View Full Version : Glen Beck

30th September 2010, 12:25 AM
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30th September 2010, 12:44 AM
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/t3hDdvsCI24?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/t3hDdvsCI24?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

30th September 2010, 11:02 AM
A quote from Jones in the first video (5:50):

"We are in the process of a financial takeover of our society. And it is clear that [Beck's] job is to basically scapegoat low level communists, that are only one part of this control paradym, with the entire of the global corporations that are engineering this collapse that is bringing us into world government. But it doesn't matter if you are a sellout or not, your bosses have begrudgingly have come out and admitted there is a world government because you cannot deny it anymore."

30th September 2010, 11:56 AM
Jones calling out Beck is akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

30th September 2010, 12:59 PM
The Beckster tossing his zio-bosses' salad,


As for AJ,

AN OPEN LETTER TO ALEX JONES (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/OPENletterAlexJones.htm)
By Rev. Ted Pike
7 Sep 10

JONES: ISRAEL-BASHERS ARE "SCUM" (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/jonesisraelbashersscum.htm)
By Rev. Ted Pike
22 Sep 10

Notice any common ground in these two 'Truth Tellers Of Dubious Repute'??

30th September 2010, 01:26 PM
Jones calling out Beck is akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

What are you doing to help stave off the comming calamity, eh?

Why don't you give us all a link to your radio show or newsletter. If you are going to be a leader either put up or

Shut the fuck up

30th September 2010, 01:45 PM
Jones calling out Beck is akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

What are you doing to help stave off the comming calamity, eh?

Why don't you give us all a link to your radio show or newsletter. If you are going to be a leader either put up or

Shut the f*ck up

Ask William Cooper how telling the real story worked out.

Jones caters to the people that think Beck is a shill so he can get them to buy his videos and t-shirts.

Sorry to hit your AJ nerve. But I think he is the next level of controlled opposition.

As to my thoughts on leading the masses to salvation:
If people will not learn for themselves and take action for their own survival they should probably let the government lead them to their deaths.

I have never had a Jesus complex and I seriously doubt I ever will.

30th September 2010, 01:55 PM
What I think is strange is how similar they are in stature & appearance.

Its almost as if gene splicing occurred. :imskerd:

30th September 2010, 02:01 PM
Jones calling out Beck is akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

What are you doing to help stave off the comming calamity, eh?

Why don't you give us all a link to your radio show or newsletter. If you are going to be a leader either put up or

Shut the f*ck up

Ask William Cooper how telling the real story worked out.

Jones caters to the people that think Beck is a shill so he can get them to buy his videos and t-shirts.

Sorry to hit your AJ nerve. But I think he is the next level of controlled opposition.

As to my thoughts on leading the masses to salvation:
If people will not learn for themselves and take action for their own survival they should probably let the government lead them to their deaths.

I have never had a Jesus complex and I seriously doubt I ever will.

No nerve dammage here. . Maybe a tad at first but no more. I'm no follower of either to be honest.

Speaking of Jesus. To be honest, I believe He will be our only way out of this mess and into true freadom. I have no problem with you watching comfortably on the side.

30th September 2010, 02:09 PM
Speaking of Jesus. To be honest, I believe He will be our only way out of this mess and into true freadom. I have no problem with you watching comfortably on the side.

To be sure the 2nd coming of Jesus will be a short one, Beck relies on the Judeo-Christianity reference for his deliverance.

30th September 2010, 03:58 PM
Jones calling out Beck is akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

If I could say it better I surely would, glad there is a voice of reason out there.

30th September 2010, 04:01 PM
What are you doing to help stave off the comming calamity, eh?

Why don't you give us all a link to your radio show or newsletter. If you are going to be a leader either put up or

Shut the f*ck up

I run a website does that give me the authority to speak on the matter in your eyes?

With that said, anyone who has researched and analyzed Beck and Jones for any length of time and hasn't concluded that they are BOTH shills is a fucking moron.

Anyone who posts videos of Shill A calling out Shill B and acting like it isn't a big show is a fucking moron.

30th September 2010, 04:07 PM
If they have shows on msm, their job is to incite and cause controversy. They are payed to do it by what ever network they are on. It is all about ratings and political agendas. Most of them I would trust no more than I could throw them with one arm. And some networks are worse than others not to name names.

30th September 2010, 04:33 PM
"Anyone who posts videos of Shill A calling out Shill B and acting like it isn't a big show is a f*cking moron."

Sorry to ruffle your feathers, Nancy.

;D All that comming from someone with a general as an avatar. Now who is the tard???? LOLOLOLOl

We can't trust anyone can you?

30th September 2010, 04:40 PM
Sorry to ruffle your feathers, Nancy.

;D All that comming from someone with a general as an avatar. Now who is the tard???? LOLOLOLOl

We can't trust anyone can you?

Didn't ruffle anything I just don't like dumbasses on GSUS and I call out ignorant douchebags anytime I get the chance. So thanks for the opportunity.

As for the last part I don't believe it's in english so I can't comment.

30th September 2010, 04:42 PM
"Anyone who posts videos of Shill A calling out Shill B and acting like it isn't a big show is a f*cking moron."

Sorry to ruffle your feathers, Nancy.

;D All that comming from someone with a general as an avatar. Now who is the tard???? LOLOLOLOl

We can't trust anyone can you?

Jones has been outed several times as a tool.Why so defensive? are you AJ?

30th September 2010, 04:46 PM
As the great Henry Ford said "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why so few engage in it"

Perhaps you should focus on that type of work before telling people to "shut the fuck up"

General of Darkness
30th September 2010, 04:59 PM
Here's Alex Jones. I love how my buddy Mike Delaney gets Alex to blow his top just by the mere mention that he's with Prothink. Gotta love it.


30th September 2010, 05:02 PM
As the great Henry Ford said "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why so few engage in it"

Perhaps you should focus on that type of work before telling people to "shut the f*ck up"

LOL! The only thinking NB has shared here is to agree with someone else's trite statement of the obvious (they are both news-media men).

Jones calling out Beck is akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

If I could say it better I surely wood, glad there is a voice of reason out there.

