View Full Version : They're out spraying today!

29th September 2010, 03:29 PM
Pics from earlier today. The first one is looking east, and the chemtrails literally spanned the whole sky. The second picture is to the west where they look like they're forming new clouds.

29th September 2010, 03:32 PM
Just look like normal contrails to me.

29th September 2010, 03:40 PM
Just look like normal contrails to me.

Surely you jest.

29th September 2010, 03:41 PM
Pics from earlier today. The first one is looking east, and the chemtrails literally spanned the whole sky. The second picture is to the west where they look like they're forming new clouds.

I have been watching our sky as often I can. It's been quiet around here for a spell.

29th September 2010, 04:08 PM
I've been holed up in the SF Bay Area for awhile taking care of an elderly relative. Last Fall, Winter & Spring there were trails more days than not, I'd point them out to noobs whenever I had the opportunity. Then right around the top of Summer, late June, they stopped... clear blue skies or natural clouds daily, all through Summer. Then beginning again just 1-2 weeks ago...


I'd have to look through Carnicom's (http://carnicom.com) material again to find it, but he did either a paper or a (Rense?) interview where the focus was on the seasonality he and others have observed re the chemtrail/aerosol spraying black-op. Either TPTB are seeking specific atmospheric conditions for the spraying, or they give the pilots the summers off, like teachers, to spend with their kids? :oo-->

Chemtrails, Morgellons Syndrome, primer & latest news (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/)

29th September 2010, 04:11 PM
Pics from earlier today. The first one is looking east, and the chemtrails literally spanned the whole sky. The second picture is to the west where they look like they're forming new clouds.

I have been watching our sky as often I can. It's been quiet around here for a spell.

Same here... all the recent jet aircraft overflights have left nothing behind for the last few weeks... not even "normal" contrails.

29th September 2010, 04:21 PM
Just look like normal contrails to me.





When it stops looking normal, let me know. I don't remember anything like this when I was growing up, but maybe I'm wrong. Are there any photographs like the ones above that pre-date, say, 1995?

Joe King
29th September 2010, 04:27 PM
I've been holed up in the SF Bay Area for awhile taking care of an elderly relative. Last Fall, Winter & Spring there were trails more days than not, I'd point them out to noobs whenever I had the opportunity. Then right around the top of Summer, late June, they stopped... clear blue skies or natural clouds daily, all through Summer. Then beginning again just 1-2 weeks ago...

I'd have to look through Carnicom's (http://carnicom.com) material again to find it, but he did either a paper or a (Rense?) interview where the focus was on the seasonality he and others have observed re the chemtrail/aerosol spraying black-op. Either TPTB are seeking specific atmospheric conditions for the spraying, or they give the pilots the summers off, like teachers, to spend with their kids? :oo-->

Chemtrails, Morgellons Syndrome, primer & latest news (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/)

IMHO, the seasonality you're noticing is due to there being colder air aloft during the months you mentioned than there is during the Summer.

What do you think of this pic showing contrails?

29th September 2010, 04:32 PM
The proof is in the air samples.

The non believers of chemtrails should really do a little homework before spouting off.

29th September 2010, 04:36 PM
Just look like normal contrails to me.





When it stops looking normal, let me know. I don't remember anything like this when I was growing up, but maybe I'm wrong. Are there any photographs like the ones above that pre-date, say, 1995?

During my time in the air force have seen all you are showing in your pictures. The really heavy trails looks like their is an civilian or military airport close by. Also their are highways in the sky that most commercial aircraft have to follow. ;D

I also realize their is nothing anyone can say to convince you that what is in those pictures are normal.
Barometric pressure, temperature, humidity and altitude all have a hand in producing or not producing contrails.

Its just too much fun having a conspiracy about them. So have at it it can be a hoot to speculate what are and what ifs. ;D

29th September 2010, 04:36 PM
I've been holed up in the SF Bay Area for awhile taking care of an elderly relative. Last Fall, Winter & Spring there were trails more days than not, I'd point them out to noobs whenever I had the opportunity. Then right around the top of Summer, late June, they stopped... clear blue skies or natural clouds daily, all through Summer. Then beginning again just 1-2 weeks ago...

I'd have to look through Carnicom's (http://carnicom.com) material again to find it, but he did either a paper or a (Rense?) interview where the focus was on the seasonality he and others have observed re the chemtrail/aerosol spraying black-op. Either TPTB are seeking specific atmospheric conditions for the spraying, or they give the pilots the summers off, like teachers, to spend with their kids? :oo-->

Chemtrails, Morgellons Syndrome, primer & latest news (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/)

IMHO, the seasonality you're noticing is due to there being colder air aloft during the months you mentioned than there is during the Summer.

What do you think of this pic showing contrails?

It's completely reasonable to assume that atmospheric conditions can cause all kinds of visual changes in plane exhaust. I'm certainly not going to dispute that.

