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26th September 2010, 12:12 PM
The Real Reason Behind Generalizations.

It is entirely obvious to me that many, possibly most of the members of online forums who bring out the race card are actually govt shills trying to create divisions, discredit by association the true liberty lovers, and distract from the main historic messages about corruption and absolute power and control.

The main messages, the root causes, are so simple and so easily supported by historic facts and repeated examples throughout history that it is impossible for TPTB to attack the main themes of the freedom forums directly. So they turn to the symptom and distraction issues continously.

Why would anyone even want to mention the word Islam or the word Muslim? All religions have their fanatics and the vast majority of all members of most any religion rarely even practice of understand the religion in which they were born into. To mention the word Christian, Jew, Hindu or any large religious group is a complete distraction. Nobody knows what's deep in the heart and soul of every individual who happens to be a member of some religion and anyone who claims to know this must have an alterior motive. That motive is clearly to distract from the real issues of the day, issues which have always been the "issues of the day", the money, the power of a very small select number of criminals who, by the way, come from every religion.

Why would anyone mention the word black or the word white, or bring up the race card or the color of one's skin or eyes? Science has shown that color has very little to do with any behavior or distinctions in one's thought processes or morals but that environment, society and individual choices determine the path of individuals and communities at large. I have seen supposed "freedom forum members" talk about how once some people of color show up they ruin everything around them. But the reality is that everyone knows that the historic symptom issues stem from corruption, from money (or better stated the lack of it), from social evolutions and central power policies. Any large group of people who have been enslaved repeatedly in the past are of course going to be aware of what stigmas and difficulties they must face. Difficulties tend to make people lash out and to make the wrong decisions. No matter what color, the greater the difficulties an individual or community faces, the greater the downstream problems that result for them. You can look around the world and see how true this is. The real reason why the race card is played is to distract a conversation away from the blood root and over to the surface symptoms.

The MSM is now ready to extend the effort to discredit good ideas by way of association with the stupid ideas.

A recent article, "Racist messages pose quandary for mainstream sites" by Jesse Washington, (Ap National Writer – Sat Sep 25, 2010), reads: "...there is still much racial progress to be made in America".

The theory is that most people are racist at heart and are unable to understand truth and root causes, that most of these online forums are filled with nuts who are simply there to vent their frustrations and attack anyone that is not exactly like they are.

Everything and anything that can be used to distract the reader from the few simple truths about the evils of central banks, central govts, centralized taxes, regulations and wars is now used.

The members on this site who constantly harp the false symptom ideas know who they are and it is interesting to note how they flee from the debate when others counter-attack them. I had a counter-attack thread over on GIM1 that was intended to draw out responses from those who like to bash a particular religion and only one member came with an attempt to support their errant generalizations. This is because, IMO, most don't actually believe in these stupid distraction ideas but simply use them as a technique to distract from the root cause issues.

Those who spit out these counter-productive distractions don't really want to go into a debate about a particular symptom issue, because their true goal is: to discredit, confuse and clutter up the threads where members are actually onto or explaining the root causes and the primary mechansims of absolute control.

The evidence is spread all over the Internet, but can especially be seen between the years 2007 and 2010 at GIM1 where several members pushed this point and provided example after example of what was truly going on. The proof was beyond reproach.
I would provide the plethora of links to prove it once and for all, except for... ... well, nevermind.

26th September 2010, 12:57 PM

Funny Money, If I could thank you twice I would. There's No refuting the truth. 8)

26th September 2010, 12:57 PM
I would provide the plethora of links to prove it once and for all, except for... ... well, nevermind.

Please do.

If you want to widen the topic a bit, we could start to discuss genetics, and the information there in contained.

he theory is that most people are racist at heart and are unable to understand truth and root causes,

Genetics could be at the base of this?

Every body carries along with it information handed down by its ancestors. It could be concluded from the mass of evidence that the longer the mind is associated with its genetics the deeper it entrenches itself in its lineage of them.

Joe King
26th September 2010, 01:14 PM
Good article. Thanks for posting it.

This, in particular, instantly reminded me of a certain someone that used to grace our presence here. :D

Those who spit out these counter-productive distractions don't really want to go into a debate about a particular symptom issue, because their true goal is: to discredit, confuse and clutter up the threads where members are actually onto or explaining the root causes and the primary mechansims of absolute control.

General of Darkness
26th September 2010, 02:03 PM
Your point is in fact a distraction, because of what you're saying "To mention the word Christian, Jew, Hindu or any large religious group is a complete distraction". BULLSHIT. 95% of the Banks are RUN by JEWS, that is a fact, the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact. What you would like us to believe is that people who point out these facts are Government Agents and Shills. What your problem is, is that you're avoiding the 800 lb gorilla in the room and instead of you using the tried and true label of "racist" or "antishitmite" you're trying to be more subtle. Well I say fuck that, and you're full of it. Have a nice day. ;D

Hatha Sunahara
26th September 2010, 02:08 PM
Funny Money--you have gone half-way and ground to a halt. I'll take it the rest of the way for you.

The shills who raise the religion and race slanders do so to uncover the real haters--the ones who are not government shills, but sincerely believe the slanders presented by the shills. They identify them, and put them in a database. What use is made of this database I have no knowledge, but I would speculate that they will use it to manipulate these individuals, or to round them up for the gulags at some later date.

One thing it is important to observe in any public forum is who the shills are, and who they are trying to uncover, and why they derail real conversations. The shills are everywhere, and so are the irrational haters. Often it is difficult to tell them apart. But once you know what to look for, identifying them is fairly easy. Both types make it difficult to have a conversation you can learn something from. You have to pull back and observe their motivations and tactics. Learn from what they do--not what they say.


26th September 2010, 02:30 PM
the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact.

If you don't like them then why do you bother to carry their debt instruments in your pocket?

Joe King
26th September 2010, 02:32 PM
Your point is in fact a distraction, because of what you're saying "To mention the word Christian, Jew, Hindu or any large religious group is a complete distraction". BULLsh*t. 95% of the Banks are RUN by JEWS, that is a fact, the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact. What you would like us to believe is that people who point out these facts are Government Agents and Shills. What your problem is, is that you're avoiding the 800 lb gorilla in the room and instead of you using the tried and true label of "racist" or "antish*tmite" you're trying to be more subtle. Well I say f*ck that, and you're full of it. Have a nice day. ;D

If they really do "run everything", how did it actually get that way?

As much as I dislike how the entire monetary system is run, I've yet to see a banker of any religious beliefs hold a gun to anyones head to make them sign a loan application.

If they've been so disliked over the eons, why did people still do business with them?
Maybe it's just me, but if I needed lemonade and cupcakes and I honestly believed that this guy (http://www.giftbrand.com/img/prod/medium/M09-DG10530.jpg) was one of the people selling them, I'd either find someone else or make my own.

26th September 2010, 02:35 PM
the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact.

If you don't like them then why do you bother to carry their debt instruments in your pocket?

Legal Tender Laws. It's the system to access food, etc.

26th September 2010, 02:40 PM
Your point is in fact a distraction, because of what you're saying "To mention the word Christian, Jew, Hindu or any large religious group is a complete distraction". BULLsh*t. 95% of the Banks are RUN by JEWS, that is a fact, the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact. What you would like us to believe is that people who point out these facts are Government Agents and Shills. What your problem is, is that you're avoiding the 800 lb gorilla in the room and instead of you using the tried and true label of "racist" or "antish*tmite" you're trying to be more subtle. Well I say f*ck that, and you're full of it. Have a nice day. ;D

If they really do "run everything", how did it actually get that way?

As much as I dislike how the entire monetary system is run, I've yet to see a banker of any religious beliefs hold a gun to anyones head to make them sign a loan application.

If they've been so disliked over the eons, why did people still do business with them?
Maybe it's just me, but if I needed lemonade and cupcakes and I honestly believed that this guy (http://www.giftbrand.com/img/prod/medium/M09-DG10530.jpg) was one of the people selling them, I'd either find someone else or make my own.

Pretty simple, when you an exclusive franchise to create and distribute the world's Reserve Currency, you decide who gets credit and who does not...you pick the winners and the losers. Part of what gives it its power is forced taxation in said currency...Legal Tender Laws.

General of Darkness
26th September 2010, 02:58 PM
the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact.

If you don't like them then why do you bother to carry their debt instruments in your pocket?

Hitler did that, and the world came down on him. He who controls the money controls everything.

Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838: "Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws".

Joe King
26th September 2010, 02:58 PM
Your point is in fact a distraction, because of what you're saying "To mention the word Christian, Jew, Hindu or any large religious group is a complete distraction". BULLsh*t. 95% of the Banks are RUN by JEWS, that is a fact, the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact. What you would like us to believe is that people who point out these facts are Government Agents and Shills. What your problem is, is that you're avoiding the 800 lb gorilla in the room and instead of you using the tried and true label of "racist" or "antish*tmite" you're trying to be more subtle. Well I say f*ck that, and you're full of it. Have a nice day. ;D

If they really do "run everything", how did it actually get that way?

As much as I dislike how the entire monetary system is run, I've yet to see a banker of any religious beliefs hold a gun to anyones head to make them sign a loan application.

If they've been so disliked over the eons, why did people still do business with them?
Maybe it's just me, but if I needed lemonade and cupcakes and I honestly believed that this guy (http://www.giftbrand.com/img/prod/medium/M09-DG10530.jpg) was one of the people selling them, I'd either find someone else or make my own.

Pretty simple, when you an exclusive franchise to create and distribute the world's Reserve Currency, you decide who gets credit and who does not...you pick the winners and the losers. Part of what gives it its power is forced taxation in said currency...Legal Tender Laws.
I'm talking about further back than that.

Doesn't this whole banking cartel thing go back at leask 400 years?

Why did people choose, over time, to predominantly do business with them, thereby allowing them to grow to the point of being able to create that franchise over the World Reserve Currency that you speak of?

26th September 2010, 03:00 PM
Your point is in fact a distraction, ... 95% of the Banks are RUN by JEWS, that is a fact, the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact. .....

Another lie, and another distraction.

What Jews? There are no Jews owning those institutions. I read those 10 rules the Jews claim God gave them. It says right there, "no stealing and no murder." Exactly how are those criminals actually Jews if they don't even follow their own stated most important rules?

Get a grip, General, you don't know who the owner of the money is and you don't know what their true religious belief is either. Have you spoken with the owner of the money? I would be a little more careful how you judge large groups of people if I were you. Your attempt to associate a handful of criminals with millions of people at large is not only a complete lie, it is also a total distraction from getting at the complete truth.

General of Darkness
26th September 2010, 03:04 PM
I'm talking about further back than that.

Doesn't this whole banking cartel thing go back at leask 400 years?

Why did people choose, over time, to predominantly do business with them, thereby allowing them to grow to the point of being able to create that franchise over the World Reserve Currency that you speak of?

Well why do you think that the most "self proclaimed persecuted" tribe on the planet have been thrown out of every country on the planet? They are way over due for a pogrom, and I suspect as the world sinks further into global recession we start seeing the tribe get their just deserts. ;)

General of Darkness
26th September 2010, 03:08 PM
Your point is in fact a distraction, ... 95% of the Banks are RUN by JEWS, that is a fact, the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact. .....

Another false lie, and another distraction.

What Jews? There are no Jews owning those institutions. I read those 10 rules the Jews claim God gave them. It says right there, "no stealing and no murder." Exactly how are those criminals actually Jews if they don't even follow their own stated most important rules?

Get a grip, General, you don't know who the owner of the money is and you don't know what their true religious belief is either. Have you spoken with the owner of the money? I would be a little more careful how you judge large groups of people if I were you. Your attempt to associate a handful of criminals with millions of people at large is not only a complete lie, it is also a total distraction from getting at the complete truth.

Look I don't mind being called names, but being called a LIAR is something I won't stand for.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Zionist Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head:

$1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin.

$2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.

$3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.

$4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.

$5. Lehman Brothers of NY.

$6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express).

$7. Goldman, Sachs of NY.

$8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders).

$9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).


1791-1811: Rothschilds' First Bank of the United States.

1816-1836: Rothschilds' Second Bank of the United States.

1837-1862: Free Banking Era - no formal Central Bank through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson.

1862-1913: System of National Banks through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson.

1913-Current: Federal Reserve Act effects a consortium of privately held Jewish & associated banks called the Federal Reserve Bank. The largest shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank are the Rothschilds of London holding 57% of the stock which is not available for public trading.

On May 23 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought impeachment charges against the members of the Federal Reserve Bank. A smear campaign against McFadden ensued and he was poisoned 3 years later.


Here are the Jews that control the government of America:

1) Ben Shalom Bernanke: Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2020.

2) Donald L. Kohn: Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2016.

3) Randall S. Kroszner: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.

4) Frederic S. Mishkin: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2014.

5) Alan Greenspan: Advisor to Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Recent Chairman.

26th September 2010, 03:08 PM
Doesn't this whole banking cartel thing go back at leask 400 years?

Why did people choose, over time, to predominantly do business with them, thereby allowing them to grow to the point of being able to create that franchise over the World Reserve Currency that you speak of?

The people have morals to themselves (their kind), a wandering Jew doesn't.

They were chosen (you have to forgive them that)

If you don't, your basically wanting the people (or your people) to lower their moral values to take advantage of their own kind.

26th September 2010, 03:25 PM

The facts remain the same, if you claim those are the owners of the money then they certainly are not Jews. To be a Jew an individual must follow those 10 rules, more important than anything else. They claim those rules came from their God, that they are the word of God, and are more important than anything else. So exactly how are those criminals Jews?

There actually may be some Jews who follow those 10 rules, down to the very letter, by association you have attempted to group them with criminals and judge them.

You lie by calling those criminals "Jews" and you negate the importance of those 10 rules as part of that religion for anyone else who might actually want to live by those rules, which in itself is another lie. Two lies do not iron out into a truth, two lies are simply 2 lies. You make a very poor General and your followers would be well advised to put their trust in places other than their fellow man.

26th September 2010, 03:26 PM
Your point is in fact a distraction, because of what you're saying "To mention the word Christian, Jew, Hindu or any large religious group is a complete distraction". BULLsh*t. 95% of the Banks are RUN by JEWS, that is a fact, the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact. What you would like us to believe is that people who point out these facts are Government Agents and Shills. What your problem is, is that you're avoiding the 800 lb gorilla in the room and instead of you using the tried and true label of "racist" or "antish*tmite" you're trying to be more subtle. Well I say f*ck that, and you're full of it. Have a nice day. ;D

If they really do "run everything", how did it actually get that way?

As much as I dislike how the entire monetary system is run, I've yet to see a banker of any religious beliefs hold a gun to anyones head to make them sign a loan application.

If they've been so disliked over the eons, why did people still do business with them?
Maybe it's just me, but if I needed lemonade and cupcakes and I honestly believed that this guy (http://www.giftbrand.com/img/prod/medium/M09-DG10530.jpg) was one of the people selling them, I'd either find someone else or make my own.

Pretty simple, when you an exclusive franchise to create and distribute the world's Reserve Currency, you decide who gets credit and who does not...you pick the winners and the losers. Part of what gives it its power is forced taxation in said currency...Legal Tender Laws.
I'm talking about further back than that.

Doesn't this whole banking cartel thing go back at leask 400 years?

Why did people choose, over time, to predominantly do business with them, thereby allowing them to grow to the point of being able to create that franchise over the World Reserve Currency that you speak of?

People didn't choose to do business with them...it was forced, by war and the threat of war. By Colonialism and conquest...use our money or starve, or we will kill you. It's all built on the gains of the past. It wasn't built on a handshake.

26th September 2010, 03:28 PM
Gen How dare you post those facts,that isnt what people want to hear :oo-->

26th September 2010, 03:29 PM
Your point is in fact a distraction, ... 95% of the Banks are RUN by JEWS, that is a fact, the Federal Reserve is run by JEWS, another fact. .....

Another lie, and another distraction.

What Jews? There are no Jews owning those institutions. I read those 10 rules the Jews claim God gave them. It says right there, "no stealing and no murder." Exactly how are those criminals actually Jews if they don't even follow their own stated most important rules?

Get a grip, General, you don't know who the owner of the money is and you don't know what their true religious belief is either. Have you spoken with the owner of the money? I would be a little more careful how you judge large groups of people if I were you. Your attempt to associate a handful of criminals with millions of people at large is not only a complete lie, it is also a total distraction from getting at the complete truth.

The only Fed bank that counts is the New York Fed and it is totally controlled by Jews. Jews own all the major banking systems and their racism is what makes them the dominate culture.

26th September 2010, 03:30 PM
Gen How dare you post those facts,that isnt what people want to hear :oo-->

They are false facts, he used the word Jew and by definition those people CAN NOT BE Jews...

To be a Jew an individual must follow those 10 rules, more important than anything else. They claim those rules came from their God, that they are the word of God, and are more important than anything else. So exactly how are those criminals Jews?

There actually may be some Jews who follow those 10 rules, down to the very letter, by association you have attempted to group them with criminals and judge them.

You lie by calling those criminals "Jews" and you negate the importance of those 10 rules as part of that religion for anyone else who might actually want to live by those rules, which in itself is another lie. Two lies do not iron out into a truth, two lies are simply 2 lies. The dark general makes a very poor General and followers would be well advised to put their trust in places other than their fellow man.

26th September 2010, 03:31 PM

The facts remain the same, if you claim those are the owners of the money then they certainly are not Jews. To be a Jew an individual must follow those 10 rules, more important than anything else. They claim those rules came from their God, that they are the word of God, and are more important than anything else. So exactly how are those criminals Jews?

There actually may be some Jews who follow those 10 rules, down to the very letter, by association you have attempted to group them with criminals and judge them.

You lie by calling those criminals "Jews" and you negate the importance of those 10 rules as part of that religion for anyone else who might actually want to live by those rules, which in itself is another lie. Two lies do not iron out into a truth, two lies are simply 2 lies. You make a very poor General and your followers would be well advised to put their trust in places other than their fellow man.

No, your a Liar. period. Your argument is about the religion of Judaism, not the ethnic end of it. Your trying to twist the facts and subdivide their race. If being a Jew is only a religion, then the State of Israel has no right do exist, dont you agree?

26th September 2010, 03:31 PM

The facts remain the same, if you claim those are the owners of the money then they certainly are not Jews. To be a Jew an individual must follow those 10 rules, more important than anything else. They claim those rules came from their God, that they are the word of God, and are more important than anything else. So exactly how are those criminals Jews?

There actually may be some Jews who follow those 10 rules, down to the very letter, by association you have attempted to group them with criminals and judge them.

You lie by calling those criminals "Jews" and you negate the importance of those 10 rules as part of that religion for anyone else who might actually want to live by those rules, which in itself is another lie. Two lies do not iron out into a truth, two lies are simply 2 lies. You make a very poor General and your followers would be well advised to put their trust in places other than their fellow man.

The ten rules are for men and Jews believe that only Jews are men, all the rest are cattle called goyim.

26th September 2010, 03:33 PM
Modern example...Iraq. Do you think Iraq is voluntarily using the Dollar system?

26th September 2010, 03:35 PM
Legal Tender Laws. It's the system to access food, etc.

No doubt but my policy is not to accept them and I seem to be doing ok. I refuse to personally be sucked into a fraudulent system that enslaves the next dozen or more generations.

26th September 2010, 03:37 PM
The ten rules are for men and Jews believe that only Jews are men, all the rest are cattle called goyim.

Where in those 10 rules does it say that? Are we going to debate the definiation of the word "is". I read the rules that they constantly preach already. The addendum you posted is not to be found in those ten rules.

The fact is they claim 10 rules came from God and are exactly God's word and the most important way to live one's life. So to go completely against their own God, how exactly do they remain Jews? They do not. Criminals are criminals, to associate them with some group that puts those 10 rules up for everyone to see and follow is a lie. You can not have it both ways.

26th September 2010, 03:38 PM
"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws".

What is your Nation? What is your Nations money? My Nation is Iowa. Its money is called specie.

26th September 2010, 03:38 PM
Doesn't this whole banking cartel thing go back at leask 400 years?

Why did people choose, over time, to predominantly do business with them, thereby allowing them to grow to the point of being able to create that franchise over the World Reserve Currency that you speak of?

The people have morals to themselves (their kind), a wandering Jew doesn't.

They were chosen (you have to forgive them that)

If you don't, your basically wanting the people (or your people) to lower their moral values to take advantage of their own kind.

My bible says my people are the chosen, because it's my bible.

26th September 2010, 03:40 PM
Legal Tender Laws. It's the system to access food, etc.

No doubt but my policy is not to accept them and I seem to be doing ok. I refuse to personally be sucked into a fraudulent system that enslaves the next dozen or more generations.

You don't use FRN's at all, ever...and you live in the US?

26th September 2010, 03:41 PM
The ten rules are for men and Jews believe that only Jews are men, all the rest are cattle called goyim.

Where in those 10 rules does it say that? Are we going to debate the definiation of the word "is". I read the rules that they constantly preach already. The addendum you posted is not to be found in those ten rules.

The fact is they claim 10 rules came from God and are exactly God's word and the most important way to live one's life. So to go completely against their own God, how exactly do they remain Jews? They do not. Criminals are criminals, to associate them with some group that puts those 10 rules up for everyone to see and follow is a lie. You can not have it both ways.

The Jews have it both ways, because the goyim are an inferior species (says the Jew) and not men.

