View Full Version : Warning about going to the hospital......

22nd September 2010, 08:39 PM
When they take you in be sure that they take you in as a patient and not for "under observation"........as a patient your insurance will pay for most of it but as "under observation" you will pay about for 70% of the cost that could well be over $5,000 for one night.....when I went in yesterday they would not tell me which one I was going to be so that above my admission paper with my signature I wrote.........."NO OUT OF POCKET MONEY" plus I had them check with my insurance company for everything, including the MRI that by itself could cost $3,000..........they wanted me to sign some more paperwork when I came out but I did not do so.....the more paper work that they have from you the more in trouble that you can get into.

All that they have from me is that one with "NO OUT OF POCKET MONEY".........but of course I still have to pay the $150.00 for the room for one night.

22nd September 2010, 08:47 PM
You keep this up and there will be no money for free medical care for non-US residents.
How are we supposed to take care of them? cheapskate! :sarc:

22nd September 2010, 09:12 PM
Denying admissions and converting them to "observation" is the latest shell game being hoisted on the hospitals by the insurance plans. They are playing games using their over-complex book of rules to avoid paying for care. Our hospital has had to completely realign care and hire consultants to deal with this new game. I tell you it sickens me to see how much time, effort and expense is expended on jousting with the insurance companies rather than providing care. The only solution frankly is for this socialist healthcare system that promises for free what is extremely valuable service to collapse. It's it only way to discover the true market price of health care services. And with apologies to my socialist-collectivist readers who think health care must be provided to all regardless of cost, the sad truth is that price is the only true way to efficiently and fairly dispense health care resources. Yes I know, the poor will not get the same level of care as the affluent. Well, you will soon discover that when you distort the price-cost operator you make health care very inefficient and very overexpensive; so now everyone, rich and poor get nil care on a per-dollar basis.

22nd September 2010, 09:19 PM
An MRI costs $3000? Geewiz.

I agree with you mamboni. The trust cost is hidden therefore people don't care. If they had to pay the full cost out of their own pocket there would be uproar and prices would soon find a more realistic level. Socialism is designed to hide the true cost while bleeding the country dry. For a while the costs are thought to be defered to future generations but when servicing that deferement becomes unaffordable it all falls apart.

23rd September 2010, 05:31 AM
True cost of MRI should be under $1000, which is what I paid cash a while ago. There is the retail price, then the price that the ins. co actually pays.

23rd September 2010, 05:50 AM
i got an mri done at the hospital, $3,2000. had to do a second one, went to a private mri place, $1,625.

23rd September 2010, 05:52 AM
Matamoros Mexico an MRI sets you back $135.


23rd September 2010, 06:13 AM
Matamoros Mexico an MRI sets you back $135.


If I didn't have to get on a plane to get there, I'd use their services.

23rd September 2010, 06:32 AM
If I didn't have to get on a plane to get there, I'd use their services.

Greyhound delivers about a mile away in Brownsville.

23rd September 2010, 06:46 AM
That is interesting info!


Matamoros Mexico an MRI sets you back $135.


23rd September 2010, 07:06 AM
In the '60s a local town had a missing kid to look for. A private pilot I know went up with a spotter to find the kid. They spotted him, radioed in the location and then proceeded to crash (no idea why). After a week in the hospital the drug bill for the pilot came to $.25 and the room cost $70.

Just for cost comparison. This was what this country was like a mere 50 years ago. Insurance agents had a really hard time selling a health policy. There was no need for insurance.

23rd September 2010, 07:13 AM
In the '60s a local town had a missing kid to look for. A private pilot I know went up with a spotter to find the kid. They spotted him, radioed in the location and then proceeded to crash (no idea why). After a week in the hospital the drug bill for the pilot came to $.25 and the room cost $70.

Just for cost comparison. This was what this country was like a mere 50 years ago. Insurance agents had a really hard time selling a health policy. There was no need for insurance.

yeah, but in the 60's the people still used *money*.

Debt notes just don't go as far as real, hard money.

23rd September 2010, 07:22 AM
yeah, but in the 60's the people still used *money*.

Debt notes just don't go as far as real, hard money.

Exactly. Which is why the economic/healthcare system is going to continue to get progressively worse until the situation is corrected.

As a side benefit all those kids who suck down sodas continuously then require prozac to calm them down won't be able to afford the soda to begin with.

Twisted Titan
23rd September 2010, 07:35 AM
Denying admissions and converting them to "observation" is the latest shell game being hoisted on the hospitals by the insurance plans. They are playing games using their over-complex book of rules to avoid paying for care. Our hospital has had to completely realign care and hire consultants to deal with this new game. I tell you it sickens me to see how much time, effort and expense is expended on jousting with the insurance companies rather than providing care. The only solution frankly is for this socialist healthcare system that promises for free what is extremely valuable service to collapse. It's it only way to discover the true market price of health care services. And with apologies to my socialist-collectivist readers who think health care must be provided to all regardless of cost, the sad truth is that price is the only true way to efficiently and fairly dispense health care resources. Yes I know, the poor will not get the same level of care as the affluent. Well, you will soon discover that when you distort the price-cost operator you make health care very inefficient and very overexpensive; so now everyone, rich and poor get nil care on a per-dollar basis.

But that is not your problem or mines

And there was a time that poor were handled by the proper institutions The Church Run Charity Hospitals but the State has affectivley closed down each and every one on the abilty to render care based on need.

So we all forced to subsidize a unsistainble system.

23rd September 2010, 07:47 AM

Let the gringo goyim taxpayers worry about the cost.
