View Full Version : Meltup! NIA Documentary on America's Economic Crisis

18th September 2010, 11:29 PM

18th September 2010, 11:38 PM
Very informative, don't forget part 2.


19th September 2010, 06:19 AM
Curious vid saying for every looser, there is also a winner, who is not spoken of. Wonder your alls take on this guys view.


Twisted Titan
19th September 2010, 09:25 AM
Curious vid saying for every looser, there is also a winner, who is not spoken of. Wonder your alls take on this guys view.


This is guy is full of more shit than my septic tank

For every winner there is a loser


Because that is way the winners set it up.

He talked about 2008 that was a very significant year for several reasons

Besides the sheep getting fleeced at a lvel not seen since to GD

Besides seeing more companies and banks blow up one could believe

We got see how the Winners of the Free market operate.

What do I mean??

Do you remeber several times in 2008 when THE WINNERS opened the stock market on Sunday so they can make the appropriate trades so they wouldnt suffer substantial economic loss???

Where YOU able to make a trade like that???



This guy needs a flaming hot shit sandwich to munch on

19th September 2010, 01:16 PM
He is correct, there is no democracy, but in a sense we do have free markets.
Those in power are free to rig the game, profit by theft and deception, and destroy anything in their way.

On the other hand, the sheeple have the right to remove their money from their system, quit supplying labor to the elite, burn their businesses to the ground, cut the throats/hearts out of these Robbie G people, their families and their ilk.

Be the other side of the trade, be the Lion, show your teeth, shift and adapt and use any means necessary to stomp the Robbie G's of the world!

19th September 2010, 03:26 PM
If any of those BS threads about trolls pop up, I will link them to this thread.

Granted, it's good to spot trolls and boot them off, but not worth 3 F------ pages.

This thread is what this forum is about. (thumbs up)

19th September 2010, 03:36 PM
Curious vid saying for every looser, there is also a winner, who is not spoken of. Wonder your alls take on this guys view.

We don't live in a free market (directed at the MFer in the video). We live in a corporatism world where corporations rule our government and tell our government what laws to level against the populous! I used to hate National Socialist. I'm not one, but I understand where they come from.

In a free market AIG, Freddie and Fannie would have failed. This MFer is a corporate tool. A tool of those who have broken our country!!! To those viewing (not those who know), Wake the F--- Up!!!