26th September 2010, 03:46 PM
The Jews have it both ways, because the goyim are an inferior species (says the Jew) and not men.

If someone says that and claims to be a Jew then they are not and instead are likely a criminal. I read the rules...

1. The definition you provided is not in the rules.
2. They claim the rules came from God.
3. They claim the rules are the absolute most important way to live.

I don't see any wiggle room. The rationalization of murder or theft is still simply a rationalization, it does not negate the crime.

26th September 2010, 03:49 PM
The ruling allows gentiles who receive non-Orthodox training in Israel, but convert abroad, to qualify as Jews and therefore become Israeli citizens.


26th September 2010, 03:51 PM
The Jews have it both ways, because the goyim are an inferior species (says the Jew) and not men.

If someone says that and claims to be a Jew then they are not and instead are likely a criminal. I read the rules...

1. The definition you provided is not in the rules.
2. They claim the rules came from God.
3. They claim the rules are the absolute most important way to live.

I don't see any wiggle room. The rationalization of murder or theft is still simply a rationalization, it does not negate the crime.

The Old testament is a small part of the Jewish rule set.


Robbery, Stealing, Murder —
Approved Against Gentiles

The "chief repository of the criminal law of the Talmud" (together with Makkoth or "beatings") is the book of Sanhedin (See Exhibit 43). The non-human status of the non-Jew so far as legal or human rights are concerned is reiterated in Sanhedrin 57a. (See Exhibit 57)

A footnote explains that the Talmudist censor inserted the word "Cuthean" in the text for the word goy or Gentile, thus deceiving a possible non-Jewish reader as to the real meaning.

To quote: (Exhibit 57):
"With respect to robbery — if one stole or robbed [Footnote: "by secret stealing or by open violence"] or seized a beautiful woman, or committed similar offenses, if these were perpetrated by one Cuthean against another, the theft, etc., must not be kept, and likewise the theft of an Israelite by a Cuthean, but that of a Cuthean by an Israelite may be retained."

Sufficient filler is then inserted in the footnotes to confuse the "goy" reader, with a reference to the footnote concerning Baba Kamma 37b (See Exhibit 39). There, the false supposition that non-Jews have no "laws of social justice" is said to justify an inhuman standard of immorality taught by the "ox-goring" Talmud reference previously mentioned herein, a standard repeated elsewhere throughout the whole Talmud.

On murder of Gentiles (Exhibit 57):
"For murder, whether of a Cuthean by a Cuthean or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred: but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty."

The same doctrine abides throughout the whole Talmud. Glancing at the Jewish Encyclopedia section on "Gentiles" we see that Rabbi Simon ben Yohai's edict is: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed."

Elsewhere, three and a half large pages are devoted to this Rabbi, whose black magic voodoo is venerated by the Cabalists in Talmudism. (See Jewish Encyclopedia under "Simeon ben Yohai.")
Cheating A Gentile Out Of Wages

Exhibit 58 reproduces other Talmudic "religious" teachings about Gentiles. Applying it to "withholding of a laborer's wage. One Cuthean from another, or a Cuthean from an Israelite is forbidden, but an Israelite from a Cuthean is permitted," says the Talmud text.

Illustrating the twisted and tortured thinking of the Talmud "sages" a footnote states:
"This only borders on a robbery, for actual robbery means depriving a person of what he already possesses."

So, if a laborer never gets his wages, he cannot be robbed of what he never received! The "shyster mind" at work!
Sodomy and Killing a Gentile

Sanhednn 58b of the Talmud (Exhibit 59) states that sodomy or: "Unnatural connection is permitted to a Jew" and permits sodomy with a "neighbor's wife."

It also teaches that "If a heathen smites a Jew he is worthy of death." Then follows: "Rabbi Hanina also said: 'He who smites an Israelite on the jaw, is as though he had thus assaulted the Divine Presence.'"

By turning one word into another, and without rhyme or reason picking out a verse in Proverbs 20:25 ("It is a snare to the man who devoureth that which is holy …"), the precept is somehow then evolved that "One who smiteth man — that is an Israelite — attacketh the Holy One."

Throughout the Talmud it is basic Pharisee teaching that only Pharisee Jews are "men."
Kill the Gentile Who Studies the Torah

"A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death … it is our inheritance, not theirs … he is as guilty as one who violates a bethrothed maiden." (See Exhibit 60) This is sound Talmudic thinking, since knowledge of the anti-human criminality of the Talmud Torah must inevitably put non-Jews on their guard. The footnote explains (Exhibit 60):
"This seems a very strong expression … it is suggested that Rabbi Johanan feared the knowledge of Gentiles in matters of Jurisprudence, as they would use it against the Jews in their opponents' courts … the Talmud places R. [page 21] Johanan's dictum … immediately after the passage dealing with the setting up of law courts by Gentiles."

It is further explained that study of the Oral Law (Talmud) is what is feared and that the same R. Johanan said "God's covenant with Israel was only for the sake of the Oral Law [ie. Talmud]."
Accidental Killing of Jews

The overall Talmudic philosophy is that killing Gentiles is no more serious than merely killing wild animals.

Suppose, however, a Jew intends killing a Gentile, and accidently kills a Jew? Is he criminally liable? By Talmud standards the attempt to kill a Gentile so "sanctifies" a Jew that if he kills another "human," or Jew, in the attempt, the sin is washed away and there is no penalty.

The core of a long harangue in Sanhedrin, 78b-79a, is that if a Jew "intended killing … a heathen and he killed an Israelite … he is not liable." (See the Mishnah, Exhibit 90). After typical twaddle, this is repeated in the Gemara. (See Exhibit 91)

However (same Exhibit), if he intended killing one Israelite and killed another, he is liable.

On the next page of Sanhedrin (Exhibit 91) and weighing the "purity" of the killer's heart, it states if a Jew "threw a stone into a company of Israelites and heathens … . Shall we say the company consisted of nine heathens and one Israelite … his non-liability can be inferred from the fact that the majority were heathens … even if half and half … Since … we do not know whether he aimed at an Israelite or a heathen … he is not liable."

A footnote confirms that this "verse under discussion teaches that the murderer is not liable."

The American public has been drenched with propaganda concerning "brotherhood" between Christians and Jews, and Jew and non-Jew. Such propaganda could never be effective if the true nature of Talmudic Judaism were known.

Stop Making Cents
26th September 2010, 03:56 PM
members of online forums who bring out the race card are actually govt shills trying to create divisions, discredit by association the true liberty lovers, and distract from the main historic messages about corruption and absolute power and control.

The only one spewing propoganda is people who write drivel such as this. The only ones who create division and animosity are those that force "diversity" down our throats.

We never asked, or wanted, to have our nation flooded with Third World scum, yet the powers that be decided to do it anyway. Yet when we complain about it, you accuse us of being the ones that are creating division. What a sick, sick f*cking joke.

26th September 2010, 03:58 PM
I make a distinction between trust in man and trust in God.

When a group of religious people claim that certain rules come from God, then those certainly must take priority. Everything you have posted was written by men. Do those men claim to be on the same level as God? Do they claim that their writings and rules have the same importance as the rules that they admit they believe came from God?

Men can say whatever they want to. You do not know what is in the heart and soul of an individual. Certainly many will follow false ideas and false leaders, but I imagine there will be at least a few who recognize the distinction between following what they claim is the word of God and what was written by men thousands of years later.

To tell us that all individuals of a certain group follow things the way you believe they do is a lie. You can not know that for certain.

Stop Making Cents
26th September 2010, 03:58 PM
Science has shown that color has very little to do with any behavior or distinctions in one's thought processes or morals

This too is blatantly false. Every study has proven that IQ is largely based upon race. Every study proves that blacks are much more prone to commit violent acts. But anti-racists have declared any and all debate on the subject of race to be taboo and pure blasphemy, so we live in a fantasy world where skin color is the only difference in the races.. :oo-->

26th September 2010, 04:05 PM
Gen How dare you post those facts,that isnt what people want to hear :oo-->

They are false facts, he used the word Jew and by definition those people CAN NOT BE Jews...

To be a Jew an individual must follow those 10 rules, more important than anything else. They claim those rules came from their God, that they are the word of God, and are more important than anything else. So exactly how are those criminals Jews?

There actually may be some Jews who follow those 10 rules, down to the very letter, by association you have attempted to group them with criminals and judge them.

You lie by calling those criminals "Jews" and you negate the importance of those 10 rules as part of that religion for anyone else who might actually want to live by those rules, which in itself is another lie. Two lies do not iron out into a truth, two lies are simply 2 lies. The dark general makes a very poor General and followers would be well advised to put their trust in places other than their fellow man.

Instead of calling people who are telling the truth, liars, I suggest you should study the Jews book the Talmud.

26th September 2010, 04:05 PM
Maybe it's just me, but if I needed lemonade and cupcakes and I honestly believed that this guy (http://www.giftbrand.com/img/prod/medium/M09-DG10530.jpg) was one of the people selling them, I'd either find someone else or make my own.


You really mean this guy:

26th September 2010, 04:09 PM
I make a distinction between trust in man and trust in God.

When a group of religious people claim that certain rules come from God, then those certainly must take priority. Everything you have posted was written by men. Do those men claim to be on the same level as God? Do they claim that their writings and rules have the same importance as the rules that they admit they believe came from God?

Men can say whatever they want to. You do not know what is in the heart and soul of an individual. Certainly many will follow false ideas and false leaders, but I imagine there will be at least a few who recognize the distinction between following what they claim is the word of God and what was written by men thousands of years later.

To tell us that all individuals of a certain group follow things the way you believe they do is a lie. You can not know that for certain.

We know the Jew by his deeds and that betrays his thoughts. He is a liar.

26th September 2010, 04:11 PM
Instead of calling people who are telling the truth, liars, I suggest you should study the Jews book the Talmud.

What for? They claim they have 10 rules, that those are the MOST IMPORTANT rules to live by, and that those 10 rules came from God. They admit it.

Once you arrive at something which is contrary to those 10 rules, then you have arrived at something which is false and should be thrown out.

There are 10 rules from God, they claim. No exceptions came from God during the delivery of the 10 rules, according to their story. Anything or anyone that goes against those can no longer retain membership and may possibly even be criminal.

Why does it have to me more complicated than that?

I make a distinction between trust in man and trust in God.

26th September 2010, 04:13 PM
To mention the word Christian, Jew, Hindu or any large religious group is a complete distraction.




Yeah...these nice Amish-looking people are only a distraction and have no control whatsoever.


26th September 2010, 04:16 PM
The Torah expresses regulations against the charging of interest in the Exodus 22:25-27, Leviticus 25:36-37 and Deuteronomy 23:20-21

Given that the Torah is one of the Jewish holy books, any Jew involved in lending money (see the entire fed new york board) cannot be fulfilling his faith. Bit like claiming to be a Christian while having sex with your neighbour's wife. you can still claim to be christian, but it's a hollow claim.

26th September 2010, 04:21 PM
You don't use FRN's at all, ever..

I don't use them. I don't own them. I have never owned any in my life. Do you think you own any? If you use them then to what end? Ownership is not transfered with anything purchased with them.

.and you live in the US?
No one lives in the US. How do you live in a corporation? I am located in Iowa, one of the several States united, and a constitutional restriction is that we make nothing but gold or silver a tender of payment. This is a contractual requirement and so must not be violated. My personal policy is to observe this restriction.

26th September 2010, 04:21 PM




Is it rude and a distraction to notice all these "Amish" people in control?


26th September 2010, 04:25 PM
You don't use FRN's at all, ever..

I don't use them. I don't own them. I have never owned any in my life. Do you think you own any? If you use them then to what end? Ownership is not transfered with anything purchased with them.

.and you live in the US?
No one lives in the US. How do you live in a corporation? I am located in Iowa, one of the several States united, and a constitutional restriction is that we make nothing but gold or silver a tender of payment. This is a contractual requirement and so must not be violated. My personal policy is to observe this restriction.

So you live in your state,and have NEVER used FRNs for payment of anything? I admire your principles,but these statements sound almost impossible unless you have lived in a community your entire life that uses Silver and Gold for exchanges.

26th September 2010, 04:27 PM
.... but it's a hollow claim.

I always wondered how some people believe you can be a priest and a child molester - all at the same time.
I always wondered how people believe you can be an honest businessman and a theif - all at the same time.
I always wondered how the farmer who honestly trades some chickens to a farmer down the road for some sacks of corn to be delivered once harvest is over can be grouped into the same category as the promoters of usury.

I wondered about all these things until I realized that people do fall into different groups - those individuals who make every effort to do good and those who want to be criminals.

26th September 2010, 04:37 PM

Except this one!

26th September 2010, 04:38 PM
So you live in your state,and have NEVER used FRNs for payment of anything?
No FRN has ever been used for payment of anything. EVER!!! This is basic. If it is impossible to use a FRN to pay for anything why would I ever suggest that I have done the impossible and actually used a FRN to pay for SOMETHING?

I admire your principles,but these statements sound almost impossible unless you have lived in a community your entire life that uses Silver and Gold for exchanges.
Cujusque rei potissima pars principium est. The principal part of everything is the beginning. How large of a community do you require?

26th September 2010, 04:39 PM
Instead of calling people who are telling the truth, liars, I suggest you should study the Jews book the Talmud.

What for? They claim they have 10 rules, that those are the MOST IMPORTANT rules to live by, and that those 10 rules came from God. They admit it.

Once you arrive at something which is contrary to those 10 rules, then you have arrived at something which is false and should be thrown out.

There are 10 rules from God, they claim. No exceptions came from God during the delivery of the 10 rules, according to their story. Anything or anyone that goes against those can no longer retain membership and may possibly even be criminal.

Why does it have to me more complicated than that?

I make a distinction between trust in man and trust in God.

They only honor the ten rules in their dealings with other Jews, so unless you are a Jew, you had best revise your outlook in dealing with Jews.

When it comes to God, there is a great chapter "How odd of God" (to chose the Jews).

26th September 2010, 04:39 PM
The Torah expresses regulations against the charging of interest in the Exodus 22:25-27, Leviticus 25:36-37 and Deuteronomy 23:20-21

Given that the Torah is one of the Jewish holy books, any Jew involved in lending money (see the entire fed new york board) cannot be fulfilling his faith. Bit like claiming to be a Christian while having sex with your neighbour's wife. you can still claim to be christian, but it's a hollow claim.

Don't forget Ezekiel 18:13.

"He lends at usury and takes excessive interest. Will such a man live? He will not! Because he has done all these detestable things, he will surely be put to death and his blood will be on his own head."

26th September 2010, 04:40 PM
FM has done a pretty good job of laying it out for everyone without coming out and saying it. FM is also correct that a group of people, be it religious, political, etc can not be lumped together in a group hive mentality. Do all rep or dems agree within their ranks agree on everything all of the time?

26th September 2010, 04:42 PM
I wondered about all these things until I realized that people do fall into different groups - those individuals who make every effort to do good and those who want to be criminals.

a bit like when i've met good people, it's irrelevant whether they're religious or not. i meet christians who seem to be good people, and i'm sure they'd be the same whether they were christian or not.

26th September 2010, 04:46 PM
The Torah expresses regulations against the charging of interest in the Exodus 22:25-27, Leviticus 25:36-37 and Deuteronomy 23:20-21

Given that the Torah is one of the Jewish holy books, any Jew involved in lending money (see the entire fed new york board) cannot be fulfilling his faith. Bit like claiming to be a Christian while having sex with your neighbour's wife. you can still claim to be christian, but it's a hollow claim.

You all seem to be unaware of the Jews ability to rip off the goyim, while giving aid and comfort to their own. They just can't charge interest on loans to other Jews, to be compliant with their creed.

26th September 2010, 04:47 PM
So you live in your state,and have NEVER used FRNs for payment of anything?
No FRN has ever been used for payment of anything. EVER!!! This is basic. If it is impossible to use a FRN to pay for anything why would I ever suggest that I have done the impossible and actually used a FRN to pay for SOMETHING?

I admire your principles,but these statements sound almost impossible unless you have lived in a community your entire life that uses Silver and Gold for exchanges.
Cujusque rei potissima pars principium est. The principal part of everything is the beginning. How large of a community do you require?

Your speaking in riddles,i understand what your driving at.let me be more direct, have you ever went to the grocery store and got anything without shoplifting and not pay with silver or gold?

General of Darkness
26th September 2010, 04:47 PM
FM has done a pretty good job of laying it out for everyone without coming out and saying it. FM is also correct that a group of people, be it religious, political, etc can not be lumped together in a group hive mentality. Do all rep or dems agree within their ranks on everything all of the time?

I remember FunnyMoney from GIM. He was full of shit then, and full of shit now, and so are you. Every damn criticism of the jew I've made has been the truth, and what do you and that cock holster provide, NOTHING. Do you hear me NOTHING in defense. You bring a bullshit strawman argument, and you have the nerve to think we won't see it for what it is.

How can you possibly defend a people that have no HONOR, no CHIVALRY, no KULTURA? You fucks make me sick.

26th September 2010, 04:50 PM
Again I reiterate,FM is trying to distinguish the religion of Judaism and the actual Jews themselves. Sorry FM, It isnt holding water. They cant claim they need a homeland for their people and just be a religion.Also if they were just a religion, they wouldnt have gotten sorted out so many times in history.

26th September 2010, 04:50 PM
You all seem to be unaware of the Jews ability to rip off the goyim, while giving aid and comfort to their own. They just can't charge interest on loans to other Jews, to be compliant with their creed.

Exodus 22:25-27

25 "If you lend money to My people—to the poor person among you, you must not be like a moneylender to him; you must not charge him interest. (A)

26 "If you ever take your neighbor's cloak as collateral, return it to him before sunset. 27 For it is his only covering; it is the clothing for his body. [a] What will he sleep in? And if he cries out to Me, I will listen because I am compassionate.

that's from the torah. apparently. i make no claim to religious expertise.

26th September 2010, 04:53 PM
but then:

Deuteronomy 23:20-21 (New International Version)

You may charge a foreigner interest, but not a brother Israelite, so that the LORD your God may bless you in everything you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess.

so depending on your biblical quote, you can prove either case. sounds like the bible.

26th September 2010, 05:01 PM
FM has done a pretty good job of laying it out for everyone without coming out and saying it. FM is also correct that a group of people, be it religious, political, etc can not be lumped together in a group hive mentality. Do all rep or dems agree within their ranks on everything all of the time?

I remember FunnyMoney from GIM. He was full of sh*t then, and full of sh*t now, and so are you. Every damn criticism of the jew I've made has been the truth, and what do you and that cock holster provide, NOTHING. Do you hear me NOTHING in defense. You bring a bullsh*t strawman argument, and you have the nerve to think we won't see it for what it is.

How can you possibly defend a people that have no HONOR, no CHIVALRY, no KULTURA? You f*cks make me sick.

You're entitled to your opinion. Attitudes like yours are the reason I've been very successful in my career so far. You're preconceived notions handicap you from making an informed opinion of people.

26th September 2010, 05:04 PM
FM has done a pretty good job of laying it out for everyone without coming out and saying it. FM is also correct that a group of people, be it religious, political, etc can not be lumped together in a group hive mentality. Do all rep or dems agree within their ranks on everything all of the time?

I remember FunnyMoney from GIM. He was full of sh*t then, and full of sh*t now, and so are you. Every damn criticism of the jew I've made has been the truth, and what do you and that cock holster provide, NOTHING. Do you hear me NOTHING in defense. You bring a bullsh*t strawman argument, and you have the nerve to think we won't see it for what it is.

How can you possibly defend a people that have no HONOR, no CHIVALRY, no KULTURA? You f*cks make me sick.

General, just curious....for all your indisputable facts, personal angst, name calling and paint gun throwing, what are you doing with all this info to make the world a better place? Seriously, because posting on the interwebs ain't changing a fuc of a lot. You must be some omniscient, god-like individual to be made sick by fuks that don't agree with your absolute, unquestionable truth. Either that or you have a lot of growing up to do. Seriously.

26th September 2010, 05:22 PM
FM has done a pretty good job of laying it out for everyone without coming out and saying it. FM is also correct that a group of people, be it religious, political, etc can not be lumped together in a group hive mentality. Do all rep or dems agree within their ranks on everything all of the time?

I remember FunnyMoney from GIM. He was full of sh*t then, and full of sh*t now, and so are you. Every damn criticism of the jew I've made has been the truth, and what do you and that cock holster provide, NOTHING. Do you hear me NOTHING in defense. You bring a bullsh*t strawman argument, and you have the nerve to think we won't see it for what it is.

How can you possibly defend a people that have no HONOR, no CHIVALRY, no KULTURA? You f*cks make me sick.

You're entitled to your opinion. Attitudes like yours are the reason I've been very successful in my career so far. You're preconceived notions handicap you from making an informed opinion of people.

Whats your career?

26th September 2010, 05:38 PM
let me be more direct, have you ever went to the grocery store and got anything without shoplifting and not pay with silver or gold?
I have never been in a grocery store that would know what to do with specie if it were offered. They only seem to like to exchange goods for FRNs. But then most grocery stores (and retail stores in general) are corporations and they only advertise items for sale to other corporations using FRNs as money of ACCOUNT (as opposed to specie which is money of EXCHANGE).

Not being of a corporate nature I cannot directly transact any business with any corporation. (Paria copulantur paribus. Things unite with similar things.) Would you hitch a donkey with a Percheron or (as the bible puts it .. an ox with a mule)?