29th September 2010, 04:38 PM
IMHO, the seasonality you're noticing is due to there being colder air aloft during the months you mentioned than there is during the Summer.

What do you think of this pic showing contrails?

I would have said the same thing 2 years ago. But then I saw something I have yet to witness again.

I was sitting outside at a buddies house, just enjoying a beer and cig. One of us just happened to look up and notice multiple planes flying overhead. They were Spraying. It was in a grid pattern. It occured over a span of about 2 hours.
It was unreal. The trails just started spreaing out and lingered. I know it sounds stupid, right? Well, I have tried to watch the sky everday since then. I have yet to see that number of planes at one time and at my opinion of elevation since then. I have seen planes spraying since then, but not 10 -12 at once. It was just weird.

I wish I had video of that day. It it still vivid in my mind, but it is hard to describe to someone the magnitude of display I witnessed.

29th September 2010, 04:44 PM
Just look like normal contrails to me.

During my time in the air force have seen all you are showing in your pictures. The really heavy trails looks like their is an civilian or military airport close by. Also their are highways in the sky that most commercial aircraft have to follow. ;D

I also realize their is nothing anyone can say to convince you that what is in those pictures are normal.
Barometric pressure, temperature, humidity and altitude all have a hand in producing or not producing contrails.

Its just too much fun having a conspiracy about them. So have at it it can be a hoot to speculate what are and what ifs. ;D

this guy was in the military too... and contradicts you...


29th September 2010, 04:50 PM
I don't waste time with the dubious "they're just contrails" voices anymore... :oo--> We're long past any reasonable doubt about the chemtrail/aerosol spraying op.

Chemtrails, Morgellons Syndrome, primer & latest news (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/)

w/ G. Edward Griffin,

might as well debate whether scary moozlems did 911 or not with JREF-academy trained shills.

We're still quite early in the public wake-up/discovery curve re the Truth of the Gulf bio-chem-warfare op (http://www.examiner.com/gulf-operation-in-national), though. I'd discuss that with blue-pillers if I judged them to be sincere. There could even be a chemtrail-interaction aspect to the Gulf op...

from the chemtrails/morgellons thread:

This following audio is a clip of a radio discussion with Griffith & Greg Evenson (another "truth teller" of dubious repute (http://motherjones.com/politics/2010/06/bp-oil-spill-fema-camps)) from around July 19, mostly about the Gulf "disaster". I post it here because it's the first I've heard where they speculate about the potential chemical mix outcomes of the chemtrail/aerosol-spraying op, and the Gulf oil/corexit poisoning op. The basic point "rings true", and it'll remain a worthwhile avenue of inquiry as the Gulf op develops over the coming months & years. Talk of the mix implications begin @ 3:50,

"ALERT! - Biological warfare in the Gulf - witches brew for the useless eaters by the Elites"


29th September 2010, 04:54 PM
Just look like normal contrails to me.

During my time in the air force have seen all you are showing in your pictures. The really heavy trails looks like their is an civilian or military airport close by. Also their are highways in the sky that most commercial aircraft have to follow. ;D

I also realize their is nothing anyone can say to convince you that what is in those pictures are normal.
Barometric pressure, temperature, humidity and altitude all have a hand in producing or not producing contrails.

Its just too much fun having a conspiracy about them. So have at it it can be a hoot to speculate what are and what ifs. ;D

this guy was in the military too... and contradicts you...


No mam he is not!

Contrail are water vapor + burnt and unburnt fuel from the aircraft engines.

That weather man was referring to chaff which is a solid in the form of metal strips, and as he said paper. which is radar reflective.

Chaff was developed in ww2 to confuse enemy radar and is still in use today.


In the video the flares are used so infraid missiles can not lock on the aircraft. and the chaff to confuse radar guided missiles.


29th September 2010, 07:02 PM
might be an interesting 2nd hour of Rense tonight (8 PM PST), says

Rosalind Peterson

US Navy Plans
Ocean Holocaust

Atmospheric And
Oceanic GeoEngineering (http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/)

I look at the site linked, and they're into exposing a variety of black ops: chemtrails, sea poisoning, more check it out, or tune in tonight,

29th September 2010, 07:04 PM
You can quote me: "I love the smell of contrails in the morning."

Let's go surfing!!! ;D

General of Darkness
29th September 2010, 07:05 PM
Just look like normal contrails to me.

I thanked you because your post made me laugh I know you're just being a smart behind.

29th September 2010, 08:52 PM
I saw a bunch of chemtrails out here near Custer State Park in South Dakota 9/27/2010. Saw some over Tumbleweed's ranch too.

29th September 2010, 09:12 PM
might be an interesting 2nd hour of Rense tonight (8 PM PST), says

Rosalind Peterson

US Navy Plans
Ocean Holocaust

Atmospheric And
Oceanic GeoEngineering (http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/)

I look at the site linked, and they're into exposing a variety of black ops: chemtrails, sea poisoning, more check it out, or tune in tonight,

bump for this show airing live now, will repeat in 3 hours (11PM PST)

old steel
29th September 2010, 09:23 PM
It's not just the spraying of the chemtrails it's the technology they employ while they are doing it.

