be sure you share with the group whatever goodies you find on your educational journey! :D
I am not able to verify that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood".
19th September 2010, 10:47 PM
Hey PatColo: This thread must be related:
Giant Spaceships Heading Towards Earth?
19th September 2010, 11:03 PM
I am not able to verify that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood".
Are you unable to directly link to something which would disprove that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"?
We're all rooting for you Osaka! |--0--|
19th September 2010, 11:13 PM
I am not able to verify that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood".
Are you unable to directly link to something which would disprove that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"?
We're all rooting for you Osaka! |--0--|
19th September 2010, 11:31 PM
Hadn't seen this thread before, but it only maintains my original premise on this "spill".
It will be a slow death march of effects precisely due to the way the leak was distributed, and its duration.
19th September 2010, 11:34 PM
Posts by some requesting video just go to show a level of stupidity previously not experienced on these forums.
Any posts by those members should be disregard in there entirety.
19th September 2010, 11:39 PM
Hey PatColo: This thread must be related:
Giant Spaceships Heading Towards Earth?
Inexcusable behavior, completely unwarranted.
Not to mention off topic.
19th September 2010, 11:41 PM
Posts by some requesting video just go to show a level of stupidity previously not experienced on these forums.
Any posts by those members should be disregard in there entirety.
Do you believe seeking verification that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood" is stupid?
19th September 2010, 11:50 PM
Posts by some requesting video just go to show a level of stupidity previously not experienced on these forums.
Any posts by those members should be disregard in there entirety.
Do you believe seeking verification that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood" is stupid?
I'm sorry, I'm currently disregarding your posts.
20th September 2010, 12:16 AM
Posts by some requesting video just go to show a level of stupidity previously not experienced on these forums.
Any posts by those members should be disregard in there entirety.
Horn, it's like I inferred before though, the fact that Shill-A-Thon has just recently been deployed to try to undermine quality Gulf Truth dialog with a bunch of their trademark joospew, shows that the Gulf Truth research & dissemination movement has reached an important milestone. Shill-A-Thon's bosses are worried about their losing full control of information (lie) dissemination re their Gulf chem-warfare genocide/ecocide op.
Again, this new phenom of Gulf-Truth threads getting shilled with lame/transparent obfuscation "contributions", is an important Gulf op development in and of itself. In the months since the Gulf op officially began on 4/20, the threads questioning what's really going on with the Gulf were quality discussions unmolested by Shill-A-Thon. It's likely that TPTB have become frustrated that their efforts at total-information-control surrounding their Gulf op are being circumvented so effectively, largely via the blogosphere, so they've recently chosen to allocate (taxpayer) resources to derailing any quality Gulf-Truth discussions with a tsunami of joospew. So it'll be telling looking forwards, the level of Shill-A-Thon participation in future Gulf-Truth discussions, what lame new tacts they take in seeking to undermine/obfuscate the discussions, etc.
Same as how Shill-A-Thon's telltale 911 Truth derailment efforts were so lame that honest/neutral observers were more likely to wake up to 911 Truth than without the shills; it could be that Shill-A-Thon's lame efforts to undermine Gulf Truth dissemination backfires in a similar way, actually helping fuel the growth of public awareness. ;D
Let's hope Shill-A-Thon's lame & transparent "work" WRT the Gulf-Op are as helpful as they've been WRT 911... ;D
A quick word-search of the rense oil catastrophe archive page (, simply for the word "doc" yielded these results,
BREAKING ALERT! BP doctor admits he doesnt know why 1500 oil spill workers are sick!!!
Emergency Medicine Docs Treat Gulf Oil Syndrome (;xy=5024973)
Censored Gulf news: Where angels fear to tread Barefoot Doctors serve (
20th September 2010, 12:24 AM
BREAKING ALERT! BP doctor admits he doesnt know why 1500 oil spill workers are sick!!!
Is there verification in this video that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"?
20th September 2010, 12:43 AM
I am not able to verify that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood".
Are you unable to directly link to something which would disprove that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"?
We're all rooting for you Osaka! |--0--|
No hurry on that by the way Osaka.
Every person needs to educate themselves at their own special speed.
So you know, just whenever. :whistle
Is there verification in this video that there are "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood"?
Well Osaka, what's your opinion on the question you pose? :dunno
"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime."
We're all still rooting for you Osaka!! |--0--|
20th September 2010, 12:57 AM
[size=10pt]Well Osaka, what's your opinion on the question you pose? :dunno
The video contains no mention of anyone vomiting blood.
22nd September 2010, 11:23 AM
[size=10pt]Well Osaka, what's your opinion on the question you pose? :dunno
The video contains no mention of anyone vomiting blood.
Well that's an astute observation you've made now Osaka. You've evaluated a piece of evidence, made an empirical observation of it, and thus you've inched closer to piecing together an opinion on the matter in which you can feel confidence..... all by yourself!! |--0--|
Eat it Gulf Coast: BP says “It’s SAFE for YOUR KIDS to get SAND in their MOUTH” from beaches near where EXPLOSIVE sample was collected (VIDEO) (
“50,000 workers and others exposed during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill” — “Leukemia, multiple myeloma, and melanoma are of particular interest” (
BP crew member diagnosed with “benzene poisoning” — “Paw Paw why you gonna die?” asks crying 5 year old (VIDEO) (
BP cleanup worker, age 35: “GRAVELY ILL” from “BENZENE” exposure, doctors say medication required to “survive” — Needs help to bathe and dress (
Urgent Call From Gulf - More Doctors Needed (
BP cleanup workers “getting RASHES and STUFF LIKE THAT” reveals former crew member — Feds “will study crews’ exposure to oil and dispersants” (VIDEO) (
Senior EPA Analyst: All the people that live and work around Gulf are “human guinea pigs” because of “acutely toxic” dispersants (VIDEO) (
EPA employee: “Many of the health effects that we hear occurring… is that there was internal hemorrhaging and bleeding from orifices” (VIDEO) (
Silver Rocket Bitches!
22nd September 2010, 01:54 PM
Amazing how people still give BP and the gubmint the benefit of doubt over the doctors and residents of the gulf. What is their motive, if they're lying? I think BP and the Obama Administration's motive is crystal clear. Keep the public blissfully ignorant.
"...we have dolphins that are hemorrhaging. People who work near it are hemorrhaging internally. And that’s what dispersants are supposed to do... "
" know, when you’re on the sand with your children and they dig, and there’s a little water?—they documented there was over 200 parts per million of oil waste in the water, and it’s not noticeable to the human eye... On top of it, the contamination in one of the samples was so high that when they put the solvent in, as a first step in identifying how much oil may be in the water, the thing blew up, just as he said, probably because there was too much Corexit in that particular sample."
Mark Kaufman, EPA whistleblower, Democracy Now!
29th September 2010, 09:03 AM
30% of coastal residents surveyed from Louisiana to FL said health Significantly Affected by oil disaster Doctors didnt realize problem would be that big (VIDEO) (
Will Bacterial Plague Follow Crude Oil Spill Along Gulf Coast? (
BP pays travel writers to 'make it right' (
Project Gulf Impact crew poisoned in 'Nazi America' chem-warfare op (
Head of EPA says that using dispersants in the Gulf was a VERY EVIL situation (VIDEO) (
Depression diagnoses up 25.6 percent along Gulf from Florida to Texas Officials say rate may still increase further (
Pharmacist: Something is making people behave differently more and more with thick throats and headaches, nausea (
Official: You WANT to be honest with people BUT you dont want to alarm them How do you warn public without a panic? (
Like an Acid Cloud: Entire family sickened 10 y/o sons nose gushing blood everywhere, daughter could not breath NUMBNESS (VIDEO) (
Preschoolers troubled by oil disaster throwing desks, kicking chairs With this, people do not have hope says day-care center operator (
Super bug: Oil pollution expert says genes of microbes have been modified to EAT oil better Rashes may be caused by MRSA-like infection (VIDEO) (
After oil spill, depression and stress levels rise in coastal Alabama (
29th September 2010, 08:03 PM
CHSL Radio program cancelled: Kindra Arnesen very ill with staph; Joannie Hughes in hospital, doctor worried about neurotoxins (VIDEO) (
I am presently calling the show coming live from Ochsner Hospital on Jefferson Highway in New Orleans, where I am a patient since yesterday [Monday, September 28] and at least until Friday.
Neurologist worried about neurotoxins I was exposed to and things like that.
We are not doing the show this week
Kindra very ill with staph infection
The radio show was to discuss health issues thats ironic enough because were all sick.
Listen to the full show here:
Visit the Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana website:
3rd October 2010, 09:03 AM
"and many will die" I said will take time.
I wonder how those "Entire communities" are doing.....
Anyone have any updates?
3rd October 2010, 09:57 AM
"and many will die" I said will take time.
I wonder how those "Entire communities" are doing.....
Anyone have any updates?