Instead I enter these stores as the agent of a corporation. Now as agent I might purchase items FOR THAT CORPORATION using the current money of ACCOUNT (FRNs). Those items purchased are transferred from a corporation to a corporation and the universe retains its balance.

Specie is used as money of exchange between MEN and not between MEN and CORPORATIONS.

General of Darkness
26th September 2010, 05:41 PM
General, just curious....for all your indisputable facts, personal angst, name calling and paint gun throwing, what are you doing with all this info to make the world a better place? Seriously, because posting on the interwebs ain't changing a fuc of a lot. You must be some omniscient, god-like individual to be made sick by fuks that don't agree with your absolute, unquestionable truth. Either that or you have a lot of growing up to do. Seriously.

You are correct sir, for a person to talk the talk they have to walk the walk.

I built this from scratch. Seven million downloads of shows and growing.


You should listen to the Friday show, the one I'm on.


26th September 2010, 05:47 PM
let me be more direct, have you ever went to the grocery store and got anything without shoplifting and not pay with silver or gold?
I have never been in a grocery store that would know what to do with specie if it were offered. They only seem to like to exchange goods for FRNs. But then most grocery stores (and retail stores in general) are corporations and they only advertise items for sale to other corporations using FRNs as money of ACCOUNT (as opposed to specie which is money of EXCHANGE).

Not being of a corporate nature I cannot directly transact any business with any corporation. (Paria copulantur paribus. Things unite with similar things.) Would you hitch a donkey with a Percheron or (as the bible puts it .. an ox with a mule)? Instead I enter these stores as the agent of a corporation. Now as agent I might purchase items FOR THAT CORPORATION using the current money of ACCOUNT (FRNs). Those items purchased are transferred from a corporation to a corporation and the universe retains its balance.

Specie is used as money of exchange between MEN and not between MEN and CORPORATIONS.

So in short, you actually hand the paper/cotton fabric dyed green with 150 yr old men on them to a corporate representative and then walk out with you goods, eh, good enough.

26th September 2010, 05:50 PM
So in short, you actually hand the paper/cotton fabric dyed green with 150 yr old men on them to a corporate representative and then walk out with you goods, eh, good enough. Except they are not "my goods". I claim no ownership. Should I be mugged leaving the store the corporation that owns the goods might be more upset than I.

26th September 2010, 05:54 PM
So in short, you actually hand the paper/cotton fabric dyed green with 150 yr old men on them to a corporate representative and then walk out with you goods, eh, good enough. Except they are not "my goods". I claim no ownership. Should I be mugged leaving the store the corporation that owns the goods might be more upset than I.

So do your beliefs extend to driving and such? Do you drive the car or the corporation?

26th September 2010, 05:58 PM
finally.... Palani admits he Uses FRN's :)

26th September 2010, 05:59 PM
finally.... Palani admits he Uses FRN's :)

No he does not! His/corporation does.


General of Darkness
26th September 2010, 06:00 PM
This is for the OP and his sorry ass followers of the bullshit and deceit.


26th September 2010, 06:05 PM
So do your beliefs extend to driving and such? Do you drive the car or the corporation? Corporations may be permitted to own a motor vehicle but lack basic skills (or accessories) to actually operate it.

My understanding is that driving is a commercial term. I have no problem with driving providing I am reimbursed for it (in specie of course). As that has not yet happened I generally exercise my right to travel instead.

26th September 2010, 06:09 PM
So do your beliefs extend to driving and such? Do you drive the car or the corporation? Corporations may be permitted to own a motor vehicle but lack basic skills (or accessories) to actually operate it.

My understanding is that driving is a commercial term. I have no problem with driving providing I am reimbursed for it (in specie of course). As that has not yet happened I generally exercise my right to travel instead.

Cool !

Some day travel down to Texas , sure to be some hypo here, that would love to hear your right to travel.

I hear they get bored sometimes and need entertainment. ;D


26th September 2010, 06:10 PM
finally.... Palani admits he Uses FRN's

Where did I ever say THAT?

26th September 2010, 06:15 PM
Cool !

Some day travel down to Texas , sure to be some hypo here, that would love to hear your right to travel.

I hear they get bored sometimes and need entertainment.

Perhaps you are mistaking the Republic of Texas with the federal zone called "this state". The legal phrase "this state" is defined in the Texas penal code as

Texas Penal Code 1.04(d) defines the “Territorial Jurisdiction” of “this state” as follows:

“This state includes the land and the water and the airspace above the land and the water, over which this state has power to define offenses.”

As you can see this definition extends to the ends of the universe should you choose to be subject to the feds.

I am not registered with the attorney general as a foreign agent so tend to avoid federal zones if at all possible. However, I can see how you would be impressed with these legal gymnastics as imposed upon your fellow FRN users (and criminals). The feds understand these concepts more than the poor unfortunates they impose their definitions upon.

Desolation LineTrimmer
26th September 2010, 06:19 PM
If the feces ever hits the fan in a big sort of way, stay the heck away from Black and Mexican hoods because they are going to kill you. Not every Black and Hispanic, but a large enough percentage of them, say 15 to 20%, are going to target Whites based on skin color. This kind of thing warrants discussion. Race relations warrants discussion, even if it makes some of you cringe for fear of the r-word.

26th September 2010, 06:20 PM
Cool !

Some day travel down to Texas , sure to be some hypo here, that would love to hear your right to travel.

I hear they get bored sometimes and need entertainment.

Perhaps you are mistaking the Republic of Texas with the federal zone called "this state". The legal phrase "this state" is defined in the Texas penal code as

Texas Penal Code 1.04(d) defines the “Territorial Jurisdiction” of “this state” as follows:

“This state includes the land and the water and the airspace above the land and the water, over which this state has power to define offenses.”

As you can see this definition extends to the ends of the universe.

I am not registered with the attorney general as a foreign agent so tend to avoid federal zones if at all possible. However, I can see how you would be impressed with these legal gymnastics as imposed upon your fellow FRN users (and criminals). The feds understand these concepts more than the poor unfortunates they impose their definitions upon.

Then come down to the republic of Texas if you can find it. They got chased out of west Texas and moved to east Texas. Sure they would welcome you. The ones that are left. ;D

26th September 2010, 06:37 PM
Then come down to the republic of Texas if you can find it. They got chased out of west Texas and moved to east Texas. Sure they would welcome you. The ones that are left.
Indeed? Yet they seem to have a constitution that has never been rescinded or canceled.





We, the People of Texas, in order to form a Government, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence and general welfare; and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

Are there no People left in Texas?

26th September 2010, 06:38 PM
finally.... Palani admits he Uses FRN's

Where did I ever say THAT?

well...... you didn't say it...but you confirmed it....I think we all knew it

So in short, you actually hand the paper/cotton fabric dyed green with 150 yr old men on them to a corporate representative and then walk out with you goods, eh, good enough. Except they are not "my goods". I claim no ownership. Should I be mugged leaving the store the corporation that owns the goods might be more upset than I.

26th September 2010, 06:41 PM
well...... you didn't say it...but you confirmed it....I think we all knew it

I suppose you think the Kennedy clan is rich too. But did you know that Bobby Kennedy's cat clawed a guest one time. The guest sued but was told that the Kennedy's owned nothing and the most he could realize was the cat. So he sued and won the cat.

Do you suppose the Kennedy's claimed possession of any FRNs? Or even claimed possession of the CAT? How were THEIR groceries provided?

26th September 2010, 06:42 PM
Then come down to the republic of Texas if you can find it. They got chased out of west Texas and moved to east Texas. Sure they would welcome you. The ones that are left.
Indeed? Yet they seem to have a constitution that has never been rescinded.





We, the People of Texas, in order to form a Government, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence and general welfare; and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

Are there no People left in Texas?

Texas in our constitution reserves the right to secede, but so far has not. yet!

And there is a bunch of Texans, come on down , but only for a visit, then go back home. ;D

26th September 2010, 06:51 PM
So in short, you actually hand the paper/cotton fabric dyed green with 150 yr old men on them to a corporate representative and then walk out with you goods, eh, good enough. Except they are not "my goods". I claim no ownership. Should I be mugged leaving the store the corporation that owns the goods might be more upset than I.

I don't own the goods I get at the grocery store either...I run them through my digestive system and then deposit them afterward in an appropriate depository. And I don't get the least bit upset for about not owning it. :D

26th September 2010, 06:53 PM
Texas in our constitution reserves the right to secede, but so far has not. yet!

There are many ways to secede. You folks appear to have chosen to be insurgent to your own Republic's constitution, have superceded it (but not rescinded or canceled it), and have chosen the path of least resistance offered by the feds in the 14th amendment. The remedy for the 14th amendment is 15 Statute at large 249. You actually have seceded when you describe your nationality as American rather than Texan but I would question whether you did so with your full knowledge and consent. A LOT of brainwashing had to be done to get all this accomplished and the whole affair deserves to be written up as a TV sitcom because THAT might be more believable.

And there is a bunch of Texans, come on down , but only for a visit, then go back home.

I was told years ago that one of the only things to strike fear in the heart of a Texan was the sight of an Iowa car pulling a U-Haul trailer. Something about one Iowan being able to do the work of 5 Texicans. But I could be mistaken.

26th September 2010, 06:55 PM
I don't own the goods I get at the grocery store either...I run them through my digestive system and then deposit them afterward in an appropriate depository. And I don't get the least bit upset for about not owning it.
You don't return the used goods to the store do you?

26th September 2010, 06:56 PM
I was told years ago that one of the only things to strike fear in the heart of a Texan was the sight of an Iowa car pulling a U-Haul trailer. Something about one Iowan being able to do the work of 5 Texicans. But I could be mistaken.

For once you got that shit right..
Come visit then go home..


26th September 2010, 07:02 PM
Come visit then go home..

Thanks for the offer but I think I would prefer to see Alaska. Now THERE is one REALLY large state. I have heard you could split Alaska in half leaving Texas to be the third largest country in the union.

26th September 2010, 07:05 PM
Come visit then go home..

Thanks for the offer but I think I would prefer to see Alaska. Now THERE is one REALLY large state. I have heard you could split Alaska in half leaving Texas to be the third largest country in the union.

Thanks but no..

Two dam cold!

26th September 2010, 07:11 PM
I don't own the goods I get at the grocery store either...I run them through my digestive system and then deposit them afterward in an appropriate depository. And I don't get the least bit upset for about not owning it.
You don't return the used goods to the store do you?

My corporation has a contract with another corporation for the used goods.

26th September 2010, 07:14 PM
Thanks but no..Two dam cold!

If you think Alaska is cold try the great plains at 25 below with a howling blizzard. I did a winter camping trip to Leadville, Colorado quite a few years back, tent camping at 8,000 feet and 40 below and was more comfortable than when visiting an operating iron foundry in Iowa in mid winter. Low density altitude is the key rather than temperature.

26th September 2010, 07:18 PM
My corporation has a contract with another corporation for the used goods.

Before you started dealing with corporations those 'used goods' were a valuable asset called nightsoil. When you insist upon blending this nightsoil with toxic chemicals then it becomes a toxic material called sewage which must be handled properly by state regulations.

Go back to nightsoil and you will be amazed at how fast you will accumulate additional 'assets'. You might even become a Son of the Soil again.

26th September 2010, 07:21 PM
Thanks but no..Two dam cold!

If you think Alaska is cold try the great plains at 25 below with a howling blizzard. I did a winter camping trip to Leadville, Colorado quite a few years back, tent camping at 8,000 feet and 40 below and was more comfortable than when visiting an operating iron foundry in Iowa in mid winter. Low density altitude is the key rather than temperature.

Again that is something I can believe. been camping in the rocky mountains with friends one winter.

Got cold enough to freeze the tits off a witch..

General of Darkness
26th September 2010, 07:26 PM
Come visit then go home..

Thanks for the offer but I think I would prefer to see Alaska. Now THERE is one REALLY large state. I have heard you could split Alaska in half leaving Texas to be the third largest country in the union.

Now I remember who you are. Didn't your mother suck a mexican through the Alaskan pipe like, or shove a menorah up her ass and light it through her nose?

26th September 2010, 07:26 PM
I would have prefered a thread OP focused just race. Too many antiZionists here to see much in any other issue.

If the feces ever hits the fan in a big sort of way, stay the heck away from Black and Mexican hoods because they are going to kill you. Not every Black and Hispanic, but a large enough percentage of them, say 15 to 20%, are going to target Whites based on skin color. This kind of thing warrants discussion. Race relations warrants discussion, even if it makes some of you cringe for fear of the r-word.

Perhaps the post above does warrant discussion. Rare here in that it actually involves an issue along with who. Start a thread on shtf safey then. f*ck 'the hoods' I'm staying out of the cities under such circumstances if they happen. Heck I already left America in 2006.

For gods sake talk about race relations during shft, talk about how race relations and favourtism are used by the elites for control, link some info you found on your issue etc. But this is not the quality of post I think most here who have issues are complaining about. Most are empty emotive outbursts that often have little to do with the post and offer empty emotion.

I agree with the OP much is conciously pionsoning the site to discredit us by association. Or at least it was when a few others, who seemed smart enough to understand the effects of what they were doing, were very active here.

The ones that seem genuine, and still empty hate, I assume such posters are the genetic dullards guilty of what they attempt to project on others as a class. Racism is monkey level thinking inherent in everyone who cares for themselves. We are all racist. We all sh*t. Several of the race trolls here makes me cringe in the same way as if they took a sh*t and then smeared their sh*t all over themselves and their room and kept posting pictures here saying "sh*t happens; Deal with it."

Which brings me to the main point, anyone who would work to promote lower class divisions in support of elite control at this time is no useful patriot to restore personal sovereignty. Further indication they are genetic dullards (if not trolls) comes from the fact that their sh*t here will turn off new members, and cause many existing members to leave, taint the better information the members here offer, and make us patseys for the elite.

And I would like to add I see more empty 'group hate' on many of the 'left' forums. Anyone who question certain aspects of forced servitude is too often called a 'teabagger' or 'birther' in empty emotive outburst in the same way without any reference to fact or reason in the post. It blinds them to servitude to their elite masters and allows them to live in denial. But still this groups by politics or religion.


As for GofD, he is just out to balkanize America with negativity. 8)

[An edit to add some clarification for 41:


Balkanization, or Balkanisation, is a pejorative geopolitical term originally used to describe the process of fragmentation or division of a region or state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or non-cooperative with each other.

The term has arisen from the conflicts in the 20th century Balkans. While what is now termed Balkanization has occurred throughout history, the term originally described the creation of smaller, ethnically diverse states following the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after World War I.

The term is also used to describe other forms of disintegration, including, for instance, the subdivision of the Internet into separate enclaves, the division of subfields and the creation of new fields from sociology, and the breakdown of cooperative arrangements due to the rise of independent competitive entities engaged in "beggar thy neighbour" bidding wars.

Balkanization is sometimes used to refer to the divergence over time of programming languages and data file formats (particularly XML). The term has been used in American urban planning to describe the process of creating gated communities.

There are also attempts to use the term balkanization in a positive way equating it with the need for sustenance of a group or society. Current research on the positive aspects of Balkanization is carried out by Srđan Jovanović Weiss with Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths College.

In January 2007, regarding a rise in support for Scottish independence, Gordon Brown talked of a "Balkanisation of Britain".

GofD is from the Balkans and has talked of returning to it. GofD talks much about racial fragmentation of America.
This is just a few words of banter with GofD tossed in as a post script to a comment.]

26th September 2010, 07:41 PM
If you had a clue, you would realize what Balkanization is, Its Zionist control of NATO countries forcing a newly communist free nation into fragmentation by urging Islamic filth to declare their independence.Yes Zionists destroyed Jugoslavia, to deprive Russia, of any possible allies.

Desolation LineTrimmer
26th September 2010, 07:47 PM

Whites are being inundated with foreigners wherever we happen to live. The end result will be our disappearance as a people. All the other groups will still exist in history except us. Chinese, Blacks, Vietnamese, Turks, Mongols, and all the rest will be here in the future. Whites will be recessive genes within mulatto, Eurasian, and Mestizo populations. We are a great people with a stupendous history and we face extinction. You will have to ban us to shut us up, and then we will just go and witness somewhere else. By your name you are probably not White, so what is it to you? You are probably happy to see Whites disappearing.

26th September 2010, 07:51 PM
Which brings me to the main point, anyone who would work to promote lower class divisions in support of JEW control at this time is no useful patriot to restore personal sovereignty. Further indication they are genetic dullards (if not trolls) comes from the fact that their sh*t here will turn off new members, and cause many existing members to leave, taint the better information the members here offer, and make us patseys for the JEW.

Just clarifying for ya how General Sickles sees it.

26th September 2010, 07:56 PM
Which brings me to the main point, anyone who would work to promote lower class divisions in support of JEW control at this time is no useful patriot to restore personal sovereignty. Further indication they are genetic dullards (if not trolls) comes from the fact that their sh*t here will turn off new members, and cause many existing members to leave, taint the better information the members here offer, and make us patseys for the JEW.

Just clarifying for ya how General Sickles sees it.

What is the point of that?

26th September 2010, 07:57 PM
Now I remember who you are.

"Hail, holy Ass!" the quiring angels sing;
"Priest of Unreason, and of Discords King!"
Great co-Creator, let Thy glory shine:
God made all else, the Mule, the Mule is thine!"

26th September 2010, 07:58 PM
By your name you are probably not White, so what is it to you? You are probably happy to see Whites disappearing.

Desolation LineTrimmer can you not see how the issue of continued immigration is different than hate your neighbour?

'Reversing immigration' talk in North America would only be good for the few percent of natives left here.

But basically you just did again what I am talking about: I disagree with you so I am of 'the other' end of issue and discussion and thinking. Monkey brained thinking.

If you want to talk about the problems of immigration you may find we agree on much.

If we both out the specific details of our 'whiteness,' and it turns out I come from region(s) of 'higher quality' white stock than you do, will you shut up, assume your position in the scheme of things and accept that I am right and you are wrong? :D

Joe King
26th September 2010, 08:24 PM

Whites are being inundated with foreigners wherever we happen to live. The end result will be our disappearance as a people. All the other groups will still exist in history except us. Chinese, Blacks, Vietnamese, Turks, Mongols, and all the rest will be here in the future. Whites will be recessive genes within mulatto, Eurasian, and Mestizo populations. We are a great people with a stupendous history and we face extinction. You will have to ban us to shut us up, and then we will just go and witness somewhere else. By your name you are probably not White, so what is it to you? You are probably happy to see Whites disappearing.
Disappear? How is that so?

Last I checked, I was in control of where my genes go. Are you being forced to further the gene pool against your will?
Or are you saing that you're afraid that too white men are weak and will fall for the temptations of exotic looking women from far away lands?

Seems to me that it'd have to be one or the other. In what other ways could an entire races genes get "absorbed" into other races? ???

26th September 2010, 08:29 PM
Too many antiZionists here to see much in any other issue.






Yeah...them Amish secretly control the Banks, Congress, and Hollywood and are way more dangerous than any other "semite" tribe.


26th September 2010, 08:42 PM
What is the point of that?


26th September 2010, 09:21 PM
Or are you saing that you're afraid that too white men are weak and will fall for the temptations of exotic looking women from far away lands?

Seems to me that it'd have to be one or the other. In what other ways could an entire races genes get "absorbed" into other races? ???

With a western lifestyle (now basically the worlds) our numbers exceed the carrying capacity of our habitat. Probably more importantly it is not lowering the quality of our life. Peoples of the culture are realizing this and acting like rational beings rather than bacteria (or no birth control sheep farmers).

It is our 'elites' and business first psychopathic interests are driving for and keeping high and destructive immigration levels, not most people. Even the immigrants are suffering. Here in Canada stories about how impossible it is for immigrants to get the same quality work here as they had back home is a MSM staple.

These are the reasons this is elite sponsored:

1. They are milking a ponzi-scheme economy and money system for as long as possible that requires endless growth or collapses. The earth's environment that supports and is all life on the planet is also being destroyed for the game.

2. Capital owner's selfish automatic desire to reduce cost of labour. This has not been an issue now for decades though. No taken to extremes to allow near total corporate control of employment trends world-wide. Such a transient work culture also makes global 'secret from sheep' control and agent planting and arranging easy.

3. Many elites (such as European monarchy) have a history of transient genes. The guard their own religiously so have little need for the rest other than smart enough for milk but dumb enough to milk. For example think of the hundreds of years of French elite control of Britian, and now the British Royals are mainly German. Think of Jewish tradition that works to not care about locals by doctrine of not being able to breed with them.

3. Long term plans to destroy near all local race and culture. To It will help cement the coming 'elites have separate bloodline genes' new bluebeamed religions may use (and has been used). Why care about race when you can care about bloodline!!! The plans I have read of generally involve treating the average person as 'the other' have written of It makes it easier to control people with simple power, easier for all to be made separate, alien, wards of the state. A new breed of farm animal.

Are you being forced to further the gene pool against your will?
Yes $1,000 and rising at near 6% a year in just my property tax to school the next generation of local breeders.

26th September 2010, 10:09 PM
Didn't your mother suck a mexican through the Alaskan pipe like, or shove a menorah up her ass and light it through her nose?

If you could get rid of the Jews who are collecting the taxes and if you could get rid of the Mexicans who are receiving the hand outs, well, somebody else would instantly take their vacant places. But that's ok, General, you keep on going after the symptoms. After all, if we actually got rid of the root causes and got rid of the wars, we would no longer need any generals. So I can understand how you might feel a bit insecure if any of the root causes were tackled.

