View Full Version : My rasslin' match with uncle LEO

27th September 2010, 11:22 AM
Ok, it wasn't a physical tussle but it was fun as hell for a change.

It's a typical Saturday at the liquor store, busy evening with a small line of 5-6 customers. A male customer steps up to the register, places his items down and I start scanning them. I give him the total and he hands me his card where upon I ask him, "debit or credit?", he replies "credit". Because he said credit I then ask him for his ID (store policy) and he replies that he doesn't have to show it, that the signature on the back is all I need to see. So, I then explain to him that it's our policy to require ID for a CC purchase, he then states "I'm in law enforcement, I know the law and I don't have to show it!". Now we're at a standoff with a growing line of curious onlookers.

Ok, so I have a cop who has pulled his LEO out, thinking it will make all the difference in the world...wrong answer. I then step back and ask him if he'd rather pay with cash, because without the ID I'm not processing a CC and told him "I'm just doing my job", "do you want this stuff or not?". He capitulates and digs out his ID, bitchin' the whole time, I win ;D

I never thought I'd have a problem with a cop for asking for an ID in a liquor store, it's almost surreal as they're the ones always stressing the anti-theft, anti-underage mantra's. I must admit it was rather gratifying and the other customers who were watching this little show loved it too.

27th September 2010, 11:25 AM
Ok, it wasn't a physical tussle but it was fun as hell for a change.

It's a typical Saturday at the liquor store, busy evening with a small line of 5-6 customers. A male customer steps up to the register, places his items down and I start scanning them. I give him the total and he hands me his card where upon I ask him, "debit or credit?", he replies "credit". Because he said credit I then ask him for his ID (store policy) and he replies that he doesn't have to show it, that the signature on the back is all I need to see. So, I then explain to him that it's our policy to require ID for a CC purchase, he then states "I'm in law enforcement, I know the law and I don't have to show it!". Now we're at a standoff with a growing line of curious onlookers.

Ok, so I have a cop who has pulled his LEO out, thinking it will make all the difference in the world...wrong answer. I then step back and ask him if he'd rather pay with cash, because without the ID I'm not processing a CC and told him "I'm just doing my job", "do you want this stuff or not?". He capitulates and digs out his ID, bitchin' the whole time, I win ;D

I never thought I'd have a problem with a cop for asking for an ID in a liquor store, it's almost surreal as they're the ones always stressing the anti-theft, anti-underage mantra's. I must admit it was rather gratifying and the other customers who were watching this little show loved it too.

I actualy get mad at how little Im aksed for idea when using my card as credit. Hardly anyone even ask for it anymore and I usualy say "thank you" when they do. And most men anyways usualy keep their card in their wallet, which is like what, 1/4 inch away from their ID. Im usualy CCW'ing, so I've got have my ID handy anyways.

Anywho, good job, lib, way to stick it to the man! ;D ;D

27th September 2010, 11:28 AM
You did the right thing, could have easily been a sting operation.

On my debit & credit cards I sign the back "See ID", so 98% of the time, they comply. I heard it's one way to counter theft/usage of your CC.

27th September 2010, 11:34 AM
I once had the same experience. My job requires that I get a copy of their ID to show proof of age and the first person I experienced not having their ID was a cop. I told him he'd have to go home and get it. He didn't complain since I explained it was state law in my case, but he did feel pretty stupid. I assume as long as they have their badge with them, they don't think they have to follow the same rules as the peasantry.

27th September 2010, 11:35 AM
You did the right thing, could have easily been a sting operation.

On my debit & credit cards I sign the back "See ID", so 98% of the time, they comply. I heard it's one way to counter theft/usage of your CC.

I like for them to ask for ID when using my cc. Just for that reason.

27th September 2010, 11:35 AM
These are the situations where you think of a bajillion things that you should have said afterwards.

......I'm in law enforcement and I don't have to show you Id

......I'm in the liqour business, and yes, you do.

27th September 2010, 11:36 AM
Maybe you should have asked him: "Oh! Law enforcement. If you don't want to show me your ID, maybe you would prefer to show me your vehicle registration if its registered in your name?"