Ever see any of the black line trails shoot across the sky ahead of the regular white chemtrails?

Ever watch an object that doesn't quite look like a jet laying down a chemtrail?

Ever watch a jet literally disappear while spraying a chemtrail only to reappear minutes later and resume spraying the chemtrail?

What about the chemtrails they spray at night which would defeat the stated purpose of using the particulate to reflect back sunlight and defer global warming?

Many times these nighttime trails are sprayed right under the path of the moon traversing across the nighttime sky.

The more i see and i have been watching them for over 10 years with my high powered binoculars the less i understand

Silver Rocket Bitches!
30th September 2010, 08:00 AM
When it stops looking normal, let me know. I don't remember anything like this when I was growing up, but maybe I'm wrong. Are there any photographs like the ones above that pre-date, say, 1995?

I've been hunting for the elusive pre-90s chemtrail photo for 10 years now and have come up empty handed aside from a WW2 photo that gets passed around as evidence that chemtrails aren't real.

Clearly this chemtrail initiative didn't get started until mid-90s and really picked up around 2000. I'd like to be proven wrong.

30th September 2010, 08:14 AM
It's not hard to find information... (http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=government+admits+chemtrails&meta=&aq=0&aqi=g5g-m2&aql=&oq=government+admits&gs_rfai=)

30th September 2010, 09:35 AM
might be an interesting 2nd hour of Rense tonight (8 PM PST), says

Rosalind Peterson

US Navy Plans
Ocean Holocaust

Atmospheric And
Oceanic GeoEngineering (http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/)

I look at the site linked, and they're into exposing a variety of black ops: chemtrails, sea poisoning, more check it out, or tune in tonight,

bump for this show airing live now, will repeat in 3 hours (11PM PST)

I missed it - any chance there's an mp3 I could download?

30th September 2010, 12:26 PM
might be an interesting 2nd hour of Rense tonight (8 PM PST), says

Rosalind Peterson

US Navy Plans
Ocean Holocaust

Atmospheric And
Oceanic GeoEngineering (http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/)

I look at the site linked, and they're into exposing a variety of black ops: chemtrails, sea poisoning, more check it out, or tune in tonight,

bump for this show airing live now, will repeat in 3 hours (11PM PST)

I missed it - any chance there's an mp3 I could download?

According to this schedule (http://www.renseradio.com/scheduleA.htm), the 3 hour Rense radio show repeats twice over the following 21 hours, before a new live show @ 7PM PST weeknights. Rense repeats are over for today. It was a pretty good show, covered alot of material esp navy/ocean ops, last segment was chemtrails. All I can suggest is try at about 3:07 PM PST today (after the nooz) and see what's airing that "open hour". Otherwise I'm pretty sure the shows are uploaded to torrents, assuming you don't want to subscribe.

I see many past Rosalind Peterson interviews on gootube,

maybe last night's rense appearance will show up there later.

30th September 2010, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Awoke:

My theory on Chemtrials is 4-fold, and lengthy, but I will try to make a reader-digest summary:

2) Chemtrails
3) Towers
4) Control

Some of this is known and proven, other is speculation on my part:
1 - HAARP is a resonant frequency generator/transmitter (Fact)
2 - Chemtrails are high in metal content (Fact)
3 - Towers are Resonant frequency transmitter boosters/amplifiers (Speculatiuon)
4 - Human emotion is controllable via resonant frequency subjection (Fact)

Firstly you have to understand that Human emotions and resonant frequencies are proportionaly related.
If you are happy, your resonant frequency will change to reflect that mood.
If you are sad, your resonant frequency will change to reflect that mood.
If your human body is saturated in a field of resonance at a particular frequeny, your mood/emotions will change to adapt to the frequency that you are subjected to. This has been proven. Find your own links please. I'm drunk and typing while I have company over.

So then. Take a massive resonant fequency emitter/generator, and turn it to whatever frequency you want to control the populations mood.
Then, bombard the atmosphere with high-metal-content chemtrails, which could (and would) act as a blanket-like antennae, which would allow the emitted resonant frequency to travel across the surface of the round earth.
Then add ampifier towers at regular intervals, to receive, boost and then transmit thsoe same resonant frequencies to futher boost the strength of the blanket-resonance and to ensure equal dispersion.

Then, add people like you and me, who's mood will change depending on the resonant frequency we are submitted to.


Total and complete remote mood-control.

You want a docile sheep? Emit the proper frequency.
You want a happy crowd? Emit the proper frequency.

You want a revolution?

Now, most of this theory of mine holds water. The only part I am not sure of is the mysterious towers that have been appearing all over the f*cking place, when we have had fantastic cel-phone reception in every dark corner already for ten years.