26th September 2010, 10:54 PM
So I can understand how you might feel a bit insecure if any of the root causes were tackled.

An environment of untethered liberty is required for any real change on the internal level, tackling problems only creates more acute versions of them.

An example of this is our recent job czars, and the racial quotas attached to their forces.

Or Every & all religions of the world promoting a change from within, whilst constantly tightening the "environs noose" around the ankles.

A delicate balance of the two is rarely found, and often disregarded.

Desolation LineTrimmer
27th September 2010, 06:59 PM

27th September 2010, 07:16 PM

Wow, that's dynamite - English oratory at its best. What movie is that from?

27th September 2010, 07:17 PM

The facts remain the same, if you claim those are the owners of the money then they certainly are not Jews. To be a Jew an individual must follow those 10 rules, more important than anything else. They claim those rules came from their God, that they are the word of God, and are more important than anything else. So exactly how are those criminals Jews?

There actually may be some Jews who follow those 10 rules, down to the very letter, by association you have attempted to group them with criminals and judge them.

You lie by calling those criminals "Jews" and you negate the importance of those 10 rules as part of that religion for anyone else who might actually want to live by those rules, which in itself is another lie. Two lies do not iron out into a truth, two lies are simply 2 lies. You make a very poor General and your followers would be well advised to put their trust in places other than their fellow man.

You deny all history associated with the FED, who owns and controls the FED,
the Rockfellers and Rothchilds, creation of Israel, a terroristic racist state,
all wars run by NeoCons, Jews creating and enslaving Russia and Russians,
the destruction of the USA, engineered economic destruction. And all else
major associated with these criminals.

The Talmud is Jewish, the ZOHAR, Kahballah, etc, etc, all full of filth
against the "goyim".

Look at the irony of your OP and your post,
are you not contradicting yourself ?
What it means to be a Jew ? ROFL !

"some animals are more equal than others"
Like on this forum too. And you don't like
this forum FunnyMoney, you told everyone
to post on gim, so take your own advice.






27th September 2010, 07:26 PM
...you told everyone to post on gim

What? Not so. I never posted that!!! You should watch your false attacks, it does not help your debating style.


Look at the irony of your OP and your post,
are you not contradicting yourself ? ...

No, I don' think I am. I detected a few things which were mistakes on my part in the original and some follow posts, but if you get the overal idea I think I'm spot on. So maybe you think there's only a few dozen criminals on the planet and you can name all of them. And yes, I got it, you think all those criminals come from the same ethnic sect. But Im looking at history and Ive seen that tried before and it never has worked in the past and that makes sense - logical reason also confirms, its a false strategy.


I saw the video before, what gives with the video,? That argument is as old as time itself.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. what did you expect? satan has no plans to roll over.

Anyway, people have been more often sold down the river by their own people than by neighbors or enemies.

Individual responsibility goes far no matter what group's able to oust corrupt leaders & systems (rare though).

Generalizations are a distraction from the root cause.

The root cause isn't about membership in some large group it is about a criminal act. Someone already tried to list the names of a bunch of criminals from the same group. There's enough criminals to go around and they come from all religions, races and all colors, and it's a delusion and a distraction from the root issues of money and power to think otherwise.

What difference does it make which criminals are currently in charge of the worlds money and power right now, nobody should be given that much , actually absolute power. If the system of money is corrupt, then somebody will always be in charge of that corrupt system and no man should be allowed that kind of power.

Currently there are diverse players but most all transactions are using fiat currency.

And all those pictures and links that you now added Magnes, yeah I read the story. Nations go to war because leaders go to war and leaders go to war because leaders are corrupted by absolute power and the interests of war as a business., that is modern war today. Eisenhower already told everyone already, some leaders have come clean in their dying years.

27th September 2010, 07:41 PM
logical reason also confirms, its a false strategy.

It's a "false strategy" cause, "we make our own reality" FRUM, NRO TROLL destroying country.

You ask people to close their eyes and minds, that is what you do.

I was posting about NeoCons on gim, all News from JewsMedia,
and that was enough to get me labeled a racist on there by trolls.
What irony. I was told by others, "won't make a difference", "NeoCons is new face"
of the main problem, now those peeps were totally wrong right, ROFL ! ! !

People like you dismiss great writers like Paul Craig Roberts.

What an archive, must reading !

27th September 2010, 07:46 PM
...People like you dismiss great writers ...

I think I have it spot on and the reason why is because I never dismiss anyone. Matter of fact, I read everyone and everyone with an open mind and get this, I didn't even know how to use the ignore feature over at GIM1 and not sure if there's even one now over here.

Just as I already explained in the above post (not sure what you don't get) some select few "leaders in the past have explained the truth when in their dying years"

27th September 2010, 10:53 PM
Generalizations are a distraction from the root cause.

Currently there are diverse players but most all transactions are using fiat currency.

In regards to making some class distinction to all of humanity's temptation for fiat, anything other than fruitlessness.

The mystical interest equation, and history being written by the "winners" guaranteeing its cycle.

You'd be better off re-incarnating Mengele and re-arranging some genetic code to thwart it.

27th September 2010, 11:08 PM
...re-arranging some genetic code to thwart it.

No, I don't think so. My genetic code hasn't been altered. I actually know a few people who get it (who didn't get it not that long ago).

Individual responsibility is a burden. There are reasons why some things in life are a burden. A lot of things, if you want to do them correctly require some sacrifice and some rules. With money, (or the medium of exchange is a better term in this case) it is the same. If you could convince people that there was a good reason why silver existed in the coins for thousands of years then you can make the case that transactions require sometimes heavy pockets with the sound of real money in them. That sound is the burden, and so would be having to go the extra mile to sometimes use an escrow service or an armed guard for bigger transactions. It would be the reminder that there's a reason why everyone should use honest God given money, natural gold, silver and other desireable element metals.

Something as a reminder, to prevent people from going back to giving up this burden of individual responsibility in exchange for what we see today - a misguided trust in their fellow man.

27th September 2010, 11:21 PM
A hint for all Internet newbies:

When someone says they have the "truth" behind something it is highly likely that they are full of shit.

27th September 2010, 11:52 PM
A hint for all Internet newbies:

When someone says they have the "truth" ....

If you're not adult enough to understand that everybody should DYODD, then what are you doing on the Internet?

Hint for all readers, period, figure out on your own who is "full of sh*t" and who is not, there isn't some magic code word that once found is somehow the key to understanding or not.

But I will say this, if you find someone attacking the poster, or the style of the poster, or the particular words used for impact by the poster, but not the idea which the poster presented, then that might indeed tell you something.

28th September 2010, 12:11 AM
God given money, natural gold, silver and other desireable element metals. Something to prevent people from going back to giving up this burden of individual responsibility in exchange for what we see today - a misguided trust in their fellow man.

You can be damn well sure those writing the usury laws will be selling God on the side, along with holding the strip mining rights.

Credit where credit is due, FM.

28th September 2010, 12:23 AM
You are very likely correct , Horn.

A return to individual responsibility is probably going to be much more difficult than the simple "the burden of honest money as a reminder" idea I posted about above.

I think a basket of metals, silver, copper, nickel and others minted into coins and becoming some kind of standard would possibly be much better than using silver and gold exclusively. TPTB have already collected so much gold and future mining interest. But in the end, everything can be manipulated, cornered and corrupted. Individual responsibility, civic responsibility, liberty, freedom - they all require constant vigil. You can't just simply draw up a system and say "done, it's perfect", people must learn to be informed and constantly protect and maintain honest systems and their God given rights. I don't think that will ever end.

28th September 2010, 12:25 AM
A hint for all Internet newbies:

When someone says they have the "truth" behind something it is highly likely that they are full of sh*t.

Everyone's full of shit, its the ones that don't think theirs stinks you have to watch out for.

28th September 2010, 12:51 AM
A hint for all Internet newbies:

When someone says they have the "truth" behind something it is highly likely that they are full of sh*t.

Everyone's full of sh*t, its the ones that don't think theirs stinks you have to watch out for.

Actually no, some people know the real truth and aren't full of shit. But you are welcome to believe that everyone is wrong if that makes you feel better.

Oh and FunnyMoney thanks for the laughs. I actually took the time to read your OP and it is even more hilarious than I imagined.

28th September 2010, 01:41 AM
A hint for all Internet newbies:

When someone says they have the "truth" behind something it is highly likely that they are full of sh*t.

Everyone's full of sh*t, its the ones that don't think theirs stinks you have to watch out for.

Actually no, some people know the real truth and aren't full of sh*t.

+2 points, you stand corrected, pick a card.


Desolation LineTrimmer
28th September 2010, 06:40 AM

Wow, that's dynamite - English oratory at its best. What movie is that from?


I'm not clear where the segment is from, but here is a thread concerning it from Kevin MacDonald's blog: http://theoccidentalobserver.net/tooblog/?p=3465#comments

28th September 2010, 06:47 AM

Desolation LineTrimmer
28th September 2010, 07:10 PM
You are most welcome.

28th September 2010, 07:26 PM
What I think is big bankers run the world. Politicians are either mindless puppets, or the blind leading the blind. TPTB want whites hating blacks, blacks hating whites, and more recently everyone hating mexicans. They want religions fighting, killing each other off, and the media to dumb down our minds, or just keeping us scared of terrorists.

They want us fat, drunk, and stupid, so they can sit back, light a cigar, count their money...and laugh their asses off at all this crap going on in the world like your average idiot watches and laughs at a Springer show.

That's how they control the masses, through diversion...just like Funnymoney said. We're all collectively to busy focused elsewhere, to much notice or care. We want our American Idol.

Now, my question is only on whether we should hate the bankers because they are Jewish, or because they do evil deeds? There's a big difference there, imo.

Personally, it's the actions of others that I tend to focus on, not the color of skin, or their religion.

28th September 2010, 08:43 PM

That's how they control the masses, through diversion.... We're all collectively too busy focused elsewhere, to much notice or care. ....

Criminals taking part in huge thefts, monstrous thefts, sums of wealth beyond what most would think possible and which cause massive told suffering and even more untold. And if that wasn't enough, criminals guilty of nothing less than treason and mass murder.

The president of the NYSE travels down to meet with one of the biggest criminals on the planet in one of the most dangerous and lawless jungles on the globe - only to prove who is really the bigger criminal.
The leader of a nation charging into war and draining out the wealth of the people while enjoying it and laughing about it.

I don't care whether they killed one child or a million, I don't care if they stold billions or trillions. They come from every walk of life, from every race, every color, every religion, every school of thought. The only thing that links them is that they are evil. EVIL right down to the core and satan will ensure that there will be a never ending stream of criminals just waiting to take the place of any we might happen to bring to justice.

The only way out of this mess is to pull back the curtain on the money. From the moment the word "tax" was invented, evil won. Crime will never end and it will never decrease in any significant way until the root evil is removed.

At the root is the centralized money and the centralized tax systems, they are ideas created by man to replace gifts that were created by God. So what did you expect?

28th September 2010, 09:03 PM

That's how they control the masses, through diversion.... We're all collectively too busy focused elsewhere, to much notice or care. ....

Criminals taking part in huge thefts, monstrous thefts, sums of wealth beyond what most would think possible and which cause massive told suffering and even more untold. And if that wasn't enough, criminals guilty of nothing less than treason and mass murder.

The president of the NYSE flies down to meet with one of the biggest criminals on the planet in one of the most dangerous and lawless jungles on the globe - only to prove who is really the bigger criminal.
The leader of a nation charging into war and draining out the wealth of the people while enjoying it and laughing about it.

I don't care whether they killed one child or a million, I don't care if they stold billions or trillions. They come from every walk of life, from every race, every color, every religion, every school of thought. The only thing that links them is that they are evil. EVIL right down to the core and satan will ensure that there will be a never ending stream of criminals just waiting to take the place of any we might happen to bring to justice.

The only way out of this mess is to pull back the curtain on the money. From the moment the word "tax" was invented, evil won. Crime will never end and it will never decrease in any significant way until the root evil is removed.

At the root is the centralized money and the centralized tax systems, they are ideas created by man to replace gifts that were created by God. So what did you expect?

I as a non-Jew totally agree with what you are saying, these folks are criminals, BUT.

They are also Jews and our system is a Jewish system now.

These folks are hero's within the Jewish system. They have a mandate to kill all the non-Jews and they are doing it in so many ways and most non-Jews are too nice to look at those poor victimized Jews.

28th September 2010, 09:22 PM
The only way out of this mess is to pull back the curtain on the money. From the moment the word "tax" was invented, evil won. Crime will never end and it will never decrease in any significant way until the root evil is removed.

At the root is the centralized money and the centralized tax systems, they are ideas created by man to replace gifts that were created by God. So what did you expect?

I just don't see how the curtain can be pulled though, people would much rather just stick their heads in the sand and ignore reality.

Just try waking someone up, it'd damn near impossible, it's like their minds have been programmed to just instantly disregard any of the evil from the top. Say taxes were abolished, say we went back to honest money, you'd still have the same type of evil at the top doing everything they could to keep folks diverted!

The evil will not go away that easily. It's almost as if they created centralized money for us, not them, so 'we' could live the lives we do and just not have to face the reality of it. We can ignore it, almost a win-win, as long as they can keep this game of musical chairs going, they will.

People are intentionally not interested, at all. That's the bottom line. Ignoring evil somehow makes it seem manageable, I suppose.

28th September 2010, 09:28 PM
...They are also Jews and our system is a Jewish system now.

Evil predates that group. The corrupt systems are the same all over the planet and that group doesn't run the inner party of China or No Korea. But even if they do, criminals have been around for a long time. If you try and take down all the criminals or even the largest criminal group you will be fighting forever and YOU WILL NEVER WIN as there will always be the next criminal group to take their place.

You will be unable to take revenge on every single criminal or prevent new criminals from rising. If you want to change something for the better then you have to go after the root cause. Centralized money, and centralized power, taxes and regulations allow criminals to gain traction. They are ideas created by man to replace gifts that were created by God.

The hate you hold and wish to act upon has never worked in the past and cannot work. You will not cure the disease of centralized absolute power by going after the symptom of who happens to be in charge of those absolute power controls at this moment in time. I am amazed that you are unable to see this simple logic.

28th September 2010, 11:19 PM
...They are also Jews and our system is a Jewish system now.

Evil predates that group. The corrupt systems are the same all over the planet and that group doesn't run the inner party of China or No Korea. But even if they do, criminals have been around for a long time. If you try and take down all the criminals or even the largest criminal group you will be fighting forever and YOU WILL NEVER WIN as there will always be the next criminal group to take their place.

How do you know how old the Jewish crime gang is, we know they were around during Jesus time?
The first bank allowed into China was a Rothschild bank.
Your just throwing out bullsh*t.

You will be unable to take revenge on every single criminal or prevent new criminals from rising. If you want to change something for the better then you have to go after the root cause. Centralized money, and centralized power, taxes and regulations allow criminals to gain traction. They are ideas created by man to replace gifts that were created by God.

I agree the root cause is centralized money, centralized power, sold by deception.

The hate you hold and wish to act upon has never worked in the past and cannot work. You will not cure the disease of centralized absolute power by going after the symptom of who happens to be in charge of those absolute power controls at this moment in time. I am amazed that you are unable to see this simple logic.

The Jews are not a symptom they are at the root of all of our problems. You are sounding more and more like a Jew using their trademark calling card hate, hate you damn hater. The Jewish religion is a liturgy in hate and you study it all your lives.

I am not so amazed you want to dissuade anyone from identifying the name of the group who brings about all the deceit and lies.

Jews hate the light that I shine on them.

Funny that you hate it too. lol ;D

28th September 2010, 11:51 PM
...the root cause is centralized money, centralized power...

Jews... they are at the root of all of our problems...

I don't agree with your post, but whether I agree or not doesn't matter. What matters is that if you were actually able to get rid of that particular race, even down to the last child, somebody else would step right in and take their place (or well at least the place of the criminals, because I still don't believe your ideas). In the criminal world there is always a top dog, what makes you think that every other race is so "good" as to not want to take over in the event of a power vacuum?

Furthermore, history and logic do not support your claims. Unless that race is a lot larger than the other top 3 or 4 races on the planet put together, how is it possible all crimes are coming from them?

Still, you can go after the criminals, I am nothing but an anonymous Internet poster with an opinion and analysis on the matter and have no power to stop you, but I do know that even if you were to be successful at getting rid of some particular religion or race it won't mean the end of mass murder, great thefts and crime. Slowing down those things in any significant way requires a unified focus on a single root cause. A root cause which I still believe predates all the major religions. Absolute power systems in the material world are actually that strong - maybe that's why it's called absolute.

29th September 2010, 12:08 AM
When someone says they have the "truth" behind something it is highly likely that they are full of sh*t.

Actually no, some people know the real truth and aren't full of sh*t.

+2 points, you stand corrected, pick a card.


Card 1: Deception
Card 2: Distraction
Card 3: Division

After that, you don't need to pick any more cards.
Your bank account has been emptied, report immediately to the nearest FEMA camp.

29th September 2010, 12:30 AM
...the root cause is centralized money, centralized power...

Jews... they are at the root of all of our problems...

I don't agree with your post, but whether I agree or not doesn't matter. What matters is that if you were actually able to get rid of that particular race, even down to the last child, somebody else would step right in and take their place (or well at least the place of the criminals, because I still don't believe you words above). In the criminal world there is always a top dog, what makes you think that every other race is so "good" as to not want to take over in the event of a power vacuum?

Furthermore, history and logic do not support your claims. Unless that race is a lot larger than the other top 3 or 4 races on the planet put together, how is it possible all crimes are coming from them?

STill, you can go after the criminals, I am nothing but an anonymous Interenet poster with an opinion and analysis on the matter and have no power to stop you, but I do know that even if you were to be successful at getting rid of some particular religion or race it won't mean the end of mass murder, great thefts and crime. Slowing down those things in any significant way requires a unified focus on a single root cause. A root cause which I still believe predates all the major religions.

Who's talking about getting rid of them? ONLY YOU, not I.

I'm just talking about being aware of the source of deception and that there are conspiracies and Jews are the source.

The people who ran the Byzantine Empire were very aware of the Jews.

History and logic do support my claims, but you will have to read some books all of the ones the Jews and their media control have banished. The last 150 years have been the years of Jewish conquest and us poor gentile saps haven't had a clue... until the internet.

You only have to control the money and all else follows. (shhhh the Jews control the money)


No wonder the Jews want to eradicate the memory of such a culture.

It was Ezra Pound who launched upon a study of Byzantine civilization, and who reminded the world of this happily non-Jewish land.

From the Byzantines, Pound derived his no-violent formula for controlling the Jews.

"The answer to the Jewish problem is simple," he said.

"Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government."

And this is how simple it is.

There is no need to kill the Jews. In fact, every pogrom in history has played into their hands, and has in many instances been cleverly instigated by them.

Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.

Get the Jews out of education and they can not pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines.

Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.

29th September 2010, 12:34 AM
You will be unable to take revenge on every single criminal or prevent new criminals from rising. If you want to change something for the better then you have to go after the root cause. Centralized money, and centralized power, taxes and regulations allow criminals to gain traction. They are ideas created by man to replace gifts that were created by God.

Problem always was money, always will be.

Credit could be where it all heads.

29th September 2010, 01:46 AM
...There is no need to kill the Jews.

...Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.

For every criminal you find, there will be a dozen more that don't fit your special description of evil. I have my own perspective on life I've lived long enough to see it first hand, and unfortunately I can assure you there are plenty of horrific crimes and will continue to be, they cross all groups. Govt controlled, crimes implemented by plenty of evil people.

On the other hand, what card do you plan to play?

Card 1: Deception
Card 2: Distraction
Card 3: Division

things haven't changed much for more than ten thousand years.

Sorry, but I'm not agreeing with you in the game, I dont care to even play the game and don't care what religion or race somebody said they are. Nobody is getting a free ticket because of who their parents were. Individuals will stand as criminals or good people and Im calling them criminals, period , when they are.
For me it is nothing but 100 percent distraction (see card 2) to start trying to figure out who their parents were or what they claim they believe in. They aren't even the issue (see card 1). !

Maybe by page 7 I';ll get back on track with the money thing again.

29th September 2010, 01:55 AM
Exactly how are those criminals actually Jews if they don't even follow their own stated most important rules?

This is an example of the "No True Scotsman" dodge.
(No True Scotsman hates the bagpipes. He's a Scotsman and he hates bagpipes? Then he's no True Scotsman.)

Works great to relieve a people of responsibility for their nogoodniks by defining them out.

What funnymoney is doing is being deceptive:

Quick lesson:
JUDAISM is a religion.

JEW is a people.

While it's intellectually honest say that someone who fails to follow religious tenets is not a true member of that religion,

you CANNOT say that someone who fails to act nice is no longer a member of that PEOPLE, since peoplehood comes from who one's parents are.

So Jews who don't follow the Ten Commandments are still Jews

just as

Chinese who fail to honor their ancestors are still Chinese

(And Chinese who convert to JUDAISM are still Chinese. They are not Jews. How can
a religious conversion change one's ancestry? It can't)

29th September 2010, 02:01 AM
So what, shakin'?

I refer you to the post directly above you, and several prior if you wish (select card 2 on your way up)

29th September 2010, 02:10 AM
So What?

