View Full Version : 9-11 MISSILE STRIKE Fired on PENTAGON from across Potomac

23rd September 2010, 09:03 AM

General of Darkness
23rd September 2010, 10:32 AM


23rd September 2010, 10:44 AM
That would explain the hole size in the Pentagon building. No way a 747 made a hole that small. But that 3,000lb missile would.

23rd September 2010, 10:47 AM
The news clip is so damning. There is no debris, no fuselage, no engines....

Hiding in plain site is an excellent tactic it seems.

23rd September 2010, 10:56 AM
This was blatantly obvious from day one, yet everyone chose to believe whatever the MSM reported with absolutely no questioning of the facts even though it was in plain sight. Brainwashed stupidity.

23rd September 2010, 10:58 AM
nuh-uh.. it was hijackers with boxcutters and a little cessna training :oo-->

23rd September 2010, 11:01 AM
nuh-uh.. it was hijackers with boxcutters and a little cessna training :oo-->

Beware the muslim wushu!


23rd September 2010, 11:01 AM
Curious footage of the AA 'missile' prior to launch. Wonder where that came from.

Either way, incredible video.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
23rd September 2010, 04:06 PM
I believe the Pentagon was a distraction from the destruction going on over at the Twin Towers along with adding credibility to the "war on terra." Add in the fact that the part of the Pentagon that was struck just so happened to be in the process of renovation and also housed the investigation into the missing $2.5 trillion....

23rd September 2010, 04:16 PM
Where did this footage come from?

23rd September 2010, 04:57 PM
Where did this footage come from?

Didn't mean to hit thank you (Not that I don't like your post) but I hit it by accident when I meant to hit Quote.

I've read that it was released by someone from http://disclose.tv

23rd September 2010, 04:59 PM
Building 7 and the pentagon site cannot be ignored forever

23rd September 2010, 06:51 PM
Building 7 and the pentagon site cannot be ignored forever

The 80% spectators are more than happy to go on like this forever. Did you forget the quote, "ignorance is bliss"?

23rd September 2010, 07:04 PM
Can anyone take a look for this video, hosted on a different site beside youtube? Youtube is blocked here...
If I knew the exact title of the video, I could search myself... hint hint.

23rd September 2010, 07:07 PM
Spread this video fast before it is removed!

23rd September 2010, 07:26 PM

23rd September 2010, 07:52 PM
Boy is that Ken O'Keefe on target!

24th September 2010, 01:24 AM
the lack of debris is the most obvious evidence of all.



random plane crash:


interesting satellite image from a few days before 911 (apparently lines up with the path of the missile, some kind of guidance system presumably):


Silver Shield
24th September 2010, 03:45 AM
I smell B.S.!
The video with the "missile" being fired looks more like pixilation than a rocket launch. I think it was from the wrong side of the Pentagon too.

The areial footage of the impact looks like fun with Adobe After effects especially since it dies not show the explosion with would be very hard to do and then could be compared to the news footage. The shot also looks to dark for that very sunny and beautiful day.

The security gate footage was release by.gov and does not show a 747 but a small ground hugging white streak and the massive explosion that definitely looks like a missile strike. All of the physical evidence on the site (how does a 140 ft wing span fit into a 15ft hole?) and lack there of (no tail sections, engines, or anything of a huge airplane)

Disinfo works like this, give enough for die hards to bite they then send it out to their friends saying "SEE!" and then .gov brings out the "experts" to discredit the paranoid and desperate conspiracy theorists.

This video will only be pulled if it is exposed to be a fraud. Dies the guy that posted it have any " the planes that hit the twin towers were holograms" videos?

I smell B.S.!

Another thing I do when watching things like this is to watch it with the volume off so the words don't influence the eyes...

24th September 2010, 04:27 AM




24th September 2010, 07:30 AM
Im with MNeagle......The missile painted as a commercial AA airliner is quite spooky.