Even though we have reception and transmission without any hiccups, these towers keep getting erected all over the f*cking place, for no apperant reason. So I speculate on the towers with huge satillites and massive speaker-like equipment mounted on it.

I had a detailed thread on this theory on GIM, but we know what happened there.

typos are due to beer and my laptop keyboard.
Take a look around. See any towers erected lately?

30th September 2010, 02:29 PM
sh*t dude, that's an old post from GIM! I see you kept backups. I'm honoured.


EDIT: Or is it? I can't remember if I posted that here or there. I know I had a bunch of good threads on GIM that ended up getting locked and faded away...

They didn't like when people spoke about the conspiracy over there.

EDIT AGAIN: Err, OK, it was in your Chemtrails thread here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/chemtrails/msg24380/).
Now I remember. I did have a fantastic thread that I wrote on GIM about my HAARP/Resonant Frequency population control theory, but I remember now that it did get locked down because of some shilly behaviour by some shilly shilly members.

Since I'm on that topic, f*ck you Scorpio and Skyvike.

mick silver
30th September 2010, 04:33 PM
i see chemtrail almost all the time when i am out in the fleids but the last 2 months i have not seen any . i planted winter wheat a week ago and i hope it rain in a few days . we have not had rain in almost 2 months . i have never seen it so dry here in ky

30th September 2010, 05:13 PM
Mick, watch orgonite put a blue hole in the clouds:



Orgonite can also make clouds appear when they are supposed to be there, but are suspiciously being repressed.

Can also put "holes" in chemtrails, like this:


Once you neutralize local towers, reports state that rain falls back into natural cycles as well

Pouring this weekend and sending to 2 board members. They will post their own anecdotal experiences so you don't have to take my word for it.

It should be noted that the strongest atmospheric changes, like the ones seen in the video (blue hole appearing) are results of gifting cell and radio towers.

Gifting the home environment makes it noticably more pleasant, but most homes don't produce enough EMF to the point that the nullification of that EMF will cause a blue hole to appear.

People are also playing with a type of electro magnetic "gun" to push and pull clouds towards and away. Bunch of youtube videos on this. I really need to compile info and make a thread.

4th October 2010, 11:47 AM
might be an interesting 2nd hour of Rense tonight (8 PM PST), says

Rosalind Peterson

US Navy Plans
Ocean Holocaust

Atmospheric And
Oceanic GeoEngineering (http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/)

I look at the site linked, and they're into exposing a variety of black ops: chemtrails, sea poisoning, more check it out, or tune in tonight,

This same guest is back on again tonight, 2nd hour, "part 2" of her interview last week,

Rosalind Peterson
US Navy Oceanic
Genocide - Part 2

4th October 2010, 11:59 AM
It's comforting to believe that our populace needs to be subdued through the use of chemtrails, vaccines and fluoride, that otherwise they would rise up in revolt against their masters. But religion, public education and 10,000 years of artificial selection for docility is more than sufficient to ensure their apathy.

4th October 2010, 01:09 PM
It's comforting to believe that our populace needs to be subdued through the use of chemtrails, vaccines and fluoride, that otherwise they would rise up in revolt against their masters. But religion, public education and 10,000 years of artificial selection for docility is more than sufficient to ensure their apathy.

what i observe is that most everybody scrambles to satisfy basic needs, forever fearful of hitting a major financial speedbump, e.g major medical expense.

like being on a treadmill.

i'm not sure the fluoride is even necessary.

i wonder if this is related to the push for electronic medical records, which preceded Obama-care but is also promoted in Obama-care.

incidentally ... Anne Wojicki, fiancee of Google founder Larry Page, was getting her PhD at Stanford in ... medical statistics & electronic medical records.

if i was running a program like Chemtrails - IF it is designed to influence health & promote a docile population - i'd want to be able to look at the medical records of the people in the communities i was Chemtrailing & fluoriding.

Large Sarge
4th October 2010, 02:32 PM
alright first let me say I agree with most/all of the previous theories on "what, why, who, etc" of chemtrails.

I have one other one I have been thinking on.

Barium essentially increases the range of radar.

Makes the atmosphere "conducive"

one of the books I read recently, was on orgone (wilhelm reich discovered it), and weather control.


basically in the book, trevor james constable (TJC), makes the case that UFO's actually run on orgone energy

Reich reported many UFO's when using his "cloudbuster", TJC reported seeing them also (he photographed them as well)

now I am not going to get into a lengthy debate on "UFO's", everyone has their own thoughts/ideas on them

How this ties into chemtrails is that TJC reported repeatedly that radar stunned the UFO's for some reason, like radar created a wave in the orgone energy field, and the UFO's were essentially frozen for a few minutes when exposed to radar.

so anyway, one of the things I have been thinking on, is perhaps the chemtrail program is used against the UFO's

anyway, I recommend the book by TJC, I was pretty skeptical on UFO's until I read his book.

I had read a previous book by TJC and he discussed weather modification (which he is very good at), so he seems a competent researcher.