The "what" is simple:

Humans are ethnocentric. (One loves one's family members more than non-family. The closer the relation, the stronger the love. Another way to say it: Me against my brother.
BUT, me and my brother against my cousin. BUT me, my brother and my cousin against the world.)

The degree of ethnocentricity, however, can vary. Jews fall far to the right on the ethnocentricity Bell Curve, i.e., they are extremely ethnocentric.

Jews have survived as a people for many thousands of years because they are careful to
ask What is Good for the Jews? (Note: they don't ask: What is good for the Chinese, nor What is Good for the Hutus, nor What is Good for the EuroWhite Catholics.)

Because Jews ask, What is Good for the Jews, because Jews are ethnocentric, when the
answer is: Get control of the money and economics of the country, then that's what they do. If the answer is: Publically deny we are a people, only a religion, then that's what they do. When the answer is, publicly claim to be a people, not just religion, then THAT's what they do. When the answer is, get a country in the Middle East, then that's what they do. When the answer is, get White Christian boys to fight wars to benefit Israel through MSM propaganda, then that's what they do. When the answer is, be hypocritical, that's what they do, etc. etc.

HOWEVER, the Jew's propensity to ask What is Good for the Jews necessarily causes friction wth us non-Jews since what's good for them is very frequently very bad for us.

29th September 2010, 02:27 AM
Humans are ethnocentric. .... The degree of ethnocentricity, however, can vary. ...

Again, shakin'shoes, I don't see anything special. Same as always. same as before...

Simply see again the 2 posts right above yours, (this time I would say pick card 1 also,.

29th September 2010, 07:30 AM
...There is no need to kill the Jews.

...Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.

For every criminal you find, there will be a dozen more that don't fit your special description of evil. I have my own perspective on life I've lived long enough to see it first hand, and unfortunately I can assure you there are plenty of horrific crimes and will continue to be, they cross all groups. Govt controlled, crimes implemented by plenty of evil people.

On the other hand, what card do you plan to play?

Card 1: Deception
Card 2: Distraction
Card 3: Division

things haven't changed much for more than ten thousand years.

Sorry, but I'm not agreeing with you in the game, I dont care to even play the game and don't care what religion or race somebody said they are. Nobody is getting a free ticket because of who their parents were. Individuals will stand as criminals or good people and Im calling them criminals, period , when they are.
For me it is nothing but 100 percent distraction (see card 2) to start trying to figure out who their parents were or what they claim they believe in. They aren't even the issue (see card 1). !

Maybe by page 7 I';ll get back on track with the money thing again.

My card deck has some cards the Jewish deck leaves out.

1. Honor
2. Honesty
3. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you

You are dealing from the Jewish deck and that is apparent for all to see.

29th September 2010, 10:44 AM
I don't agree at all Bigjon. I think that is entirely your speculation on the matter. Do you actually know what is in the heart and soul of every individual from that religion/race? Are you the one who is in a position to judge how honest, honorable or criminal an individual is?

Sounds like large generalizations which no mortal can know. I point you back to the root cause (see Horn's post above). I don't see a problem with honesty and proper ways to live, throw in the 10 rules that that religion claims are from God too if you want to - fine, nice, I like good people. I don't have a problem with people who are not criminals.

I do have a problem with the criminals and I do have a problem with distraction techniques which switch focus from the root cause of crime onto some false strategy or symptom issue. Once again, it is not about they, no matter who they are, there will always be a they.

They can be punished by God if when the day comes - I would rather tackle the reason why they (criminals) can get away with so much crime and have been able to for thousands of years - something which has to do with root causes and not the parents or claimed religious beliefs of they.

You focus on they. Distraction heading toward division is all that is.
On the other hand, I focus on something that could succeed.

29th September 2010, 12:21 PM
I dont care to even play the game and don't care what religion or race somebody said they are. Nobody is getting a free ticket because of who their parents were.


If your parents are jews Abe Foxman and his tribal machine have a $60 Million annual budget to give you a free ticket.

GOYIM: I need help Abe.

ABE: Are you a jew?

GOYIM: Nope.

ABE: Drop dead goyim.

JEW: I need help Abe.

ABE: Are you a jew?

JEW: Yep.

ABE: An army of ADL and SPLC and ACLU lawyers will be there within an hour.


Meanwhile, those same jews scream "HATE" if two or more White Guys want to associate together...just like FunnyMoney does here in this thread at GSUS...lol.

In terms of institutional considerations, until the early 1980s the leading "defense" agency, in terms of budget and stature, was the American Jewish Committee; the annual budgets of the two agencies were at approximate parity, at around $12 million. The ADL budget ($5.5 million in 1971) began increasing in the 1980s at approximately $3 million per year in that decade, and soon far outstripped the other "defense" agencies, reaching some $30 million by the early 1990s and approximately $60 million by 2005. The League's staff and programmatic initiatives have increased commensurately.

29th September 2010, 12:28 PM
I don't agree at all Bigjon. I think that is entirely your speculation on the matter. Do you actually know what is in the heart and soul of every individual from that religion/race? Are you the one who is in a position to judge how honest, honorable or criminal an individual is?

Sounds like large generalizations which no mortal can know. I point you back to the root cause (see Horn's post above). I don't see a problem with honesty and proper ways to live, throw in the 10 rules that that religion claims are from God too if you want to - fine, nice, I like good people. I don't have a problem with people who are not criminals.

I do have a problem with the criminals and I do have a problem with distraction techniques which switch focus from the root cause of crime onto some false strategy or symptom issue. Once again, it is not about they, no matter who they are, there will always be a they.

They can be punished by God if when the day comes - I would rather tackle the reason why they (criminals) can get away with so much crime and have been able to for thousands of years - something which has to do with root causes and not the parents or claimed religious beliefs of they.

You focus on they. Distraction heading toward division is all that is.
On the other hand, I focus on something that could succeed.

You need to study the Talmud, it is a book of hatred of all who are non-Jewish. The ten commandments are only for Jews in regards to other Jews. All non-Jews are animals according to their book.

I bet you can't find one other religion that has such beliefs.

The Jewish religion is the root cause of the Jews problem and it leads to a problem for non-Jews when they wield so much power.


The basic Talmudic doctrine includes more than a "super-race" complex. It is an "only" race concept. The non-Jew thus ranks as an animal, has no property rights and no legal rights under any code whatever. If lies, bribes or kicks are necessary to get non-Jews under control — that is legitimate. There is only one "sin," and that is anything which will frighten non-Jews and thus make it harder for the Jewish "humans" to get them under control. "Milk the Gentile," is the Talmudic rule, but don't get caught in such a way as to jeopardize Jewish interests. Summarized, Talmudism is the quintesscence of distilled hatred and discrimination — without cause, against non-Jews.

This is perhaps an apt place to expound upon the amazing fact that those people who really believe in the Book of Books, the Bible, and accept the Holy One of Israel, Christ, and the Israel prophets who foretold Him, meekly accept the designation "Gentiles," a term which in the Bible refers to pagan sex-worshippers, demon invokers and the like (I Thes. 4:5; I Cor. 10:20, etc.). Metatron-venerating, demon-invoking Talmudists who revile every teaching, every respected character in the Old Testament, we give these the name of "Israelites," and "Jews."

Nevertheless, for the sake of usage only, we refer herein to non-Talmudists as "Gentiles."

Under "Gentiles" the Jewish Encyclopedia sums up the Pharisee Talmudist attitude: "The Pharisees held that only Israelites are men … Gentiles classed not as men but as barbarians." (See Exhibit 268)

Further on, and misusing Scripture shamelessly and characteristically, the Scriptural lines about God shining are misinterpreted to mean that God shined His laws to Moses on all the nations, but since only the Israelites accepted them: "He withdrew His 'shining' legal protection from them and transferred their property rights to Israel." (Exhibit 269 , upper left column)

Then, "It follows that the Gentiles were excepted from the general civil laws of Moses." Talmud law from the book of Baba Kamma, on ox-goring, is then cited.

Here Moses is flouted. He taught again and again that the stranger is to be treated the same as the "home born," or the Israelites: "The stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt … . Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard. in weight, or in measure." (Lev. 19:34-5) "Love ye therefore the stranger …" (Deut. 10:19)

Numbers 9:14; 15:29; "One law and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you." (Nu. 15: 15-16, 29)

Bear in mind that the oral law, or the Traditions of the Pharisees, as recorded in the Talmud, completely reverses each teaching of Moses, who time and again taught that the non-Israelite, the "stranger," must be treated, be loved, as one's self! No wonder Christ said, "The Pharisees sit in Moses' seat, and by their Tradition make the commandments of God of none effect." (Matt. 15:3, 6; Mark 7:13)

The Jewish Encyclopedia reference noted above (Exhibit 268) states that, "The Pharisees … held that only Israelites are men … . Gentiles they classed not as men but as barbarians." After the word men in the above passage, you will note in the original: "quoting the prophet, 'Ye my flock, the flock of my pasture are men,'" with Ezekiel 34:31 given as the Biblical, and Baba Mezia l08b [see: Bab Mezia 114b] as the Talmudic basis, for this abhorrent doctrine.

The Ezekiel verse ends the 34th chapter, a parable about good and bad cattle, promised justice and a Redeemer, being addressed as a "flock:" "And I will judge between cattle and cattle. And I will set up one shepherd over them, even my servant David" (Christ) — the whole ending with the explanation of the parable: "And ye my flock … are men and I am your God, saith the Lord God."

However, the Talmud invents and adds to the above words in a Baba Mezia 108b [see: Baba Mezia 114b] passage (not reproduced here): "Only ye are designated as 'men.'" This Ezekiel verse is a popular quotation in the Talmud, always misused to infer that Talmudists are men but non-Talmudists are on the level of mere beasts or cattle.

The Baba Mezia passage is about the graves of Gentiles which rank like the graves of animals. "The graves of Gentiles do not defile," is the edict based upon this same Ezekiel verse: "Ye my flock … are men," and reference is made to Numbers 19:14 which lays out the rule that when a man has died in his tent, those who come into the tent are suspect for seven days — as they may have perhaps caught a communicable disease, which killed the deceased. But that rule does not apply to Gentiles. They do not rank as human carcasses. The "Sage" who mouths this last choice thought is the above mentioned Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai (Talmud, Page 651, Soncino edition, book of Baba Mezia, 1l4a-114b, not reproduced here).
Articles Lost By Gentiles

According to the Talmud book of Baba Kamma, a lost article need not be restored to a heathen (non-Jew). (See Exhibit 40)

The Talmud always quotes the Bible in order to reverse it. Here Moses' admonition about returning lost articles, whether or not one knew the "brother" who had lost them, is [page 17] cited once again to justify the reverse.

Elsewhere in the Talmud (see Exhibit 84) returning a lost article to a non-Jew is stated to be a "sin."
Wine Touched by Gentiles

Wine touched by a non-Jew would be poisoned and unfit to drink, from the contact alone. So, in the first Talmud English translation (Rodkinson) we see that the matter of using the wine after thieves had broken into a house, and who might have touched it, is taken up with the Rabbi "who allowed the wine [to be used] on the ground that the majority of thieves in that city are Jews." In a similar case that occurred in Nehardea, Samuel (a top "sage"), "too, allowed the wine." Both of these Babylonian towns of Pumbeditha and Nehardea were Talmud-Cabala centers for centuries. (See Exhibit 8)
Gentiles Cast in a Pit

The Talmudic "Sages" even provide reasons for letting a Gentile die in a pit. In general, according to the Talmud book of Abodah Zara, non-Jews are not to be thrown down a pit to die — that would make bad feelings against Jews — except in the case of "minim" (Christians), "apostates" (from Talmudism) and "informers" (about the Jewish religion) — these "may be cast in and need not be brought up." (See Exhibit 186)

However, the same Talmud reference notes that, for payment "one is obliged to bring them up on account of ill feeling." But another "Sage," Abaye, is referred to as urging:

"He could offer such excuses as, 'I have to run to my boy who is standing on the roof,' or, 'I have to keep my appointment at the court.'" Then, presumably, the Gentile should be happy to die in the pit and no blame could be attached to the Jew.

In a footnote, reference is made to the Talmud, Abodah Zarah 13b (not reproduced), where it is reiterated — "As to idolators … even throw them in" (that is, if they are Christians or minim). [Exact wording found in Abodah Zarah 26b, cited in Exhibit 186.]

Reference is also made to the Talmud, Sanhedrin 57a [see: Sanhedrin 57b], where, ridiculously, sentencing non-Jews to death with only one witness, even a relative, is permitted. Don't try to use your intelligence at this point. Genesis 9:5 is cited. There, God is ordering men not to eat living animals: "Surely your blood of your lives will I require …" However, according to the Talmud, the "reason" why only one witness need testify against a non-Jew to cause him to be put to death is twisted thus:

"The interpretation is based on the use of the singular, 'I will require.'" Thus, God not being "plural," witnesses need not be plural.

In Talmudism the Bible is used as a "grab-bag" to justify the "whited sepulchre" of Pharasaism referred to by Christ.
Non-Jews — The People Who are Like an Ass

The utterly mad way in which the Bible is tossed about to make a "whited sepulchre" for Talmudic Babylonian filth and criminality is illustrated by the Talmud, Kethuboth 111a. A reach here, and a grab there, and the Pharisee "Sages" make their own Satanic meaning out of unrelated scriptural verses, plays on words, and other childish devices. We thus see in Exhibit 148: "It is written, 'Unto the people upon it,' and elsewhere it is written, 'Abide ye here with the ass' which may be rendered 'people that are like an ass — slaves who are considered the property of the master.'"

This is linked to Isaiah 42:5 in a footnote. Isaiah 42:5 in actuality refers to God as: "He that spread forth the earth … he that giveth breath unto the people upon it," and which has nothing to do with what is in the Talmud. The reference is to the Gentile Canaanite, the "Canaanite bond-woman." The source given by the Talmud for the phrase, "Abide ye here with the ass," is Genesis 22:5, which actually concerns Abraham going off to pray: "And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again unto you." Which once again has nothing whatsoever to do with the anti-Gentile doctrine above.

Sly little verses are put in as a code in the above such as "Now according to Eliezer — Who based his view on Ezekiel 26:20 …" This Bible verse actually refers to the fall of Tyre, with a fate such as the Talmudists wish to inflict on Gentiles: "I shall bring thee down with them that descend into the pit … in the lower parts of the earth …"
Always Make Money

29th September 2010, 12:53 PM
Do you actually know what is in the heart and soul of every individual from that religion/race? Are you the one who is in a position to judge how honest, honorable or criminal an individual is?

Sounds like large generalizations which no mortal can know.


I don't intend to even TRY to know what's in the heart and soul of every single individual alive on earth.

But group averages are a close enough approximation to be useful as a rule of thumb to protect myself from shysters.

Stereotypes exist because they are true enough. Stereotypes are not "evil." Stereotypes are the collective wisdom of all the interactions of all the people that have gone before.


29th September 2010, 12:56 PM
(dumb software!)

If a Jew is "not like that" or a Black is "not like that," in regards to whatever the negative stereotype is for their group, the Jew or Black or Chinese or Austro Abo or whoever needs to scold his own people for so many of them acting in ways that the negative stereotype gets formed, for which that Jew, personally, is unfairly characterized.

As for me, *I* intend to listen to the wisdom of my ancestors.l

29th September 2010, 01:03 PM
....Group averages are a close enough approximation.

Well ok, so what? Some group is XX% sheep plus some percent criminal. Are you saying that white people are 0% criminal and what's this about "I don't want them to talk to each other" :conf: exactly when was I against a free discussion between anyone not invlolved in crime, or are some groups something % better or worse than some other group? And even if so, Again, so what?

I stand by the fact that no group is 100% evil and no group is 0% evil. I focus on: individual choices in life, ... after that, well, once past the distractions, the illusions, the symptom topics and all the rest, I''ll then move on to focus on: the system which allows for individuals to make incorrect life choices and greatly profit from them.

And also, why the pages of ancient religious text? people conform to individual choices or latch onto some random belief, or follow some religious text, does that really matter? I like to follow the writings of TJ when it comes to central banks but I certainly don't follow everything that man said during his time on the planet. It seems you (and others here) think it is critically important to understanding the details of this particular criminal group of this particular race . Got it, thanks for the reminder and pages of info. But I don't agree. I think it is a distraction to focus on the criminal, that never fixed the problem in the past, criminals are always changing from one to the next even within the same group. There are millions of potential criminals and the pool to draw from comes from all races, and I don't think ever ends, so again a distraction to try and dismantle the pool of criminals, effort must focus on the root causes which, btw, would be for the benefit of the entire globe.

29th September 2010, 01:11 PM
....Group averages are a close enough approximation.

Well ok, so what? Some group is XX% sheep plus some percent criminal. Are you saying that white people are 0% criminal and what's this about "I don't want them to talk to each other" :conf: exactly when was I against a free discussion between anyone not invlolved in crime, or are some groups something % better or worse than some other group? And even if so, Again, so what?

I stand by the fact that no group is 100% evil and no group is 0% evil. I focus on: individual choices in life, ... after that, well, once past the distractions, the illusions, the symptom topics and all the rest, I''ll then move on to focus on: the system which allows for individuals to make incorrect life choices and greatly profit from them.

So, you have no problem with the Jewish religion that states that good Jews will kill all the non-Jews or make slaves of them.

29th September 2010, 01:12 PM
Well, while you are spending years getting to know 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 36, maybe a hundred, people in order to fully understand, comprehend and catalog with infinite precision all the small and large nicenesses and all the small and large evils present in their individual hearts,

*I'm* going to play the percentages and bet that Jewish power in the form of excess money
(50% of billionaires are Jews)

excess gov't and academic and media positions,
(50% of Harvard profs are Jews)

and their hubris
(Joe Sobran expressed it with his usual hyperbole: “You must only ever write of us as a passive, powerless, historically oppressed minority, struggling to maintain our ancient identity in a world where all the odds are against us, poor helpless us, poor persecuted and beleaguered us! Otherwise we will smash you to pieces.” )

combined with their reputation as nation-wreckers:

means that American society is in for some horrific bad times.

(2008 to now is just the prelude.)

So I'm buying gold.

29th September 2010, 01:30 PM
I stand by the fact that no group is 100% evil and no group is 0% evil

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And the race is not always to the swift nor the fight to the strong -- but that's the way to bet.

BTW, do you live in
A. A gated community populated by "anti-racists," who, coincidentally, of course, all have white skin, and all of them busily assuring you that all only the individual matters

or do you actually practice what you preach and live in:

B. inner city Detroit?

Hmmmmm? Inquiring minds want to know.

29th September 2010, 01:31 PM
So What?

The "what" is simple:

Humans are ethnocentric. (One loves one's family members more than non-family. The closer the relation, the stronger the love. Another way to say it: Me against my brother.
BUT, me and my brother against my cousin. BUT me, my brother and my cousin against the world.)

The degree of ethnocentricity, however, can vary. Jews fall far to the right on the ethnocentricity Bell Curve, i.e., they are extremely ethnocentric.

Jews have survived as a people for many thousands of years because they are careful to
ask What is Good for the Jews? (Note: they don't ask: What is good for the Chinese, nor What is Good for the Hutus, nor What is Good for the EuroWhite Catholics.)

Because Jews ask, What is Good for the Jews, because Jews are ethnocentric, when the
answer is: Get control of the money and economics of the country, then that's what they do. If the answer is: Publically deny we are a people, only a religion, then that's what they do. When the answer is, publicly claim to be a people, not just religion, then THAT's what they do. When the answer is, get a country in the Middle East, then that's what they do. When the answer is, get White Christian boys to fight wars to benefit Israel through MSM propaganda, then that's what they do. When the answer is, be hypocritical, that's what they do, etc. etc.

HOWEVER, the Jew's propensity to ask What is Good for the Jews necessarily causes friction wth us non-Jews since what's good for them is very frequently very bad for us.

Really good post right there.

Now if only more peoples acted just like the Jews we wouldn't get anywhere... which is what occurs & what is occuring as a response for those same "good quality" ethnocentric non-jews.

Ethnocentricity breeds selfishness.

Selfishness as a racial quality leads to many sinister ways one can make use of an entire race.

29th September 2010, 01:34 PM
Ethnocentricity breeds selfishness. Selfishness as a racial quality leads to many sinister ways one can make use of an entire race.

Yeah, it's sad, but true.

But non-ethnocentricity on your own peoples part, when the other group is exhibiting it, like unilateral nuclear disarmament, leads to YOUR PEOPLE'S EXTINCTION.

29th September 2010, 02:05 PM
So, you have no problem with the Jewish religion that states that good Jews will kill all the non-Jews or make slaves of them.

WTF? If somebody has killed or made slave of someone else of course it is a crime.

... or do you actually practice what you preach and live... ...Inquiring minds want to know...


What inquiring minds, do you think a few dozen anonymous Internet posters are unable to think for themselves regarding what I write?? I'ts not like I'm selling something. Written a hundred stories on the Internet and nobody seemed to care before who I am. Why do you want to make this about me? !! Sheesh!


I think everything is pretty clearly explained in my other posts on this page, and is a bit more comprehensive than a single anonymous Internet poster!

You provided your opinions, I think the rest of GSUS members can decide for themselves.


29th September 2010, 02:23 PM
Ethnocentricity breeds selfishness. Selfishness as a racial quality leads to many sinister ways one can make use of an entire race.

