View Full Version : Was San Bruno Explosion a Plane Crash?

27th September 2010, 12:12 AM
Was San Bruno Explosion a Plane Crash?

September 27, 2010
What do you trust? Government, Paper or Gold?

San Bruno F 18-1.jpg
by Sandra Hunt
for henrymakow.com

A number of reports suggest that the "natural gas pipeline explosion" Sept. 9 that killed seven, injured 50 and leveled 40 homes in San Bruno CA may have involved a plane crash or a missile. If so, there is a massive cover-up taking place.

On 09-10-10 at 11:06 A.M. a huge jet, resembling Air force One flew over San Jose. At 11:29 A.M. an F-18 flew over, and at 12:46 P.M. an AC -130 gunship (with the side gun turrets) followed.

The F-18's engines were roaring like a freight train. The F-18 appeared to be carrying large fuel tanks and ordinance. Being shortly before 9-11, I thought, "here comes another false flag incident."

Above is a photo of the F-18 as it flew over. Below is a photo showing the ordinance these jets can carry. It is not unusual to see an F-18 fly overhead here. It is very unusual for them to be heavily laden with weapons. It had its landing gear down, as you can see, and was headed north (towards Moffett Federal air base, Travis Air Force base, and San Francisco). These are all within thirty miles of San Bruno, where the pipeline allegedly exploded.

I do not know where it was going or when it landed. It was in the area two days before 9-11, and 6 hours and 45 minutes before the explosion in San Bruno Sept 9. That is extremely "coincidental".


From eyewitness accounts, a jet was involved in the "gas pipeline explosion." I also spoke with a person going to a college by San Bruno and was told that many students were talking about the "plane crash" the next day.

A YouTuber identified it as a plane crash.

A TV news interview with a witness speaks of "a loud rumbling noise" in the air, and debris falling on roofs.

Here are two articles about a jet crashing.

"A plane crash has rocked San Bruno...A massive explosion on Skyline Boulevard in San Bruno, is burning out of control as of this report. The rising ball of fire can be seen from San Francisco.

......some witnesses say that it was a plane crash, while others report a gas station being the cause of the massive explosion. The Ball of flames emanating from the epicenter of the explosion is as high as 100 feet. A cloud of dark smoke is pouring from the top of the fire ball, which is common with jet fuel fires.

......Reports of a crashed plane are being examined as this report is being filed. However, the amount of fuel and the fact that the area in question is within the flight path of SFO, are leading many to believe it to be a plane crash.

......One witness claims to have heard the sound of a commercial jet engine, coming out of nowhere, shaking his home, and then the sound of an explosion.

......Mark Sinclair, a witness half a mile from the location, said he saw a private jet crash, after hitting the tree line.

......"It appears as if the affected area stretches three blocks in all directions from the point of impact. The fire is burning so hot that fire fighters are hard pressed to get to the fire's epicenter. An aviation expert has now confirmed that it is a plane crash, reported that the plane sounded as if it was having engine trouble."

http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-san-francisco/breaking-news-devas tating-plane-crash-san-bruno ("update")

Photo of "Jet crash" in upper San Bruno by lunardis and skyline!

The crash site was locked down, treated as a hazardous waste, crime scene, and quarantined immediately. Residents were only allowed to go through their neighborhoods in buses escorted by police and were not allowed to exit the bus.

Ten 55-gallon-drums containing "hazardous material" were immediately removed from the scene.

F-18 Weapons List.jpg
There appears to be a massive cover up here. I am watching where this is going on a daily basis and trying to "follow the money and politics' to figure out what the possible goal(s) may be. There is so much media "fear mongering" about which pipeline is going to blow up next, like the fear they promoted on 9-11 to pass draconian legislation already prepared (Patriot Act). Perhaps the big gas conglomerates want to scare the taxpayers into paying for new gas lines so they pocket the savings.

Calif. neighbors survey ruins of blasted hillside (AP)-- "Meanwhile, federal investigators were probing how the gas line was able to rupture, blowing a segment of pipe 28 feet long onto the street some 100 feet away and creating a crater 167 feet long and 26 feet wide."

......"Investigators believed they had collected all the sections needed to reconstruct the metal pipeline but asked that anyone who found metal fragments in the blast area contact the NTSB."

Notice that the NTSB is involved! The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an Independent federal agency charged by Congress with investigating every civil aviation accident in the U.S. www.ntsb.gov

Why would they be involved if there had been no jet crash? And why would the "pipeline" be sent to Washington? Why would they ask "that anyone who found metal fragments in the blast area contact the NTSB" if it were only a gas line explosion?

"The commission also plans to appoint an independent expert panel to help with their investigation. Crews Monday prepared to ship to Washington a crate containing the 28-foot section of ruptured natural gas pipeline that was blown out of the ground. Also being shipped were two 10-foot sections of pipe removed from the crater Sunday from either side of where the ruptured section had been.

.......Investigators believed they had collected all the sections needed to reconstruct the metal pipeline but asked that anyone who found metal fragments in the blast area contact the NTSB."


28 ft. + 10 ft. + 10 ft. = 48 feet of pipe. If the crater was 167 ft. long that would leave 119 feet of the pipeline unaccounted for, whereas "Investigators believed they had collected all the sections needed to reconstruct the metal pipeline".