Anyway, food for thought

4th October 2010, 02:49 PM
if i was running a program like Chemtrails - IF it is designed to influence health & promote a docile population - i'd want to be able to look at the medical records of the people in the communities i was Chemtrailing & fluoriding.

Huh? Chemtrails use to promote health?

Barium, aluminium and other metal particles sprayed into our atmosphere to promote health?


4th October 2010, 03:31 PM
He said influencing health and promoting a docile population. You are seeing only what you want. Not that I disagree on the presence of chemtrails, but don't fly off the handle before you fully understand a persons position, it doesn't help with your argument.

Oh, I mis-read that.

But thanks for being a douche and accussing me of "flying off the handle", when in actuality I was far from that.

4th October 2010, 06:17 PM
So what do the elite do when they are spraying chemtrails? Do they stay indoors and wear gas masks? Seems to me that everyone would be affected the same with a blanket program such as this. Therefore it doesn't seem likely that such a program exists...

4th October 2010, 07:03 PM
So what do the elite do when they are spraying chemtrails? Do they stay indoors and wear gas masks? Seems to me that everyone would be affected the same with a blanket program such as this. Therefore it doesn't seem likely that such a program exists...

If you live in an area routinely sprayed, there's no question the program exists... dismiss your lying eyes if you must.

What's in the spray, what the various agendas are, we can only speculate as the program doesn't officially exist. As to the elite, we're left to speculate again but I'd imagine they have some antidote for themselves so not to be negatively affected like the plebs. This is discussed more in the thread: Chemtrails, Morgellons Syndrome, primer & latest news (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/).

4th October 2010, 08:08 PM
So what do the elite do when they are spraying chemtrails? Do they stay indoors and wear gas masks? Seems to me that everyone would be affected the same with a blanket program such as this. Therefore it doesn't seem likely that such a program exists...

If you live in an area routinely sprayed, there's no question the program exists... dismiss your lying eyes if you must.

What's in the spray, what the various agendas are, we can only speculate as the program doesn't officially exist. As to the elite, we're left to speculate again but I'd imagine they have some antidote for themselves so not to be negatively affected like the plebs. This is discussed more in the thread: Chemtrails, Morgellons Syndrome, primer & latest news (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/).

I can't say I've ever seen chemtrails where I live. I live in a mountainous low population area, so perhaps there isn't enough bang for the buck here if true. Another reason to leave the city....

4th October 2010, 09:03 PM
might be an interesting 2nd hour of Rense tonight (8 PM PST), says

Rosalind Peterson

US Navy Plans
Ocean Holocaust

Atmospheric And
Oceanic GeoEngineering (http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/)

I look at the site linked, and they're into exposing a variety of black ops: chemtrails, sea poisoning, more check it out, or tune in tonight,

This same guest is back on again tonight, 2nd hour, "part 2" of her interview last week,

Rosalind Peterson
US Navy Oceanic
Genocide - Part 2

bump for this show starting on rense radio in a few mins, will repeat a couple of times, see

4th October 2010, 10:47 PM
Thanks for accusing me of being douche, now you are flying off the handle.


If I was flying off the handle, you would know it.

5th October 2010, 12:35 AM
if i was running a program like Chemtrails - IF it is designed to influence health & promote a docile population - i'd want to be able to look at the medical records of the people in the communities i was Chemtrailing & fluoriding.

Huh? Chemtrails use to promote health?

Barium, aluminium and other metal particles sprayed into our atmosphere to promote health?


Look what Monsantos up to.........



5th October 2010, 01:57 AM
if i was running a program like Chemtrails - IF it is designed to influence health & promote a docile population - i'd want to be able to look at the medical records of the people in the communities i was Chemtrailing & fluoriding.

Huh? Chemtrails use to promote health?

Barium, aluminium and other metal particles sprayed into our atmosphere to promote health?


Look what Monsantos up to.........



Chemtrails and Monsanto’s New Aluminum Resistance Gene – Coincidence? (http://farmwars.info/?p=2927)

Good find. This topic is touched upon in the "trailer" for the upcoming documentary, "What In The World Are They Spraying?" (http://www.realityzone.com/whatspray.html), again,



"What In The World Are They Spraying?" (http://www.realityzone.com/whatspray.html)
The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup
Produced by G. Edward Griffin,
Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water – all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 – and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure. DVD. 95 minutes. Here is a preview from an early stage of production. Check back for an updated version of the final program:

alright first let me say I agree with most/all of the previous theories on "what, why, who, etc" of chemtrails.

I have one other one I have been thinking on.

Barium essentially increases the range of radar.