Getting past the obvious (they are both selling talk and news) IMO the fact that they are both Christian and have Christian blind spots is a little less obvious.

30th September 2010, 05:06 PM
I smelled a paid shill a few posts back. The MO is obvious. Devide and attack with abusive ad hominums.

30th September 2010, 05:08 PM
I smelled a paid shill a few posts back. The MO is obvious. Devide and attack with abusive ad hominums.

LOL you wouldn't know what a shill was if it hit you in the face.

You come on here with AJ propaganda and then tell people to "shut the fuck up" whenever they correctly point out what every sane person knows, that he is a zionist puppet.

30th September 2010, 05:15 PM
Typical shill responce. You guy's are transparrent as hell. Go back and have a look at your past posts. LOL!

You claim AJ as zionist, the burden of proof is yours. How about a little real proof?

You really need to get some help.

30th September 2010, 05:17 PM
Typical shill responce. You guy's are transparrent as hell. Go back and have a look at your past posts. LOL!

You really need to get some help.

Go ahead look at all of my past posts, look at my blog posts, my Stormfront posts anything that I write.

I guess we should take this from the top and go from there if you want to have a proper debate.

Do you think Alex Jones is a zionist shill, yes or no?

30th September 2010, 05:21 PM
Like I said, the burden of proof is yours.

Enlighten me.

I'm all ears, and I am not partial either way. The WWW is reading intently.

30th September 2010, 05:23 PM
I smelled a paid shill a few posts back. The MO is obvious. Devide and attack with abusive ad hominums.

Oh an ad hominem like when you told mightymanx to "shut the fuck up"?

That is when I got pissed, I wasn't even going to comment in this thread because I know 90% of GSUSers are wise to AJ's schemes, and don't need me to point it out. But when you attack someone who clearly (on this subject anyway) knows more than you, you get all defensive and blowup at him like a dickhead.

I don't like dickheads.

30th September 2010, 05:25 PM
Enlighten me.

My pleasure


30th September 2010, 05:29 PM
Get back on the subject.

While you are working on your argument, that is your PROOF, I'll give you an easy one.

Name ONE person that could be trusted to provide information and leadership prior to durring and after a colapse of the usa?

Who would be your first choice as an in the flesh leader........?

Ron Paul will not be accepted as an answer to this question.

30th September 2010, 05:30 PM
Get back on the subject.

While you are working on your argument, that is your PROOF, I'll give you an easy one.

Name ONE person that could be trusted to provide information and leadership prior to durring and after a colapse of the usa?

Who would be your first choice as an in the flesh leader........?

Ron Paul will not be accepted as an answer to this question.


and see the post right above yours it should "enlighten" you plenty.

30th September 2010, 05:32 PM
Enlighten me.

My pleasure


yeah pleasure, i bet it is...the "proof" you have provided is an anti semite site. FAIL...Try again tiger, you can do it.

30th September 2010, 05:33 PM
Get back on the subject.

While you are working on your argument, that is your PROOF, I'll give you an easy one.

Name ONE person that could be trusted to provide information and leadership prior to durring and after a colapse of the usa?

Who would be your first choice as an in the flesh leader........?

Ron Paul will not be accepted as an answer to this question.


and see the post right above yours it should "enlighten" you plenty.

YOU think you can be the leader of the new free country...FAIL> Post your personal info and qualifications and the rest of us freedom lovers will consider it and get back to you.

General of Darkness
30th September 2010, 05:36 PM
Like I said, the burden of proof is yours.

Enlighten me.

I'm all ears, and I am not partial either way. The WWW is reading intently.

LOL, you've definitely came to the wrong place to throw out a challenge and assume it won't be met. GSUS members love a challenge but this is an easy one.

Let's start with Bill Cooper.

If you don't know who Bill Cooper is, here's a bit of info. William Cooper was EL-iminated by the Order in 2001 he was gunned down by government agents outside his home in Eager Arizona.

The Legendary William "Bill" Cooper exposes the scaremonger Jesuit-CIA Alex Jones in his 1999 radio broadcast. He slams Alex Jones for whipping up unnecessary hysteria. He says that this discredits patriots and may even give an excuse for government crackdown and armies in the streets.

William Cooper was the one who uncovered the 9/11 plot a few months before Alex Jones.


This is part 2 of 6, I'm not going to upload all of them but you can go to youtube to watch them.


30th September 2010, 05:36 PM
"Anyone who posts videos of Shill A calling out Shill B and acting like it isn't a big show is a f*cking moron."

Sorry to ruffle your feathers, Nancy.

;D All that comming from someone with a general as an avatar. Now who is the tard???? LOLOLOLOl

We can't trust anyone can you?

Jones has been outed several times as a tool.Why so defensive? are you AJ?

Because he's a crypto AJ agent working for the Zionist agenda. LOL...

30th September 2010, 05:37 PM
Typical shill responce. You guy's are transparrent as hell. Go back and have a look at your past posts. LOL!

You claim AJ as zionist, the burden of proof is yours. How about a little real proof?

You really need to get some help.

Come on, didn't you know his wife is a Joooooooooooooooooooooooo.... :oo-->

30th September 2010, 05:37 PM
yeah pleasure, i bet it is...the "proof" you have provided is an anti semite site. FAIL...Try again tiger, you can do it.

It's my site.

What do you find "anti-semitic" about it?

Better yet here is a challenge, I'm calling you out infront of all of GSUS. Find ONE thing on that site that is a lie, or isn't factual. In 3 years of running that site it has only happened twice, the most notable being me citing another source that claimed every Fed chairman has been jewish and 2 have not. I immediately changed it.

I am dedicated 100% to the truth whatever the cost.

30th September 2010, 05:37 PM
Go away dip shit dik

you lose

30th September 2010, 05:39 PM
YOU think you can be the leader of the new free country...FAIL> Post your personal info and qualifications and the rest of us freedom lovers will consider it and get back to you.

I don't need a leader and that is my point. I don't put my faith in man. If you do than good for you, as my friend wildcard says "only sheep need a shepard"

30th September 2010, 05:39 PM
Here's Alex Jones. I love how my buddy Mike Delaney gets Alex to blow his top just by the mere mention that he's with Prothink. Gotta love it.