I mean, who are the people posing for the picture? "Hi mom! Im posing next to a missile that is painted to look like an American commercial Airliner! I love my country! I love freedom!"

Anyway to confirm if this is real? Im going to search for more pics of that special 'missile'.

24th September 2010, 07:37 AM
A quick search on Google:









24th September 2010, 07:38 AM
I'm guessing these are drone aircraft?

24th September 2010, 07:50 AM

he "Pentagon Missile" hoax was created to discredit the idea of complicity for the political and military elites inside the Beltway. It doesn't really matter what grassroots dissidents think about the plane crash, since 9/11 "truthers" don't have much political or financial power over the way Washington works. The disinformation about Flight 77 deters those who have this power -- Congress, Wall Street, the Military, Media leaders, etc. -- from daring to speak out about problems with the 9/11 official story.

It is likely, but unprovable, that some form of remote control technology was used to steer Flight 77 into the nearly empty, recently reconstructed part of the Pentagon. Even an expert pilot substituted for flight school dropout and alleged terrorist Hani Hanjour would not have made the amazing flight pattern to minimize casualties on the ground by hitting the nearly empty part of the Pentagon. Whether or not remote control was used, the primary issues are:

- the CIA's "plane into building" exercise at the National Reconnaissance Office, immediately south of Dulles Airport as Flight 77 was taking off on its fatal flight
- the NORAD and Strategic Command war game exercises underway as 9/11 happened
- why the plane was not intercepted (even after the second tower was hit),
- how it hit the nearly empty part of the Pentagon
- why planes scrambled from Norfolk flew the wrong way (over the ocean) and were too late to protect the headquarters of the Trillion Dollar Air Force.

Lots of military people saw the plane and wreckage, and making the conspiracy dependent on the no plane hoax gets Bush and Cheney off the hook. The issue is not what the peons (us) think about these issues -- the real issue is what the military and civilian leadership in DC think about these issues. No plane speculations and hoaxes steer people away from real evidence of complicity such as how the plane was steered into the nearly empty part of the Pentagon and the role of the wargames in paralyzing the defense of Washington. Cui bono - who benefits? How long would Cheney and Bush be in office if the rest of the military thought that the PNAC gang allowed 9/11 to happen -- or deliberately flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon via some form of remote control?

The fact that "No Plane" is the cudgel being used against the 9/11 truth movement proves it is a counterproductive strategy for exposing real evidence of complicity. Whether these hoaxes are coming from deliberate disinformation agents, the aggressively naive, the gullible or the sloppy is not relevant, since the ONLY evidence for "no plane" is altered and misleading perspective photos.

"no plane" hoaxes discredit 9/11 "truth" and distract from evidence of complicity

"No plane at the Pentagon" has been the most popular hoax, and has been promoted the longest (since a few weeks after 9/11).

24th September 2010, 07:54 AM
"no plane" hoaxes discredit 9/11 "truth" and distract from evidence of complicity

Yeah I've seen this before, but where are the holes for the wings? Where is the wreckage of the plane? The engines, the landing gear, you know hardened metal that wouldn't just poof out of existence? Where's the tail section of the plane? A 757 is NOT a small plane. If flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon then where did it go?

24th September 2010, 08:13 AM

he "Pentagon Missile" hoax was created to discredit the idea of complicity for the political and military elites inside the Beltway. It doesn't really matter what grassroots dissidents think about the plane crash, since 9/11 "truthers" don't have much political or financial power over the way Washington works. The disinformation about Flight 77 deters those who have this power -- Congress, Wall Street, the Military, Media leaders, etc. -- from daring to speak out about problems with the 9/11 official story.