Flash update! Flash update! Breaking News! Flash update! Flash update! :lol
Live near the Louisiana boarder and all of the news Media- radio, t.v, newspapers and the Internet are silent on this matter. The only reliable news that is getting out of Louisiana that you can take to the bank is the old tried and true method of passing news--gossip! Word of mouth one person at a time!
And all the people that were vomiting blood are much better now that they turned into Zombies that love their seafood and beer. Plus making their music. (
3rd October 2010, 10:02 AM
And all the people that were vomiting blood are much better now that they turned into Zombies that love their seafood and beer.
OK good. I'm glad they are better now :)
3rd October 2010, 11:37 AM
Dogman--That cajun music was interesting. Never really heard it before. Sort of like some Bluegrass.
3rd October 2010, 11:40 AM
I like Cajuns, I like to hear them talk and sing, and can understand them if they don't talk to fast.
3rd October 2010, 11:44 AM
Dogman--That cajun music was interesting. Never really heard it before. Sort of like some Bluegrass.
Only place I have ever lived where the eating was bliss! If you dig a 3 foot hole you get 2 1/2 feet of water and if you drive off the road you may drown.
And the creole music is unlike anything else in the world. Their history is in their music. It is their hearts minds and souls being expressed.
6th October 2010, 01:24 PM
Kindra Arnesen shows her rash I think weve been poisoned to be perfectly honest
"Theyre still spraying us"
Footage of Kindra Arnesens confrontation with BPs Ken Feinberg (VIDEO)
America needs to be outraged by what is going on in the Gulf of Mexico!
Cleanup crew washed off child playing in wet oil Used absorbent pads (VIDEO)
You may have thought the fun ended when summer was over on Alabamas coast Dont forget the much anticipated shrimp festival (VIDEO)
Father: 3 year old passing kidney stones in Louisiana Hospitals cant figure out why hes having the massive infection (VIDEO)
BP workers: We were sprayed with dispersant at night by plane with no lights now skin lesions, fluid in lungs We just want medical help (VIDEO)
6th October 2010, 03:07 PM
Mainstream media coverage from Australia, about 3 weeks ago:
Too sick and scared of Obama's thugs: Australian SBS reports Gulf truth (video) (
while Oz is part of the NWO beast system, it's still refreshing coverage- ask whether a report like this would ever appear on even the "muckraking news programs" (60 Minutes, 20/20, Nightline etc) MSM in the US.
6th October 2010, 05:00 PM
26th October 2010, 02:10 PM
A sampling of Gulf human health stories from just the past week or so, posted at,
Cleanup worker describes being sprayed: Throwing up foamy brown liquid probably blood Like Nitromethane (VIDEO) (
Toxicologist now dealing with at least three autopsies in Gulf People whos esophaguses are dissolving.. these people have oil in their bodies (VIDEO) (
Healthy teenager, 16, hospitalized after swimming in Gulf on AUGUST 30 Compromised lung & enlarged heart (VIDEO) (
(full news conference)
Boat captain mentioned on NPR: Internal bleeding Very, very sick (VIDEO) (
Toxicologist: 4 to 5 MILLION people on Gulf Coast exposed to dangerous levels of oil Going to have incredible health effects (VIDEO) (
Florida health agencies have experienced an increased demand in services following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (
Cancer Expert: Short-term exposure to Hexane in oil causes nerves to DIE back Neuropathy (VIDEO) (
Tears: Your gonna realize it later I guess, its gonna be a big shock to everyone its gone, its done (VIDEO) (
from National Examiner,
Parents just say 'No' to BP, NOAA school propaganda campaign (
"Louisiana citizens are urging Parish School Boards to deny BP-NOAA's request for school out reach. Parents and other concerned citizens have created an online petition outlining what BP and NOAA have already begun in some schools, teaching children oil and dispersants are safe."
26th October 2010, 02:15 PM
Don't expect to see much in the national new about what is going on because of the oil problem, to do this you must get the news from a local town where it is happening.
I read, and learn more, of what is going on in the US in foreign news than in house news.
26th October 2010, 05:16 PM
Well I see it just takes a couple weeks for the video to follow.
26th October 2010, 05:23 PM
it's like in one of those predator movies, they just nuke the whole town that is vomiting blood so that the word doesn't get out.
26th October 2010, 05:24 PM
This is from the Tears link.
She shouldn't have apologized.
9th November 2010, 09:07 AM
Too many "Gulf health crisis" stories to list, mainly in the alt-media. MSM's gone silent on the Gulf Op,
but the slow-kill depopulation/ecocide bio-chem-warfare op marches forward, check these alt-media sources for the latest,
BP Stock Rebounds, Media Moves on, But Gulf Residents Are Bracing for a Mammoth Health Crisis from the Spill (,_media_moves_on,_but_gulf_reside nts_are_bracing_for_a_mammoth_health_crisis_from_t he_spill)
Severe headaches, nausea, respiratory problems, burning eyes and throat, earache and chest pains -- and that's just the beginning.
9th November 2010, 10:51 AM
Hahahahahahahahah you got it brother, I finally found an intelligent one.......
The intelligent one is the one who realizes that they ARE going to die (SURE Thing) and trusts Jesus Christ to be their saviour...NOW
9th November 2010, 12:01 PM
Hahahahahahahahah you got it brother, I finally found an intelligent one.......
The intelligent one is the one who realizes that they ARE going to die (SURE Thing) and trusts Jesus Christ to be their saviour...NOW
G-SUS Christ, I thought your avatar was satire.
18th November 2010, 08:43 PM
Gulf hero Dr. Soto: Detox or move only ways millions will survive (
Censored Gulf news: Free presentation by Dr. Soto on Rense Radio (
^^^ this journalist Deborah Dupre ladles the praise on Rense pretty hard, they should get a room. She's prolly trying to flatter him into linking to all her articles at, to explode the readership. I do like her stuff though, it's a regular news stop for me.
Anyways, here's the commercial free audio of Rense with "Gulf Hero Dr. Soto" from Monday 11/15,
18th November 2010, 09:33 PM
Part of the reason I keep reading this thread, and paying attention to the BP destruction, is that I think it ties in with a series of other plans to destroy or hobble the USA.
Immigration act 1965 - water down the cohesion of the population by importing people from 3rd world countries who are more used to strongmen and tyranny and who will vote pro-socialist (note that the Vietname Montagnards, despite being heavily oppressed, are kept from emigrating to the USA as they are very anti-Communist)
USDA get big or stop farming attitude in 70s and 80s - get people off the farm where they are tougher to control, encourage lots of debt, then hike interest rates and take the farms over, encourage agri-business which has no problem with GMO and heavy chemical treatment of soil - 50 large businesses are easier to control than 100K smaller - acreage farmers
BP / Gulf - kill off the Bible Belt, destroy the southerners that the elites hate for their non-integration into NWO ; force relocation ; sicken many with deadly diseases as a way to sell socialized medicine (cause the problem, then offer to be the "solution" to it), etc.
18th November 2010, 11:24 PM
Illness Plagues Gulf Residents in BP's Aftermath (
By Dahr Jamail
Children playing in the surf at Orange Beach, Alabama. / Credit:Erika Blumenfeld/IPS
ORANGE BEACH, Alabama, Nov 15, 2010 (IPS) - Increasing numbers of U.S. Gulf Coast residents attribute ongoing sicknesses to BP's oil disaster and use of toxic dispersants.
"Now I have a bruising rash all around my stomach," Denise Rednour of Long Beach, Mississippi told IPS. "This looks like bleeding under the skin."
Rednour lives near the coast and has been walking on the beach nearly every day since a BP oil rig exploded on Apr. 20. She has noticed a dramatically lower number of wildlife, and said that many days the smell of chemicals from what she believes are BP's toxic dispersants fill the air.
Yet her primary concern is that she and many people she knows in the area have gotten sick.
"I have pain in my stomach, stabbing pains, in isolated areas," Rednour added. "The sharp stabbing pain is all over my abdomen where this discolouration is, it's in my arm pits and around my breasts. I have this dry hacking cough, my sinuses are swelling up, and I have an insatiable thirst."
Rednour's recent problems are a continuation of others that have beset her for months, including headaches, respiratory problems, runny nose, nausea, and bleeding from the ears.
In response to the massive spill last summer that released at least 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, BP admitted to using at least 1.9 million gallons of Corexit dispersants - which have been banned in 19 countries - to sink the oil. The dispersants contain chemicals that many scientists and toxicologists have warned are dangerous to humans, marine life and wildlife.
A March 1987 report titled "Organic Solvent Neurotoxicity", by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), states: "The acute neurotoxic effects of organic solvent exposure in workers and laboratory animals are narcosis, anesthesia, central nervous system (CNS) depression, respiratory arrest, unconsciousness, and death."
Several chemicals and chemical compounds listed in the NIOSH report, such as styrene, toluene and xylene, are now present in the Gulf of Mexico as the result of BP's dispersants mixing with BP's crude oil.
