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19th September 2010, 05:19 PM

19th September 2010, 05:59 PM
Other exit options:

*like escaping through a window. Do you have a drop-down collapsible window escape ladder if you're above the 2nd story?

*are you in earthquake zone? How about the tools to hammer/sledge your way out of a collapse? Or tornado zone too I suppose.

Speaking of tools, do you have the necessary tools to shut off the main water/gas lines to your unit? Do you know where they're located and how to do it?

Do you have fire extinguishers? Smoke/radon/CO2 detectors?

Good flashlights?

1970 silver art
19th September 2010, 06:13 PM
I am not a prepper but I do live in an apartment and the only thing that I have done was buy some extra canned good and some extra boxed pasta to have just in case I am not able to go to the grocery store (i.e because of bad weather).

19th September 2010, 06:16 PM
I'm surprised you don't stock frozen o.j. concentrate...

1970 silver art
19th September 2010, 06:22 PM
I'm surprised you don't stock frozen o.j. concentrate...

Nope. The reason why I do not stock frozen o.j. concentrate is that I do not like o.j. concentrate. I could not do it. It's either Tropicana (or Minute Maid) orange juice with no pulp or bust. ;D

19th September 2010, 06:26 PM
If folks were in condo's or apts, i'd think about having a plan to get out, a location you could go to friendsor family outside city limits? If there are no options, guns, bullets, beans and water?

and what MNeagle said

*like escaping through a window. Do you have a drop-down collapsible window escape ladder if you're above the 2nd story?

*are you in earthquake zone? How about the tools to hammer/sledge your way out of a collapse? Or tornado zone too I suppose.

Speaking of tools, do you have the necessary tools to shut off the main water/gas lines to your unit? Do you know where they're located and how to do it?

Do you have fire extinguishers? Smoke/radon/CO2 detectors?

Good flashlights?

19th September 2010, 06:36 PM
Again,Your DOOMED in a apt. Prep #1 for me would be a BOV stocked with 3 days of food, fuel and you know what. first sign of SHTF , beat it. Watch "last man on Earth" or "Omega Man" to get the idea of apt. preps.

19th September 2010, 08:36 PM
I can understand some folks having live in the city and close to where they work.
And then maybe having to hunker down there.

In a bad SHTF scenario, I don't think you would want to be cooking food on your balcony though...

May want to have preps that you can eat without cooking...you may need to be hiding from zombies.

I hope it never comes to that....But it could.

20th September 2010, 05:40 PM
Again,Your DOOMED in a apt. Prep #1 for me would be a BOV stocked with 3 days of food, fuel and you know what. first sign of SHTF , beat it. Watch "last man on Earth" or "Omega Man" to get the idea of apt. preps.

You finally made it out of the city, 3 days have passed...you have no food left , no fuel and no place to stay except for your car
Now what ?

Are you really better off ? :conf:

The idea is to have a BOL no more than 2 days from the city,by vehicle, the 3rd day of supplies is for insurance.And you dont wait for all hell to break loose before you leave either.

20th September 2010, 05:42 PM
Again,Your DOOMED in a apt. Prep #1 for me would be a BOV stocked with 3 days of food, fuel and you know what. first sign of SHTF , beat it. Watch "last man on Earth" or "Omega Man" to get the idea of apt. preps.

You finally made it out of the city, 3 days have passed...you have no food left , no fuel and no place to stay except for your car
Now what ?

Are you really better off ? :conf:

The idea is to have a BOL no more than 2 days from the city,by vehicle, the 3rd day of supplies is for insurance.And you dont wait for all hell to break loose before you leave either.

Keep in mind the interstates could shut down in a heartbeat. It would not take much.

Edit: On second thought if it really came down to it , avoid the interstate hw's like the plague and stick to the back roads.

20th September 2010, 05:46 PM
Again,Your DOOMED in a apt. Prep #1 for me would be a BOV stocked with 3 days of food, fuel and you know what. first sign of SHTF , beat it. Watch "last man on Earth" or "Omega Man" to get the idea of apt. preps.

You finally made it out of the city, 3 days have passed...you have no food left , no fuel and no place to stay except for your car
Now what ?

Are you really better off ? :conf:

The idea is to have a BOL no more than 2 days from the city,by vehicle, the 3rd day of supplies is for insurance.And you dont wait for all hell to break loose before you leave either.

Keep in mind the interstates could shut down in a heartbeat. It would not take much.