Why would the NTSB ask "that anyone who found metal fragments in the blast area contact the NTSB" if it was simply an old, corroded pipeline? There are plenty of laboratories with metallurgists that could analyze the pipe right here in Silicon Valley (Lockheed, Nasa-Ames Lab, Lawrence Livermore Lab. etc,). On the other hand, if parts of an aircraft or military ordnance were found, they certainly would want to confiscate those items.

Why would the NTSB ship the three recovered pieces to Washington if it were simply a corroded pipeline. The dimensions of an F-18 fighter jet are 56 ft long, 37.5 ft. wide, and 15.25 feet in height. Could the remains of a crashed F-18 be what is being shipped to Washington (Pentagon?) for analysis. F-18's have crashed in California before, and many were recalled due to stress fractures.

F-18 Fighter Jet's Crash in San Diego, CA on December 8, 2008 kills three can be seen at:

Also, the Crash of "Flying Tiger Line" Flight #282 occurred in San Bruno in 1964 and many of the details sound strikingly familiar to the recent event.

These are just pieces to be considered in the puzzle. I can't say the jet was involved. However there is a tremendous amount of suspicious activity and cover-up regarding this explosion, the quarantine, the hazardous clean-up, NTSB, FBI anti-terrorist team, pieces being shipped to Washington, etc.

This seems to me to be one of the most credible possibilities I can see, after studying many different articles on the event. Hopefully more people will come up with more details until the truth is uncovered. Perhaps someone out there has some more video to help clear this up. Everyone has cell phone cameras these days, and it is quite possible someone else got some footage of what happened.


Here are some related articles;

"San Bruno fire debris a health and environmental hazard"

"The scene at ground zero after the explosion"

The term "ground zero" refers to the point of detonation of a nuclear device. Could a bunker-buster or mini-nuke have been detonated?

San Bruno fire - residents tell how it started:

"Henry Sanchez was driving home from his three kids' back-to-school night at a nearby school when he approached the intersection of Claremont and Glenview.

He looked through the windshield where just a few blocks ahead of him a flash of flame crossed the sky, followed by a deafening explosion."

"Jerry Guernsey had spent the day working on his '57 Chevy on Concord Way, just blocks from the impact, where he's lived for 25 years. He'd fired up the barbecue in his backyard when it sounded like a jetliner had dropped from the sky. "But the noise just kept going," he said."

1 dead, 53 homes destroyed in California fire

"Jane Porcelli, 62, said she lives on a hill above where the fire was centered. She said she thought she heard a plane overhead with a struggling engine.

"And then you heard this bang. And everything shook except the floor, so we knew it wasn't an earthquake," Porcelli said. "I feel helpless that I can't do anything. I just gotta sit by and watch."

Stephanie Mullen, Associated Press news editor for photos based in San Francisco, was attending children's soccer practice with her two children and husband at Crestmoor High School when she saw the blast at 6:14 p.m.

"First, it was a low deep roar and everybody looked up, and we all knew something big was happening," she said. "Then there was a huge explosion with a ball of fire that went up behind the high school several thousand feet into the sky."

Breaking News: Devastating explosion in San Bruno

" Conflicting reports are coming into KPIX as to the cause of the explosion. Some witnesses say that it was a plane crash, while others report a gas station being the cause of the massive explosion. The Ball of flames emanating from the epicenter of the explosion is as high as 100 feet. A cloud of dark smoke is pouring from the top of the fire ball, which is common with jet fuel fires."

"The area contains hundreds of homes as well as a community college. Reports of a crashed plane are being examined as this report is being filed. However, the amount of fuel and the fact that the area in question is within the flight path of SFO, are leading many to believe it to be a plane crash."

"One witness claims to have heard the sound of a commercial jet engine, coming out of nowhere, shaking his home, and then the sound of an explosion. Still no confirmation of a plane crash has been announced. However, it is not confirmed that a plane has crashed in a populated area of San Bruno.
"Another witness, at a nearby Shopping center, reports constant flames rising as high as 100 feet. Internet reports are claiming that a plane has crashed. However, no official information has been released regarding this claim.

Mark Sinclair, a witness half a mile from the location, said he saw a private jet crash, after hitting the tree line. Sinclair said he was concerned about being on the flight path of planes coming into and leaving SFO.

Gas Main Explodes in San Bruno California, State of Emergency Declared. FBI Joint Terrorism Taskforce?
Lots of video!

"Missile Strike Downs San Francisco Plane, News Blackout Ordered"
Important to note about this catastrophe is that within 1 hour of the still unidentified plane being shot down, American authorities ordered a "news blackout" of the true events surrounding this massive explosion and have, instead, directed their propaganda media organs to blame it on a gas line break, without, of course, mentioning that, according to the Pacific Gas & Electric Company's own website showing where all of its gas lines are located, none of them that are able to cause such destruction come even close to the area hit.

San Bruno Plane Crash or Explosion?
Be sure to watch the bottom you tube video! Looks like a plane crash to me (just about what I would expect to see from an F-18 size crash)
http://today24news.com/breaking/san-bruno-plane-crash-or-explosion-fire-bu rned-homes-1-dead-103973

"San Bruno pipeline blast responders suspected jet crash or terrorists"


27th September 2010, 01:48 AM
Some events just don't pass the smell test. Take your pick. There are lots of them.

This doesn't appear to be one of them. Looks like a gas explosion and fire to me.