And what payroll is mike Delaney on? This guy just popped up out of nowhere a few years ago.

30th September 2010, 05:40 PM
"Because he's a crypto AJ agent working for the Zionist agenda. LOL... "

No doubt, this guy is probably living off the gov and has done way to many drugs. Good luck with all that.

30th September 2010, 05:41 PM
And what payroll is mike Delaney on? This guy just popped up out of nowhere a few years ago.

What has he done to make you think he isn't legit?

I don't think AJ is legit because he covers for the jews at every turn, going so far as to say "arabs run hollywood".

I have never seen Mike do anything to make me question his authenticity.

30th September 2010, 05:42 PM
Truth from above is that you?

30th September 2010, 05:43 PM
"Because he's a crypto AJ agent working for the Zionist agenda. LOL... "

No doubt, this guy is probably living off the gov and has done way to many drugs. Good luck with all that.

if your speaking of me, your quite off. I dont do drugs, never had, But I do like beer! And no, Im not on the govt. dole. I have to work like most people.

General of Darkness
30th September 2010, 05:43 PM
And what payroll is mike Delaney on? This guy just popped up out of nowhere a few years ago.

LOL, I know Mike and if he's on a "payroll" he's getting fucked because him an his wife and kids were living out of an RV for the past several years. He's a REAL patriot and is all about the truth, just as I am. Hell I popped out of nowhere about 5 years ago when I came to the conclusion that it was my DUTY, as a MAN to speak the truth, and at all costs.

30th September 2010, 05:44 PM
"I don't think AJ is legit because he covers for the jews at every turn,"


30th September 2010, 05:44 PM
Go away dip sh*t dik

you lose

Surely you will be banned for that one.

Until then I would LOVE for you to refute ANYTHING you see on my site.

30th September 2010, 05:46 PM

This is the sad part you think by yelling "racist" or "anti semite" then you automatically have won the argument! ;D

Who needs to have an intellect or skill at debating when you can just yell 2 words and claim victory ::)

30th September 2010, 05:46 PM
He's a fact that can't be denied, nobody gets more attacks than AJ, No one, it's not even close. For all the films this guy has made and informed millions of people in the process, he gets attacked right and left. And by who? Those who blame Jews for everything (divide and conquer) nope, no gentiles are part of this elite group of globalist. What a joke, the biggest shills on this site are the jooooooooooo hating promoters, they're getting paid for this sh8t, no doubt. Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

30th September 2010, 05:46 PM
I recant the drug thing. That was low, and I apologize.

A man has free will and Lord knows I have had my years.

Back to the debate---------------->>>>>>>

30th September 2010, 05:48 PM
He's a fact that can't be denied, nobody gets more attacks than AJ, No one, it's not even close. For all the films this guy has made and informed millions of people in the process, he gets attacked right and left. And by who? Those who blame Jews for everything (divide and conquer) nope, no gentiles are part of this elite group of globalist. What a joke, the biggest shills on this site are the jooooooooooo hating promoters, they're getting paid for this sh8t, no doubt. Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

OK, in the interest of fairness I open up my challenge to you as well go to the following links read the stories and the articles and come back and tell us how AJ doesn't cover for the jews at every turn.


30th September 2010, 05:49 PM
And what payroll is mike Delaney on? This guy just popped up out of nowhere a few years ago.

What has he done to make you think he isn't legit?

I don't think AJ is legit because he covers for the jews at every turn, going so far as to say "arabs run hollywood".

I have never seen Mike do anything to make me question his authenticity.

Still waiting on an answer. ???

30th September 2010, 05:50 PM
And what payroll is mike Delaney on? This guy just popped up out of nowhere a few years ago.

LOL, I know Mike and if he's on a "payroll" he's getting f*cked because him an his wife and kids were living out of an RV for the past several years. He's a REAL patriot and is all about the truth, just as I am. Hell I popped out of nowhere about 5 years ago when I came to the conclusion that it was my DUTY, as a MAN to speak the truth, and at all costs.

Truth about what? That Israel was involved in 9-11? No sh*t, but they didn't pull it off alone, it was a multi-agency operation.

30th September 2010, 05:51 PM

This is the sad part you think by yelling "racist" or "anti semite" then you automatically have won the argument! ;D

Who needs to have an intellect or skill at debating when you can just yell 2 words and claim victory ::)

Banned? doubt it... ..Your site is full of anti semite accusations.

30th September 2010, 05:52 PM
Banned? doubt it... ..Your site is full of anti semite accusations.

Yes personal attacks are against the rules. Either you get banned or I leave I'll leave it up to the mods.

You should ask yourself whether or not they are TRUE, and if they aren't than it should be oh so simple to tear them all down.

30th September 2010, 05:55 PM
He's a fact that can't be denied, nobody gets more attacks than AJ, No one, it's not even close. For all the films this guy has made and informed millions of people in the process, he gets attacked right and left. And by who? Those who blame Jews for everything (divide and conquer) nope, no gentiles are part of this elite group of globalist. What a joke, the biggest shills on this site are the jooooooooooo hating promoters, they're getting paid for this sh8t, no doubt. Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

OK, in the interest of fairness I open up my challenge to you as well go to the following links read the stories and the articles and come back and tell us how AJ doesn't cover for the jews at every turn.

Dick, without going head long into that aspect and getting off cource, I will say AJ probably defends Isreal as having a birthright as said by GOD to have a portion of land in that area. The rest of your issues with AJ may have recently been sorted out. We are learning as we go. And we all have 1 common enemy do we not?

You don't mind me calling you Dick do you? lol

30th September 2010, 05:56 PM
He's a fact that can't be denied, nobody gets more attacks than AJ, No one, it's not even close. For all the films this guy has made and informed millions of people in the process, he gets attacked right and left. And by who? Those who blame Jews for everything (divide and conquer) nope, no gentiles are part of this elite group of globalist. What a joke, the biggest shills on this site are the jooooooooooo hating promoters, they're getting paid for this sh8t, no doubt. Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

OK, in the interest of fairness I open up my challenge to you as well go to the following links read the stories and the articles and come back and tell us how AJ doesn't cover for the jews at every turn.

