View Full Version : Cartoon draws ire of Jewish group

the white rabbit
24th September 2010, 09:35 AM
September 21, 2010
Cartoon draws ire of Jewish group
By CBC News
CBC News
B'nai Brith Canada is asking an Ottawa-based newspaper to pull a political cartoon depicting the Star of David on the Parliament Buildings.
B'nai Brith Canada is asking an Ottawa-based newspaper to pull from its website a political cartoon that appears to depict the Star of David on the Parliament Buildings.

The Jewish community organization called the cartoon, which ran in the print edition of Le Droit and online at cyberpresse.ca, anti-Semitic propaganda. The group is also demanding an apology from the newspaper.

Frank Dimant, the executive vice-president of B'nai Brith Canada, said the caricature plays into a dangerous stereotype.

"The cartoon is disgusting," Dimant said. "It's the kind of classic cartoon that we saw through out the ages of Jews controlling government, Jews controlling banking institutions.

"It's a horrific cartoon. It's vile and it depicts an untruth."

The cartoon shows the front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, with what appears to be a Star of David on the clock face of the Peace Tower. At the gates of the hill is a road sign that warns of a slippery road ahead.

Long-time cartoonist Guy Badeaux, who signs his work under the alias Bado, said he never meant to offend anyone. He told CBC News that he never meant to draw a Star of David and was only trying to draw the clock in a simplified form.

The geometric pattern on the clock face includes lines that could make a Star of David.

The editor of Le Droit told CBC News on Tuesday that the paper is reviewing the situation and may respond later in the day.

Badeaux has been drawing political cartoons for Le Droit since 1981. His work was honoured last year by the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages as part of an exhibition about language politics in Canada.

In 2007, B'nai Brith also criticized a cartoon drawn by award-winning Montreal cartoonist Serge Chapleau from La Presse. The cartoon depicted the then leader of the Action Démocratique du Québec, Mario Dumont, with ear locks and an oversized black fur hat as a dig at his efforts to reach out to Montreal's Hasidic community.

24th September 2010, 09:51 AM
Maybe Mr. Dimant could enumerate which banks that are not being controlled be them.

3rd October 2010, 12:20 PM
Maybe Mr. Dimant could enumerate which banks that are not being controlled be them.

...or which Governments!

4th October 2010, 01:17 AM
sound of crickets chirping

4th October 2010, 05:17 AM
The poor Jews don't control anything. But if you offend them even unbeknowst to yourself, you lose your job and career. Rick Sanchez take note. Fancy that!

11th October 2010, 10:24 AM
I guess it never happened, cause the link in the OP doesn't work any longer...

11th October 2010, 10:52 AM
I found another link:

The funny thing is though, that there is a star of David in the real clock!

18th October 2010, 09:42 AM
"The cartoon is disgusting," Dimant said. "It's the kind of classic cartoon that we saw through out the ages of Jews controlling government

This is a very characteristic trait of the peoples of middle-eastern stock.

THEY mock and bully US, to which we react with patience, sportsmanship and good humor, but when WE return the least criticism of them or the tiniest fun-making in the form of cartoons, they go absolutely ape-shit.

Jews are Exhibit Number 1 in the Can-Dish-it-Out-but-Can't-Take-It file.

4th November 2010, 01:52 PM
I'm not trying to start a whole thing here, but just going on names alone, there are more Jewish names in the American banking institution than any other race. I mean that's just a simple statement of fact.

4th November 2010, 07:17 PM
Someone is being a tad melodramatic, don't ya think?

"The cartoon is disgusting"

- and -

"It's a horrific cartoon. It's vile and it depicts an untruth."

First of all, it's likely got some truth in it.

Second, it must have struck a nerve to respond that way. I mean "disgusting"? Not really, even if I were jewish I wouldn't think it is "disgusting". Then again, I consider myself mostly reasonable. And even more dramatic "Horrific"? Please tell me how anyone could be horrified by that cartoon, or any cartoon for that matter. Try again.

We should watch this cartoonists career and see how it fares after this. However, he did apologize, and say he meant no offense, so maybe that is enough?