View Full Version : Google Analytics

25th September 2010, 08:55 AM
Anyone know how to block or remove this annoying, and creepy, internet tracking software?

Recently, it has been popping up in my top right corner of my screen. I click on it, and it goes away, but pops back a few minutes later. I've read, it tracks my internet use and sends it to google.

Is that not an invasion of privacy? How do I kill this thing?

25th September 2010, 09:38 AM
I figured this out. I had installed ghostery (per wildcard's advise). I was actually blocking the tracking script, it was a notification window that was appearing. I changed the setting so I don't see it.

If you haven't already, install ghostery and block the tracking!!

26th September 2010, 07:44 AM
What I did is edit the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file and add www.google-analytics.com

so when my computer is directed to that site it actually goes nowhere.