View Full Version : UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens

26th September 2010, 12:25 PM
Really (http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/un-to-appoint-earth-contact-for-aliens/story-e6frfku0-1225929498742)!

THE United Nations was set today to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth's first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.

Mazlan Othman, the head of the UN's little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), is to describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire.

She is scheduled to tell delegates that the recent discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before - and that means the UN must be ready to coordinate humanity’s response to any “first contact”.

During a talk Othman gave recently to fellow scientists, she said: “The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day humankind will receive signals from extraterrestrials.

"When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.”

Professor Richard Crowther, an expert in space law and governance at the UK Space Agency and who leads British delegations to the UN on such matters, said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ person.”

However, he thinks humanity’s first encounter with any intelligent aliens is more likely to be via radio or light signals from a distant planet than by beings arriving on Earth. And, he suggests, even if we do encounter aliens in the flesh, they are more likely to be microbes than anything intelligent.

time appears to be getting shorter before disclosure is here.

26th September 2010, 01:03 PM
yeah, wtf is going on with all of this. The vatican is saying the would welcome and baptize aliens, the UN is setting up an ET Ambassador...... odd stuff.

26th September 2010, 01:13 PM
nothing to see here...

just gearing up for Project Bluebeam...

Silver Shield
26th September 2010, 01:19 PM
I could totally see this...
The inevitable dollar collapses...
The sheeple wake up and want blood...
And they role out ET to scare the sheeple back into the barn.

7th trump
26th September 2010, 02:13 PM
satan has to get here some how doesnt he.
Those angels left their habitat in the days of noah to eventually mix with the daughters of man to come up with the giant hybrids.
Ezekiel speak of a fly disc with windows that could be seen a person looking out that didnt look the way it turned like you would when riding a horse or an ox or ass.
Ezikiel describes the disc as highly polished bronze (amber).

Just saying.

26th September 2010, 02:18 PM

26th September 2010, 03:09 PM
yeah, wtf is going on with all of this. The vatican is saying the would welcome and baptize aliens, the UN is setting up an ET Ambassador...... odd stuff.

+ Stephen Hawking recently disclosed his thoughts that et's are likely hostile and territory gathering.

Yes, really fuced up for grown adults to be talking of this stuff like a random saturday morning conversation.

If aliens show up, I'm inviting them for dinner.............'you put the little plastic food cartridge in the hole, and then close the hole up by racking the wooden piece......when you're good and hungry put the end of the bowl in your mouth and pull the food trigger'..........mmmhhhmmmmm.

In all seriousness though, et's=spiritual entities, imo.

26th September 2010, 03:19 PM
In all seriousness though, et's=spiritual entities, imo.

i'd disagree to the extent that i think everyone=spiritual entity, and that's at the root of what all this is about.

26th September 2010, 03:31 PM
No doubt, country sovereignty will have to be given up to make room for them.

Afterall, the aliens won't have the ability to contact everyone for green card status.

Twisted Titan
26th September 2010, 03:38 PM
yeah, wtf is going on with all of this. The vatican is saying the would welcome and baptize aliens, the UN is setting up an ET Ambassador...... odd stuff.

+ Stephen Hawking recently disclosed his thoughts that et's are likely hostile and territory gathering.

Yes, really fuced up for grown adults to be talking of this stuff like a random saturday morning conversation.

If aliens show up, I'm inviting them for dinner.............'you put the little plastic food cartridge in the hole, and then close the hole up by racking the wooden piece......when you're good and hungry put the end of the bowl in your mouth and pull the food trigger'..........mmmhhhmmmmm.

In all seriousness though, et's=spiritual entities, imo.

Dont invite them to dinner

Just to be safe,


26th September 2010, 03:48 PM
In all seriousness though, et's= spiritual entities, imo.

i'd disagree to the extent that i think everyone=spiritual entity, and that's at the root of what all this is about.

In all seriousness though, et's= satanic entities, imo.

26th September 2010, 03:49 PM
No doubt, country sovereignty will have to be given up to make room for them.

you envisage



26th September 2010, 03:51 PM
In all seriousness though, et's= satanic entities, imo.

why? bible?

26th September 2010, 04:11 PM
In all seriousness though, et's= satanic entities, imo.

why? bible?

Connections between modern et events and testimony of the Nephilim seem quite congruent, imo. Don't know for sure tho, and really don't care. We are all dead men walking until we meet our maker.