Dick, without going head long into that aspect and getting off cource, I will say AJ probably defends Isreal as having a birthright as said by GOD to have a portion of land in that area. The rest of your issues with AJ may have recently been sorted out. We are learning as we go. And we all have 1 common enemy do we not?

You don't mind me calling you Dick do you? lol

Quoting for the sake of preserving your personal attack for the mods to see.

30th September 2010, 05:58 PM
Banned? doubt it... ..Your site is full of anti semite accusations.

Yes personal attacks are against the rules. Either you get banned or I leave.

Do you mean take your ball and go home? Hey Dick, I think you need a time out in the corner.

30th September 2010, 05:59 PM
Still waiting for that proof Dick............

30th September 2010, 06:00 PM
Banned? doubt it... ..Your site is full of anti semite accusations.

Yes personal attacks are against the rules. Either you get banned or I leave.

Do you mean take your ball and go home? Hey Dick, I think you need a time out in the corner.

LOL, you realize the mods aren't on right now but once they are you are going to be banned, multiple personal attacks to various people in this thread I'm guess 3 months at least.

;D :D

30th September 2010, 06:02 PM
Still waiting for that proof Dick............

Hell at this point you might as well unleash a tirade against me since you won't be able to once your banned. You know you will wake up tomorrow and have no GSUS and be like "damn I should've told him how I really felt"

Here is your chance, make it good.

30th September 2010, 06:03 PM
What are you doing to help stave off the comming calamity, eh?

Why don't you give us all a link to your radio show or newsletter. If you are going to be a leader either put up or

Shut the f*ck up

I run a website does that give me the authority to speak on the matter in your eyes?

With that said, anyone who has researched and analyzed Beck and Jones for any length of time and hasn't concluded that they are BOTH shills is a f*cking moron.

Anyone who posts videos of Shill A calling out Shill B and acting like it isn't a big show is a f*cking moron.

I have been called worse.

30th September 2010, 06:04 PM
Still waiting for that proof Dick............

Hell at this point you might as well unleash a tirade against me since you won't be able to once your banned. You know you will wake up tomorrow and have no GSUS and be like "damn I should've told him how I really felt"

Here is your chance, make it good.

Baiting is against the rules dick. I think we should both be banned. How about you?

30th September 2010, 06:05 PM
Boy, did anybody see the Zionist Alex Jone's film called TerrorStorm? Boy, he "accidentally" exposed the USS Liberty attack that Israel pulled off back in the 1960's. LOL

30th September 2010, 06:05 PM
I have been called worse.

Let's recap. You post AJ video and get defense when called out on it.

You respond by telling the person to STFU I jump in and say only fucking idiots do that stuff.

Long time later when your out of your "racist, anti semite" ammo you just resort to personal attacks.

How do you think the mods are gonna see it?

30th September 2010, 06:06 PM
He's a fact that can't be denied, nobody gets more attacks than AJ, No one, it's not even close. For all the films this guy has made and informed millions of people in the process, he gets attacked right and left. And by who? Those who blame Jews for everything (divide and conquer) nope, no gentiles are part of this elite group of globalist. What a joke, the biggest shills on this site are the jooooooooooo hating promoters, they're getting paid for this sh8t, no doubt. Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

OK, in the interest of fairness I open up my challenge to you as well go to the following links read the stories and the articles and come back and tell us how AJ doesn't cover for the jews at every turn.

Dick, without going head long into that aspect and getting off cource, I will say AJ probably defends Isreal as having a birthright as said by GOD to have a portion of land in that area. The rest of your issues with AJ may have recently been sorted out. We are learning as we go. And we all have 1 common enemy do we not?

You don't mind me calling you Dick do you? lol

Quoting for the sake of preserving your personal attack for the mods to see.

Oh, I don't think you're so thin-skinned that a little name-calling bothers you too much. You just want to get someone banned who dares to mock your ridiculous worldview... "it's all the Joos!!!" "Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill!!" "I have all the answers... I AM INFALLIBLE!"

You jack-booted Neo-Nazi's will use any tactic necessary to shut down opposition to your ridiculous theories, and you have support in "high places". I don't think you are shills you are dupes.

30th September 2010, 06:07 PM
Baiting is against the rules dick. I think we should both be banned. How about you?

Hey we agree on something, I get banned for 5 minutes you get banned permanently, perfect.

30th September 2010, 06:10 PM
He's a fact that can't be denied, nobody gets more attacks than AJ, No one, it's not even close. For all the films this guy has made and informed millions of people in the process, he gets attacked right and left. And by who? Those who blame Jews for everything (divide and conquer) nope, no gentiles are part of this elite group of globalist. What a joke, the biggest shills on this site are the jooooooooooo hating promoters, they're getting paid for this sh8t, no doubt. Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

OK, in the interest of fairness I open up my challenge to you as well go to the following links read the stories and the articles and come back and tell us how AJ doesn't cover for the jews at every turn.

Dick, without going head long into that aspect and getting off cource, I will say AJ probably defends Isreal as having a birthright as said by GOD to have a portion of land in that area. The rest of your issues with AJ may have recently been sorted out. We are learning as we go. And we all have 1 common enemy do we not?

You don't mind me calling you Dick do you? lol

Quoting for the sake of preserving your personal attack for the mods to see.

Oh, I don't think you're so thin-skinned that a little name-calling bothers you too much. You just want to get someone banned who dares to mock your ridiculous worldview... "it's all the Joos!!!" "Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill!!" "I have all the answers... I AM INFALLIBLE!"

You jack-booted Neo-Nazi's will use any tactic necessary to shut down opposition to your ridiculous theories, and you have support in "high places". I don't think you are shills you are dupes.

No, some are shills, some are probably Zionist themselves. Nothing like flaming the flames of hate to fill the ranks... Divide and Conquer...

30th September 2010, 06:12 PM

30th September 2010, 06:12 PM
You guys should cool it, it is interesting to see shills outing shills, lol,
not you posters, just take it easy people,
Beck, AJ, they don't all tell the whole truth and never will, Beck had
some good stuff, AJ woke up a lot of people, many will turn on them,
it is like me posting what Savage has to say, he has some really good
stuff his viewers hear, but he is a total tard deliberate NeoCon , total on the wars, etc ,

The RMac "arabs own hollywood" thread on gim was total classic, on many issues.
Key thread, many issues, started it all, many alls. Everyone was much nicer to
each others too. ;)

You jack-booted Neo-Nazi's will use any tactic necessary to shut down opposition to your ridiculous theories, and you have support in "high places". I don't think you are shills you are dupes.