Yeah, it's sad, but true.

But non-ethnocentricity on your own peoples part, when the other group is exhibiting it, like unilateral nuclear disarmament, leads to YOUR PEOPLE'S EXTINCTION.

Or at the very least, the wandering elite minority.

29th September 2010, 02:40 PM
So, you have no problem with the Jewish religion that states that good Jews will kill all the non-Jews or make slaves of them.

WTF? If somebody has killed or made slave of someone else of course it is a crime.

... or do you actually practice what you preach and live... ...Inquiring minds want to know...


What inquiring minds, do you think a few dozen anonymous Internet posters are unable to think for themselves regarding what I write?? I'ts not like I'm selling something. Written a hundred stories on the Internet and nobody seemed to care before who I am. Why do you want to make this about me? !! Sheesh!


I think everything is pretty clearly explained in my other posts on this page, and is a bit more comprehensive than a single anonymous Internet poster!

You provided your opinions, I think the rest of GSUS members can decide for themselves.


I have provided evidence, evidence that Jews do NOT deny, it is their book... you do your best to ignore the evidence.


29th September 2010, 02:53 PM
Funnymoney has a valid point regarding evil and its existence in all cultures. Even if one wiped out all the Juice ;) both evil and corruptibility would still exist. It seems to be inherit in some men's wiring.

In ancient times, prior to the Hebrews/Canaanites, there were various "mystery cults" worshiping evil.

This thread was an interesting read.

The current paradigm we live under (a form of Neo-Feudalism, if you ask me) makes it worth while to research how the evil doers have reached their position of power. At least if you'd like to avoid it in the future.

Brushing off one group or another to concentrate on the bigger picture is a method of research that I find very interesting, however I have learned from my mistakes. I am a person that tends to focus on big picture thoughts or concepts, often neglecting to spend enough time examining the details of how things have reached the stage they are at.

I've learned that indeed, the devil is in the details.

Without spending appropriate time learning the tricks of the evil doers it is impossible to think of policies and practices to implement if the current structure were to be changed.

I think there is much to be gained from discussing both sides to this equation. The larger issue of evil and the groups publicly practicing evil.

We have been (collectively) conditioned to think of racial analysis as a bad thing. It is a taboo subject, just like religion and politics (and especially money as it greatly impacts all three subjects).

Look no further than Armenian genocide laws, Holocaust laws, etc..

Re: The Truth Behind Race & Religion Posts
There are 2 possible purposes to these threads IMO:

1. Remove the taboo by analyzing the practices of different races/religions.
2. Keep us infighting while focusing too much on the details.

#1 Can help us rid ourselves of ignorance and false assumptions.
#2 Can keep us from thinking big picture.

Big picture thoughts are where new paradigms come from. Just as I know I can fall into the all big picture, all the time trap, so can some folks succumb to spending too much time on the details. Too much on the big picture will turn you into a powerless idealist. Too much on the details leads to blinders in the search of truth.

At times the forest can become very difficult to spot while staring at trees. Balance is key.

29th September 2010, 04:50 PM
Why do you want to make this about me

Because I disregard the lectures of hypocrites. And so do most other reasonable people

If you advocate "no stereotyping" for the rest of us, I want to know if YOU avoid
stereotyping, in the sense of being willing to voluntarily *live* in the neighborhoods
of the traditionally stereotyped-against for whom you claim to feel such empathy for the "injustice" they've suffered. (ifyagetmymeaning)

Or are you the sort that condemns me and mine as "raaaaaaaccccciiiiiiissst" because I have learned the hard way that heeding stereotypes keeps me safe, while you and your ilk live in gated communities, sniffing contempt at me the whole time?

29th September 2010, 04:54 PM
Or at the very least, the wandering elite minority.

That's worked for the Jews, true.

But do you think it will work for White Americans? I don't. We haven't encountered 3000 years of selection pressures for it.

29th September 2010, 05:29 PM
Or at the very least, the wandering elite minority.

That's worked for the Jews, true.

But do you think it will work for White Americans? I don't. We haven't encountered 3000 years of selection pressures for it.

Time to sing the blues...


29th September 2010, 05:36 PM
Chinese and North Koreans are self proclaimed Communists, Let me see...What group of people brought that into practice?

2nd October 2010, 12:48 PM
When someone says they have the "truth" behind something it is highly likely that they are full of sh*t.

Actually no, some people know the real truth and aren't full of sh*t.

+2 points, you stand corrected, pick a card.


Card 1: Deception
Card 2: Distraction
Card 3: Division

After that, you don't need to pick any more cards.
Your bank account has been emptied, report immediately to the nearest FEMA camp.

TPTB know exactly how to win this thing...

Card 1: Deception
Card 2: Distraction
Card 3: Division

It is a shame that the freedom and liberty forums don't understand how to win this war , and instead play right into the deck of cards that the PTB provide.

2nd October 2010, 05:17 PM
Funny people don't want to mention the who.

TPTB = Jews

They would rather talk about Illuminaughty.

And ignore evidence.

2nd October 2010, 09:34 PM
Funny people don't want to mention the who.

Most don't mention the 'who' because they don't believe it or are afraid to mention it.

But those really in the know don't mention the who because we know how fruitless it is and how it is a counter-productive strategy to mention the who. There will always be a 'who' as well as a 'who in waiting', actually many of them.

The "how" is the way to win. Take away the 'how' and you have preempted all the 'whos'.

But some people don't care about winning, they just care about revenge. And so fast forward ten thousand years and that's why we have what we have today. Nothing changes. Or rather, "Nothing Works and Nobody Cares". Look it up if you don't believe me.

2nd October 2010, 11:17 PM
Funny people don't want to mention the who.

Most don't mention the 'who' because they don't believe it or are afraid to mention it.

But those really in the know don't mention the who because we know how fruitless it is and how it is a counter-productive strategy to mention the who. There will always be a 'who' as well as a 'who in waiting', actually many of them.

The "how" is the way to win. Take away the 'how' and you have preempted all the 'whos'.

But some people don't care about winning, they just care about revenge. And so fast forward ten thousand years and that's why we have what we have today. Nothing changes. Or rather, "Nothing Works and Nobody Cares". Look it up if you don't believe me.

The Jews demand that they are not noticed and you also demand that they are not mentioned.
The Jews in Russia made a law that put people to death for identifying a Jew as a Jew.
You are using another of the Jews calling cards revenge, another Jewish maxim "Never forgive, never forget".

You have to identify the source of a problem to fix it and the Jews are the source. The means is the control of money, money in and of itself is not bad, it is in fact a good thing if properly regulated.

2nd October 2010, 11:22 PM
Does this include the jewish people who aren't actually Jewish?

Because then we'd have to quadruple the numbers.

2nd October 2010, 11:46 PM
You have to identify the source of a problem to fix it and the Jews are the source.

The means is the control of money, money in and of itself is not bad, it is in fact a good thing if properly regulated.

Honest gifts from God do not require regulation. While you may think all we need to do is fix (properly regulate) the system - I am here to assure you that the system can not be fixed, it is 100% corrupted as it is a pure deception.

Once again, the root source of the problem is the "how", not the "who". There will always be a "who" as well as a "who in waiting". Actually there will be many whos in waiting.

There is a man-eating steam roller roaming the planet. It has been roaming the planet for 10 thousand years. You would like to get rid of the driver of this evil thing, and then replace that driver with your own (properly regulate), something which has NEVER worked to slow the thing down in the past and can not work. On the other hand, I could care less about who is driving the thing this generation or last generation or next generation - I would rather that the thing itself be dismantled.

But go ahead, BigJon, pretend you can defy history. Why not, everybody else does, they always have tried the same thing over and over. Nobody really wants to solve anything, it's a lot more fun to point fingers and blame people for being, well for being criminals, or greedy, or corruptable, or human. It's been the status quo for,... well, for just about forever.

2nd October 2010, 11:51 PM
....Group averages are a close enough approximation.

Well ok, so what? Some group is XX% sheep plus some percent criminal. Are you saying that white people are 0% criminal and what's this about "I don't want them to talk to each other" :conf: exactly when was I against a free discussion between anyone not invlolved in crime, or are some groups something % better or worse than some other group? And even if so, Again, so what?

I stand by the fact that no group is 100% evil and no group is 0% evil. I focus on: individual choices in life, ... after that, well, once past the distractions, the illusions, the symptom topics and all the rest, I''ll then move on to focus on: the system which allows for individuals to make incorrect life choices and greatly profit from them.

So, you have no problem with the Jewish religion that states that good Jews will kill all the non-Jews or make slaves of them.

Where do jews who marry non-jews fit into this?

2nd October 2010, 11:51 PM
You have to identify the source of a problem to fix it and the Jews are the source.

The means is the control of money, money in and of itself is not bad, it is in fact a good thing if properly regulated.

Honest gifts from God do not require regulation. While you may think all we need to do is fix (properly regulate) the system - I am here to assure you that the system can not be fixed, it is 100% corrupted as it is a pure deception.

Once again, the root source of the problem is the "how", not the "who". There will always be a "who" as well as a "who in waiting". Actually there will be many whos in waiting.

There is a man-eating steam roller roaming the planet. It has been roaming the planet for 10 thousand years. You would like to get rid of the driver of this evil thing, and then replace that driver with your own (properly regulate), something which has NEVER worked to slow the thing down in the past and can not work. On the other hand, I could care less about who is driving the thing this generation or last generation or next generation - I would rather that the thing itself be dismantled.

But go ahead, BigJon, pretend you can defy history. Why not, everybody else does. It's been the status quo for,... well, for just about forever.

I'm all ears how do we fix this problem?

3rd October 2010, 12:07 AM
I'm all ears how do we fix this problem?

Who is "we"? Did you fail to read my "80% spectators" thread? Do you think something which has not been resolved in over ten thousand years gets fixed on a message board with 5 gold bugs reading?

Last count I took showed there's 6 billion people waiting for directions from the same people who got us into this mess to get us out of it, and 44 anonymous gold bugs at most willing to take a verbal stand on the issue. I had a poll over at GIM1 during the best of times and it got 44 votes. Although the count was 44 to 0 , which shows a perfect score, it is still only 44 actual freedom fighters. That is if you think anonymous Internet posters would be actually willing to fight for something worth fighting for and actually know what to attack.

At this point, I would usually go into the evils of taxation and fiat money, but what's the point? The 80% spectators require faster moving entertainment. I could explain it till turning blue. I could prove it case by case since the start of time through the modern day, but the attention span isn't there, the spectators want none of it. As it has always been, it will be again. War is around the corner. Plan A has never worked and plan B doesn't even have a definition. But that said, if you are truly a good person and want to pass knowledge onto some future generation in hopes that one day a tipping point might come for true freedom and liberty, then yes, work on your plan B.

That 44-0 poll was saved, and I re-posted it in an OP "Numbers Don't Lie". I thought that I posted it over here too, but can't find it now, but here is the GIM2 re-post of it (it is the final picture in the op)..

3rd October 2010, 12:35 AM
I'm all ears how do we fix this problem?

Who is "we"? Did you fail to read my "80% spectators" thread? Do you think something which has not been resolved in over ten thousand years gets fixed on a message board with 5 gold bugs reading?

Last count I took showed there's 6 billion people waiting for directions from the same people who got us into this mess to get us out of it, and 44 anonymous gold bugs at most willing to take a verbal stand on the issue. I had a poll over at GIM1 during the best of times and it got 44 votes. Although the count was 44 to 0 , which shows a perfect score, it is still only 44 actual freedom fighters. That is if you think anonymous Internet posters would be actually willing to fight for something worth fighting for and actually know what to attack.

At this point, I would usually go into the evils of taxation and fiat money, but what's the point? The 80% spectators require faster moving entertainment. I could explain it till turning blue. I could prove it case by case since the start of time through the modern day, but the attention span isn't there, the spectators want none of it. As it has always been, it will be again. War is around the corner. Plan A has never worked and plan B doesn't even have a definition. But that said, if you are truly a good person and want to pass knowledge onto some future generation in hopes that one day a tipping point might come for true freedom and liberty, then yes, work on your plan B.

That 44-0 poll was saved, and I re-posted it in an OP "Numbers Don't Lie". I thought that I posted it over here too, but can't find it now, but here is the GIM2 re-post of it (it is the final picture in the op)..

So... You have no solution, except please leave those poor picked on Jews out of it.

And you like to cherry pick what you quote on your replies, by omitting stuff you don't want.

But some people don't care about winning, they just care about revenge. And so fast forward ten thousand years and that's why we have what we have today. Nothing changes. Or rather, "Nothing Works and Nobody Cares". Look it up if you don't believe me.

The Jews demand that they are not noticed and you also demand that they are not mentioned.
The Jews in Russia made a law that put people to death for identifying a Jew as a Jew.
You are using another of the Jews calling cards revenge, another Jewish maxim "Never forgive, never forget".

You have to identify the source of a problem to fix it and the Jews are the source. The means is the control of money, money in and of itself is not bad, it is in fact a good thing if properly regulated.

3rd October 2010, 12:43 AM
So... You have no solution, ....

"You"? Do you think this is about me? Am I to provide you a solution? Don't you have a God or a savior or something?

Anyway, take a look at the polls, I provided the link. While all the debate and great info that came out of those various poll-theads I created has been lost, I did save the numbers.

Read the numbers. Somewhere in-between them is the solution. But as the casinos have always understood, while numbers don't lie, rarely do people pick the right ones.

3rd October 2010, 03:01 AM
But as the casinos have always understood, while numbers don't lie, rarely do people pick the right ones.



3rd October 2010, 08:17 AM
If they really do "run everything", how did it actually get that way?

Creature from Jekyll Island ... for example.

3rd October 2010, 02:20 PM

A group like American Jews, who cannot be criticised with impunity (Ask Rick Sanchez) and who are the most affluent on average in the country,

can in no way

honestly be described as "picked on."

3rd October 2010, 02:54 PM
The ten rules are for men and Jews believe that only Jews are men, all the rest are cattle called goyim.

Where in those 10 rules does it say that? Are we going to debate the definiation of the word "is". I read the rules that they constantly preach already. The addendum you posted is not to be found in those ten rules.

The fact is they claim 10 rules came from God and are exactly God's word and the most important way to live one's life. So to go completely against their own God, how exactly do they remain Jews? They do not. Criminals are criminals, to associate them with some group that puts those 10 rules up for everyone to see and follow is a lie. You can not have it both ways.

The confusion comes from their claiming to be jews. They are using jewish cover to hide what they really are and we mistakenly call them jews and group them in with real jews. But they actually are satan worshipers.

Revelation 2:9

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

3rd October 2010, 08:44 PM
The confusion comes from their claiming to be jews. They are using jewish cover to hide what they really are and we mistakenly call them jews and group them in with real jews. But they actually are satan worshipers.

Revelation 2:9
"9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan."

Ah ha! So then! The truth does come out. I had thought for the most part they were just criminals. But I think you are onto something. I remember Pol Pot. Do you remember him?

Yes, the one from Cambodia. For a long time I thought possibly just a power hungry, wealth stealing criminal who would stop at nothing and crush anyone to death that might stand between him and his desire for total national power. But after looking further into it, I must admit, I think you are right. There's probably a lot of criminals who actually are satan worshipers.

I don't consider this "good" news, but thanks for at least giving us a very important warning on the true nature of things.

3rd October 2010, 09:00 PM
....Group averages are a close enough approximation.

Well ok, so what? Some group is XX% sheep plus some percent criminal. Are you saying that white people are 0% criminal and what's this about "I don't want them to talk to each other" :conf: exactly when was I against a free discussion between anyone not invlolved in crime, or are some groups something % better or worse than some other group? And even if so, Again, so what?

I stand by the fact that no group is 100% evil and no group is 0% evil. I focus on: individual choices in life, ... after that, well, once past the distractions, the illusions, the symptom topics and all the rest, I''ll then move on to focus on: the system which allows for individuals to make incorrect life choices and greatly profit from them.

So, you have no problem with the Jewish religion that states that good Jews will kill all the non-Jews or make slaves of them.

Where do jews who marry non-jews fit into this?


3rd October 2010, 09:29 PM
The confusion comes from their claiming to be jews. They are using jewish cover to hide what they really are and we mistakenly call them jews and group them in with real jews. But they actually are satan worshipers.

Revelation 2:9
"9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan."

Ah ha! So then! The truth does come out. I had thought for the most part they were just criminals. But I think you are onto something. I remember Pol Pot. Do you remember him?

Yes, the one from Cambodia. For a long time I thought possibly just a power hungry, wealth stealing criminal who would stop at nothing and crush anyone to death that might stand between him and his desire for total national power. But after looking further into it, I must admit, I think you are right. There's probably a lot of criminals who actually are satan worshipers.

I don't consider this "good" news, but thanks for at least giving us a very important warning on the true nature of things.

I thank you for providing an angle that is well worthy of interest to me in this thread. Allow me to expand further please...

It seems to me that this is not "good" news at all. It seems that there's actually a lot of criminals that not only have ignored the descent, fair, enlightened and peaceful things that can be found in their parents' religion but have even gone the next step to embrace evil.

This is quite troubling, and knowing this I must admit that my prior post in response to BigJon about having a line on the solution, well..., it is a solution,... but this is going to be really very difficult. Evil and satan worshipers are going to be on top of any mistake in the systems. While we can take away the "how" as I explained, we are going to need to be extra vigilant that we never ever focus on the "who" much, if at all.
We are going to need 100% focus on the how mechanisms as evil is very capable of finding/exploiting any existing corrupted "how mechanisms" or another way to put it, evil will always be looking for ways to exploit any systems which are not 100% honest, transparent and in line with protection of God given rights for all humans.

I always knew that a focus on the "who" was a big distraction. But when the "who" can also be evil in addition to criminal, then the last thing we want to do is get involved with a fight with the devil. We need to leave that to higher powers and get down to work on what we actually CAN do, which is clean up our own systems and all those "how mechanisms" which have been corrupted. No wonder the focus on the "who" doesn't work, looking into the eyes of satan probably won't ever be a good strategy.

3rd October 2010, 09:36 PM
....Group averages are a close enough approximation.

Well ok, so what? Some group is XX% sheep plus some percent criminal. Are you saying that white people are 0% criminal and what's this about "I don't want them to talk to each other" :conf: exactly when was I against a free discussion between anyone not invlolved in crime, or are some groups something % better or worse than some other group? And even if so, Again, so what?

I stand by the fact that no group is 100% evil and no group is 0% evil. I focus on: individual choices in life, ... after that, well, once past the distractions, the illusions, the symptom topics and all the rest, I''ll then move on to focus on: the system which allows for individuals to make incorrect life choices and greatly profit from them.

So, you have no problem with the Jewish religion that states that good Jews will kill all the non-Jews or make slaves of them.

Where do jews who marry non-jews fit into this?



3rd October 2010, 09:46 PM

Funny Money, If I could thank you twice I would. There's No refuting the truth. 8)

Thank you for your post illumin. Your encouragement allowed me to stick through it and with the help of a very interesting angle provided by Son-of-Liberty, we now have a possible reward...

I think the above post of mine, #173 (well it did take a while), now provides what might be called in those hated CIA circles (LOL), as: "actionable intelligence". I think that's the first time I've ever used that phrase in a positive fashion.

4th October 2010, 03:08 AM
The ten rules are for men and Jews believe that only Jews are men, all the rest are cattle called goyim.

Where in those 10 rules does it say that? Are we going to debate the definiation of the word "is". I read the rules that they constantly preach already. The addendum you posted is not to be found in those ten rules.

The fact is they claim 10 rules came from God and are exactly God's word and the most important way to live one's life. So to go completely against their own God, how exactly do they remain Jews? They do not. Criminals are criminals, to associate them with some group that puts those 10 rules up for everyone to see and follow is a lie. You can not have it both ways.

The confusion comes from their claiming to be jews. They are using jewish cover to hide what they really are and we mistakenly call them jews and group them in with real jews. But they actually are satan worshipers.

Revelation 2:9

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

The question I have is are there innocent Jews, Jews who just practice their religion based on the old testament, without using the Talmud.? Are there any Jews who don't believe they are the only men and all non-Jews are beasts?

I don't believe there are any Jews who don't accept the above precepts.

If there are innocent Jews are they there to serve as a level of deception, much like the porch Mason's serve to deflect criticism of the Mason's.

As far as I know all Jews accept the Talmud as their set of rules.

The Talmud can be found here.

4th October 2010, 03:38 AM
As far as I know all Jews accept the Talmud as their set of rules.

Just for a frame of reference, how many jews do you know?

4th October 2010, 04:59 AM
As far as I know all Jews accept the Talmud as their set of rules.

Just for a frame of reference, how many jews do you know?

Several thousands, by their deeds, chronicled by writers like Nesta Webster, Douglas Reed, Eustace Mullins... I could fill up a page on the Jews that I know.

And they don't look very nice.

4th October 2010, 10:28 AM
The question I have is are there innocent Jews, Jews who just practice their religion based on the old testament, without using the Talmud.?

As far as I know all Jews accept the Talmud as their set of rules.

There is a sect of jew called "Karaite jews" whom follow the actual Old Testament scriptures, and disregard the talmud and kabbalah.
Funnily enough, they are regarded as heretics and un-orthodox by theis satanic-jewish brethren.