26th September 2010, 04:20 PM
We are all dead men walking until we meet our maker.

doesn't sound like the most cheerful perspective to me, but it's a free forum!

26th September 2010, 04:30 PM
We are all dead men walking until we meet our maker.

doesn't sound like the most cheerful perspective to me, but it's a free forum!

I only state the opinion in that fashion to highlight the fact that none of us really KNOW anything. It's all just a guess. Spiritual issues to me are rarely black and white. In absence of omniscience, I am quite content knowing and accepting the basics of the gospel message......most else is just noise and full of contradictory evidence that only nurtures disagreement and dissent.

26th September 2010, 04:35 PM
I only state the opinion in that fashion to highlight the fact that none of us really KNOW anything.

agreed there. an open mind to whatever may come.

26th September 2010, 04:36 PM

26th September 2010, 04:38 PM
10 ^ 243 power is billions? the dude has not been paying attention to the derivatives market!

26th September 2010, 06:04 PM
I could totally see this...
The inevitable dollar collapses...
The sheeple wake up and want blood...
And they role out ET to scare the sheeple back into the barn.

and tell us it's a major religious event at the same time.

7th trump
26th September 2010, 06:13 PM
I could totally see this...
The inevitable dollar collapses...
The sheeple wake up and want blood...
And they role out ET to scare the sheeple back into the barn.

and tell us it's a major religious event at the same time.
satan has to have a grand entrance somehow.
So how does he appear if not by the bag of waters?
The same why as those angels that left their habitat (Heaven) and took the daughters of man (flesh bodies) for themselves.
Like I say Ezekiel describes a fly saucer to a T, but this flying contraption Ezekiel witnessed had the thrown of God in it.
So satan appears in his angelic body play acting as christ like the Bible says.
Like Revelation says the beast will receive a deadly blow to the head (dollar collapses and the central banks cannot agree, the UN is falling apart........the deadly blow)
satan appears play acting as Christ and gives the beast that received the deadly blow life.........satan revives the beast under the false pretense that everyone beleives he Christ. A one world order is accepted by the masses because they all received the number 666 (beleiving that satan is Christ)
Lo and behold on the last and seventh trumpet the real Christ appears and thats when everyone realised they have been deceived and took the number of the beast.

26th September 2010, 06:32 PM
Abrahamic memes need updating with all the new technology available and the leaking of science to the masses.


In the process, UFOs and aliens have moved out of cults and into the mainstream of popular culture, their symbolism continually evolving. An important investigation into the current symbolism of aliens and UFOs is political scientist professor Jodi Dean's Aliens in America. Dean sees aliens as repositories for the fears and phobias of our segmented, cyberculture rather than merely another broad-based cult phenomena.

These fears center around the inability to distinguish truth from fiction and the fact that many contemporary political matters are simply undiscipherable. The conspiracy theory which fuels them offers a type of conflicting symbolic duality to that of consensus reality. As Dean notes, "The claim to truth and its challenges to our practices for establishing it are what enable the alien to function as an icon of postmodern anxieties." She notes that aliens are cultural icons in which the new conditions of democratic politics at the millennium can be seen.

But in the end, aliens are really modern Americans and our feelings of alienation. As Dean says, "We have too much data, but not enough to make any decisions because we are uncertain about the contexts and networks into which we might integrate this information. Enabled by technology we become aliens, connected outside the state." And, just as often, "we're abducted by the same technology." In this strange new world, Dean notes that our neighbors are aliens. "Assimilation has been discredited as an ideal, and multiculturalism hasn't become much more than a marketing strategy...Better to forget the neighbors, go inside, and enjoy cyber-citizenship on the World Wide Web." And alien abduction, notes Dean, "narrates the predominant experience of the familiarity of strangeness in the techno-global information age."

The symbolism of alien abduction is very different than the old one of colonization dominating much of the nineteenth century. "Unlike metaphors of colonization that presupposes borders to be penetrated and resources to be exploited," Dean notes, "abduction operates with an understanding of the world, of reality, as amorphous and permeable." Dean adds that colonization moreover brings with it the possibility of struggle, of emancipation and independence. Abduction, however, recognizes the futility of resistance even as it points to other possible freedoms. Colonization implies an on-going process with systematic limitations. Yet abduction involves the sense that things are happening behind our backs. A great paradox is perhaps at the end of this symbolism as Dean concludes her book with the following: "To fight colonization, we take control. We don't fight abduction; we simply try to recover our memories, all the while aware that they could be false, that in our very recovery we participate in an alien plan."