Captain Lori DeAngelis runs dolphin tours out of Orange Beach, Alabama.
"All my muscles hurt," DeAngelis told IPS. "By the time I climb my stairs every muscle in my legs are in spasm. I'm coughing, I have a constant sore throat and hoarse voice."
In addition to these symptoms, her memory is fading. "I have totally blanked out on a lot of important stuff," she said. "I can hardly remember having talked to people who've interviewed me. That's how bad it is. I'm having to bring pen and paper with me and write down everything so I don't forget."
Last month, Dr. Wilma Subra, a chemist and Macarthur Fellow, conducted blood tests for volatile solvents on eight people who live and work along the coast.
"All eight individuals tested had Ethylbenzene and m,p- Xylene in their blood in excess of the NHANES 95th Percentile," according to Subra's report. "Ethylbenzene, m,p-Xylene and Hexane are volatile organic chemicals that are present in the BP Crude Oil. The blood of all three females and five males had chemicals that are found in the BP Crude Oil."
DeAngelis was one of the people tested.
The health problems she and Rednour are experiencing are now common along the Gulf Coast, from Louisiana all the way to Florida.
Chuck Barnes is director of the Alabama district of the Eastern Surfing Association, and is responsible for organising surfing competitions.
"In early September our local government gave the all-clear so surfers started going back into the water," Barnes told IPS. "But we immediately had several surfers get sick with headaches, upper respiratory problems, and other things and that's when I decided we needed to test the water."
Barnes says that tests conducted in the Orange Beach area "all came up toxic".
"Now I'm worried about the fact that everybody is still giving the all clear signal, but nobody [government] is doing honest testing," he said. "We have fresh tar balls washing up right now. They just turned the Gulf into their huge science experiment, and we're just sitting here under the microscope waiting to see what happens to us."
Joe Overstreet, a merchant seaman, lives in Fairhope, Alabama, which is on the coast and Mobile Bay. He also had his blood tested by Dr. Subra.
"I have a new rash on my body now, on my chest, and this is after an older rash I've had that turned into blisters. I did the blood test in Pensacola, and when it was returned I tested positive for six of the nine chemicals in BP's dispersants," he said.
Overstreet worked as an oil disaster response worker for BP.
"I take Benadryl pretty much every night so I don't wake up with a headache," he told IPS. "I have pains on my right side recently, and unbelievable headaches. When they start happening I have to stop everything. I have them every day."
Overstreet, who has worked in the oil fields and is familiar with the dangers and chemicals used, said he and his neighbours "could smell the Benzene coming up into the bay. I was working on the beaches, and on low tides we can see the clams out there. They used to be white. Now they are all black. And nobody seems to pay any attention to this. I've lived here all my life and I know it's not right."
Like others, he is mystified by the lack of appropriate response by government authorities.
"I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Nobody seems to be doing anything or talking about it," he said.
DeAngelis is worried about the dolphins she has come to love and protect, as well as humans living along the coast.
"It's devastating," she said. "My identity is wrapped in being Captain Lori, but I don't know if I can go on my waters and watch out for my babies, and nobody will tell us what is happening. I can't come up with the right words. This is the meanest, most deceitful, most horrible thing the government could do to us."
19th November 2010, 07:16 AM
This article's a couple months old, from Project Gulf Impact ( It tells a lot of ugly truths re the devastating slow-kill medical/biological effects of the airborn oil/corexit, and how the effects are not being addressed by the media & medical communities; but on the "political front", it stops short of calling the Gulf Op what it is: a deliberate, premeditated bio-chem-warfare depopulation operation with coordination among gummit, media, petro-chem corps, medical & military, against the population of the SE US (and points beyond, given the impossibility of containing the toxins to specific areas). It's the "accidental" vs "conspiratorial" view of history/current events (Gulf Op) division again. (
From The Gulf Stream To The Bloodstream and Why What You Are About To Read Is The Alarm Bell of The Pending Gulf Disaster (
September 6th, 2010 ggarrison
When Is Enough, Enough?
For nearly five months, the BP oil disaster has consumed the minds of millions of people worldwide. In addition to the horrific impacts that the crude oil and chemical dispersants have daily on the environment and the economy, a fatal threat has quietly slipped by the public’s proverbial radar. The harm dealt by this silent enemy is beginning to creep into the lives of those living and working in the Gulf. The problem has been lurking in the Gulf since the first days of the BP oil spill and now has the potential ignite a disaster unlike any this country has ever seen.
Who is this masked bandit? What is this mysterious force that has the potential to outpace the spill’s catastrophic events thus far? Though it may sound like a simple answer, (and it is not easy to swallow) the truth is that this tragedy is silent, and if you live in the Gulf, it is most likely affecting you right now as you read this. What is it? Your health may be in extreme jeopardy due to the toxic effects of the dispersant Corexit and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from crude oil inundating the air. Through recent studies conducted under the combined efforts of Michelle Nix of Gulf Coast Oil Spill Volunteers, Jo Billups and Karen Harvill of Sassafrass, Dr. Robert Naman, Project Gulf Impact, medical professionals, and the brave Gulf residents who have agreed to be tested, the toxic health effects of the poisons in the air and in the sea have been documented for the first time. The results? This stands to become one of the greatest health tragedies The United States has ever seen.
If this is such a powerful threat, why has it gone so under reported for so long? Why is mainstream media ignoring these potentially large-scale health problems? The scenario’s biggest problem is the scenario itself. Perpetrated by a corporation, the influx of relief that would ordinarily stream in after most acts of God has quietly gone elsewhere.
Why is this killer so silent? Why have we not heard much about the disastrous health effects of this oil and dispersant in the air? Why are everyday citizens not catching on to what gargantuan health problems are coming in the not-so-distant future, affecting everyone, even the journalists who should be reporting on it? The answer may seem strange, and it is complex, however the biggest problem facing this mounting horrific scenario is the BP oil spill was not a hurricane.
The oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico will go down in history as one of the biggest catastrophes [read: "accidents" -PC] this planet has ever seen. Books are already being written on how much we didn’t know. The cover up and the lies that led this country into the health crisis we are about to face will be documented in years to come. Acts of God, like hurricanes, are fast and furious, the damage is immediate. This, on the other hand, is a slow death.
With a hurricane, we know the death toll, the devastation right away. We see the bodies, the houses underwater, and the numbers of dollars lost in real-time as all of the data floods the national spotlight in the aftermath of the disaster. With disasters like Hurricane Katrina, our heartstrings are tugged as we witness cities underwater, mothers crying out for their children, and the newly homeless wandering the streets. We are used to hurricanes. We have evacuation routes. Whether they function or not, we have plans in place for disasters like these.
No such plan exists for the victims of an oil spill. Instinctively, we are aware of floods, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other “over the counter” disasters. Most of us have never suffered an oil spill, much less have any notion of what to do in the event of one. The problem we are facing now transcends most disasters this nation has suffered in the last century.
The oil spill, and our ensuing response, has created a darker and deadlier aftermath that will persist for decades. The difference is between a swift and lethal blow verses lingering end-stage cancer. Like the first stage of cancer, which often goes long-undetected, this aftermath is a slow, deadly creep. We are entering stage one of the Gulf residents’ proverbial “cancer”.
What BP, Thad Allen, The Federal Government, and The EPA Don’t Want You To Know
The residents of the Gulf of Mexico are entering a crisis whose scope cannot be calculated. Several symptoms have been reported, from subtle to severe: skin rashes and infections, upper respiratory burning, congestion and cough, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and neurological symptoms including short-term memory loss and coordination problems. These health problems, if acknowledged at all, are mis-diagnosed, buried, and mis-attributed.
Amidst a vacuum created by the unwillingness of federal, state, and private sector medical organizations to address the growing health problems, independent, privately-funded groups like Gulf Coast Oil Spill Volunteers (GCOSV), Sassafrass, and Project Gulf Impact have taken matters into their own hands.
Patterns are emerging. The same symptoms are being reported across the four hardest hit states. Michelle Nix of GCOSV discovered the Volatile Solvents Profile a blood test that tests for hydrocarbons in the blood. Through the generous support of Jo Billups and Karen Harvill of Sassafrass, and the support of Dr. Robert Naman, among others, testing on Gulf residents has begun. The results are extremely alarming.
Several volatile hydrocarbons found in crude oil have been detected in the blood of several residents from Orange Beach, AL. Among the hydrocarbons tested, ethylbenzene, xylene, hexane were detected at abnormally high levels. The individuals tested were not directly involved in BP’s clean-up operations, nor had they been exposed to any industrial environment where the presence of these compounds would be of concern. Due to these circumstances, it can be deduced that residents living near the Gulf of Mexico shoreline are at exposure risk.