That is a strange thing to me, that the ones that follow to word of the Lord, as it is written in the actual scriptures, could be called heretics by the jews who follow the kabbalah (Black sorcery) and talmud (jew-written interpretations of scripture that twist the Word of the Lord into something evil)

Meanwhile the actual heretics who twist the Scriptures and worship ba'al, run around calling themselves "Orthodox jews". The truth is, they are the polar-opposite of Orthodox. Laughable, but true.
What is as above is as what is below, I guess. Satan is the greatest deciever.

This topic is touched on by Koestler in his book "The Thirteenth Tribe"

4th October 2010, 11:13 AM
The Jews(or their imposters) have every right to exploit the goyim in any way possible. In fact, they have an obligation to. It would be a shame if they did not, because it is tragic for any people not to exert themselves in their fullest potential.

Now, European gentiles have the same rights as the Jews, but they deny it. They've been infected with the most perverse doctrine, that right lies not with might but meekness. That the unfit should earn not contempt but praise. That success on earth leads not to reward in the afterlife but punishment.

4th October 2010, 12:03 PM
Well, after reading several of the recent posts above I am now more convinced than ever. It is clear again that a focus on the "who" really leads nowhere (unless endless debate is what you're interested in).

Reducing criminal behavior and the reduction in the success rate of criminal activities is all about focusing on the "how", and the "who" part is either simply fruitless or an outright distraction technique.

Pretty much just as I said before...

The confusion comes from their claiming to be jews. They are using jewish cover to hide what they really are and we mistakenly call them jews and group them in with real jews. But they actually are satan worshipers.

Revelation 2:9
"9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan."

Ah ha! So then! The truth does come out. I had thought for the most part they were just criminals. But I think you are onto something. I remember Pol Pot. Do you remember him?

Yes, the one from Cambodia. For a long time I thought possibly just a power hungry, wealth stealing criminal who would stop at nothing and crush anyone to death that might stand between him and his desire for total national power. But after looking further into it, I must admit, I think you are right. There's probably a lot of criminals who actually are satan worshipers.

I don't consider this "good" news, but thanks for at least giving us a very important warning on the true nature of things.

I thank you for providing an angle that is well worthy of interest to me in this thread. Allow me to expand further please...

It seems to me that this is not "good" news at all. It seems that there's actually a lot of criminals that not only have ignored the descent, fair, enlightened and peaceful things that can be found in their parents' religion but have even gone the next step to embrace evil.

This is quite troubling, and knowing this I must admit that my prior post in response to BigJon about having a line on the solution, well..., it is a solution,... but this is going to be really very difficult. Evil and satan worshipers are going to be on top of any mistake in the systems. While we can take away the "how" as I explained, we are going to need to be extra vigilant that we never ever focus on the "who" much, if at all.
We are going to need 100% focus on the how mechanisms as evil is very capable of finding/exploiting any existing corrupted "how mechanisms" or another way to put it, evil will always be looking for ways to exploit any systems which are not 100% honest, transparent and in line with protection of God given rights for all humans.

I always knew that a focus on the "who" was a big distraction. But when the "who" can also be evil in addition to criminal, then the last thing we want to do is get involved with a fight with the devil. We need to leave that to higher powers and get down to work on what we actually CAN do, which is clean up our own systems and all those "how mechanisms" which have been corrupted. No wonder the focus on the "who" doesn't work, looking into the eyes of satan probably won't ever be a good strategy.


4th October 2010, 12:24 PM
The 'how' is absolutely primary. It's impossible to identify the criminal without first identifying the crime.

Crime does not supersede criminals, however, it does not commit itself. You can't fight crime any more than terrorism, poverty, hunger or any other intangible. It is only possible to wage war against a tangible enemy.

4th October 2010, 12:28 PM
Well, after reading several of the recent posts above I am now more convinced than ever. It is clear again that a focus on the "who" really leads nowhere (unless endless debate is what you're interested in).

Reducing criminal behavior and the reduction in the success rate of criminal activities is all about focusing on the "how", and the "who" part is either simply fruitless or an outright distraction technique.

Pretty much just as I said before...

Please feel free to re-post the PM I sent you here in this thread.
I was going to post it here, but my outbox didn;t save a copy.

4th October 2010, 12:33 PM
Let us all not forget TpTb in their infinite wisdom have managed to survive all these eons.

My guess is if these threads could have been created over the internet in the past. You would see the same exact words over & over.

That true record skips time & time again thruout history, and the full volume set is only retained by TpTb themselves. It would stand to reason that there are some long existing ties between the TpTb and the jews, the relationship would also require a heavy line of division so as not to implicate as well. To think outing a jew will penetrate those ties will somehow start an effective cascade & dominoe effect is the option given. The easiest and most predictable line of attack to the visible enemy is Israel. Everyone will be lead to take, for wrong or right.

4th October 2010, 12:40 PM

TPTB are jews.

4th October 2010, 12:53 PM
The 'how' is absolutely primary. It's impossible to identify the criminal without first identifying the crime...

And I think it is actually even more than just that. It seems that the 'how mechanisms" have become the defacto standard, and this allows a revolving door for criminals to come and go as they please or as they die off for others to jump in and carry on with the evil deeds.

It seems that thousands of year of a focus on "who" is coming and going through that revolving door as been entirely fruitless. People in general have taken this to the point that few now even understand the "how".

Nobody seems to understand that the money was intended to be a gift from God and that it is much more difficult to corrupt things with the use of honest tokens like pure gold and pure silver.

Few today believe that taxes are evil, although history has shown them to be very evil and nearly always. Some people will say they are a "necessary evil". But church organization get things done without forcing the collection of taxes.

People constantly keep saying that the system needs to be "fixed". People have been trying to "fix" the system for thousands of years and things simply get worse. I think a more likely solution would be to simply dismantle the system and return to simple God given rights and nothing more. After that, who is going to really care that much "who" the criminals are as they will be unable to do much once their systems have been dismantled and replaced with God given ones.

Leave judgement of the criminals and satan followers to a higher authority and get down to work on the "how" is what I believe. JMHO, but it seems thousands of years of evidence proves my point.

4th October 2010, 01:23 PM

TPTB are jews.

And jews a from Israel, hidden in plain site.

Hatha Sunahara
4th October 2010, 02:29 PM
If you're trying to hunt down evil, you have to go after the people who have control--the people who give the orders. After you've identified them, you have to consider the cases of the people who were following those orders. If they violated some collective taboos knowingly because they were following orders, they too are guilty. The only innocent people are the ones who make gestures to oppose, or nullify the evil they were under the influence of. People should be judged on their conduct, not their beliefs.


4th October 2010, 03:28 PM
If you're trying to hunt down evil, you have to go after the people who have control--the people who give the orders. After you've identified them, you have to consider the cases of the people who were following those orders. If they violated some collective taboos knowingly because they were following orders, they too are guilty. The only innocent people are the ones who make gestures to oppose, or nullify the evil they were under the influence of. People should be judged on their conduct, not their beliefs.


So it's alright with you if a Jew decides to kill your family, because they believe you're just beasts.

4th October 2010, 08:03 PM
If you're trying to hunt down evil, you have to go after the people who have control--the people who give the orders. After you've identified them, you have to consider the cases of the people who were following those orders. If they violated some collective taboos knowingly because they were following orders, they too are guilty. The only innocent people are the ones who make gestures to oppose, or nullify the evil they were under the influence of. People should be judged on their conduct, not their beliefs.


So it's alright with you if a Jew decides to kill your family, because they believe you're just beasts.


Let's see that again:

So it's alright with you if a Jew decides to kill your family, because they believe you're just beasts.

I'm not Hatha, but I certainly would take offense if I was. Where did he say that?

I did not see those words or anything near that kind of idea.

Get a grip Bigjon, while you may think all jews believe you're a beast, I can assure you that you are mistaken.
And while you may fear that all jews are just itching to "kill" you and your "family", I am here to assure you that again you are mistaken.

Oh, and btw "killing" is not "alright" ! no matter what person is holding the gun. Do you think members here are so stupid as to not know that?
And if you think jews have any smarts at all then I can tell you that it's pretty easy to figure out that the 10 rules provided by God, which the jews claim, would trump any possible subsequent human being's interpretation of ancient jewish texts - and that probably most jews can figure that out just fine.

And we don't need you to post any ancient texts or interpretations or translations of the Bible where you claim somebody has been given the right to "kill". Most of the members here are beyond putting faith into some fellow man.

Let me put it this way: if you new something was written by a man and something else was the word of God, which thing would you rather believe in? Unless you are willing to sell your soul why would you "kill", or "lie" or whatever evil deed?

So what is your purpose on this thread?
Right now it looks to me you want to make it seem other posters are saying something which they have not.

4th October 2010, 08:42 PM
If you're trying to hunt down evil, you have to go after the people who have control--the people who give the orders. After you've identified them, you have to consider the cases of the people who were following those orders. If they violated some collective taboos knowingly because they were following orders, they too are guilty. The only innocent people are the ones who make gestures to oppose, or nullify the evil they were under the influence of. People should be judged on their conduct, not their beliefs.


So it's alright with you if a Jew decides to kill your family, because they believe you're just beasts.


Let's see that again:

So it's alright with you if a Jew decides to kill your family, because they believe you're just beasts.

I'm not Hatha, but I certainly would take offense if I was. Where did he say that?

I did not see those words or anything near that kind of idea.

Get a grip Bigjon, while you may think all jews believe you're a beast, I can assure you that you are mistaken.
And while you may fear that all jews are just itching to "kill" you and your "family", I am here to assure you that again you are mistaken.

Oh, and btw "killing" is not "alright" ! no matter what person is holding the gun. Do you think members here are so stupid as to not know that?
And if you think jews have any smarts at all then I can tell you that it's pretty easy to figure out that the 10 rules provided by God, which the jews claim, would trump any possible subsequent human being's interpretation of ancient jewish texts - and that probably most jews can figure that out just fine.

And we don't need you to post any ancient texts or interpretations or translations of the Bible where you claim somebody has been given the right to "kill". Most of the members here are beyond putting faith into some fellow man.

Let me put it this way: if you new something was written by a man and something else was the word of God, which thing would you rather believe in? Unless you are willing to sell your soul why would you "kill", or "lie" or whatever evil deed?

So what is your purpose on this thread?
Right now it looks to me you want to make it seem other posters are saying something which they have not.

You need to talk to some Palestinians. The Jews are killing them with absolute impunity.

They are taking over power in all the western countries. When their power is absolute we non-Jews will all be Palestinians.

My purpose on this thread is to wake up people, that the Jews have planned this conquest of the world for a very long time.

You want them left unidentified, your purpose on this thread has been obvious from your original post.

4th October 2010, 09:02 PM
So good to know your stated purpose.

I am willing to address any idea.

So here it is, your idea and your purpose on this thread.

My purpose on this thread is to wake up people, that the Jews have planned this conquest of the world for a very long time.

You have made your point. All your posts are the same and all of them make this point. So it's good you have now boiled it down for us. Thanks for providing your input. Now allow me to make the point of this thread again, since I don't believe your description as I never said those words.

My point is that your point is a distraction from removing the ability for someone to "conquest the world". We can now simply agree to disagree and let GSU members decide for themselves. You have more posts on this thread than anyone else and you have made your case and I have made mine.

You have made your point about going after the "who" and I have made my point that I don't believe the "who" you speak of is the whole problem and even if they were actually the whole problem, I don't believe a focus on the "who" gets anybody anywhere and never has and that only a focus on the "how" has a chance to make things better.

You have made your point over and over. I have made mine. GSU members can decide for themselves who to believe now.

4th October 2010, 10:14 PM
Forgot to mention the brilliant strategy exposing themselves to bigjon, and choosing the currently weakest side of the planet from which to launch their conquest.

Royal meatshields.

7th October 2010, 10:23 AM
As far as I know all Jews accept the Talmud as their set of rules.

Just for a frame of reference, how many jews do you know?

Several thousands, by their deeds, chronicled by writers like Nesta Webster, Douglas Reed, Eustace Mullins... I could fill up a page on the Jews that I know.

And they don't look very nice.

Now you are answering like a politician. I take it the answer is.....none?

And if you honestly think that is a legit answer, let me ask you another question.......how well do you know Nesta, Douglas, and Eustace. Have you ever met them? Do you KNOW them?

7th October 2010, 01:45 PM
You all seem to be unaware of the Jews ability to rip off the goyim, while giving aid and comfort to their own. They just can't charge interest on loans to other Jews, to be compliant with their creed.

Exodus 22:25-27

25 "If you lend money to My people—to the poor person among you, you must not be like a moneylender to him; you must not charge him interest. (A)

26 "If you ever take your neighbor's cloak as collateral, return it to him before sunset. 27 For it is his only covering; it is the clothing for his body. [a] What will he sleep in? And if he cries out to Me, I will listen because I am compassionate.

that's from the torah. apparently. i make no claim to religious expertise.

in the book of nehemiah, it says the jews sold their brothers for interest.....they BEGAN as a tribe, by their brothers conspiring and selling joseph into slavery...

what the torah says is of no concern to the vast majority, its what the TALMUD says......and its pretty obvious.

7th October 2010, 02:49 PM
You have made your point about going after the "who" and I have made my point that I don't believe the "who" you speak of is the whole problem and even if they were actually the whole problem, I don't believe a focus on the "who" gets anybody anywhere and never has and that only a focus on the "how" has a chance to make things better.



7th October 2010, 03:00 PM

Believe me, Book, if you can bring the war criminals to justice, or defeat the MIC, or bring an end to the arms dealers or mafias and juntas of the world... PLEASE, go right ahead!

For me, I believe in closing down the criminal SYSTEMS , before hunting down all the perps.

Focus on the "who" NEVER worked in the past, but you are welcome to try it again if it makes you feel better.

Just like the others, you have had your say and I have had mine, GSU members can decide for themselves which tactic is more prudent for them.

7th October 2010, 03:14 PM
For me, I believe in closing down the criminal SYSTEMS, before hunting down all the perps. Focus on the "who" NEVER worked in the past, but you are welcome to try it again if it makes you feel better.


Yeah...the criminals can obviously be found in a synagogue but you want us to look in, oh i dunno, an Amish church instead because focusing on the "who" never worked in the past...lol.


7th October 2010, 03:21 PM
the criminals can obviously be found in a synagogue

You have made your point and I have made mine. Thank you for making it. All your posts have been in line with this point so we all know by now exactly "who" you are talking about. Good to know where you stand.

You have made your point and I have made mine. I think GSUS members are capable of making up their own decision on which posts are in line with their thinking and which are not.

You have made your point and I have made mine. I think the rest of GSUS members can take it just fine from here.

7th October 2010, 03:21 PM

Believe me, Book, if you can bring the war criminals to justice, or defeat the MIC, or bring an end to the arms dealers or mafias and juntas of the world... PLEASE, go right ahead!

For me, I believe in closing down the criminal SYSTEMS , before hunting down all the perps.

Focus on the "who" NEVER worked in the past, but you are welcome to try it again if it makes you feel better.

Just like the others, you have had your say and I have had mine, GSU members can decide for themselves which tactic is more prudent for them.

In the past when people focused on the Jews, the Jews just picked up and went somewhere else and said those evil people are unjustly picking on us, please let us in, we are really nice people.

Now they have solidified their control of the world through their Central Banking Scam and need to continue their takeover in quiet and You want to help them.

7th October 2010, 03:30 PM
Now they have solidified their control of the world through their Central Banking Scam

The enitire world is already filled with criminal financial and central authority SYSTEMS. Even no korea has one,, everybody does.

Break down and remove the criminal SYSTEMS and then you will get through to the criminals, otherwise, either you will never get through to them or will always be chasing moving targets. You greatly underestimate the power that those criminal systems have to protect and enable those in control. History has shown that the really big criminals always escape capture unless their protective systems are completely taken down first. They want you to focus on them, they know that will never do any good in terms of getting to them or stopping them. But the last thing they would want people to do would be to take away the SYSTEMS that protect them.

7th October 2010, 03:58 PM
WHO is central to the problem......where does this criminal enterprise come from???
people...the next reasonable inquirey is; WHICH of the 6 billion people in the world are CONSISTENTLY
found causing it. :oo-->

7th October 2010, 08:44 PM
WHO is central to the problem......where does this criminal enterprise come from???

I disagree. You will not get at the "who" and you will not bring them to justice until the SYSTEMS which allow for their infinite protection are broken down and removed.

History and logic are very clear about that. TPTB have infinite protection at their disposal. The criminal SYSTEMS must be taken apart first else there will be zero hope at getting to the criminals. Or maybe you would rather that they keep their infinite protection and that is why so much distraction about the "who" when the only true road to success is to break down their defenses first.

7th October 2010, 08:59 PM
the criminals can obviously be found in a synagogue

You have made your point and I have made mine. Thank you for making it. All your posts have been in line with this point so we all know by now exactly "who" you are talking about. Good to know where you stand.

You have made your point and I have made mine. I think GSUS members are capable of making up their own decision on which posts are in line with their thinking and which are not.

You have made your point and I have made mine. I think the rest of GSUS members can take it just fine from here.

I'm going to continue making my point...lol.


7th October 2010, 09:03 PM
TPTB have infinite protection at their disposal.

Like some guy at the ADL droning on and on and on and on about "systems" while giving them protection...lol.


General of Darkness
7th October 2010, 09:11 PM
WHO is central to the problem......where does this criminal enterprise come from???

I disagree. You will not get at the "who" and you will not bring them to justice until the SYSTEMS which allow for their infinite protection are broken down and removed.

History and logic are very clear about that. TPTB have infinite protection at their disposal. The criminal SYSTEMS must be taken apart first else there will be zero hope at getting to the criminals. Or maybe you would rather that they keep their infinite protection and that is why so much distraction about the "who" when the only true road to success is to break down their defenses first.

Why are you still here? Your posts intentionally make TPTB untouchable, and that's a lie, so visa-vi you're a liar, and a peddler of lies. Your sole intent is to get a reaction and make people feel weak. Like, why fight the inevitable. So here's a reaction for you, FUCK OFF. You were a gimp at GIM and you're a GIMP here. Ya feel me traitor?

While my post might be hurtful and viewed as an attack, it's merely an observation by someone that cares about the future, and is reflecting on someone that's clearly only here to deflect rebuttals using lies and creating an atmosphere of doubt.

7th October 2010, 09:22 PM
..., f*ck OFF. You were a gimp at GIM and you're a GIMP here. ....

I provided the solution to getting at the PTB. The idea that you can get them without first breaking down the mechanisms which provide them protection is incorrect. History has proven this. No central power has been defeated without first breaking down the protection mechanisms that surround that power.

As to the rest of your post, it usually ends the debate when a poster attacks another member instead of the idea presented.

7th October 2010, 09:50 PM
Its a scapegoat protection system every criminal mind will agree, and only the chosen race are volunteered sacrificial lambs to it.

General of Darkness
7th October 2010, 10:22 PM
..., f*ck OFF. You were a gimp at GIM and you're a GIMP here. ....

I provided the solution to getting at the PTB. The idea that you can get them without first breaking down the mechanisms which provide them protection is incorrect. History has proven this.

What history? Please explain.

7th October 2010, 10:26 PM
What history? Please explain.

Show me in history where a super powerful enemy with massive resources and steady, large revenue streams has been defeated without first destroying their resource and revenue stream pipeline?

You may find examples where powers have over-extended themselves or have made a mistake and then were defeated, but that requires luck and TPTB aren't that stupid and a strategy that requires luck is not a very good one. Especially when there is a proven strategy ready to go although few recognize it.

General of Darkness
7th October 2010, 10:51 PM
What history? Please explain.

Show me in history where a super powerful enemy with massive resources and steady, large revenue streams has been defeated without first destroying their resource and revenue stream pipeline?

You may find examples where powers have over-extended themselves or have made a mistake and then were defeated, but that requires luck and TPTB aren't that stupid and a strategy that requires luck is not a very good one. Especially when there is a proven strategy ready to go although few recognize it.

And in the past 200 years, who was pushing that agenda?


Yeah I know, your response is going to be, prove it. Well go back to the beginning of your thread and refute it, which you've been asked, and somehow you never do.

7th October 2010, 10:58 PM
And in the past 200 years, who was pushing that agenda?

... your response is going to be, prove it...

No that is not and has not been my response.

The agenda of control by way of taxes, laws, theft and absolute power goes back throughout most of recorded time and has inflicted every society and all peoples in every corner of the globe. Maybe you know who was behind the last ten thousand years of thefts. Fine. But as I said before, knowing the "who" has nothing to do with getting them to justice. Not sure how you plan on getting rid of the criminals without first breaking down the criminal systems which have been built up around them and which have existed for thousands of years. But as I said before, you are more than welcome to try despite the fact that a strategy which does not first bring down the criminal revenue and protecton systems, FIRST, has never worked before.

7th October 2010, 11:00 PM
Yeah I know, your response is going to be, prove it. Well go back to the beginning of your thread and refute it, which you've been asked, and somehow you never do.

You can't 'prove' anything these days...it's locked down. Speculation. TPTB already control the ability to not be able to prove shit...

I agree with Funnymoney. We are all divided, diverted, and focused elsewhere. That's what they want, and we are right where they want us.

God fearing if we all actually worked together...maybe then, we could actually spark some change.

Until then, spot the diversions, act accordingly...and prepare for the worst because it may actually arrive.

7th October 2010, 11:04 PM
Especially when there is a proven strategy ready to go although few recognize it.