Copyright 1998 John Fraim.

Daily Mail UK: United Nations to appoint space ambassador to act as first contact for aliens visiting Earth (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1315336/United-Nations-appoint-space-ambassador-act-contact-aliens-visiting-Earth.html?ito=feeds-newsxml#ixzz10ga25rzI)

In April though Professor Stephen Hawking warned that the alien contact, if it ever comes, may not be as friendly as has been hoped.
In a documentary, the 68-year-old scientist said he imagined aliens arriving in 'massive ships' and could try to colonise Earth and plunder the planet's resources.
'We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,' he said.
'I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.'

26th September 2010, 06:35 PM
THE United Nations was set today to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth's first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.

That is ridiculous.

I'm of the firm opinion that most people can readily have contact with aliens if they wish.

For example I communicated with aliens a few years ago and then, all of a sudden there they were in the night, transparent green aliens, woke me up from a sleep, one close to me and then more of them going back down the hallway. They were friendly, only there because I had called them to me, but them coming so quickly scared the heck out of me so I never tried that again, when I was startled and yelled "get out of here!! they left calmly and peacefully. Perhaps not just anyone can do this but I think that many people have this ability, with having an open mind, thinking for yourselves, not being blinded by media and convention etc. This one event, of others through my life, was quite an enlightening experience and, though I was not ready to pursue it further at the time, feel this is available to me anytime.

26th September 2010, 06:55 PM
so how'd you call them over? party platter and farve in the finals or what?

26th September 2010, 07:01 PM
10 ^ 243 power is billions? the dude has not been paying attention to the derivatives market!

Yeah, I guess it somehow lost its effect somewhere around the mid 80s

What a hoot, :ROFL:

26th September 2010, 07:06 PM
That is ridiculous.

I'm of the firm opinion that most people can readily have contact with aliens if they wish.

i doubt they'll want to chat to the UN, as one of the extant corrupt institutions of the planet.

26th September 2010, 07:07 PM
Somehow (maybe its just me) but I cannot put it past man to summon up his worst nightmares before his most utopian dreams.

26th September 2010, 07:08 PM
what we are living in does not constitute a pretty awful nightmare in your book??

26th September 2010, 07:16 PM
what we are living in does not constitute a pretty awful nightmare in your book??

Its like that part in a dream when you know its gonna get worse from hear on out, so you struggle to wake yourself up.

Then you read the news from the U.N. & try as you might to wake up you realize your onboard for the remainder. :-[

26th September 2010, 07:49 PM
The elites have always sold themselves as having contact with the gods of the heavens in order to impress and fool the equals they keep for slaves.

Was reading this earlier today The Magic of Jewels and Charms By George Frederick Kunz (http://books.google.ca/books?id=ANYwj8b2CHYC&pg=PA73&lpg=PA73&dq=Raphael+Madonna+di+Foligno+fire-ball&source=bl&ots=gdPh0GmZFE&sig=_7l1gK4NJUVLgq3vbSg_kGl-PBY&hl=en&ei=XNifTLWmBY6asAOsw5zWAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CC8Q6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Raphael%20Madonna%20di%20Foligno%20fire-ball&f=false)

Just after page 73 it was interesting seeing how all the pre-abrahamic and abrahamic rulers wanted meteorites for worship idols and sword blades.

26th September 2010, 10:00 PM
I don't know if they're coming to pay visit or not. But if they do come and if the UN is in charge of meeting them, then I can assure you that shortly thereafter we'll have a new global tax on all of Earth's workers just especially for them.

If history is clear about anything, it is clear about that, "death and taxes"

26th September 2010, 11:00 PM
I don't know if they're coming to pay visit or not. But if they do come and if the UN is in charge of meeting them, then I can assure you that shortly thereafter we'll have a new global tax on all of Earth's workers just especially for them.

If history is clear about anything, it is clear about that, "death and taxes"

Great, and I thought dodging around some human IRS workforce was taxing for my creativity.

Now I'm kaput!!

26th September 2010, 11:50 PM
What if they could fake alien encounter - like they faked many other things recently - and based on that call for one world government (and/or one world religion)?

I wonder how many of you will buy it.

Chances of us encountering aliens of similar intelligence level who would be interested in communicating with us - BIG FAT 0. That is mathematically.