Crude oil is composed of several highly toxic compounds, including light weight hydrocarbons, often referred to as “light-ends, which can easily enter the atmosphere and invade the terrestrial environment. These lightweight hydrocarbons are classified as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s), which can be tested in the blood, urine, breath, and sometimes tissues. The tests that were performed on several gulf coast residents indicated the presence of ethyl benzene, xylene, & hexane. While their toxicity is known, specific data on the dose and physiological responses to the aforementioned hydrocarbons is generally scarce in the scientific literature. Ethyl benzene is suspected by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be a human carcinogen. Acute, high-exposure symptoms include eye irritation, upper respiratory irritation, and dizziness. Chronic exposure has resulted in irreversible inner ear damage and hearing loss, as well as severe kidney damage and cancer.
Xylene is metabolized into methylhippuric acid by the body. Studies on xylene toxicity have determined a potential relationship between gaseous exposure and the development of leukemia. The chemical is highly toxic to the central nervous system and manifests as dizziness, lack of coordination, and cognitive decline. Chronic exposure is also known to cause kidney failure. Studies on hexane toxicity are highly limited, but include evidence of neurological impairment manifest by decreased nerve conduction velocity. (
These chemicals have the potential to cause both acute and chronic symptoms depending upon the dose and time frame of exposure. Thus, while low doses may not result in immediate and apparent symptoms, the cumulative nature of these toxins means that disease may still manifest years down the line if exposure occurs chronically. While many VOC’s are excreted very quickly, the human body is impacted with every dose, no matter how minuscule. When the impact of several tiny doses are combined, such as in people who are experiencing daily low-level exposure, the result can be detrimental. In addition to the direct impact of these specific VOC’s, many of them can be metabolized by the body and converted into other structurally distinct compounds, some of which are known to accumulate causing several different types of cancer, genetic damage, and birth defects. In essence, the health threat of chronic low-dose chemical toxicity is highly underestimated. Strict bio-monitoring and caution is required to prevent the potential unseen slaughter by a silent chemical killer.
These results prove that we are in an extremely dangerous situation, a bubble that is about to burst wide open. Unless people begin realizing that the sickness they’ve been feeling for the last few weeks is not a cold, but that it is chemical exposure, there will be no help. Unless people start demanding that this oil spill, and every horror that goes along with it is put immediately back into the national spotlight, there will be no hope for people to fully understand to dangers and take the necessary precautions. Unless we all stand up as a people, start communicating, researching, sharing information, and spreading the truth instead of lies, we will enter a catastrophe that we are, as a people, nowhere near prepared to handle on a local or national level. It is time to demand the truth, and demand it now.
The blood test performed on these individuals is called the Volatile Solvents Profile ( The test can be obtained and administered by any physician with the ability to perform a simple blood draw. The test will be shipped to a laboratory for analysis and returned to your doctor for interpretation and treatment.
19th November 2010, 08:53 AM
I have to admit I was skeptical about many of these reports. However, my family spent a week in Florida at the end of October. We spent 2 days at Siesta Key Beach, near Sarasota. My boys played in the ocean for a couple of hours each day and went swimming at the hotel pool. A few days later, my 5 year old had what appeared to be a scratch on his nose, then it looked like it was getting infected so I applied neosporin but it looked really bad. When we got home a couple days later, I noticed an open sore (sorry this is gross) on the back of his leg, about the size of a dime. I started searching for what this could be and it looked like a staph infection. Then two more sores showed up right next to the first one. I poured peroxide on them, neosporin and kept band-aids on them and they did heal. I didn't make any connection to the gulf water until later when I started seeing more articles on this. They looked just like what the girl in the above video had on her hip. I worried it was a flesh eating bacteria. I am sure his skin problems were caused by that water due to the timing of it. I no longer doubt that the gulf water is contaminated. I wish I would have kept them out of the water:(.
19th November 2010, 09:46 AM
Glad it healed sunshine. You might want to keep a diary of dates/conditions/ etc. Just in case there are further complications of any kind.
19th November 2010, 09:56 AM
Sunshine, if your boys got chemical exposure/poisoning, the following articles & audio (last ~10 mins or so) have some advice on detoxing -prolly worthwhile for anyone within a few hundred miles of the Gulf, as the poison is airborne and you're likely breathing it in small but cumulative doses, meaning you'd likely just get sick a little slower. Could also be in rain water, foods etc; as the doc says, "detox or move".
Gulf hero Dr. Soto: Detox or move only ways millions will survive (
Censored Gulf news: Free presentation by Dr. Soto on Rense Radio (
^^^ this journalist Deborah Dupre ladles the praise on Rense pretty hard, they should get a room. She's prolly trying to flatter him into linking to all her articles at, to explode the readership. I do like her stuff though, it's a regular news stop for me.
Anyways, here's the commercial free audio of Rense with "Gulf Hero Dr. Soto" from Monday 11/15,
1st December 2010, 08:21 PM
Pretty moving interview with a fisher-woman (doesn't sound right, even she calls herself a "fisherman" but but but... oh well.
Fisherman very depressed and suicidal but changed mind in order to fight Its time for everybody else to fight too (VIDEO) (
also from this same interview,
Cigar-like burn develops on childs face after splashed with water from Gulf (VIDEO) ( ( refs this link as the source, there's a full article there,
also see, re the same fisher(wo)man:
No menstrual period for 4 months when doused with Gulf water Like being covered in stinging jellyfish (
Darla remembers what it felt that night after she was doused with water that she believes was full of oil and dispersants. It was like being covered in stinging jellyfish, she says, except there were no jellyfish to be found.
My husband shook the nets and water went on me. I didnt have a menstrual period for four months. I had rash, itching irritated skin, something similar to bronchitis which Ive never had. It lasted for three or four months. Eye irritations, heart pains, heart palpitations, involuntary muscles jumping all over my body, and continuous headaches day and night all I would get is a about a 15 minute to a 20 minute break from pain relievers that are specifically designed to get rid of headaches, thats the only break I would get. And I had to eat those 24 hours a day, seven days a week for three to four months And they want to tell me to eat the seafood? Why dont they eat the seafood. Ill go catch them and Ill throw BP a big old boil.Im not eating it.
8th December 2010, 09:35 AM
Thnx Pat
3rd January 2011, 05:02 PM
New from Debra Dupre:
Parent alert: New report confirms poisoned Gulf seafood (video) (
Dr. Soto's following words in the Rense interview are possibly the most important that Gulf Coast parents could hear:
"Children are very susceptible, or I would say more susceptible, to the effects of the petroleum derivatives, because of their liver detox capability is less than an adult. Their brain is also developing, and their immune system is developing. So theyre gonna be affected several-fold more than an adult who is being exposed to the same amount of toxin."
"What an astonishing crime this governmentyet another astonishing crime this government has committed by clearing the seafood, obviously tainted, to be consumed by people," said Mr. Rense.
"They just dont care about human life. Theres no other way to define it. They dont care! Its all about cover-up, its all about money, its all about keeping them looking good, and keeping the people in the dark"
from Kindra Arnesen:
BP Oil Disaster EXCLUSIVE - NEW Kindra Arnesen's EXPLOSIVE New Revelations (
Listen the the Project Gulf Impact guys who interviewed Kindra above, tonight on Rense 8 PM PT, repeat at 11 PM PT:
in order of appearance, 7-10 PT, repeats immediately after beginning 10 PT, click for their websites:
hr 1: Chossudovsky (
hr 2: Project Gulf Impact ( guys, Matt Smith/Gavin Garrison
hr 3: Rev. Ted Pike (
Chossudovsky's an academic, international affairs guy, this hour risks being boring, we'll see.
Rev. Ted Pike is a general critic of joosh supremacism, racism, censorship etc, and has repeatedly called out AJ for "very seldomly" fingering the elephant in the room (, IE this from 9/10:
The Project Gulf Impact crew (there's 3, 3rd is a chick, hottie too), originally from LA CA, have been video/youtube-documenting what's really been happening in the Gulf Op since around June. While they're critical of the MSM's failure to accurately report on it; they're not overtly conspiratorial wrt the full awful truth of the op in progress there (
So a week ago, the three show up at the airport to return to the Gulf area, and: Gulf Activists Harassed By TSA Agents Who Claim Filming Is Illegal (
Should be some good listening! Listen Live! (
15th January 2011, 05:12 PM
Sick Gulf Residents Beg Officials for Help (
By Dahr Jamail
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Jan 14, 2011 (IPS) - In an emotionally charged meeting this week sponsored by the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, fishermen, Gulf residents and community leaders vented their increasingly grave concerns about the widespread health issues brought on by the three-month-long disaster.
15th January 2011, 05:15 PM
A lot of problems with the youngest of the kids.......if you want to know what is going on you must go to the town new and not the general media new, they will tell you the way, they suspect that the oil spill is now giving problems to the people in the UK and other places.
19th January 2011, 12:16 AM
Shockingly high Benzene levels found in Biloxi, MS blood samples Includes 10 year-old child (
Fox News Flashback: Workers stripped naked and scrubbed down by man in space suit Yet cleanup crews couldnt wear respirators (VIDEOS) (
26th January 2011, 09:11 PM
The Gulf Tragedy & Media Blackout - What To Do?
