View Full Version : A Sobering Read On Shariah by Karl Denninger

19th September 2010, 01:07 PM

A Sobering Read On Shariah

http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article%20pdfs/Shariah%20-%20The%20Threat%20to%20America%20(Team%20B%20Repor t)%2009142010.pdf

I have, in the last couple of weeks, posted two articles related to 9/11 which dealt with the threat that "Radical Islam" bears not only for the United States, but for the world.

It drew lots of comments, many of which were of the form "can't we all just get along?"

Well, perhaps not.

It is not within the scope of this study to solve the widely divergent estimates of the strength of these respective camps. The imperative driving this study is America’s national security and, by extension, the security of its friends and allies.

Like their counterparts a generation ago, the members of Team B II collectively bring to this task decades of hands-on experience as security policy practitioners and analysts, much of it involving shariah’s proponents of both the violent jihadist and pre-violent dawa stripes. They have distinguished backgrounds in national defense policy-making, military, intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement communities, in academia and in the War of Ideas. Thanks to their expertise and dedication, this new report represents an authoritative, valuable and timely critique of the U.S. government’s present policy towards shariah and its adherents, an assessment of the threat it entails and a call for a long-overdue course-correction.


If we are to face down shariah, we must understand what we are up against, not simply hope that dialogue and “engagement” will make the challenge go away. Those who today support shariah and the establishment of a global Islamic state (caliphate) are perforce supporting objectives that are incompatible with the U.S. Constitution, the civil rights the Constitution guarantees and the representative, accountable government it authorizes. In fact, shariah’s pursuit in the United States is tantamount to sedition.

Whether pursued through the violent form of jihad (holy war) or stealthier practices that shariah Islamists often refer to as “dawa” (the “call to Islam”), shariah rejects fundamental premises of American society and values....

The paper referenced is a long and exhaustive read.

It is also extraordinarily well-researched and constructed by people who know what they're talking about.

Ignore this, in my opinion, at your considerable peril.

19th September 2010, 03:33 PM
Karl Shillinger said:

If we are to face down shariah, we must understand what we are up against,

fortunately Mr. Shillinger, we're pretty well aware of what we're up against, even from our compromised view from inside the belly of Talmudic Law.


Karl Shillinger said:

The paper referenced is a long and exhaustive read.

It is also extraordinarily well-researched and constructed by people who know what they're talking about.

Here's a pic of "Team B" discussing "the threat of shariah" :o, in preparing for the paper which is referenced in the OP,


also see,

IS AMERICA’S MILITARY PREPARED FOR THE ISRAELI THREAT? (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/09/15/gordon-duff-is-americas-military-prepared-for-the-israeli-threat/)


Current Issues with Hesham Tillawi. How long before Sharia Law Comes to the US? (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2010/09/16/sharia-law-with-hesham-tillawi-how-long-before-its-law-in-the-usa/)


19th September 2010, 04:14 PM
People will say that you're a "closet muslim" for discounting the OP. Whether you are or not, there are tens of thousands of Somolian, Sudanese, etc. 3rd worlders being imported into this country who HATE western society. This is a valid discussion.

I still respect most of your posts but this is not what you call "jew-jitsu". This is a legitimate discussion for the US and Europe at this time.

19th September 2010, 04:32 PM
People will say that you're a "closet muslim" for discounting the OP. Whether you are or not, there are tens of thousands of Somolian, Sudanese, etc. 3rd worlders being imported into this country who HATE western society. This is a valid discussion.

Yet the super patriots Bush/Cheney Had years to do something about the problem and never did.

19th September 2010, 04:35 PM
the only thing "shariah-related" which the West is in jeopardy of, is the ongoing, nauseating barrage of zio-agitprop telling us "booga booga scary moozlems wanna impose shariah in the west booga booga!"

Did you watch the Hesham Tillawi vid I posted?

re the scary moozlem 3rd worlders being imported into the west, who's behind that again?

hint, from Brother Nathaniel Kapner, Jew-become-Christian, 4 mins:

Conquest Through Immigration (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=552)


19th September 2010, 04:44 PM
Yet the super patriots Bush/Cheney Had years to do something about the problem and never did.
I agree. But Sharia, whether instituted by Zionism or real Muslims isn't in American's best interest.

19th September 2010, 04:51 PM
I agree. But Sharia, whether instituted by Zionism or real Muslims isn't in American's best interest.

I agree with that, BUT !
They are just trying to whip you into a frenzy with this Sharia stuff.
Make them change our legal immigration and refugee policies and don't be distracted by this.

19th September 2010, 04:54 PM
I agree with that, BUT !
They are just trying to whip you into a frenzy with this Sharia stuff.
Make them change our legal immigration and refugee policies and don't be distracted by this.

I agree. I rub the noses of neocons in this immigration when they support the "terror warriors" overseas, when the same neocons are overrunning us here.

20th September 2010, 04:53 AM
fortunately Mr. Shillinger, we're pretty well aware of what we're up against, even from our compromised view from inside the belly of Talmudic Law.

first Shillinger repeats the "scary Muslims did 9-11" theme.

now he's out with the "scary Muslims want to take over US with shariah law".