We barely invented internal combustion engine, what, some 150-200 years ago (nothing, milliseconds comparing to other things as existence of our planet, solar system, etc)? We can't even fly to our own moon (likely faked). An alien civilization that would be able to fly here will likely have 1000th of years of technology on us, and will likely be not interested in any contact (how many of you are interested in contact with ants?)

27th September 2010, 06:48 AM
I could totally see this...
The inevitable dollar collapses...
The sheeple wake up and want blood...
And they role out ET to scare the sheeple back into the barn.

and tell us it's a major religious event at the same time.
satan has to have a grand entrance somehow.
So how does he appear if not by the bag of waters?
The same why as those angels that left their habitat (Heaven) and took the daughters of man (flesh bodies) for themselves.
Like I say Ezekiel describes a fly saucer to a T, but this flying contraption Ezekiel witnessed had the thrown of God in it.
So satan appears in his angelic body play acting as christ like the Bible says.
Like Revelation says the beast will receive a deadly blow to the head (dollar collapses and the central banks cannot agree, the UN is falling apart........the deadly blow)
satan appears play acting as Christ and gives the beast that received the deadly blow life.........satan revives the beast under the false pretense that everyone beleives he Christ. A one world order is accepted by the masses because they all received the number 666 (beleiving that satan is Christ)
Lo and behold on the last and seventh trumpet the real Christ appears and thats when everyone realised they have been deceived and took the number of the beast.

IYO, under what mechanism is the # distributed/accepted....or is it a timestamp on an individuals heart that he has in fact been decieved and accepted the falsity of identity? I'm curious on your take on this issue.

mick silver
27th September 2010, 06:57 AM
this country needs to pass a bill to make the un move to mars

27th September 2010, 07:00 AM
THE United Nations was set today to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth's first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.

That is ridiculous.

I'm of the firm opinion that most people can readily have contact with aliens if they wish.

For example I communicated with aliens a few years ago and then, all of a sudden there they were in the night, transparent green aliens, woke me up from a sleep, one close to me and then more of them going back down the hallway. They were friendly, only there because I had called them to me, but them coming so quickly scared the heck out of me so I never tried that again, when I was startled and yelled "get out of here!! they left calmly and peacefully. Perhaps not just anyone can do this but I think that many people have this ability, with having an open mind, thinking for yourselves, not being blinded by media and convention etc. This one event, of others through my life, was quite an enlightening experience and, though I was not ready to pursue it further at the time, feel this is available to me anytime.

I agree, you are talking about "ET's" from another dimension, I've experienced them myself. However, our minds make them look like something in this dimension IMHO, they are therefore going to look somewhat different to each person. Most "alien abductions" I believe fall into this category. Notice that they all happen at night....in bed. In sleep it is easier to go between dimensions; our internal dialogue keeps us firmly rooted in this one.

I also believe that there are ETs in this dimension, although I've never seen them. Most are not able to come here due to the vastness of space. I don't doubt that some have been here, but I have nothing to base this on other than hearsay.

That said, I have no doubt that the government would fake ETs to get what they want.

27th September 2010, 08:15 AM
Hmm...the UN logo would look like an alien broom scouring the earth if they just ran the text vertically below the wheat sheafs.

I've seen this before.


27th September 2010, 10:51 AM
Bible believing Chriatians have been telling folks for years that Satan is going to use UFO's to explain away the rapture and usher in the Anti-Christ.

OLD news, as we get closer to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ PRECEDED by the entrance of the ANTI-Christ you can see all the steps being put in place.

28th September 2010, 09:29 AM
It would seem any aliens around these parts may not find the UN competent enough for the position.


Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman was being lined up for the role, the story said. As head of the UN's Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa) Othman would be the "nearest thing we have to a take me to you leader [person]", Prof Richard Crowther, from the UK Space Agency, told the Sunday Times.

According to the paper, Othman is due to tell a Royal Society conference that as the detection of extraterrestrial life is more likely than ever, the UN needs to be ready to co-ordinate humanity's response.

Reading all this our Martian visitor might have been encouraged to try to get in touch. They would have had a frustrating time.

The Royal Society knew nothing about it. The United Nations referred all queries to the switchboard of Unoosa in Vienna. Its switchboard number wasn't much help. "The person at extension 4951 is unavailable, please leave your message after the tone," it said. Those messages might make for some interesting listening today.

Finally an email from Othman herself would have prompted our Martian to trudge back to his spaceship. "It sounds really cool but I have to deny it," she said of the story. She will be attending a conference next week, but she'll be talking about how the world deals with "near-Earth objects".