It is likely, but unprovable, that some form of remote control technology was used to steer Flight 77 into the nearly empty, recently reconstructed part of the Pentagon. Even an expert pilot substituted for flight school dropout and alleged terrorist Hani Hanjour would not have made the amazing flight pattern to minimize casualties on the ground by hitting the nearly empty part of the Pentagon. Whether or not remote control was used, the primary issues are:

- the CIA's "plane into building" exercise at the National Reconnaissance Office, immediately south of Dulles Airport as Flight 77 was taking off on its fatal flight
- the NORAD and Strategic Command war game exercises underway as 9/11 happened
- why the plane was not intercepted (even after the second tower was hit),
- how it hit the nearly empty part of the Pentagon
- why planes scrambled from Norfolk flew the wrong way (over the ocean) and were too late to protect the headquarters of the Trillion Dollar Air Force.

Lots of military people saw the plane and wreckage, and making the conspiracy dependent on the no plane hoax gets Bush and Cheney off the hook. The issue is not what the peons (us) think about these issues -- the real issue is what the military and civilian leadership in DC think about these issues. No plane speculations and hoaxes steer people away from real evidence of complicity such as how the plane was steered into the nearly empty part of the Pentagon and the role of the wargames in paralyzing the defense of Washington. Cui bono - who benefits? How long would Cheney and Bush be in office if the rest of the military thought that the PNAC gang allowed 9/11 to happen -- or deliberately flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon via some form of remote control?

The fact that "No Plane" is the cudgel being used against the 9/11 truth movement proves it is a counterproductive strategy for exposing real evidence of complicity. Whether these hoaxes are coming from deliberate disinformation agents, the aggressively naive, the gullible or the sloppy is not relevant, since the ONLY evidence for "no plane" is altered and misleading perspective photos.

"no plane" hoaxes discredit 9/11 "truth" and distract from evidence of complicity

"No plane at the Pentagon" has been the most popular hoax, and has been promoted the longest (since a few weeks after 9/11).

Completely ignoring the fact that the part of the pentagon hit by the drone/missile was the area with accounting records to the missing $2.3 trillion. I know, that fact is completely irrelevant and conveniently forgotten...

More Bush/Cheney = the bad guys while avoiding the Israeli/Shadow Bankster elements.

24th September 2010, 08:18 AM
If flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon then where did it go?

Check this out:

Flight 77 DID NOT fly on 9/11 (http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2009/07/aa-exposes-bushs-big-lie-flight-11-did.html)

24th September 2010, 08:26 AM
Completely ignoring the fact that the part of the pentagon hit by the drone/missile was the area with accounting records to the missing $2.3 trillion. I know, that fact is completely irrelevant and conveniently forgotten...

More Bush/Cheney = the bad guys while avoiding the Israeli/Shadow Bankster elements.

Well first off it was the Bush/Cheney (pentagon) people who had 'lost' the taxpayer's money so the fact seems to suggest the opposite of what you imply. And the security industry has certainly benefited from 9/11 and no managers were disciplined for its failure.

And even if you see opposite sides of a sort between US military and shadow bankers, I would expect it would be easier for a few Mossad agents to remote control a plane, than fire a missile and somehow make a loaded passenger plane disappear.

Perhaps this is relevant, it is just a paragraph below the end of my last quote in the post above:

Some websites try to make the issue of official complicity dependent on the "no plane" myth (some state there was complicity, others oppose the idea), but this is a red herring tactic. It is a big clue that the media efforts to discredit 9/11 skeptics focus on this claim (the absence of Flight 77) while ignoring evidence proven beyond reasonable doubt. Some probable disinformation efforts promoting hoaxes allegedly proving complicity focus on "no plane" and ignore other claims that actually have solid evidence (why the trillion dollar Air Force did not defend its headquarters).

24th September 2010, 09:15 AM
If flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon then where did it go?

Check this out:

Flight 77 DID NOT fly on 9/11 (http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2009/07/aa-exposes-bushs-big-lie-flight-11-did.html)


24th September 2010, 09:19 AM
If flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon then where did it go?

