View Full Version : Recession Not Over, Double-Dip or Worse Coming

mick silver
27th September 2010, 06:22 AM
most here see this a mile away , there no way they can keep this game going .... http://usawatchdog.com/recession-not-over-double-dip-or-worse-coming/ ... By Greg Hunter


Just last week, I ridiculed a group of academic economists for calling an end to the longest recession since World War II. The National Bureau of Economic Research proclaimed the recession we STILL find ourselves in ended in June of 2009. The NBER is the official arbiter of the timing of the U.S. business cycle. Well, I’m not the only person who thinks the NBER’s ascertainment of the economy defies all statistical evidence.
In his most recent report (it came out yesterday), economist John Williams of shadowstats.com says, “The official call of the recession’s end does not in any way alter the economic outlook, either as to existing underlying business activity or as to the course of likely future economic activity; only the nomenclature that will be used in describing current activity has been changed. The re-intensifying economic downturn — already underway — simply will be called the second-dip of a double-dip recession, at such time as the NBER gets around to recognizing the “new” contraction in economic activity.”

To me, this economy looks like one great big dip. Here is what the spinmeisters at NBER said when they announced the recession was over, “The committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity. Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.” I wrote about this last week in a post I called “The Recession is Over? Really!” If you read the statement closely, NBER simply said the recession was over without any facts to back it up. I don’t know if this announcement was politically motivated because midterm elections are just 5 weeks away. I do know the facts say just the opposite– the recession is alive and getting worse. Housing sales are bottom bouncing, car sales are plunging and banks are going under unabated. The Fed is so freaked out, word is Bernanke and company has set the table for another trillion dollars of Quantitative Easing (QE) or money printing to buy U.S. debt. These are not the signs of a healthy growing economy.

The folks at ZeroHedge.com are also a little freaked out at what the Fed is planning on doing and have written a very good analysis about what is coming called “Why QE2 + QE Lite Mean The Fed Will Purchase Almost $3 Trillion In Treasurys And Set The Stage For The Monetary Endgame.” Writer Tyler Durden says, “We were stunned to realize that over the next 6 months the Fed may be the net buyer of nearly $3 trillion in Treasurys, an action which will likely set off a chain of events which could result in rates dropping all the way to zero, stocks surging, and gold (and other precious metals) going from current price levels to well in the 5 digit range.”

Don’t think we can print our way to out of this mess to prosperity. Durden goes on to say, “. . . stocks will benefit from QE2, as will Bonds and as will commodities. In fact, every asset class will explode in a supernova of endless liquidity. To be sure, all of this will be very short lived. Very soon, all those assets denominated in fiat paper, will promptly collapse in the great black hole of reserve currency devaluation, as it becomes clear that the Fed will stop at nothing to win the race of global currency debasement.” (Click here for the complete Zero Hedge Post.)

According to Williams, all the recent data on things such as housing starts, new home sales and orders for durable goods are “suggestive of a quarterly contraction for the current quarter (third-quarter 2010.) Williams goes on to say, “. . . today’s ongoing “recovery” is not evident in most economic data, and, like the mid-Great Depression recovery, most people will not recognize the “good times.” Main Street U.S.A. usually has a pretty good sense of what is happening in the real world, and the pain of today’s pocketbook issues still will be felt heavily at the polls, irrespective of any happy announcements or heavy political hype to the contrary.”

So, in my book, it’s “official” the recession is definitely NOT over, and it won’t be for a very long time

mick silver
27th September 2010, 06:22 AM
Related Posts:
■The Recession is Over? Really!
■Double-Dip Recession Warning
■Is the Recession Over? Not a Chance!
■Tap Dancing on A Land Mine
■New Real Numbers

27th September 2010, 06:39 AM
Yeah- when I saw the NBER report, I too asked what data they were using. I saw no evidence, just a plain statment that the recession was over. They would have had to base that on some numbers. And we know this:

Automotive sales
Stock prices
Commodity prices

- these were all manipulated, distorted and far from the truth. Remove the artificial stimulus money, the government purchase of real estate debt, the government purchase of stocks, the federal reserve purchase of treasuries.... and we are still in the greatest depression.

Silver Shield
27th September 2010, 06:53 AM
People need to stop thinking 1929 and start thinking about 1349 that last time when a global monetary system collapsed...

We are either on the verge of another Dark Ages or a New Renaissance

27th September 2010, 08:41 AM
Silver Shield, I just gave you a thank you because you see it as I do and as it will be........there is no scaping it, we are in a deppresion and 99.998% don't know it yet and is going to get 100 worse.

27th September 2010, 08:48 AM
This depression will likely be many times worse than the Great Depression of 1929 because at the time there was still a significant manufacturing presence and there wasn't as much spending, taxation, and governmental interference in the economy.

This time, the country is flat broke and is incapable of paying its debts while it waits for the ticking time bomb, that is the dollar's collapse, to explode and send the economy nosediving like never before.

Bring in the misery...

27th September 2010, 08:49 AM
Recession not over, public says

Washington (CNN) -- Economic experts may believe the recession is over, but try telling that to the public.

Seventy-four percent of Americans believe the economy is still in a recession, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll. Only 25 percent think the downturn is over.

One-third of Americans say the recession is serious, while another 29 percent characterize it as moderate.

One small cause for optimism: the percentage of Americans who say the country is in a recession has dropped 13 points since August.

The National Bureau of Economic Research, an independent group of economists, released a September 20 statement indicating the recession technically ended in June 2009. The dip began in December 2007 -- making it the longest and deepest downturn for the U.S. economy since the Great Depression.

Administration officials, while sounding guardedly optimistic about overall trends, have repeatedly expressed concern for those impacted by the sluggish economy.

"Obviously, for the millions of people who are still out of work, people who have seen their home values decline, people who are struggling to pay the bills day to day, [the recession is] still very real for them," President Barack Obama said last week.

The public appears split over the effectiveness of Obama's economic policies. Forty-seven percent of Americans believe the president's policies either have helped boost the economy or will make it better in the future. Forty-eight percent believe Obama's policies will never help improve the economy.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted September 21-23, with 1,010 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/09/26/economy.poll/index.html?hpt=Sbin videos also at link