Good to see you posting GreenBear,
Here is Beck outing ...............
Glenn Beck quotes from Eustace Mullins' book, Secrets of the Federal Reserve

"jack-booted Neo-Nazi's"
Such nasty language, I spoke out against Nazis, I just see two guys arguing about media shills.
And I'll put my hand up with all your name calling, yes I am one of the biggest "dupes",
I became an even greater dupe through my own reading and research, and paying attention
and asking questions. You are doing what you accuse others of, on debate and shutting
it down. At the top it is all them, I don't need to apologize for seeing that, they are actually
out in the open if you know where to look, under every rock is Rockefeller and Rothchild
family, gold manipulation too , ;) .

General of Darkness
30th September 2010, 06:14 PM
I have been called worse.

Like what? Your mom telling you it's time to leave the basement?


30th September 2010, 06:15 PM
Jones calling out Beck is akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

What are you doing to help stave off the comming calamity, eh?

Why don't you give us all a link to your radio show or newsletter. If you are going to be a leader either put up or

Shut the f*ck up

Go away dip sh*t dik

you lose

Nope... you lose: 7 days of forum access.

30th September 2010, 06:17 PM
aww man... I was just getting the popcorn out...

General of Darkness
30th September 2010, 06:17 PM
Oh, I don't think you're so thin-skinned that a little name-calling bothers you too much. You just want to get someone banned who dares to mock your ridiculous worldview... "it's all the Joos!!!" "Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill!!" "I have all the answers... I AM INFALLIBLE!"

You jack-booted Neo-Nazi's will use any tactic necessary to shut down opposition to your ridiculous theories, and you have support in "high places". I don't think you are shills you are dupes.

Didn't you close your account? BTW - WTF is a jack-booted neo-nazi?

30th September 2010, 06:19 PM
You guys should cool it, it is interesting to see shills outing shills, lol,
not you posters, just take it easy people,
Beck, AJ, they don't all tell the whole truth and never will, Beck had
some good stuff, AJ woke up a lot of people, many will turn on them,
it is like me posting what Savage has to say, he has some really good
stuff his viewers hear, but he is a total tard deliberate NeoCon , total on the wars, etc ,

The RMac "arabs own hollywood" thread on gim was total classic, on many issues.
Key thread, many issues, started it all, many alls. Everyone was much nicer to
each others too. ;)

LOL, you too funny. You mix Beck and Savage in with AJ? You 2 funny, me think you either shill or very dumb dumb...Please, tell me "who has the truth"? The second largest shareholder of FOX News is an Arab, me think they own many shares of Hollywood pie too.

General of Darkness
30th September 2010, 06:19 PM
aww man... I was just getting the popcorn out...

Hey sexy. Why don't you call me? I'm beginning to think that sending you my picture wasn't a smart idea.


30th September 2010, 06:20 PM
He's a fact that can't be denied, nobody gets more attacks than AJ, No one, it's not even close. For all the films this guy has made and informed millions of people in the process, he gets attacked right and left. And by who? Those who blame Jews for everything (divide and conquer) nope, no gentiles are part of this elite group of globalist. What a joke, the biggest shills on this site are the jooooooooooo hating promoters, they're getting paid for this sh8t, no doubt. Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

OK, in the interest of fairness I open up my challenge to you as well go to the following links read the stories and the articles and come back and tell us how AJ doesn't cover for the jews at every turn.

Dick, without going head long into that aspect and getting off cource, I will say AJ probably defends Isreal as having a birthright as said by GOD to have a portion of land in that area. The rest of your issues with AJ may have recently been sorted out. We are learning as we go. And we all have 1 common enemy do we not?

You don't mind me calling you Dick do you? lol

Quoting for the sake of preserving your personal attack for the mods to see.

Oh, I don't think you're so thin-skinned that a little name-calling bothers you too much. You just want to get someone banned who dares to mock your ridiculous worldview... "it's all the Joos!!!" "Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill!!" "I have all the answers... I AM INFALLIBLE!"

You jack-booted Neo-Nazi's will use any tactic necessary to shut down opposition to your ridiculous theories, and you have support in "high places". I don't think you are shills you are dupes.

I dont wear jack boots,and Im definitely not a "Neo" anything. The "theories' arent ridiculous at all if you spend the time to research it. NB didnt say its "ALL JEWS" He is stating AJ is a Zionist shill. As far as the call for a ban, How can anyone disagree? Its a blatant personal attack.

30th September 2010, 06:22 PM
aww man... I was just getting the popcorn out...

Hey sexy. Why don't you call me? I'm beginning to think that sending you my picture wasn't a smart idea.


is that hand cream over on the right side of the table??? :sicko

30th September 2010, 06:23 PM
Oh, I don't think you're so thin-skinned that a little name-calling bothers you too much. You just want to get someone banned who dares to mock your ridiculous worldview... "it's all the Joos!!!" "Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill!!" "I have all the answers... I AM INFALLIBLE!"

You jack-booted Neo-Nazi's will use any tactic necessary to shut down opposition to your ridiculous theories, and you have support in "high places". I don't think you are shills you are dupes.

Didn't you close your account? BTW - WTF is a jack-booted neo-nazi?

Any WN type person evidently.

General of Darkness
30th September 2010, 06:25 PM
is that hand cream over on the right side of the table??? :sicko

It rubs the lotion on. :ROFL:


30th September 2010, 06:26 PM
aww man... I was just getting the popcorn out...


Enjoy. The worst part is that I don't like popcorn. :conf:

1970 silver art
30th September 2010, 06:28 PM
aww man... I was just getting the popcorn out...

Hey sexy. Why don't you call me? I'm beginning to think that sending you my picture wasn't a smart idea.


is that hand cream over on the right side of the table??? :sicko

Looks like KY Jelly to me. :D :D :D

30th September 2010, 06:29 PM
LOL, you too funny. You mix Beck and Savage in with AJ? You 2 funny, me think you either shill or very dumb dumb...Please, tell me "who has the truth"? The second largest shareholder of FOX News is an Arab, me think they own many shares of Hollywood pie too.