JRense | January 23, 2011 | 12 likes, 0 dislikes
Dr Termotto, speaking from talahasee Florida discusses different campaigns aimed at the US Government
and ex officials, (ex means they have lost immunity) and in the course of Jeff and Tom's conversation
we become aware of the ongoing tragedy of the Gulf and the accompanying media blackout.
With one Gulf activist 'BK Lim' living in fear of assassination, and another activist murdered (Dr. Thomas B. Manton) only last week -
it rapidly becomes clear that there is a dark Mafia all pervasive throughout the Gulf oil story.
Also see:
Voices From The Shattered Gulf: Rense Radio Network Special to rock denial and cover-up (video)
Gulf human rights hero murdered (
26th January 2011, 09:22 PM
Wonder if this has to do with FEMA ordering over 140 million blankets and body bags as well as requesting a LOT of food.
28th January 2011, 12:14 PM
Great damage done to humans by oil disaster says director of NOAA-administered program (
The story everybody has been talking about: Very disturbing findings in chemical tests of Gulf residents Some bleeding from the ears or with blood in the stool (VIDEOS) (
100s of large containers of discontinued Corexit 9527A found near Houston (VIDEO) (
Chairman of Surfrider chapter in NW Florida tested positive last month for large quantities of volatile solvents in his blood (
Voices From The Shattered Gulf: 3-hr Rense Radio Special Feb. 1st (
mick silver
28th January 2011, 02:51 PM
bring it back up
28th January 2011, 04:01 PM
Thanks PatColo, you've done an awesome job keeping this thread updated.
30th January 2011, 02:41 AM
Latest Dees, I see he used the image of that bio/chem-warfare victimized woman in the moving/graphic video in reply 85 above
1st February 2011, 09:13 PM
free detox ebook, 1.4 MBs:
'Coming Clean -
From Denial To Detox'
This ebook, targetted to sickened gulf residents, should be of universal detox value.
This show is on now, hopefully Rense will put up MP3 or youtubes of the show after its over:
TONIGHT Feb1 7PM PT: RENSE 3 hour special: Voices Of Shattered Gulf Oil Victims (
2nd February 2011, 10:47 AM
Free Listen!
Voices From The Shattered Gulf
Hour 1 ( | Hour 2 ( | Hour 3 (
more info: OP of the thread ( I started on this show last night,
Featuring Kindra Arnesen, Michelle Nix, Jennifer Rexford, Dr. Rodney Soto, and many, many more. Will repeat 3 hour show beginning at 10PM PT.
more info, from these Deborah Dupre articles:
Gulf testimonies to be heard during Rense Shattered Gulf Program (
Voices From The Shattered Gulf: 3-hr Rense Radio Special Feb. 1st (
Voices From The Shattered Gulf: Rense Radio Network Special to rock denial and cover-up (video) ('s HUMAN HEALTH STORIES:
From Dupre today, not re tonight's show but same subject:
Gulf Victim: We're not getting any help (video) (
"Voice 2 From The Shattered Gulf: Victim's poisoned friend has less than 3 years to live"
13th February 2011, 12:59 PM
Senator demands feds end Gulf poison spray due to 'alarming health problems' (
And so it begins: FDA Deputy Director calls independent seafood testing JUNK SCIENCE (
Louisiana group demands report integrity (
Riki Ott: Dispersants and gentically engineered bacteria are still in use We need cease & decist orders across the Gulf (VIDEO) (
People will start dying in large numbers if not addressed now writes top attorney to national media (
MD: Cancer is going to SURGE over next few years in area impacted by oil disaster (VIDEO) (
Unusual Louisiana Flu? Top Doc says its been extraordinary this year Respiratory problems lasting for 3+ weeks (VIDEO) (
13th February 2011, 06:39 PM
I know one who works with the fishermen in the gulf. They have an entire area known for the "royal red" shrimp that is destroyed. Nets come up coated with gunk oil.
Here is the dilemma. The fishermen either sell their contaminated catch or they die. They sell poison knowing they would not feed it to their own families.... and yet they are told by the officials that it is safe. Some sweeps of the nets totally destroy the nets with goo. All is not well in the gulf. The oil is settling in lower layers mostly.
I have to wonder how much the ROVs are still running around and spraying the dispersant poison.
14th February 2011, 01:49 PM
I know one who works with the fishermen in the gulf. They have an entire area known for the "royal red" shrimp that is destroyed. Nets come up coated with gunk oil.
Here is the dilemma. The fishermen either sell their contaminated catch or they die. They sell poison knowing they would not feed it to their own families.... and yet they are told by the officials that it is safe. Some sweeps of the nets totally destroy the nets with goo. All is not well in the gulf. The oil is settling in lower layers mostly.
I have to wonder how much the ROVs are still running around and spraying the dispersant poison.
Good summary. I'm totally sympathetic to the dilemma, heartbroken about it even. The majority of GIM/GSUSers expected a "die-off" was coming, average life-expectancys plummeting, but the actual mechanics of it, and the role corp/guv/mil/TPTB would play, was all speculation. We're now getting a clue with the Gulf Op of the active role TPTB wishes to play, and it looks like the answer is at least in part, deliberate slow-kill bio/chem-warfare, made to appear as an accident, all packaged in massive official guv/MSM PR deception (like how they're still spraying corexit/poison today and lying about it, with full complicity by the different PTB entities). The full nature of the Gulf Op, with its grand scale of official deception is more conspicuous to some than others. The sad truth is, the population around the Gulf has been targeted for "slow genocide".
The rest of us aren't in the clear though; we've got a food famine coming, poisoned municipal water, poisoned food, chemtrails overhead poisoning our arable land and water, "vaccinations" for those naive enough to take them, etc. Of course Big Pharma/Medical hopes to separate us from as much of our/family's wealth as possible as we're deliberately sickened and made dead decades sooner than current life expectancies.
Couple nuggets:
excellent 53 min local public radio interview with Dr. Ott, Dr. Soto, and a Gulf activist about the deteriorating health realities around the Gulf. "Many sick who don't know it..."
more current Gulf Op news:
14th February 2011, 04:30 PM
The whole gulf has become a WMD
Doctors are not trained to deal with this sort of stuff....therefore it dosnt exsist.... :D
14th February 2011, 05:23 PM
Study finds massive flux of gas, in addition to liquid oil, at BP well blowout in Gulf
February 13, 2011
A new University of Georgia study that is the first to examine comprehensively the magnitude of hydrocarbon gases released during the Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil discharge has found that up to 500,000 tons of gaseous hydrocarbons were emitted into the deep ocean. The authors conclude that such a large gas dischargewhich generated concentrations 75,000 times the normcould result in small-scale zones of "extensive and persistent depletion of oxygen" as microbial processes degrade the gaseous hydrocarbons.
The study, led by UGA Professor of Marine Sciences Samantha Joye, appears in the early online edition of the journal Nature Geoscience. Her co-authors are Ian MacDonald of Florida State University, Ira Leifer of the University of California-Santa Barbara and Vernon Asper of the University of Southern Mississippi.
The Macondo Well blowout discharged not only liquid oil, but also hydrocarbon gases, such as methane and pentane, which were deposited in the water column. Gases are normally not quantified for oil spills, but the researchers note that in this instance, documenting the amount of hydrocarbon gases released by the blowout is critical to understanding the discharge's true extent, the fate of the released hydrocarbons, and potential impacts on the deep oceanic systems. The researchers explained that the 1,480-meter depth of the blowout (nearly one mile) is highly significant because deep sea processes (high pressure, low temperature) entrapped the released gaseous hydrocarbons in a deep (1,000-1,300m) layer of the water column. In the supplementary online materials, the researchers provide high-definition photographic evidence of the oil and ice-like gas hydrate flakes in the plume waters.
Joye said the methane and other gases likely will remain deep in the water column and be consumed by microbes in a process known as oxidation, which en masse can lead to low-oxygen waters.
"We're not talking about extensive hypoxic areas offshore in the Gulf of Mexico," Joye explained. "But the microbial oxidation of the methane and other alkanes will remove oxygen from the system for quite a while because the time-scale for the replenishment of oxygen at that depth is many decades."
Leifer added that some of the larger gaseous hydrocarbons documented, such as pentane, have significant health implications for humans and potentially for marine life.
The study concludes that separating the gas-induced oxygen depletion from that due to liquid hydrocarbons is difficult, absent further research, because all hydrocarbons contribute to oxygen depletion. Therefore, documenting the total mass of hydrocarbons discharged is critical for understanding the long-term implications for the Gulf's microbial communities, food chain and overall system.