Makes the atmosphere "conducive"

one of the books I read recently, was on orgone (wilhelm reich discovered it), and weather control.


basically in the book, trevor james constable (TJC), makes the case that UFO's actually run on orgone energy

Reich reported many UFO's when using his "cloudbuster", TJC reported seeing them also (he photographed them as well)

now I am not going to get into a lengthy debate on "UFO's", everyone has their own thoughts/ideas on them

How this ties into chemtrails is that TJC reported repeatedly that radar stunned the UFO's for some reason, like radar created a wave in the orgone energy field, and the UFO's were essentially frozen for a few minutes when exposed to radar.

so anyway, one of the things I have been thinking on, is perhaps the chemtrail program is used against the UFO's

anyway, I recommend the book by TJC, I was pretty skeptical on UFO's until I read his book.

I had read a previous book by TJC and he discussed weather modification (which he is very good at), so he seems a competent researcher.

Anyway, food for thought

Sarge, you may be interested in this recent veritas radio show, new UFO book seems good, author strives to put only the most credible info.

Don't know what to make of the topic of this thread, but semi-related, a recent Veritas radio show interviewed Leslie Kean, author of the new book UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record (http://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Generals-Pilots-Government-Officials/dp/0307716848/ref=sr_1_1?s=books)

You can listen to part of the interview (~1 hour) free at http://www.veritasshow.com/veritasplayer.html
click on episode #95, click the play button. Advance to 8 mins to cut through all the opening bs.

5th October 2010, 07:00 AM
REALLY good find, Blink. Thanks for posting.

5th October 2010, 09:43 AM
So what do the elite do when they are spraying chemtrails? Do they stay indoors and wear gas masks? Seems to me that everyone would be affected the same with a blanket program such as this. Therefore it doesn't seem likely that such a program exists...

They probably have to get routine injections of the antidote. Who knows, it could be that they take high doses of vitamin K. Really, if they're smart enough to poison the planet, they are smart enough to keep themselves from being poisoned.

5th October 2010, 09:48 AM
What Chemtrails Really Are
By Carolyn Williams Palit

"The United States does not torture." --President George W. Bush

We are dealing with Star Wars. It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with "steady state" and particle density for plasma beam propagation.

They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by "zapping" the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air.

More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. What are they ultimately trying to do up there -- is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons.
Chemtrails are the medium - GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply:

Chemtrails are the medium -- directed energy is the method.

Spray and Zap.

This system appears to be in Russia, Canada, the United States, and all of Europe. Exotic weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite.

It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. That means they spray and then pump up the spray with electromagnetics. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it "excludes" and displaces the background magnetic field. These shells can be layered one above another in a canopy fashion for extra protection from missiles. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. Spoofer sprays. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets.

There are satellite weapons involved. Activists are using meters and are getting readings of microwaves, x-rays, and some other kind of emission that they are not sure of, maybe a low-intensity laser.

They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. They also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. Barium, in fact, is very refractive -- more refractive than glass.

What does that mean? Someone or someones are very involved in unconstitutional, domestic spying and the entrained plasma orbs carried on electromagnetic beams can be used for mind control programming. The satellites can be programmed to track and monitor various frequencies on different parts of your body. These electromagnetic beams carrying the gas plasma orbs stick due magnetic polarity and frequency mapping and tracking to people's eyes, ears, temples, and private parts. A beam with entrained orbs carries pictures in each orb just like the different frames in a movie. It is a particle beam that is also a frequency weapon.

The satellites download holographic mind control movies, pictures, sounds, and sensations to people through this technology. The Air Force has stated in "Air Force 2025" that their goal is to develop virtual and augmented reality mind control. Depending on the how the computer is programmed or depending on the mood or intent of the person interfacing with the technology, you can be probed, bothered, gaslighted, frightened, manipulated, electronically raped, or tortured. It scans your brain frequencies and deciphers your thoughts. The satellites track you by mapping your bioenergetic signature [body biometrics] and constantly scanning an area to find you.

We are the lab rats for this technology and something is very wrong in the military or intelligence branches somewhere. Because developmental projects in government and military are often so compartmentalized, I suppose someone could be using and developing this technology secretly and without authorization. Then again, behavioral and mind control programs were an authorized policy under MKULTRA. Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. We are talking about satellite charged-particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N.

"HAARPs" can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. These ionospheric heaters can also operate as an over-the-horizon or under-the-ocean communications system. This system can control the weather or create disasters. Taken together with the aurora keyhole through-your-roof satellite surveillance system, Echelon electronic computer/phone sweeps, plasma-cloaked DOD Drug War helicopters and stealths, implants, and cameras on the street, it constitutes one, big global and space control grid.

These weapons involve beams. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. When you cross two strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies. These energies can be used as untraceable weapons for nuclear size explosions or for defense. These crossed-energies can be used to cause a person's physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electro-shock. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks. They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Scalar energies are practically impossible to shield against. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these weapons. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle.

People who are working on these issues hear tones and hums. If you hear persistent tones and static; have body vibrations, burning sensations, "bangs" to the head, neurological damage, or immune system damage; are hearing electronic voices or hearing the sound of a plasma; suffering from pains deep in your organs or constant headaches; or experiencing other anomalous activity then you may be being targeted by directed energy, mind control weapons. These weapons could be on helicopters, jets, stealth fighters, or on satellites. Directed energy beams and electromagnetic waves can be sent to you via hand-held devices or piggy-backed in on cell phone and satellite towers.