28th September 2010, 09:32 AM
Mazlan Othman :lol

28th September 2010, 09:45 AM
Mazlan Othman :lol

We're safe if he does not speak of the prophesy!

Hatha Sunahara
28th September 2010, 10:02 AM
We need an enemy to keep the profit engines humming. That role, according to Werner von Braun was, in this order:

The Soviet Union
Space Aliens

You can't have a war unless you can negotiate with the enemy.

Carol Rosin, a W.von B confidant, talks about the 'Last Card' of TPTB"



28th September 2010, 10:13 AM
M Othman :lol


After the first reports of the Mothman, strangers dressed in black began to appear in the area. These 'Men in Black' were believed to have been government agents investigating the occurrences of the Mothman, though some speculate that they were Catholic priests who came to exorcize the demonic creature.

The Mothman was seen again January 11, 1967, and several times during 1967. No sightings of the Mothman have been reported after the collapse of the Silver Bridge...

28th September 2010, 10:15 AM
We need an enemy to keep the profit engines humming. That role, according to Werner von Braun was, in this order:

The Soviet Union
Space Aliens

You can't have a war unless you can negotiate with the enemy.

Carol Rosin, a W.von B confidant, talks about the 'Last Card' of TPTB"



Hatha, I always read your post for insight. Do you believe Carol to be true?

28th September 2010, 10:24 AM
I wonder if Global Warming replaces the asteroid meme?

Interesting that MOthman denies she is working for the UN for aliens (although says she would like it), but for now is working on asteroid threats to earth.

28th September 2010, 10:28 AM
One way I've speculated that they introduce ET is through the Asteroid threat. Only ET can help save us from total destruction!

General of Darkness
28th September 2010, 10:31 AM

28th September 2010, 10:48 AM
The UN may claim that Aliens are very concerned about the huge gaps between rich and poor around the globe and it must come as, "an add on Earthly Welfare Tax" attached to everyone's wages.

Or then again, they may claim that Aliens believe, "all Earthlings must equally pay tribute to the new Galactic Ceaser with an Earthling Existance Tax" where you breathe, you pay.

Those things I'm guessing I could handle, but if they introduce some new fiat currency, "backed by the full faith and credit of The Bank of Pluto" - well, that would be the final nail in the coffin if there ever was one.

28th September 2010, 12:58 PM
yeah, wtf is going on with all of this. The vatican is saying the would welcome and baptize aliens, the UN is setting up an ET Ambassador...... odd stuff.

+ Stephen Hawking recently disclosed his thoughts that et's are likely hostile and territory gathering.

Yes, really fuced up for grown adults to be talking of this stuff like a random saturday morning conversation.

If aliens show up, I'm inviting them for dinner.............'you put the little plastic food cartridge in the hole, and then close the hole up by racking the wooden piece......when you're good and hungry put the end of the bowl in your mouth and pull the food trigger'..........mmmhhhmmmmm.

In all seriousness though, et's=spiritual entities, imo.

OK... so I am reading how you would invite them to dinner and I take a big swig of chocolate milk. When I got down to the food trigger part I figured out what you were talking about. Almost spewed chocolate milk all over my monitor. Give some warnings.... eh?

Hatha Sunahara
28th September 2010, 01:58 PM
MNEagle--I believe Carol Rosin is accurately transmitting what Werner von Braun said. I first read about her interview with Von Braun referenced by Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure project a decade ago. Von Braun was not an idiot. He worked for Hitler, so I believe he was smart enough to understand the politics and economics of having enemies. What she transmits from von Braun rings true in my ears. I don't think they are exploiting the fear of asteroids as seriously as von Braun thought they would. But it all boils down to drumming up fear of an enemy. I think Samuel P. Huntington did such a good job in his early 1990s book called The Clash of Civilizations in creating fear and hatred of muslims, they must have thought they could skip the asteroid step. There were a couple os Asteroid doomsday movies--a memorable one with Morgan Freeman as the president.

But aliens are the next fearmongering step. Get ready to hear accusations of being an 'alien collaborator'. We might even have an alien figurehead a-la Osama Bin Laden, or Emmanuel Goldstein and a moment of hate for that figurehead at prescribed intervals.

It's getting laughable, isn't it? But our leaders are serious. It's a convenient way to control the world--through synthetic fear.