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Joye's team examined samples from 70 sites around the leaking wellhead during a research cruise aboard the R/V Walton Smith during late May and early June of 2010. They combined their data with estimates of the volume of oil released to arrive at a figure that allows scientists to quantify, for the first time, the gas discharge in terms of equivalent barrels of oil. They calculated a gas discharge that's the equivalent of either 1.6 to 1.9 or 2.2 to 3.1 million barrels of oil, depending on the method used. Although the estimate reflects the uncertainty still surrounding the discharge, even the lowest magnitude represents a significant increase in the total hydrocarbon discharge.
"These calculations increase the accepted government estimates by about one third," MacDonald said.
The ever-shifting small-scale currents in the Gulf likely have dissipated the plumes and the low oxygen zones associated with them, Joye said, making them difficult if not impossible to find at this point in time. Although gliders are a new platform being used, scientists typically search for subsurface features by dropping instruments from research vessels, a process that's analogous to looking for a feature on the Earth's surface by randomly dropping instruments from a height of 1,500 meters (about 5,000 feet) in the atmosphere.
"It's like searching for a needle in the haystack," Joye said. "We may never know what happened to all of that gas."
Joye cautioned against assuming that microbes will rapidly consume the gases released from the well. Undoubtedly, the methane is a feast for them, Joye said, but she also noted that the microbes need nutrients, such as nitrogen, copper and iron. These nutrients are in scarce supply in the Gulf's deep waters, Joye said, and once they are depleted the microbes will cease to growregardless of how much methane is available.
"This study highlights the value of knowledge gained from deep sea hydrate seepage research but also how poorly deep sea processes are understood, such as the role methane hydrates played in forming the deep methane plumes documented by this study," Leifer said. "Deepwater Horizon underscored how ill-prepared the nation is to respond to future accidents. As a nation, we need to hear this deep sea Sputnik wake-up call."
15th February 2011, 12:11 PM
People are getting sick down here says business owner They left the oil here oils still all around us (
17th February 2011, 02:53 PM
"We're Poisoned. We're Sick." (
Tuesday 15 February 2011
by: Dahr Jamail and Erika Blumenfeld, t r u t h o u t | Report
Report: Paul Doomm blood tests showed highest PAH measurement for a human Ever (
22 y/o Paul Doomm to be placed in medically induced coma (VIDEO) (
18th February 2011, 07:38 AM
19th February 2011, 03:13 PM
This story is re the woman above, Jennifer Rexford:
Cleanup worker hospitalized: Heavy bleeding from orifices, loss of feeling in right side MORE Ethylbenzene at 10 times 95th percentile (
Shock: Well-known LSU coastal scientist dies at 54 from unknown illness Often spoke about how oil was going to be coming back (
21st February 2011, 10:02 AM
GRAPHIC: Another cleanup worker hospitalized James Catfish Miller (VIDEOS) (
[first video is tedious, very little talking, just a guy hacking & vomitiing & suffering. 2nd video is more worthwhile, 'Catfish' says what's on his mind. -PC]
Warning Graphic This is What Happens When You Are Infected With Gulf Toxins, deniselngbch, February 20, 2011:
3rd Day Catfish still in the Hospital Still No Diagnosis, deniselngbch, February 20, 2011:
Deceased LSU scientist refused BP contract, warned others they need to be very, very careful (
21st February 2011, 10:21 AM
It will take time, but it will come.......not everything happens at once but the longer it takes the worse that it gets.
21st February 2011, 11:28 AM
Plain and simple, the gulf coast residents have been hung out to dry and since it is no longer news worthy the story will not be told
21st February 2011, 11:32 AM
Cobalt? is not a matter of "worthy news" but rather of what they are hiding from you..................."They only tell you what they want you to know, or what they cannot longer hide"... Ponce
21st February 2011, 01:10 PM
I started a new thread on this:
Top ex-oilfield executive says Gulf Op a depopulation event (article, MP3) (
For a generally truthy article, and radio show the article speaks of, the "100K sick" number sounds low. Tens of millions have been getting slow-kill bio/chem-warfare poisoned since 4/20/10 when the Gulf Op commenced in earnest. They're simply getting poisoned in different daily doses, and the effect is cumulative over time. "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars".
Top ex-oilfield executive says Gulf op a depopulation event. 100,000 now sick. (
* February 21st, 2011 12:24 am ET
here's a direct MP3 link to the radio show discussed above, it's 53 mins, 36 MBs:
Also see GSUS thread: Reporter: "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood" (
21st February 2011, 01:19 PM
Well Pat, do you remember this?.............."and many will die" only a matter of time.
mick silver
21st February 2011, 01:48 PM
the biggest oil spill in the history of the world and not a f word on the evening news about this . and what get me ,,, no a f one in jail for happen in the gulf .
4th March 2011, 02:20 PM
We've got the big Spring Break Gulf tourism by 10s of thousands of college kids this month. BIG MISTAKE!
New Gulf Plague research: Spring Break secret, silent, deadly, bleeding, die-off (
Red Flag: Oil spill study finds almost HALF of residents suffering unusual spike in health symptoms (
Mahogany Tide: Toxic plankton invades Mobile Bay Known to cause death and illness in humans after consuming poisoned shellfish (PHOTOS) (
Mississippi mans blood tests show extremely high Xylene, Ethylbenzene Now passing out for an hour at a time (LAB RESULTS) (
Woman reports troubling symptoms after swimming in Gulf Burning lesions all over body & face, I keep finding more and more of them (
Another cleanup worker blinded Doctor: I am most certain that the toxins that are in his blood attacked his optic nerves (
Florida Paper: Many health-related complaints from people who didnt do cleanup work (
Cleanup worker with terrible pain is crying himself to sleep Internal bleeding (VIDEO) (
mick silver
4th March 2011, 05:36 PM
hey pat did you see what there paying the lawer who giving bread crumb to the people who are losing everything they have over this spill . he get over 850.000.00 a f month . what is his name
7th March 2011, 11:34 PM
hey pat did you see what there paying the lawer who giving bread crumb to the people who are losing everything they have over this spill . he get over 850.000.00 a f month . what is his name
Ken Feinberg, who also acted as the post 911 fixer. See: BP doesn't pay fisherman/clean-up worker claims; pays stripper $80K ($80k/)
Lisa Nelson passed away today Face, neck swelled to three times normal size after trip to beach in September (VIDEO) ( - video below updated with death notice.
Uploaded by jerrycope1 on Nov 7, 2010
Lisa Nelson of Orange Beach, AL is one of a growing number of people sickened and dying as a result of the BP disaster. Local physicians have no idea how to diagnose or treat patients who have bee exposed to highly toxic crude/dispersant combination. Local, State, and federal agencies continue to cover-up and offer zero assistance.
Very sad; Lisa Nelson passed away today 3.7.11. She was an inspration to all who were fortunate enough to know her and will be dearly missed. God bless her beautiful soul.
8th March 2011, 08:14 AM
hey pat did you see what there paying the lawer who giving bread crumb to the people who are losing everything they have over this spill . he get over 850.000.00 a f month . what is his name
= disaster capitalism, crony capitalism, fascism ... amazing scams the club members create for themselves.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
8th March 2011, 08:30 AM
Lisa Nelson of Orange Beach, AL is one of a growing number of people sickened and dying as a result of the BP disaster. Local physicians have no idea how to diagnose or treat patients who have bee exposed to highly toxic crude/dispersant combination. Local, State, and federal agencies continue to cover-up and offer zero assistance.
Very sad; Lisa Nelson passed away today 3.7.11. She was an inspration to all who were fortunate enough to know her and will be dearly missed. God bless her beautiful soul.
I wonder if they will even test for toxins during her autopsy. She reportedly "caught a lungful" of the Corexit while walking on Orange beach one night.
8th March 2011, 11:38 AM
Lisa Nelson of Orange Beach, AL is one of a growing number of people sickened and dying as a result of the BP disaster. Local physicians have no idea how to diagnose or treat patients who have bee exposed to highly toxic crude/dispersant combination. Local, State, and federal agencies continue to cover-up and offer zero assistance.
Very sad; Lisa Nelson passed away today 3.7.11. She was an inspration to all who were fortunate enough to know her and will be dearly missed. God bless her beautiful soul.
I wonder if they will even test for toxins during her autopsy. She reportedly "caught a lungful" of the Corexit while walking on Orange beach one night.
If you've gotten your head around the truth that the Gulf Op is a covert Guv/Corp/Mil/MSM bio/chem-warfare op aimed at, among several agendas: depopulation, then you already know the answer: hell no. "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars".
Now suck in that air, eat that delicious oil/corexit-marinated seafood, and take a nice swim in the Gulf with all the Spring Break kids this month. It's good for you!