Check this out:

Flight 77 DID NOT fly on 9/11 (http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2009/07/aa-exposes-bushs-big-lie-flight-11-did.html)


Very interesting considering the wing span on that is equal to a 737 and it flew an automated mission from the US to Australia with only monitoring according to the site.

Could probably program that thing to think the impact point on the Pentagon was a runway landing strip. It lines up, accounts for obstructions, and starts its landing procedure.

24th September 2010, 05:46 PM
I watched it today, and I have seen some of that footage before. The second piece of footage in the video was out a long time ago.

26th September 2010, 07:46 AM
this is not a new video....there was like footage released soon after 911 and it was erased from the internet pretty quickly.....dont forget rumsfields freudian slip about " the missile that hit the pentagon"

COINCIDENTALLY the " plane" attack destroyed ALL the records of dov zackheim sending 2.3 TRILLION $
from the pentagon over to israel.

26th September 2010, 08:39 AM
COINCIDENTALLY the " plane" attack destroyed ALL the records of Dov Zackheim sending $2.3 TRILLION from the pentagon over to israel.


Jaw-dropping fact and nobody noticed. The goyim are idiots...lol.


26th September 2010, 11:57 AM
COINCIDENTALLY the " plane" attack destroyed ALL the records of Dov Zackheim sending $2.3 TRILLION from the pentagon over to israel.


Jaw-dropping fact and nobody noticed. The goyim are idiots...lol.


Ok, jaw-dropping fact, but how about some substantiation? Are we talking about 2.3 trillion missing that this individual was responsible for or are we talking about 2.3 trillion over many years and different administrations (or Pentagon appointees)?

Hatha Sunahara
26th September 2010, 12:47 PM
Why does everyone assume it was an American made missile? Why not a Russian cruise missile? Look at this video:


Fast forward to 5:25 into the video.

Then watch part 4, here: http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/44986/Dimitri_Khalezov___WTC_Nuclear_Demolition_4_26/

Khalezov thinks it was a Russian Granit cruise missile, stolen by 'freemasons' from the sunk Russian sub Kursk. Launched from a ship in the Atlantic, containing a disabled 500KT nuke. He thinks the freemasons did 911. A secret society that operates like a compartmentalized intelligence operation such as the CIA, but private and with members from all governments. He has a very interesting set of speculations, backed by facts and an iron logic about all of 911.

You can see all of his videos linked from here


911 was the pivotal event that changed the world into what it is today. If we don't understand what 911 really was, we are doomed to go down the road that 911 has taken us. So far, this is the best explanation of 911 I have yet seen. That is just IMHO.


26th September 2010, 08:23 PM
Khalezov thinks it was a Russian Granit cruise missile, stolen by 'freemasons' from the sunk Russian sub Kursk.... He thinks the freemasons did 911. A secret society that operates like a compartmentalized intelligence operation such as the CIA, but private and with members from all governments....

I am not a fan of unsubstantiated accusations.
But I wonder about the generations of Americans who were misled to assume many falsehoods regarding the law, and the government influenced by the Freemasons.
I can only speculate, without hard facts. But one thing that puzzles me - usury was condemned for over 3500 years - and the Knights Templar (allegedly the inspiration for the Freemasons) were involved in banking (usury).

If the Roman Catholic Church had banned usury, only releasing the ban in 1918 AD, what religious affiliation were those "knights"?
Such power must they have, to effectively trick millions of people.

27th September 2010, 01:27 AM
If flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon then where did it go?

Check this out:

Flight 77 DID NOT fly on 9/11 (http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2009/07/aa-exposes-bushs-big-lie-flight-11-did.html)

Sui Juris

Nothing but a waste of time, barking up the wrong tree again. American and United each lost a 757 & 767 that flew revenue on 9/11. Anyone that says otherwise is either wholy misguided or they themselves are intentionally throwing the curve ball.

15th November 2010, 07:07 PM
First time I have seen this.

A short animation with video and photos illustrating the final moments of Flight 77 on September 11, 2001.