28th September 2010, 02:50 PM
This could just be a distraction from the economic troubles. Or they could be gearing up for some BS we need to unite the world to fight the aliens program.

But if the aliens actually show up they are demons or fallen angels not aliens. That would be the deception. Revelations says the whole world would be deceived. The world would welcome friendly aliens especially if they promised to solve our problems. Obviously demons would not be welcome.

28th September 2010, 03:01 PM
"UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens" <--- it was predictable

30th September 2010, 07:58 PM
Ok....this is getting fucen retarded. I hear on a Chorus Ent. station (680 am toronto) that a group of 7 retired high ranking officers have come forward and claimed that ET's have been in contact with us for years.

They state....'humans are playing with fire......the et's say we should abandon our nuclear arsenals'


Oh yeah, something is up.....this is too strange.

1st October 2010, 01:48 AM
the info about UFOs disabling nukes is a decade old, at least a couple of the disclosure project (2001) witnesses reported this. that it is now getting a lot of MSM coverage is provocative. i was listening to something by david wilcock a day or 2 ago, and he is saying that there will be some big TV show at the end of october which is very related to disclosure. interesting times.


1st October 2010, 10:20 AM
Thanks for the TV show titbit. He is what I found:


Earlier today, I was floored by the footage of Frank Darabont’s television adaptation of the Walking Dead. Unfortunately, I wish the same could be said of what I’ve seen of the Steven Spielberg-produced Falling Skies for TNT. The show — created by Robert Rodat (screenwriter for Saving Private Ryan, and The Patriot) — stars TNT-regular Noah Wyle (ER, The Librarian) and sci-fi regular Moon Bloodgood (Journeyman, Terminator Salvation) as everyday people whose lives are overturned when aliens invade and wipe out 80 percent of humanity. Oh yah, and they fried the electrical grid as well.

...But while I’m not so hot on what I’ve seen, both Wyle and Bloodgood seemed to have fallen in love with the material. Wyle mentioned that he was hesitant to get into another television project, but the strength of the pilot script convinced him that he had to be involved. He plays Tom Mason, a former Boston University professor who specialized in the American Revolution — something which makes him well versed in military strategy. His wife was killed in the initial invasion, and one of his sons was abducted by the aliens (they hinted that the aliens want to steal adolescents for some reason).

Verheiden mentioned that the series was originally called Concord — a reference to one of the first battles in the American Revolution — and that it originally had more direct parallels to that war as well. They ended up relaxing that stance to be more flexible about the direction of the series.

3rd October 2010, 07:37 AM
This UFO-nuke press conference (http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/56166/Full_Press_Conference_UFOs_disabled_Nukes_27_09_10/) has gotten publicity on a lot of major news channels.





Russia Today:


Back when the disclosure project (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=disclosure+project) was first broadcast, Greer reported that the webcast was attacked so that fewer people could see it. These days we're seeing CNN and Fox cover this kind of thing. Definite change in agenda from the establishment over these 10 years.

3rd October 2010, 10:10 AM
so now the royal society is having another conference (http://royalsociety.org/extra-terrestrial-life/) on ET life, 4th-5th october:

Should extra-terrestrial life exist, upcoming efforts will provide living generations with a realistic chance of its detection. Even more than the scientific agenda, a corresponding complementary societal agenda needs to be debated. With a mix of invited talks and panel debates, we particularly look into the detection of life, the communication with potential extra-terrestrial civilizations, the implications for the future of humanity, and the political processes that are required.

Four panel debates include

Calling ET, or not even answering the phone?
Societal questions raised by the detection of extra-terrestrial life
What could studies of extra-terrestrial life tell us about the future of humanity?
Extra-terrestrial life and arising political issues for the UN agenda

i've never seen anything like the amount of coverage the ET issue is getting now. there are a bunch of related TV shows, and even an upcoming feature film about the battle of LA (http://www.rense.com/ufo/battleofla.htm).


Have you ever heard of the Battle of Los Angeles? Few have. Imagine a visiting spacecraft from another world, or dimension, hovering over a panicked and blacked-out LA in the middle of the night just weeks after Pearl Harbor at the height of WWII fear and paranoia. Imagine how this huge ship, assumed to be some unknown Japanese aircraft, was then attacked as it hung, nearly stationary, over Culver City and Santa Monica by dozens of Army anti-aircraft batteries firing nearly 2,000 rounds of 12 pound, high explosive shells in full view of hundreds of thousands of residents. Imagine all of that and you have an idea of what was the Battle of Los Angeles.