Are these your comments, ? , I just made some points, use your brain,
do you know what you are talking about , your comments ?
You siding with the main shills on gim ? Do you know the thread ?
It stank like sh*t and MJK took it from there, so did I, MJK right after
that outed skyvike, and I outed the rounds, I saw your comments on
gim2, "not cool" , Horn confirmed on here 2 years + later . I am the shill and dumb ?
You are siding with the shills dude, in that famous thread I mentioned,
if you know what you are even talking about above ?

I think many of you suffer of following around one nub, like AJ no matter what,
like idol worship , throwing reason out. " arabs own hollywood " Learn2Swin,
you believe that and call people shills on here, ROFL !

Bring it on , let's have some fun.

30th September 2010, 06:31 PM
aww man... I was just getting the popcorn out...

Hey sexy. Why don't you call me? I'm beginning to think that sending you my picture wasn't a smart idea.


is that hand cream over on the right side of the table??? :sicko

Lubricate the obese rolls, particularly under the arm pits for those extra long innings at the keyboard. |--0--|

30th September 2010, 06:31 PM
aww man... I was just getting the popcorn out...

Hey sexy. Why don't you call me? I'm beginning to think that sending you my picture wasn't a smart idea.


is that hand cream over on the right side of the table??? :sicko

I am thinking imposable act. With all that fat,he does not have the reach! :lol

30th September 2010, 06:42 PM
Happens to some people when they first start to really enjoy Zappa music, they go overboard.


30th September 2010, 06:44 PM
Happens to some people when they first start to really enjoy Zappa music, they go overboard.


:lol :lol :lol

30th September 2010, 07:31 PM
LOL, you too funny. You mix Beck and Savage in with AJ? You 2 funny, me think you either shill or very dumb dumb...Please, tell me "who has the truth"? The second largest shareholder of FOX News is an Arab, me think they own many shares of Hollywood pie too.

Are these your comments, ? , I just made some points, use your brain,
do you know what you are talking about , your comments ?
You siding with the main shills on gim ? Do you know the thread ?
It stank like sh*t and MJK took it from there, so did I, MJK right after
that outed skyvike, and I outed the rounds, I saw your comments on
gim2, "not cool" , Horn confirmed on here 2 years + later . I am the shill and dumb ?
You are siding with the shills dude, in that famous thread I mentioned,
if you know what you are even talking about above ?

I think many of you suffer of following around one nub, like AJ no matter what,
like idol worship , throwing reason out. " arabs own hollywood " Learn2Swin,
you believe that and call people shills on here, ROFL !

Bring it on , let's have some fun.

LOL, I never said you were a shill and dumb, a shill or dumb, got it? If an Arab is the second largest sharholder of News Corporation, that's much pull in Hollywood circles. You can pull out all kinds AJ videos that were altered and edited to make him look stupid or a Zionist shill.

In August 2005 the Murdoch family owned only about 29% of the company. However, nearly all of these shares were voting shares, and Rupert Murdoch retained effective control of the company. Nonetheless, John Malone of Liberty Media had built up a large stake, with about half of the shares being voting shares. Therefore, in November 2006, News Corporation announced its intention to transfer its 38.5 per cent managing interest in DirecTV Group to John Malone's Liberty Media; in return it bought back Liberty's 16.3% shares in News Corp., giving Murdoch tighter control of the latter firm.[22] Murdoch sold 17.5 million class A shares in December 2007.[23]
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, through his Kingdom Holding Company, owns 7% of News Corp.'s shares, making Kingdom Holdings the second largest shareholder.[24][25][26] Bin Talal is the main contributor to the efforts to construct the controversial Islamic mosque near ground zero[27]

The other stuff from 2 years ago? GIM2? Sorry, but I don't know what you're referring to.

30th September 2010, 07:44 PM
I haven't even watched the video yet, but I'll bet I can quote 80% before hand just from the title.

There's never going to be a 100% true media warrior, it just ain't kosher for the sponsors.

Now, if everyone could just get that bit of understanding we could easily pull it together here.

I know it sucks, but just is.

30th September 2010, 08:05 PM
Ron Paul, Alex Jones and Glenn Beck are part of the same

key words are: Joe Rogan, free mason and mormon

30th September 2010, 08:33 PM
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, through his Kingdom Holding Company, owns 7% of News Corp.'s shares, making Kingdom Holdings the second largest shareholder.

everyone knows House of Saud are ziOwned puppets, that's why they've been allowed to remain dictators of S.Arabia, :oo-->


nice try though learn2swimhttp://www.messianic-torah-truth-seeker.org/Torah/Kashrut/logo-ou-kosher-48.gif :lol

30th September 2010, 09:14 PM
Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

coincidentally or not learn2swimhttp://www.messianic-torah-truth-seeker.org/Torah/Kashrut/logo-ou-kosher-48.gif, that's the exact same tact AJ took in his interview with BBC's Alan Hart, who asserts that mossad did 911! Acknowledge the damning facts, but then dance to "diffuse the heat"...

from the Ex BBC Mideast Reporter Says On-Air Israel Did 9-11 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/ex-bbc-mideast-reporter-says-on-air-israel-did-9-11/msg119992/#msg119992) thread:

Hart was subsequently on the AJ show, haven't listened, will though, curious how AJ handle's Hart's 'Izzy Did 911' bombshell,

full show MP3 (http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=edwardrynearson.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiodujour.com%2Fmp3%2F20100 528-alex-jones-alan-hart.mp3&sref=http%3A%2F%2Fedwardrynearson.wordpress.com%2F 2010%2F05%2F25%2Falan-hart%2F)

I've listened to this AJ/Hart show now. It's 51 mins, commercial free. Worthwhile, a real study in advanced AJ-ology.

AJ is accommodating as Hart gets his 'Izzy Did 911' payload in. What we hear over and over again though, is AJ acknowledging known historical facts illustrating Izzy's pattern of bad behavior, but then dancing to diffuse the heat. Spread the scrutiny around, reminding of the bad behavior of groups X, Y, & Z, and how complex it all is. I could parse the interview and give many examples complete with minute-counter marks, but best y'all just listen & learn, while AJ schools you on how to massage an interview with a high-credibility journalist who speaks truths which AJ is employed to divert scrutiny from.