8th March 2011, 07:57 PM
Bayou woman with Gulf Plague: Our own military, government poisoned us (vid) (
Mardi Gras Gulf Cry for Help: Billy Nungesser with Gulf hero David Gibbons (vid) (
^^^ today's radio show should be posted here shortly:
NASA oil spill scientist: I know there were clouds filled with hydrocarbons Discusses Gulf Coast Health Syndrome (
10,000+ now suffering effects from oil disaster Gulf residents are walking to Washington D.C. on March 13 for help (
mick silver
8th March 2011, 08:41 PM
it will not be long before i am out in the fields here all day long . i see were we are getting alot of rain that coming up from the gulf i hope it not got alot of chemicals in the rain . and dam it look like every day thing now chemtrail . i would just like to see a big blue sky . more people around here are asking what the hell those trails are in the sky all the time . i have most looking it up on the net now .. i know but it a start .
8th March 2011, 09:19 PM
It really tugs at my heart strings when images such as this pop up
I guess the world is too busy watching some Hollywood scripted less then reality show reruns to be bothered with real life altering events
10th March 2011, 10:05 AM
Most Concerning: Chrysene found in waters off Perdido Key, Florida Effects include increased risk of cancer, chromosomal aberrations, genetic damage (
Physician says this may be a brand new illness Swimmer covered in oily substance diagnosed with rare bacteria similar to oil-eating microbes (VIDEO) (
10th March 2011, 01:16 PM
Physician says this may be a brand new illness Swimmer covered in oily substance diagnosed with rare bacteria similar to oil-eating microbes (VIDEO) (http://)
linky no ticky?
10th March 2011, 01:29 PM
linky no ticky?
oh sorry about that, I didn't figure anyone ever clicked them so I didn't bother to code it up. It's better now. :)
20th March 2011, 07:22 PM
Florida spring breakers find the oil (VIDEO)
20th March 2011, 11:01 PM
"So ya, I totally got some shark poop on my toe the other week during spring break, now my foot looks like a reptile zoo"
21st March 2011, 02:34 AM
BP paved the bottom of the beaches. Oil turning to tar as it releases volatile carcinogens and toxic metals just below the swimmers.
At the end: "BP is working on a strategic plan."
I guess that is better than planing a plan.
21st March 2011, 01:47 PM
Thousands of Gulf Oil Spill clean-up crew are dying! Video of the dying!
23rd March 2011, 06:58 PM
Thousands of Gulf Oil Spill clean-up crew are dying! Video of the dying!
very disturbing- & just the tip of the iceberg wrt the vast Gulf area population who are suffering similarly, with different levels of ongoing exposure and rates of health deterioration, thanks to the insidious "slow-kill" nature of the Gulf bio/chem-warfare op, and MSM complicity in pretending everything is all hunky dory now. Japan nuke meltdowns = same shit different poison. TPTB's global depopulation op is underway, and the weapons of choice are coming into clearer and clearer focus: engineered "natural disasters" combined with premeditated MSM/mil disinfo campaigns to deceive targeted populations about the physical jeopardy they're in; engineered food famines, known-poisons in food & water, lab-engineered "influenzas", "vaccines" in reality designed to sicken/sterilize/induce miscarriage , etc. "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" [ref: "Behold A Pale Horse" by the late William Cooper (].
Kids feeling impact of oil spill and situation is getting worse (VIDEO) (
Physician on Corexit: Ethylene glycol is antifreeze, Methanol is wood alcohol 10 CCs blinds you, 30 CCs kills you (
Physician: Ive seen 40 patients with oil spill-related ailments (
Significant increase in crystal meth abuse because of oil disaster: Baldwin County Sherriff (
2nd April 2011, 11:10 PM
*ALERT* Report: Gulf activist shot 4 times through door of home, niece hit twice.
Dispatch by Lana Duncan 4-2-2011 The Hive Daily
Tucker Mendoza, a gulf truth activist, was shot early this morning 4 times through the door of his home in Laplace. He was hit 3 times in the chest and once across the forehead. With him was a niece, he reports she was struck in the neck and bottom.
Tucker has been able to communicate via his phone and post to FB on the events. Please pray for him and his niece, for a full recovery and include the entire family. They are being treated at University Hospital in New Orleans. Further details as yet are unknown.
5th April 2011, 06:49 PM
Just pasting recent gulf-op/human-health headlines here, not linking them up, too lazy, go here to read these stories:
Cleanup worker: One person after another Im having kidney failure, my pancreas is rotted out, my liver wont stop hurting (VIDEO)
Severely ill cleanup worker Clayton Matherne receives dedication 1000s more suffering like him (VIDEO)
Residents at Feinberg meeting: LIE! LIE! You are such a lying piece of s**t while talking about health problems
Physician Speaks About Growing Health Concerns in Wake of BP Oil Disaster (VIDEO)
Dr. Susan Shaw: It is easy to find people who are sick from solvent contamination on Grand Isle
Report: 300 sick in Orange Beach, AL area Only 2,500 full time residents
Cleanup worker Clayton Mathernes symptoms: Lost half of eyesight, coughing up blood all the time, temporary paralysis more (VIDEO)
Tears: Sickened cleanup worker praying that God will just let him die (VIDEO)
Deadly Alabama infections from a bacteria most commonly found in water
9 dead in Alabama from lethal bacteria Unusual number of high-risk patients infected with a certain type of bacteria (VIDEO)
Dispersants harmed Gulf residents and cleanup crews, lawyers say Diseases can appear months or years later
Theres people getting sick everywhere and nobody realized how bad it is says Mississippi resident (VIDEO)
Oil Spill Victim: Things just started coming out of my skin It has gotten a lot worse (VIDEO)
Attorney General: More people were concerned with health issues than claims Im trying to get people access to some medical care (VIDEO)
Attorney General: More people were concerned with health issues than claims Im trying to get people access to some medical care (VIDEO)
Physician treating oil cleanup workers: These people, they are going to die Im telling you, we are going to lose patients
BP confident things are safe in the short term Long term health problems? Not so sure
Relax says BP: Its safe to touch non-toxic tar balls Seafood is most safe in the world who cares what medical professionals say (VIDEO)
again, go here to read these stories:
20th April 2011, 08:31 PM
One Year Later: Mainstream media finally reports on sickened Gulf residents (VIDEO) ( 5 min ABC nooz vid inside.
more latest gulf/health @
22nd April 2011, 10:54 PM
A Year After the Disaster: Curious and Debilitating Illnesses Abound. (
Well, I did say that it would take some time before "and many will die" comment a day after the oil disaster.....everything is on schedule........sorry to say.
================================================== ==
A Year After the Disaster: Curious and Debilitating Illnesses Abound.
NEW ORLEANS (CN) - One year after the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Gulf Coast residents are reporting a litany of debilitating illnesses, including tumors, anemia, brain lesions, tremors and seizures - but it's not getting much attention from the media, and many doctors don't seem to know how to deal with it.
One overworked Louisiana doctor who treats such patients, Michael Robichaux, says the chemicals released by the oil rig explosion included virulent poisons.
"They were interviewing Admiral Thad Allen a while back and they asked him, 'What are they using as antifreezes in [the riser pipe connecting the Deepwater Horizon to the Macondo oil well]?' - this was after the spill was over - and he said, 'We're using methanol and ethylene glycol.'
"Well, I jumped up and down and cut some flips because ethylene glycol is antifreeze, OK? And if you live in Raceland, Louisiana and want to get rid of your neighbor's dog that's digging in your flower bed, you take a weenie over there and put a little antifreeze on it, and he's gone.
"Methanol is wood alcohol. Ten cc's blinds you. Thirty cc's kills you, OK? Now, they're talking hundreds of thousands of gallons. They use the hundreds of thousands of gallons in the riser pipe to keep it from freezing."
When such a pipe bursts, as it did aboard the Deepwater Horizon 1 year ago today, hundreds of thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals joined the petroleum products that spewed into the Gulf of Mexico.
Dr. Robichaux, affectionately called Dr. Mike by his many admirers, has an easy Southern-gentry way of telling a story. Courthouse News interviewed him for this report, but his quoted remarks are taken from a video of his address to the Baton Rouge Press Club in March.
In the video, Robichaux, of Raceland, in Lafourche Parish, wears a dress shirt and tie covered in Looney Tunes characters. He looks exhausted. That doesn't mask the passion the 65-year-old ear, nose and throat specialist and former state senator feels for the work he is doing. And the fatigue does not mask his anger.
"Freddie's blind - we know what methanol does," Dr. Robichaux said.
Freddie Lambert, a former offshore worker and a patient of Robichaux's, was splashed in the face with oil dispersant last year and is blind.
"I've seen patient after patient who is violently ill," Robichaux says in the video.
He says his patients suffer from a variety of ailments. What they have in common is that they all live or work along the Gulf Coast and all have become sick since the oil spill.
The illnesses have psychological ramifications too, Robichaux said. Patients become confused; some lose their memory.
"A lot of the treatment has got to be psychological," Robichaux says.
Al-Jazeera has been reporting on illnesses along the Gulf Coast for months. But in the United States, reports of the widespread illnesses have delivered for the most part via YouTube videos and Facebook postings.
It feels like walking into a science fiction novel Tuesday, in the musty corridors of the Hilton Riverside Hotel in downtown New Orleans, where Robichaux and his patients - on this day, three seriously ill Gulf Coast residents -turned out for a symposium marking the first year anniversary of the BP oil spill.