Is it possible that someone(s) are very afraid of coming famines and riots due to the ongoing, man-induced failure of the ecological system, and they are saturating the earth with chemtrails for large- scale, gas plasma mind control? Is this the last grasp for the world's resources? Or, are they just control freaks and money mongers? Someone would like to get to that oil under the melting [due to chemtrail-trapped EM heat] Artic. And, I guess the Third World is not a part of this system. I don't think that the developed nations are going to let them in on this either.

Any country that joins this NATO system will become mind-controlled and diseased due to the associated, intense, oscillating, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic soup, and the poisonous, toxic chemtrails. Our DNA will break. We risk the earth's spin and tilt becoming messed up due to mucking around with the magnetic fields through this military technology. Maybe, it is already messed up.

It constitutes U.S. global domination via NATO and the erosion of civil rights. According to Charlotte Iserbyt and Al Martin, there are ex-KGB and ex-STASI advising our new Office of Total Information Awareness. They are the ones creating our new internal passports [national ID]. And under "The Treaty on Open Skies," we have overflights by Russian and German military. Who exactly is flying those plasma-cloaked craft that are seen all over this country and mistaken for UFOs by people who do not know about this aerial deception technology? Obviously, we have another "Project Paperclip" in the making. We can add the new thugs to the 2,000 Iraqi brought into country by Daddy Bush who are now living in Nebraska.

The elitist corporate government is going to hold the rest of us hostage with directed energy weapons in space, if the Policy for a New American Century group - PNAC - Bush and cronie think tank has their way, along with directed energy attacks against any country or citizen that they decide they do not like. These weapons can create climate war, weather war, mind war, cyber war, disease war, disaster war, and undetectable war. Taken together they can create economic war.

If this system is not stopped, it will kill billions due to aluminum and barium poisoning. It will kill billions due to crop failures and world-wide famine. It will cause heart attacks, strokes, and cancers. It will cause stillbirths, miscarriages, and infertility. The chemtrail sprays often have fungi, bacteria, viruses, dessicated red blood cells, crystalline substances, carbon, metal cations, lithium, other chemicals, heavy metals, and God knows what - probably smart dust, or nanocrap. Years of biowarfare testing on the American public is no big secret anymore. Spraying germs in the sky where they mutate due to the ultra-violet light -- brillant plan, my man. Are we acceptable losses or is this by design?

I know that many of the major players have big investments in pharmaceutical companies, GM seeds [seeds that can grow in an electromagnetic soup], weapons and directed energy development contracts, oil contracts, genetic research, and mind control research. Some of these people have had a familial history of financial and policy support for population control, eugenics, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Pinochet, Hussein, and various other dictators. Some of the major players were the masterminds of the death squads in Central and South America. They stand to make a big profit on our death and disease. Just take a look at Rumsfield and Tamiflu.

I assume that they know the dangers of this system and that they take care to stay in their shielded, air-filtered offices, homes, bases, and cars. I assume they take chelating substances to remove the barium and aluminum from their bodies and minds. If not, then they really do not understand the far-ranging implications of this destructive system. Congress may not understand just what a terrible weapons system and control grid they are funding.

As I understand it, Tesla towers attached to deep-earth, free-energy taps are to be created over the 10-12 magnetic poles and the GWEN system phased-out. Has this already been done? This should allow total control of the earth through giant, Tesla death ray-guns. This natural, electromagnetic earth was not meant to be an un-natural dynamo to power man's weapons or his utility companies.

Over-unity systems [Tesla devices]* are as of yet, another unexplored and probably not understood man-made energy. We should be very suspect of free energy. As we can see, the forms of man-made energy that have been created and used in the past have not been good for this planet. Maybe it is time to reconsider the options available to us through the development of crops for fuel, wind, solar, and water power. We need world-wide, different, more holistic, renewable, energy programs.

Is there any good news? Yes. There has been tons of particulate dumping through the spray operations for 8 years over the Americas, Europe, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and from what I can find out, over Russia. And, what goes around blows around, right? So, these substances are probably actually global. It sure makes a ton of sense to spray poisonous elements in 24 NATO countries and let the substances be carried around the earth on the jet streams to poison yourself, your enemies, and all neutral and non-combatent countries. Talk about making more enemies.

The water, air, and soil of all of these countries is so saturated with metal cations that these weapons freaks should be able to zap and mind f--k each other quite well now and as often as they wish. Once they have clobbered each other with light-saber beams for a few years and razed and scorched sections of the earth, they may start to realize that this foreign policy will lead to a defective human race and a rotten economy.