I like Hart's line that he's concluded that Americans are the world's most misinformed & gullible people, but also the most fundamentally idealistic; so that if they could only be properly educated to reality, they could really be a force for changing this (zio) NWO police-state juggernaut course the world is on. Of course AJ agrees, and says that's what we're doing here... yada yada (zio-elephant in the room? what zio-elephant in the room?! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940) it's all so complex you know..)

Hey learn2swimhttp://www.messianic-torah-truth-seeker.org/Torah/Kashrut/logo-ou-kosher-48.gif, are you one of those conspiracy nut jobs who maintains that scary moozlems principally conceived & orchestrated 911? Do you agree with The Beckster that 911 Truthers are "dangerous" ??


30th September 2010, 09:41 PM
ADL's "attack" on AJ is a thinly veiled promotion... the trusty old Double-Joojitsu Chutzpah Maneuver...

Why Is The ADL Promoting Alex Jones? (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=465) :conf:

and more re The Becksterhttp://www.messianic-torah-truth-seeker.org/Torah/Kashrut/logo-ou-kosher-48.gif,

A CNN Host Who Loves Israel (http://www.aish.com/jw/mo/48955061.html)
by Gary Rosenblatt

http://media.aish.com/images/A_CNN_Host_Who_Loves_Israel_%28medium%29_%28englis h%29.jpg

Glenn Beck believes Israel is the only real hope for sanity in the Mideast.

Pro-Israel critics of the media, and particularly of CNN, should check out "The Glenn Beck Program" to give their high blood pressure a respite.

Beck, 42 and host of what is considered the fastest-growing TV show in cable news, can make Bibi Netanyahu look like a dove. The baby-faced former Top 40 radio disc jockey has been known to describe Saudi Arabian leaders as "nut jobs" and "dirt bags" and says that if America doesn't support and protect Israel, "we will lose our only strategic ally in the Mideast and we will lose our souls."

Yes, Beck, an admitted former alcoholic and drug addict, is now a devout Christian who believes in an Armageddon in which millions will die. He also believes in God's love for Israel, and he is not shy about discussing his own support for the Jewish state on his hour-long show that airs nightly at 7 p.m. on CNN Headline News, perhaps positioned to counter the success of Fox's right-wing programming.

Beck, whose manner is pleasant and friendly, bordering on gee-whiz, also hosts a daily radio talk show heard on more than 230 stations and is a regular contributor on "Good Morning America."

"It's a horrible thing to admit, but prior to 9/11 my view of the Mideast was basically, ‘will this fighting never stop, and just solve it yourselves'," he explained during a recent interview.

The World Trade Center tragedy forced him to think about why "so much hatred was generated toward the U.S., and I started to do my homework." He said he did a great deal of reading (including the Bible and the Koran) and talking to people, focusing on why the U.S. "sends so much money to the Mideast for oil" and trying to discern who are America's real friends in the region.

He concluded that Israel is "our only real hope for sanity" in the Mideast, and "my gut tells me that Israel is one of the world's great hopes."

Beck's outspoken support for Israel brought death threats almost immediately.

Beck visited Israel several years ago and said he had two powerful moments there that reinforced his positive feelings toward the Jewish state. One was when he visited a bomb shelter where gas masks and injection kits were being distributed in case of attack. He said that when he noticed that the signs were in Hebrew, English and Arabic, he wondered why, if Israelis really hated the Arabs, they would "hand out medicine to save Arab lives.

"That experience really opened my eyes and showed me that Israel is the closest to America" in shared values, he said.

The second experience was walking from the Jewish section of Jerusalem to the Palestinian side and feeling that, within a few steps, he had gone "from clean to dirty and dark and dank."

Beck said he realized that the Jews shared a belief that "we can make it," whatever the circumstances, while the Arabs have leaders who tell their people "you've been conquered and you'll never make it.

"It's all about control and power and politics," he said.

Beck's outspoken support for Israel, beginning on his nationally syndicated radio show in 2002, brought death threats almost immediately, he recalled, and he was given extra protection.

He calls himself "a realist," though, and not "a blind supporter of Israel," asserting that the leadership of Israel has made "horrible mistakes, but who hasn't? Every country has its bloody noses."

Critics, particularly on the left, have accused Beck of using "hateful rhetoric," and he apologized for questioning the patriotism of Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota), the first Muslim to be elected to Congress. "That might come from my lack of intelligence," Beck said, saying his remark to Ellison was "quite possibly the poorest-worded question of all time."

Of late, Beck has talked a great deal about what he calls the "perfect storm," a combination of terrorism, Islamic militancy, hatred of the West and oil that could spell doom for the free world.

"I believe we are headed for dark times," he says. "I truly believe that we are living in 1938 and the trains are loaded." The only way to prevent disaster, he says, is for liberals and conservatives to come together and look for ways to work together to defeat our common enemy.

Beck thinks the media spin on the Mideast situation is "horribly out of whack" and biased against Israel. The only solution, which he says applies to the U.S. as well as Israel, is to "to do the right thing, be good and just continue to beat your head against the wall until the truth prevails."

30th September 2010, 09:43 PM
I believe a proper response to these assertions would be to rename the culprit away from Zionist ambiguity to something more specific such as Judico & Associates, or J&A for short (code speak) I'm willing to risk the collateral damage.

I'm just trying to be constructive here, the time for full frontal & predestined meatshield assault is running bit thin presently.

All rights reserved - Horn Corp. LLC

30th September 2010, 09:48 PM
Ron Paul, Alex Jones and Glenn Beck are part of the same

key words are: Joe Rogan, free mason and mormon

Alex Jones and Glen Beck may as well be talking smack for the WWF. But Ron Paul? I don't think so!