Nothing to really debate here, You either keep aware for warning signs and have prepared to leave within a moments notice or you stay in the jungle and die. Really there is no other option. you can stock up and TRY to defend yourself, but your just putting off the inevitable. You could make (I would HOPE people would) make Plan B non-vehicle plans, but Im speaking of a Plan A.

20th September 2010, 05:47 PM
I agree, if and when it gets bad , you need to get out.

20th September 2010, 05:57 PM
Lets look at it this way. Heres the main causes of flight,

Economic collapse
Fear of Civil War

The second set of options are beyond your control

Nuclear Attack===Death
Natural Disaster Earthquake, Hurricane

Third set ,you wouldnt evacuate for
9/11 type event
non life threatening event .

All plans of evacuation are based on one thing, breakdown of society and lawlessness. If any of these events occur, one would have to make up their mind IF they are to take flight, or stay, and which plan to use. If a Nuclear event occurred, one would have to consider the route out and possibly the dangers of travel.If Economic collapse, you should have plenty of time to drive out, if you pay attention to the warning signs. Dont wait for little Johnny to get out of school at 3, that may be to late,YOU NEED to make a mustering point.Far fetched scenario here? I think not.

One last option is Foreign Invasion. doubtful but possible if coupled with one of the others.
if your in a major city, you are a target,period, think London Blitz or Stalingrad.
Make sure BOL or route isnt in Invasion path
Avoid contact with military, they may "recruit " you or impound your preps.

Avoid interstates and especially bridges as aircraft undoubtedly will be looking for targets.

20th September 2010, 06:10 PM
One last thing about city dwelling, Jugoslavia is a good example, G.O.D. can back my opinion here. if a civil war erupts or even a uprising, snipers make their lairs in all that rubble and abandoned buildings. They will shoot one of your party to stop or slow your groups advance,If one of your party is hit, but not killed it is a ruse,look at the wound from a distance ask the injured where he is, they will probably know, pour fire into that posistion while rescuing the wounded, do NOT rush to his aid!. Move in a zig zag pattern at all times when traveling open areas. Stay close to walls that match your clothing colors (dark or light) take turns according to size of frame traveling from one building to the other, snipers many time estimate your size and generally aim for the head. If your 6ft, and enter a building from one end,always let a shorter person exit first, that way a sniper if he fires on movement, will miss the target, and youll be aware of his presence. A note on this, many snipers let the first man pass and shoot the second. If a sniper is encountered, DO NOT try and "Snipe" him.If he is military, he has far better weaponry and much better training than anyone outside of another sniper has. Pour heavy fire into his general direction while you make your escape, he will then move. Lastly, Ethnic and religious groups tend to group together during civil wars. DO NOT trust anyone outside your own ,even if you know them. Once in the countryside,snipers can be less dangerous, stay out of range of taller barns and houses. If extremely heavy sniper weapons is encountered (.50) get in a ditch or other thick earthen barrier. these weapons are slow to reload and give away their position.he wont be there long.

21st September 2010, 02:43 AM
Would a completely outfitted, livable and cheap cargo van with no windows ( express, savana, econoline, awd Astro van ...) be a good plan for stealth dwelling with some mobility once the SHTF, assuming one leave the city at the very early stage. I am currently considering that option right now. both for cheap vacations and SHTF.

Something like this always ready and close by with extra jugs of fuel, extra water,roof mounted solar panels, seeds, tools and fully insulated walls,floor and roof...
Would double as a discrete prep container since my current condo is quite small...I would try to reach for the woods or the hills and using it as a mobile cabin in the wild hidden under the shade of a military camouflage tarp. the truck as is would blend in the urban environment as most american cities are flooded with these type of white trucks. they are also sturdy enough to push stalled vehicles out of the way without terminal damage.

Should a vehicle like this ( if it is a good idea...) be in storage near my city condo, or in storage outside the city ?

Your thoughts ?




http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSszbH0FZ9_JqopmWtL1JiRtO4J9kzG im3GQpRZE-Hrb7qdMM&t=1&usg=__tbXkYdlGI13L8qPn3uUyr5mKFXc=

Most definitely a good idea. out fit it with snow tires on the rear and load range E tires. They really dont have pushing power,these vehicles lack frames they are unibody construction. and do not have the strength of the old "G" vans. I would paint the van dark blue or black.as to somewhat match .GOV vehicles. White vehicles scream commercial and zombies may try to seize them. On the plus side, they are fairly fast for their size,and can haul heavy loads. Go for the 2500 or 3500 series. One other thing. If there is a river in your city, store the vehicle on the countryside of that river. Bridges are bottlenecks in evacuations.