Do you think they will have knocked some sense into each other by then and will decide that non-proliferation and arms reduction is the more civilized and mature direction to take in world affairs? I doubt it, cause only idiots would have developed horrific, planet-killer weapons like these. But, I'll bet the rest of the planet will finally rise up and tell these juvenile delinquents to quit playing with those rayguns right this second.

After further thought on Bearden + -- a big over-unity and free energy proponent of Tesla technology that makes energy off of boiling the ionosphere or stealing electricity from the mis-named "vacumn" called Life, I have decided that Bearden is telling us some, if not most, of the truth. Same for Eastlund.


5th October 2010, 12:08 PM
alright first let me say I agree with most/all of the previous theories on "what, why, who, etc" of chemtrails.

I have one other one I have been thinking on.

Barium essentially increases the range of radar.

Makes the atmosphere "conducive"

that is my guess - it is a manipulation of the atmosphere that is performed in conjunction with electronic warfare studies.

i elaborated on this more in another post.

back in the mid-80's, i interviewed with a company that made amplifiers that were used to bounce signals off the ionosphere. this allowed them to communicate a much longer distance using microwave signals, than normal line-of-sight microwave. i.e., they could send & receive signals further than was allowed by the earth's curvature.

well, 25 years later, there's an f'ing traffic jam up there. Software Radio, Digital Battlefield ... if you work for a defense contractor they have all sorts of terms & acronyms that relate to using the atmosphere as an electrical conductor.

my guess is, some chemtrails are related to the US military doing experiments to increase the bandwidth of the atmosphere. i would bet (real) money on it.

5th October 2010, 12:18 PM
I'm also of the mind that the spraying contains mettalic dust that makes the atmosphere more conducive to different types of frequency broadcasting. It has less to do with making us sick (but that's a side effect - metal dust isn't good for you) and more to do with weather manipulation, energetic and etheric manipulation as well.

5th October 2010, 12:20 PM
You already know my theory on Chemtrails...

16th October 2010, 11:40 AM
The last few days we've had perfectly blue and clear skies, perfectly blue and clear that is, until the chemtrails start filling the skies. I took these photos over the past couple days, and since we've had perfectly clear skies, you can see particulate falling/settling out of the trails. In the first photo it's kind of hard to see, so I upped the contrast so you can see clearly that there is particulate settling out of the trail. The second pic was this HUGE trail spanning most of the sky and you could clearly see the particulate blowing out perpendicular to the trail as the wind blew. The third picture was one horizon, the other side of the sky was still clean and blue.

28th December 2010, 12:02 PM
Not a CHEMtrail in the sky today. I do see a few CONtrails in the higher altitudes though.

General of Darkness
28th December 2010, 12:06 PM
I took this coming into the office. This is from Van Nuys, just north of Los Angeles. It's pretty bad today.



General of Darkness
28th December 2010, 12:48 PM
Here's ANOTHER picture I just took going SOUTH on Sepulveda. All that crap is right over Los Angeles.


old steel
28th December 2010, 01:12 PM
Wow those are some nasty trails you have going on there General.


Nasty oil slicks in the sky.

28th December 2010, 01:12 PM
Wow - those are crazy pictures GoD, especially that last one! :o

Yesterday way, way up in the sky a plane was leaving a contrail (not chemtrail). I filmed it for about a minute and you can clearly see the tail disappearing behind the jet. When you see a real contrail and compare it to what you're seeing there in LA, there is a stunning difference.

mick silver
28th December 2010, 05:02 PM
the pictures G O D took look like what there doing in ky today

29th December 2010, 02:15 PM
During my travels, it seems that California is the worst when it comes to chemtrails, followed closely by Arizona.

California was checkerboard patterned every day from before I woke up in the morning and into the night time. Arizona had 7 streaks in the air at a time, but they seemed to only be in the middle of the day.

I've seen only a few up here in northern Nevada.

I hardly ever saw them in Florida, but that might have been my proximity the beach and the airport. I doubt flying over the airport was a good idea, and the off shore winds might have made the effort fruitless. ??? Then again, when I was in Monterey, I stayed much closer to the shore than my house is in Florida, and they were spraying . . . so that might not be a reason.

29th December 2010, 03:35 PM


29th December 2010, 04:31 PM
I don't see it too often, but they were definitely working central Florida today from around 8:00am into the early afternoon. The whole sky became hazed over and still is tonight.

Pics I took from earlier today.




mick silver
29th December 2010, 05:50 PM
dam there not even trying to hide the crap now ... they spray all day yesterday now were having rain though saturday

General of Darkness
10th January 2011, 06:22 PM
I was just playing with the dogs and chased them outside to see this.


10th January 2011, 08:23 PM
GoD, LA seems to be really bad when it comes to this, but that makes sense considering the population density and all. I wonder if there exists a correlation between the size of the city and the amount of spraying.

13th January 2011, 11:59 AM
Check out Disney's "Chicken Little" from 1999 - chemtrails in almost every shot of the movie, as the whole thing takes place outside.




The sky is indeed falling