Among the patients is Paul Doom, 22, a 6-foot 6-inch former Marine who is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair after swimming in the Gulf of Mexico.
Doom's family home in Navarre, Fla. is 700 feet from the Gulf of Mexico. Doom said on Tuesday that it may not have been the swimming that did him in, but the everyday living and playing along the shore of toxic water.
Doom began suffering intense headaches and internal bleeding in June last year. Then he had seizures and a stroke. Now he is confined to a wheelchair.
Dr. Robichaux said that, as with all of the patients he is seeing, Doom's doctors at first denied any connection between Doom's ailments and his exposure to oil. Doom said some of his doctors told him that urinating blood for weeks was normal.
Doom said a marine scientist told him that the lesions on his brain are similar to lesions on the hundreds of fish that turned up sick in the Gulf of Mexico, as they did after the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster off the coast of Alaska.
"My whole family is toxic," Doom said.
Because Robichaux is an ear, nose and throat specialist, he said, he does not rely on the blood tests for toxicity other doctors do. Robichaux said he treats his patients "down the line." If he sees a patient is showing signs of diabetes, for instance, he treats diabetes, and hopes to conquer the whole illness slowly from that approach.
The blood tests he eschews look for organic compounds and solvents such as those found in hydrocarbons and dispersants. Only one or two practicing doctors in the United States perform tests for solvents, Robichaux says. No one knows how to treat a patient testing high for solvents. Medical insurance doesn't pay for blood work or treatment of oil-related illnesses.
Doom said the most basic blood test costs $300. A more elaborate test costs $800.
Doom believes everyone along the Gulf Coast is susceptible to the same illnesses he has, and that perhaps his is just at a more advanced stage.
"There is discrimination against the poor, the sick, and the handicapped," said John Gooding, a resident of Pass Christian, Miss. Like Doom, Gooding's family home is close to the Gulf of Mexico.
The poor, the sick, the handicapped are all in the same category, Gooding said. Health insurance doesn't cover oil spill-related sicknesses, so even the well-off can become poor battling illness.
Gooding owns a cabinetmaking business. Business fell off during the oil spill and never recovered. Along the way, Gooding lost his health insurance.
Gooding's said his symptoms are ever-increasing, and include muscular tremors, lung ailments and tumors in his esophagus.
Last week, Gooding buried his dog after her uterus fell out during a premature stillbirth.
A report published this week on a staff blog from the federal Natural Resources Defense Council stated, "For mammals, the most immediate danger from the Macondo well spill was from oiling and inhaling toxic fumes, which can cause brain lesions, disorientation and death. Going forward, the mechanisms of harm are subtler. As we have seen from the Exxon Valdez, oil can work up the food chain, accumulate in body tissue, induce cascade effects across the ecosystem, and impact wildlife populations for decades afterwards."
The report adds that more than 300 bottlenose dolphins have been found dead, nearly half of them stillborn. Scientists estimate that every one whale or dolphin body recovered equals 50 unseen.
Charles Taylor, of Bay St. Louis, Miss., said he was forced to quit his job because he is so sick.
Like Doom and Gooding, Taylor suffers an array or symptoms, including lesions, tumors, lung ailments, abdominal pain, passing blood and an inability to stop bleeding.
One of the many physiological effects of the dispersant Corexit can be hemolytic anemia, the rapid destruction of red blood cells. Symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath and headache, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, abdominal pain, passing blood, seizures and kidney failure.
Taylor is angry that when sea turtles wash up along his beach, no one comes to collect them. He said scientists come and spray paint them and leave them to rot on the sand.
He said thick green algae have turned the water green. The algae come to the shore and dry into layers of massive brown strips, "like lasagna."
Taylor takes out his camera to show the sea turtles and algae. He has photos of Gooding's dog's uterus and the stillborn puppy, hard and fire-red and utterly unrecognizable.
Then he shows photos to show that even branches of trees have grown tumors. The magnolia leaves are full of holes and blisters.
"People are realizing, but not enough people," he says.
He said it kills him to see people swimming in the water with their kids.
Residents along the coast repeatedly report that airplanes spraying Corexit fly along the coast at dusk, spraying to keep the oil from rising. The Corexit is far more toxic than the oil.
BP and government officials deny that this is happening.
As of this week, all areas of the Gulf have reopened for fishing, including the area right around the Macondo well.
Late in 2010, the federal government announced that the military will serve Gulf seafood to U.S. troops three meals a day to keep up demand.
"The truth is, our military is eating the seafood that our dolphins and turtles can't eat," Taylor said.
22nd April 2011, 11:32 PM
Was watching the news the other night and they interviewed the bookkeeper for one of the large shrimp processors, she said "I won't eat the shrimp, they don't look right, they smell different, and they taste funny."
I wonder if she still has a job?
23rd June 2011, 12:23 AM
Judge: BP wins over its 'little people' in major Gulf oil lawsuit (
June 18, 2011 11:14 pm ET ( Deborah Dupre (
( people's right to know dismissed by judge
A federal judge dismissed third-party environmental claims in a giant plea in the BP Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil litigation, saying that since the oil flow stopped, although disputed by some experts, the lawsuits are irrelevant.
"The injunction at this stage would be useless, as not only is there no ongoing release from the well, but there is also no viable offshore facility from which any release could possibly occur," wrote U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier:
"The Macondo well is dead, and what remains of the Deepwater Horizon vessel is on the ocean floor, where it capsized and sank in 5,000 feet of water. Moreover, BP and the agencies comprising the Unified Area Command have been and are cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico. An injury is not redressable by a citizen suit when the injury is already being addressed."
Judge Barbier is overseeing the huge consolidated oil spill litigation, divided into "bundles" based on nature of the claims.
In the D1 bundle, where claims relate to how the oil is being cleaned, Barbier ruled that. even if he allowed those claims to proceed, claimants are not directly involved in the cleanup, so a ruling in their favor would not affect how the cleanup is progressing.
"The D1 defendants do not unilaterally direct the cleanup activities in the Gulf; such activities have been under the control of the National Incident Commander, Federal on-Scene Coordinator, Unified Area Command, and the Coast Guard in cooperation with other federal agencies. Thus, plaintiffs cannot show that an order from this court would actually resolve any potential deficiency in the ongoing cleanup."
According to Barbier, for the plaintiffs to prevail on claims for injunctive relief, "plaintiffs must demonstrate an ongoing violation of various statutes on which plaintiffs' claims for relief is based."
The judge ruled that because the Macondo well is dead and no longer discharging oil, plaintiffs' only claims are confined to seeking environmental citizen suit injunctive relief of a prospective nature to stop noncompliance in the form of a continued release of oil. Thus, the citizen suit claims brought by the plaintiffs are moot, because no future-orientated injunction can provide any meaningful relief for plaintiffs in terms of stopping discharges that already concluded in mid-July 2010."
BP's Transocean's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded and burned off the Louisiana coast on April 20, 2010, Hitler's birthday, initially killing 11 and quickly identified as the worst environmental catastrophe in history.
Millions of gallons of oil gushed as shown on TV in what the late Matt Simmons considered a dog and pony show to ameliorate Big Oil from damage and being held accountable.
According to Courthouse News, over 100,000 people have filed lawsuits seeking damages from the "spill," some of which were those dismissed Thursday in the D1 pleading bundle.
"D1 bundle claims were filed by third-party organizations that alleged environmental damages under the Clean Water Act; the Endangered Species Act; the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act."
Judge Barbier said claims could still be heard by people seeking damages for violations other than environmental claims.
"To the extent that plaintiffs assert claims under general maritime law and/or state law, the court will consider those claims separately when it addresses the pending motions to dismiss the B1 bundle master complaint," Barbier wrote.
Ervin Gonzales of the plaintiff steering committee, said during the hearing that the cleanup has not been adequate and "the environment is suffering."
Federal attorneys have said criminal charges will be filed if the investigation turns up evidence of willful negligence by the defendants.
False flag Kaluza needs to testify
To date, one man thought to be a key witness and at least partially responsible for the 2010 BP Gulf oil gusher operation that continues to cause suffering and death after poisoning a minimum of 4 million people,
According to former senior oil executive Ian Crane, the Gulf oil operation was planned and the Gulf oil disaster bears all the hallmarks of a contrived false flag event.
Crane is traveling through countries speaking to crowds listening to his insider information including that until Robert Kaluza testifies, the public, including people as far away as Europe, will lose. Kaluza has thus far chosen to plead the fifth amendment because, "in other words, any evidence he may offer would be self-incriminating."
The data and background to this disaster is being suppressed in a way which will come back and bite us all. The long term impact upon Florida and the Gulf Coast makes Chernobyl look like an attractive vacation resort!
It is time witnesses are dragged kicking and screaming to give evidence. Only then will the truth have a chance of being revealed.
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