3rd October 2010, 08:09 PM
This got forgotten quickly......

3rd October 2010, 08:43 PM
This could just be a distraction from the economic troubles. Or they could be gearing up for some BS we need to unite the world to fight the aliens program.


While we focus on "aliens" they rob us blind. Who is that behind Bernanke and why is he laughing???


5th October 2010, 07:46 AM
there's a not very accurate story (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1316538/Gliese-581g-mystery-Scientist-spotted-mysterious-pulse-light-direction-newEarth-planet-year.html#ixzz11SoUy29c) going round about how astronomers noticed a "mysterious pulse of light" from the newly discovered exoplanet orbiting Gliese 581 (that's been in the news as being the most similar planet to Earth yet discovered), which generated a few comments from the MSM's readership. what entertained me about the comments was that this was by far the most negatively rated comment by other readers:

These scientists, in tandem with the Vatican, could tell people anything, and the majority would believe it!

All this "alien" nonsense is a new age attempt to discredit Christianity and the Word of God.
These alleged UFO's are a Satanic deception.

Alien sightings and Alien Abductions are demonic, not extra terrestrial.
There are many reports of so-called "alien abductions" stopping immediately, when the name of Jesus Christ is called upon for help.


GS-US readers at the daily mail, it seems!

5th October 2010, 08:55 AM
Be on guard.

If they disclose ETs to teh sheep, they will be calling for a new, universal religion.

Know, that is a sign.

5th October 2010, 03:45 PM
'Alien' Cult Leader Held on Sex Charges (http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/alien-cult-leader-held-on-sex-charges/418507.html)

5th October 2010, 03:52 PM
Have the perfect nominee for that post! ;D

It would take one to know one!

5th October 2010, 04:43 PM
But she's not an alien, she's one of Icke's liuzard people!!


5th October 2010, 09:12 PM
I'm a big Futurama fan. The new Pope's outfit was hilarious (not in this clip).

Futurama - The Beast With A Billion Backs Trailer


9th October 2010, 08:09 PM

New Delhi, Oct 7 (ANI): A scientist in China has predicted that "great events" concerning UFOs were going to come out in the country in the next two years.

Wang Sichao, a research fellow at the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, started work on UFOs nearly 40 years ago, Beijing Review reported.

He has been studying the sightings, and checking and replying to mail about UFOs from all across China.

In an interview he shared his views and stories as to why he had made the predictions, and the basis for them.

"First, I'd like to say something about the conception of great events about UFOs. It does not mean large numbers of UFOs but refers to events of credible facts backed by observation," he said.

"But these facts cannot yet be explained by existing scientific knowledge or natural phenomena.

"Through 39 years' investigation and research, I found that in years ending with the numbers 1, 2 or 7-such as 1971, 1981, 1991, 1982, 1992, 2002, 1977, 1987, 2007-great UFO events would happen.

"So, I think 2011 and 2012 will be another two active years," he explained. (ANI)


On August 23, 2010 Sichao stated that he believed extraterrestrial aliens exist and that their UFOs have the ability to visit our earth. He also took exception to the recent view presented by British astronomer Stephen Hawking that an encounter with between Earth's population and such aliens would be disastrous.

If they are friendly to us, we can promote the human beings' civilization through exchange and cooperation with them. If they are not, as long as we prepared for their invasion, we can beat them back based on their weaknesses. After all, they are life entities, they would show their slips.
—Wang Sichao,

Sichao also provided some specific data from quantitative analysis of UFO observations. He informed that between the altitudes of 130 kilometers and 1,500 kilometers, UFOs have appeared many times. He stated that the observed UFOS could fly much slower than the "first cosmic velocity", and some as slow as 0.29 kilometers per second, and that they can fly at the altitude of 1,460 kilometers for more than 25 minutes. He concluded that these UFOs had anti-gravity abilities.

20th October 2010, 08:59 PM
Mind Control Victim Cathy O Brien speaks of her pre-1988 firsthand knowledge of alien mind control plans by those in power.
Starts 30 seconds in after.. 8)


21st October 2010, 09:04 AM
Mind Control Victim Cathy O Brien speaks of her pre-1988 firsthand knowledge of alien mind control plans by those in power.
Starts 30 seconds in after.. 8)

Good stuff, was there something in there about Hillary Clinton giving criminal tongue lashings at the get go?