Ok...for the sake of your argument, let's take one specific example of what you call a tribal "system" and you tell us all now in this thread your proven strategy of stopping these criminals (http://www.jewwatch.com/).


7th October 2010, 11:08 PM
I agree with Funnymoney. We are all divided, diverted, and focused elsewhere. That's what they want, and we are right where they want us.

Gosh...who might these "they" be that you speak of?


7th October 2010, 11:34 PM
I agree with Funnymoney. We are all divided, diverted, and focused elsewhere. That's what they want, and we are right where they want us.

Gosh...who might these "they" be that you speak of?

"They" would be the criminals. The leader of no korea, Pol Pot, the Chinese inner party, Putin, Bush I, and Bush II, the Clintons, criminal mafias of Colombia and Japan, the central bank owners, the international bank owners, the traitors in congress (most of them), central govts around the globe, the MIC, so on and so forth...

I can't remember the last war that was started by a mass uprising of the poeple of some nation. WWII was started by a few leaders starting trouble and convincing down-trodden people that nationalistic pride would save them.

Tell me, when has "pride" ever saved a people? Leaders start wars and a small number of select, super powerful elite control the majority of criminal systems of today and profit greatly from them.

So what? The list of criminals could go on for miles. And maybe I'm totally wrong about them and "who" the criminals really are. So what? Knowing who they are does not give you all by itself the ability to stop them, to stop them you have to break down and remove the systems which protect them and provide them the near infinite power they hold. Those systems are dishonest and known, about that there is no disagreement. And once again, you are welcome to pursue any strategy you wish. Why are you so concerned whether or not I believe it is a good strategy or not? I gave my opinion about 30 times on this thread and so have you. I think it's time for others to have their say. I am tired of listening to your story, its a repeat of the last time I listened to it, and I am tired of providing you mine as it is the same over and over as well. Maybe others can chime in and give their opinions or maybe the thread will simply end - either way at least it will be a change from the same repeat posts over and over.

7th October 2010, 11:38 PM
Especially when there is a proven strategy ready to go although few recognize it.

Ok...for the sake of your argument, let's take one specific example of what you call a tribal "system" and you tell us all now in this thread your proven strategy of stopping these criminals (http://www.jewwatch.com/).


Answer this question pal...lol.


7th October 2010, 11:40 PM
I think it's time for others to have their say.

YIDDISH TRANSLATION: Shut up about the jews.


7th October 2010, 11:49 PM
Answer this question pal...lol.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "tribal system". I have never used that phrase once. So how am I going to answer something which is based on some false pretense. I never said anything about stopping tribal systems and I do not believe that taxes, theft, criminal activities, absolute powers, wars and fiat money are bound exclusively to some particular tribal system. The Aztecs fought a lot of wars long before the Spaniards showed up but I have no intention of showing how they maintained absolute power over their people or how those people could have broken the cycle of wars and monstrous human sacrafice. I am not your history teacher and have no intention to be that or your pal. This is not about me or you, this is an anonymous Internet forum with a lot of members, all I would ask is that you give those other members a chance to say something and if you really must have me answer something for you, then you are somehow making me more important than others. If you want to ask something then throw it out to the forum or create your own thread to do so but don't start trying to force me into explaining everything for you.

8th October 2010, 10:22 AM
I never said anything about stopping tribal systems and I do not believe that taxes, theft, criminal activities, absolute powers, wars and fiat money are bound exclusively to some particular tribal system.

REALLY ? (http://www.jewwatch.com/) Just don't happen to notice eh?


8th October 2010, 10:29 AM
I never said anything about stopping tribal systems and I do not believe that taxes, theft, criminal activities, absolute powers, wars and fiat money are bound exclusively to some particular tribal system.

...don't happen to notice eh?

I can look throughout history and I notice that people steal from other people and worse, regardless of what "tribe" they are from. The Aztecs killed huge numbers of their own people and even more of their neighbors. There are plenty of criminals and they do not all fit into your description of them.

But as I have said numerous times, despite "who" they are, if you want to stop the biggest of criminals then break down their protection systems first, no other strategy will work.

8th October 2010, 10:34 AM
I can look throughout history and I notice that people steal from other people and worse, regardless of what "tribe" they are from. The Aztecs killed huge numbers of their own people and even more of their neighbors.

Too funny. You stare at the factual website JEWWATCH.COM (http://www.jewwatch.com/) then immediately start posting about the........................Aztecs. Your ADL job at GSUS is to shut down any and all mention of THE JEWS.


8th October 2010, 10:55 AM
Too funny. You stare at the factual website JEWWATCH.COM (http://www.jewwatch.com/) then immediately start posting about the........................Aztecs. Your ADL job at GSUS is to shut down any and all mention of THE JEWS.

You have made your point over and over about evil Jews and I have made my point over and over about others who were and who are also evil. Once again, I have no intention of going into the details or into a debate about who the criminals' parents were. That was already done on pages 1 through 4 of this thread. Return to those pages if you want to read my opinion. And I'm not sure even why you care so much about my opinion as I am only one anonymous member of this forum and no more important than anybody else here. If you want to write or read a book about how all criminals have parents from a certain race then go ahead but don't force me into a debate which I see as fruitless and have already pointed out why.

8th October 2010, 11:02 AM
You have made your point over and over about evil Jews and I have made my point over and over about others who were and who are also evil.


Yep...we finally agree. You shift GSUS attention away from the jews over and over and over again. Whenever the jews are mentioned in any thread here you immediately start talking about the "others".


8th October 2010, 11:23 AM
WHO is central to the problem......where does this criminal enterprise come from???

I disagree. You will not get at the "who" and you will not bring them to justice until the SYSTEMS which allow for their infinite protection are broken down and removed.

History and logic are very clear about that. TPTB have infinite protection at their disposal. The criminal SYSTEMS must be taken apart first else there will be zero hope at getting to the criminals. Or maybe you would rather that they keep their infinite protection and that is why so much distraction about the "who" when the only true road to success is to break down their defenses first.

The answer is both. You need to dismantle the babylonian systems they have built and remove the usurous usurpers/infiltrators.

8th October 2010, 11:24 AM
Believe whatever book you want to believe, Book.

I try to shift attention away from the "who" and over to the "how" as I know that a focus on the "how" might work at making things better. But that is my opinion. You have your opinion and I have my opinion.

Allow GSUS members to decide if they believe yours or mine.

I already admitted that I don't agree with your description of the world and that I don't believe you pursue a strategy which can be successful in terms of stopping the largest of crimes and absolute powers. I am only a single anonymous Internet poster and it's simply my opinion, so I shouldn't be so important to you. I am not in control over any army or any resources which will make any difference so why don't you post to the ADL forum or to some Jewish forum instead of to this thread if you feel your opinion on the matter to be so important.

8th October 2010, 11:25 AM
The answer is both. You need to dismantle the babylonian systems they have built and remove the usurous usurpers/infiltrators.

My opinion is that it will be impossible to do the second until the first is completed.
And it is my opinion that logic and history support that.

8th October 2010, 11:33 AM
And it is my opinion that logic and history support that.



8th October 2010, 11:46 AM
The answer is both. You need to dismantle the babylonian systems they have built and remove the usurous usurpers/infiltrators.

My opinion is that it will be impossible to do the second until the first is completed.
And it is my opinion that logic and history support that.

While some would say to simply go after anybody of a particular color or race and that will solve your problems, I do not agree with that. While you may be able to get at many of a particular race, the super powerful criminal elite are far removed. In addition, I do not believe that a child is born guilty regardless of who their parents are, so going after people of a certain race or certain races is, JMHO, as evil as it gets.

I believe a better strategy to remove the super powerful criminal elite would be to break through and dismantle their systems first which would leave them exposed and without the protection they currently have today.

8th October 2010, 11:47 AM
And it is my opinion that logic and history support that.



Sorry......no cigar.

8th October 2010, 11:50 AM
Maybe Book's strategy would work if all super powerful criminal elite were all either old, poor, women or children, as well as being Jewish (his opinion).

Reminds me of the cops who write jay-walking and parking tickets all day - if you can't bring to justice the murderers well at least you can make some progress fighting crime.

8th October 2010, 03:04 PM
Maybe Book's strategy would work if all super powerful criminal elite were all either old, poor, women or children, as well as being Jewish (his opinion).

Reminds me of the cops who write jay-walking and parking tickets all day - if you can't bring to justice the murderers well at least you can make some progress fighting crime.

What crime fighting wing are you going to use that hasn't already been polluted thru to the core with the most tactical of criminal minds to do this?

Any pushing there (even with publicity) would create civil war in an instant.

TpTb power are all encompassing as stated by Hatha, and others. You can't simply cut off the head of the snake either as you mentioned.

No, the only strategy to defeating this beast is thru an informed populace & siege.

8th October 2010, 09:26 PM
...the only strategy to defeating this beast is thru an informed populace & siege.

It is easier than that.

Follow the money will take you to the crime and the criminals, but has never solved much. However, change the money and you get somewhere.

Absolute power comes from centralized powers collecting taxes and controlling the money systems. Moving to honest money and removing the taxes is the only siege the beast will ever fear.

8th October 2010, 10:08 PM
Don't fool yourself, FunnyMoney. You have a good theory, but it is completely unrealistic. This satanic cabal has been usurping for 5000 years, and you are just throwing out the solution; "Dismantle the how".

It doesn't work that way. If it did, their safety mechanisms would have been dismantled already. Do you think that you are the first person to think that "we need to remove their systems in order to remove their power"? You're not. (http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBgQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.biblebelievers.org.au%2Fexpel led.htm&rct=j&q=list%20of%20countries%20jews%20have%20been%20exp elled%20from&ei=cemvTKiNEML6lwero-zpDw&usg=AFQjCNEkgSrx9rOMGtTxt-tWBPZQy7J3YQ&cad=rja)

Following the money leads you to the head of the octopus, but dismantling the currency does not chop off that insidious head. It may show you who the perpetrators are, but they have their fingers in every pot, and removing one tool from them does not render them powerless. No. It is not that simple.

9th October 2010, 08:19 AM
..IF systems, as you claim funny money, are the problem, from WHO did these originate?
your position is folly, as even if you could eradicate the system WITHOUT getting rid of the PEOPLE who promoted it, they would just rebuild a new one all over again. have we not seen this time and again with legislation?? once defeated , a bill returns under a new name...from a new committee...
UNTIL THE ROOT IS DEALT WITH, ( the people) its a futile attempt.

9th October 2010, 11:22 AM
...... have we not seen this time and again with legislation?? once defeated , a bill returns under a new name...from a new committee....

It is a 2-step process. Just a matter of what step must come first. In every war, you must first break down the enemy's defenses and resource pipeline.

Beyond those 2 steps, both liberty and freedom are "verbs" - so as many have said in the past, an honest system requires constant participation to protect it. But we're a long way from there, so why jump ahead.

29th October 2010, 01:53 PM
What I think is big bankers run the world. Politicians are either mindless puppets, or the blind leading the blind. TPTB want whites hating blacks, blacks hating whites, and more recently everyone hating mexicans. They want religions fighting, killing each other off, and the media to dumb down our minds, or just keeping us scared of terrorists.

They want us fat, drunk, and stupid, so they can sit back, light a cigar, count their money...and laugh their asses off at all this crap going on in the world like your average idiot watches and laughs at a Springer show.

That's how they control the masses, through diversion...just like Funnymoney said. We're all collectively to busy focused elsewhere, to much notice or care. We want our American Idol.

Now, my question is only on whether we should hate the bankers because they are Jewish, or because they do evil deeds? There's a big difference there, imo.

Personally, it's the actions of others that I tend to focus on, not the color of skin, or their religion.

The rabbinate is above the bankers. Research the word Kehilla.

30th October 2010, 10:37 AM
The rabbinate is above the bankers. Research the word Kehilla.

Nobody is above the money system. While you may believe that there is some religious or belief system that trumps the money system, you are wrong. From time to time there's a person that does what they do because of some belief, a brain-washed belief or an altruistic one. But for the vast majority of people and for nearly all the "leaders" and criminals, they do things for material gain, despite what they tell you is the reason.

They produce an enourmous and complicated system of deception and make you think there's some kind of spiritual or religious belief system that makes them do what they do. That is nothing but a front for actual greed and the pursuit of material gain by way of evil (theft, murder and so on).

From that complex deception which they have convinced most people of, from there they move onto the distractions. Things like," the stats show people of color are..." or "my race is better or more abused", or "taxes are simply a needed evil, how else would you have a road to drive on..."
Those distractions away from root causes and onto the symptoms of the system then create division at which point they have won. They have everyone debating and fighting and trying to explain things in giant books which can be in reality much better described as simply "criminal behavior". And from there they can simply return to their focus on theft and crime.

Everybody comes under their plan, deception, distraction and division. It is what the spectators enjoy. It is the bread and circus of today and is the same as it always has been.

31st October 2010, 12:08 AM
So, FunnyMoney, how are you going to solve a problem without first identifying it?

Or do you identify the problem with the money?

Then how is your solution - move to "honest money", right? - is going to affect the status quo, if it is still the money? and it has been controlled by bankers for thousands of years? what is it that makes you believe that there is "honest money" out there?

31st October 2010, 01:02 AM
So, FunnyMoney, how are you going to solve a problem without first identifying it?

Or do you identify the problem with the money?

Then how is your solution - move to "honest money", right? - is going to affect the status quo, if it is still the money? and it has been controlled by bankers for thousands of years? what is it that makes you believe that there is "honest money" out there?

Not that I have any answer better than your own, so DYODD. But my thinking on the matter was, well, I'm sure you recognize that if everyone just simply followed the 10 rules handed down from high above, which we should be living by, then there wouldn't be much of a problem. Problem is that beyond that comes MAN'S interpretation of what the rest supposedly says. So once you open that door, then the extremists, or better put "criminals acting as if they were serious extremists" come in and stretch things into: "war and crime is actually ok sometimes, the end justifies the means" and so on and so forth, ad nauseum.

So it looks like there will be criminals for some time to come. Take away the tools is all I was saying or rather take away the power vehicle of fully dishonest money. Fiat money is impossible to remain outside of corruption. Local and competing currencies would foster much better results than centralized fiat and centralized power, a pair which spells for absolute power. Even better, much better, would be silver and gold coinage.

31st October 2010, 06:34 PM
Lucifer is much more of a concern than any monetary system.

31st October 2010, 07:05 PM
if everyone just simply followed the 10 rules handed down from high above, which we should be living by, then there wouldn't be much of a problem. Problem is that beyond that comes MAN'S interpretation of what the rest supposedly says. So once you open that door, then the extremists, or better put "criminals acting as if they were serious extremists" come in and stretch things into: "war and crime is actually ok sometimes, the end justifies the means" and so on and so forth, ad nauseum.

So it looks like there will be criminals for some time to come. Take away the tools is all I was saying or rather take away the power vehicle of fully dishonest money. Fiat money is impossible to remain outside of corruption. Local and competing currencies would foster much better results than centralized fiat and centralized power, a pair which spells for absolute power. Even better, much better, would be silver and gold coinage.

Ok, what if I tell you that 10 commandments that you believe are handed from above are actually a fraud?

What do you know about Moses, outside of jewish-controlled sources?

However, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the attribution of the Torah to Moses dates back to the Bible itself, noting that several books of the Bible reference the Torah as the Book of Moses, Law of Moses

You see, my friend, it looks like the buddies you don't want to identify have tried to screw fellow Christians and interchanged second laws and first laws in the jews-written 'Bible for christians".

Local competing currencies will be a disaster. The fraud would be rampant.

But there are other ways to clean up the mess. THey all go back not to "Be obedient" Bible stuff, but to very simple rules that were set by Moses, and are all broken.

1. Independent court system, independent from the government, where you can sue government officials. You see, my buddy FunnyMoney, your people that you'd like us not to talk about went as far as defrauding the people and telling them a lie that apparently every middle eastern city has a roman theater. Why, or why would anyone build a roman theater in every town in the middle of the desert? That puzzled me for a while, until I found fairly credible sources who said these are not theaters, these WERE COURTS! Set up not by romans, Rome possibly didn't even exist then, but by Moses and his followers.

2. Usury would need to be abolished

3. Inheritance laws will have to be rewritten

4. Limited Liability laws would have to be abolished

..see, I didn't even touch the money yet, and there's a full-fledged program developing here.

But try to touch any one of these and see what kind of stench you are going to get, especially from self proclaimed "god's chosen people"

31st October 2010, 08:00 PM
...You see, my buddy FunnyMoney, your people that you'd like us not to talk about went as far as defrauding the people and ...

When did I say that I don't want you talk about something?

I Never said that! So WTF!

You can talk about whatever you want. I even many times quote other's who claim the Jews are at the root of all evil in the world. Look on this thread and you will find that. You can talk about anything, all I do is point out the flaw in that strategy and how the focus on the "who" can not succeed and thus is a distraction. But everyone is free to perform the distraction. The MSM does it everyday, so you can too.

When did I say that some group of people are my people?

I never mentioned that some people were my people. NEVER.
I have defended large groups of people, from Jews, to Muslims to blacks to Mexicans to illegals to whites and the list goes further - but that does NOT make them my people. I have NEVER claimed some group is my group. I have thousands of posts floating around the Internet and not one of them says anything about me except, "I'm simply one ANONYMOUS individual with no motives other than those I create by myself and on my own."

I don't take directions from anybody and my posts, ALL of them, attest to that. So again, WTF!
I believe you enter this world as an indivdual and you act out your life as an individual and you die as an individual. Then you are judged as an individual by the creator and no tie to any group or exclusion from any group can be used as a free pass, nor as an excuse. "They told me to do it" or "They convinced me to do it for the betterment of the whole" doesn't work when judgement day comes. But that's just MHO, so DYODD.

You said it yourself, "...went as far as defrauding the people...."

So there, fraud is a crime, thus they are criminals. I don't care about their claim to be of some religion or some special blood line, whatever it is, Jews or whatever. It doesn't negate the fact that entering into criminal behavior makes you a "CRIMINAL".
Take down the defenses and the mechanisms which allow criminals to so easily operate and then you can get to the criminals. That's all I was saying. So why the far reaching extrapolation?

Why make things so complicated. A crime is a crime. Trying to explain it away is a distraction. And my idea about how to reduce crimes and criminals seems like a good one to me. Given the fact that for thousands of years, people focusing on the "who" has never worked, ever. And given the fact that history has proven over and over again that to defeat a very powerful criminal enterprise you must destroy their defenses and their revenue pipeline first. Show me a time where they got to the leaders of a criminal enterprise but did not take down the system surrounding those leaders and the system did not survive and simply see other leaders jump in to take over. If there were no criminals then all would be fine I'm guesing, but it seems to me there will always be criminals, at least that's what thousands of years of history show us, so why not take them on in a way which at least has a chance for success?

3rd November 2010, 07:40 PM
I have defended large groups of people, from Jews, to Muslims to blacks to Mexicans to illegals to whites and the list goes further - but that does NOT make them my people.

Kindly provide links to where you defended Whites.

4th November 2010, 12:05 AM
Thanks for the bump. I think the post you are looking for is on page 2 here...

Oh, and I did notice you avoided the topic regarding strategy and what has never worked and what strategy has been proven to work.

So then, don't forget to take 2 cards before your return...

When someone says they have the "truth" behind something it is highly likely that they are full of sh*t.

Actually no, some people know the real truth and aren't full of sh*t.

+2 points, you stand corrected, pick a card.


Card 1: Deception
Card 2: Distraction
Card 3: Division

After that, you don't need to pick any more cards.
Your bank account has been emptied, report immediately to the nearest FEMA camp.

4th November 2010, 06:39 AM
When did I say that some group of people are my people?




23rd May 2011, 05:23 PM
This is an example of the "No True Scotsman" dodge.
(No True Scotsman hates the bagpipes. He's a Scotsman and he hates bagpipes? Then he's no True Scotsman.)


23rd May 2011, 07:40 PM

The facts remain the same, if you claim those are the owners of the money then they certainly are not Jews. To be a Jew an individual must follow those 10 rules, more important than anything else. They claim those rules came from their God, that they are the word of God, and are more important than anything else. So exactly how are those criminals Jews?

There actually may be some Jews who follow those 10 rules, down to the very letter, by association you have attempted to group them with criminals and judge them.

You lie by calling those criminals "Jews" and you negate the importance of those 10 rules as part of that religion for anyone else who might actually want to live by those rules, which in itself is another lie. Two lies do not iron out into a truth, two lies are simply 2 lies. You make a very poor General and your followers would be well advised to put their trust in places other than their fellow man.

Oh Pleese,

That seems to me to be a ridiculous argument.

Those people self describe themselves as jews, if they don't keep all their own laws that doesn't excuse them.

I believe those so called "laws" only apply to the tribe anyway.

24th May 2011, 07:26 AM
What history? Please explain.

Show me in history where a super powerful enemy with massive resources and steady, large revenue streams has been defeated without first destroying their resource and revenue stream pipeline?

You may find examples where powers have over-extended themselves or have made a mistake and then were defeated, but that requires luck and TPTB aren't that stupid and a strategy that requires luck is not a very good one. Especially when there is a proven strategy ready to go although few recognize it.

the revenue stream as you say is NOT the problem....eliminate it and yet another would rear its ugly head...the source or root of the problem is the RELIGION, the talmud which gives the belief systems to these fanatics!...the BELIEVE with all their hearts that destroying america and the west is their DUTY and CALLING in life!...THIS, not some financial institution is the real root.