27th September 2010, 11:52 AM
The entire purpose of asking for an ID is to stop the theft and to cover the card owners and the stores ass. Dealing with the disputed CC sales is a giant PITA too, the fraud starts and stops at the counter, it's that simple.

These are the situations where you think of a bajillion things that you should have said afterwards.

Ohhhhh yes! There were a lot of things runnin' through my brain at the time but I really didn't want to totally piss him off either, I don't want or need a another target painted on my back.

27th September 2010, 11:56 AM
Whatever happened to Andy Griffith? :oo-->

27th September 2010, 12:22 PM
Depending on your state the liquor store can be a private business. A private business can stipulate whatever rules for requirement of purchase they deem fit. In fact, a private business could deny all sales to any LEO strictly for the fact they are LEO. Several states have government run liquor stores with no private liquor sales being allowed. In this case, the rules are what are written in the state code governing liquor sales.

27th September 2010, 12:38 PM
How about this- ask him to step aside while you serve complying customers and give him time to think about his answer.

27th September 2010, 12:40 PM
I read somewhere that with some CC companies that requiring ID for a purchase is in violation of the merchant agreement.
Merchant agreements are between the CC and the retailer, so I have no way to check if that is true or not.

27th September 2010, 01:05 PM
Depending on your state the liquor store can be a private business. A private business can stipulate whatever rules for requirement of purchase they deem fit. In fact, a private business could deny all sales to any LEO strictly for the fact they are LEO. Several states have government run liquor stores with no private liquor sales being allowed. In this case, the rules are what are written in the state code governing liquor sales.

At my place I have absolute discretion to sell or not to sell to anyone I choose. The owners know that I have 30 years of experience, am fair and level headed and trust me implicitly to run the store as if it were my own. Theoretically I could have pulled out my asshole card, deleted the sale and told him to leave but that isn't in mine or the businesses best interest.

One thing I forgot to mention, that may or may not have been a factor, he had his kid with him. I wasn't out to make him look foolish, he did that fine on his own, he just didn't like the result.

27th September 2010, 01:20 PM
Just tell him he doesn't look 21 and you have to ask for ID. It's federal law.

27th September 2010, 01:52 PM
I wasn't advocating you play the asshole card. I was illustrating the sheer ass-hattery of the cop. That pig knows the rules well enough to know that you can refuse a sale or make a rule at whim. For him to try and say otherwise is very disingenuous and I, personally, would have a made it a point to tell him right there in front of his kid and other customers that you can require him to dance a damned jig and whistle Dixie before he can buy if you say so. As such, you are being rather kind to only require ID per the owner's established protocol for purchase. The idea is not to actually play the asshole card but point out that you do have the card in your hand.

More than likely, you handled this situation better than most.

27th September 2010, 02:21 PM
SLV, I knew you weren't advocating me to play the card, what you said initially was just the facts of the matter and he should have known that as well but I'm assuming he thought even the mere mention of him being LEO would get him a pass. His "badge" doesn't get squat to me though, just malice.

I really wanted to be a prick and treat him like he would have treated me had he pulled me over and had me over the barrel. One of the things that ran through my head was, would he let me go if I refused to show him ID in the course of his job? Hell no he wouldn't! I really wanted to bring this point up but thought better of it. I reckon the old saying "discretion is sometimes the better part of valor" applied here and I just wanted him out of the store as amicably as possible without giving in to his line of sh!t. I knew he didn't have cash because I was watching when he got out his wallet, he only had a couple ones and a five, hence he either had to walk or comply.

Twisted Titan
27th September 2010, 02:36 PM
That is the best part.........

The Goon didnt even have the scant few dollars to cover his habit so he had to eat it.

Guess he needs to start doing some overtime writing up more meal tcikets for the state.


27th September 2010, 02:51 PM
Twisted, my guess is he writes up plenty. He has that arrogance in his demeanor that he is above the rest of us, rules don't apply to him. It is funny the little things that I'm recalling now that I'm talking about it, at the time though it was just another tense situation that needed defusing. I've been involved in too many situations way worse than that but it was just uncalled for and stupid on his part.