30th September 2010, 11:22 PM
We've Been Neo-Conned

They agree with Trotsky on permanent revolution, violent as well as intellectual.
They are for redrawing the map of the Middle East and are willing to use force to do so.
They believe in preemptive war to achieve desired ends.
They accept the notion that the ends justify the means – that hard-ball politics is a moral necessity.
They express no opposition to the welfare state.
They are not bashful about an American empire; instead they strongly endorse it.
They believe lying is necessary for the state to survive.
They believe a powerful federal government is a benefit.
They believe pertinent facts about how a society should be run should be held by the elite and withheld from those who do not have the courage to deal with it.
They believe neutrality in foreign affairs is ill-advised.
They hold Leo Strauss in high esteem.
They believe imperialism, if progressive in nature, is appropriate.
Using American might to force American ideals on others is acceptable. Force should not be limited to the defense of our country.
9-11 resulted from the lack of foreign entanglements, not from too many.
They dislike and despise libertarians (therefore, the same applies to all strict constitutionalists).
They endorse attacks on civil liberties, such as those found in the Patriot Act, as being necessary.
They unconditionally support Israel and have a close alliance with the Likud Party.


1st October 2010, 04:26 AM
Ron Paul? I don't think so!



Silver Shield
1st October 2010, 04:31 AM
YOU think you can be the leader of the new free country...FAIL> Post your personal info and qualifications and the rest of us freedom lovers will consider it and get back to you.

I don't need a leader and that is my point. I don't put my faith in man. If you do than good for you, as my friend wildcard says "only sheep need a shepard"

Leaderless restitance and local cooperation will arise from the collapse of .gov and NWO.
Just as a the Tea Party has been infiltrated and gutted any "organized" resistance will be to.
So much easier to give a blueprint to thousands and let them build their group than to try to get thousands in one group.

1st October 2010, 06:38 AM
I think we're going to see Jones more and more in the mainstream moving forward. Be on your guard as any genuine truth seeker will never be put up on the pedestal for teevee idol worship.

Defending Alex Jones? Keep following Jones, that way you can let us all know how the next "THE RUSSIANS ARE ATTACKING!!!" episode goes down and when it is safe to come out of the bunker. He is the personification of agitprop.

Fool me once...

Beck - there shouldn't even be a scintilla of thought he is on the side of the people. Another media whore sucking on the FRN teat.

Regarding Newscorp and the 7% (OMG 7%?!?!?! WOW!!!) held by Saudis... Saudi Arabia's government owes its existence to Israel and the USA. Without Israel the country would fall to hell overnight and find itself in chaos. Saudis are lap dogs of the power elite.

Some of you are still sound asleep.

1st October 2010, 02:12 PM


1st October 2010, 03:19 PM
Are jews involved-- even considered prime movers--yes, but it's not just them....

coincidentally or not learn2swimhttp://www.messianic-torah-truth-seeker.org/Torah/Kashrut/logo-ou-kosher-48.gif, that's the exact same tact AJ took in his interview with BBC's Alan Hart, who asserts that mossad did 911! Acknowledge the damning facts, but then dance to "diffuse the heat"...

from the Ex BBC Mideast Reporter Says On-Air Israel Did 9-11 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/ex-bbc-mideast-reporter-says-on-air-israel-did-9-11/msg119992/#msg119992) thread:

Hart was subsequently on the AJ show, haven't listened, will though, curious how AJ handle's Hart's 'Izzy Did 911' bombshell,

full show MP3 (http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=edwardrynearson.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiodujour.com%2Fmp3%2F20100 528-alex-jones-alan-hart.mp3&sref=http%3A%2F%2Fedwardrynearson.wordpress.com%2F 2010%2F05%2F25%2Falan-hart%2F)

I've listened to this AJ/Hart show now. It's 51 mins, commercial free. Worthwhile, a real study in advanced AJ-ology.

AJ is accommodating as Hart gets his 'Izzy Did 911' payload in. What we hear over and over again though, is AJ acknowledging known historical facts illustrating Izzy's pattern of bad behavior, but then dancing to diffuse the heat. Spread the scrutiny around, reminding of the bad behavior of groups X, Y, & Z, and how complex it all is. I could parse the interview and give many examples complete with minute-counter marks, but best y'all just listen & learn, while AJ schools you on how to massage an interview with a high-credibility journalist who speaks truths which AJ is employed to divert scrutiny from.

I like Hart's line that he's concluded that Americans are the world's most misinformed & gullible people, but also the most fundamentally idealistic; so that if they could only be properly educated to reality, they could really be a force for changing this (zio) NWO police-state juggernaut course the world is on. Of course AJ agrees, and says that's what we're doing here... yada yada (zio-elephant in the room? what zio-elephant in the room?! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940) it's all so complex you know..)

Hey learn2swimhttp://www.messianic-torah-truth-seeker.org/Torah/Kashrut/logo-ou-kosher-48.gif, are you one of those conspiracy nut jobs who maintains that scary moozlems principally conceived & orchestrated 911? Do you agree with The Beckster that 911 Truthers are "dangerous" ??


LOL, you're a joking right? Of course the official story is BS. Don't try those lame tactics on me, that's a classic shill job.

1st October 2010, 03:23 PM


And the shills never stop. I remember years ago when the shills would post picks of kooks with tin foil on their heads if you didn't believe the 9-11 official story. Same BS...Got anything else?

1st October 2010, 04:43 PM


And the shills never stop. I remember years ago when the shills would post picks of kooks with tin foil on their heads if you didn't believe the 9-11 official story. Same BS...Got anything else?

Look Alex, I have no trouble at all with your material.

Its just that at some point you're going to have to take it to the next level.

That is if you want to get anywhere?

Do you want me to call your agent for you?

1st October 2010, 06:27 PM


And the shills never stop. I remember years ago when the shills would post picks of kooks with tin foil on their heads if you didn't believe the 9-11 official story. Same BS...Got anything else?

Look Alex, I have no trouble at all with your material.

Its just that at some point you're going to have to take it to the next level.

That is if you want to get anywhere?

Do you want me to call your agent for you?

Ok, lets play your game. I'm Alex Jones, and you're the enlightened one. Please tell me, how does one take it another level? Are you an example? Is Stormfront and the like an example? If so, they haven't done jacksh*t. They're a freaking embarrassment to white people in general. I do respect Professor Kevin McDonald's work, but he does it on an intellectual level. Acting like a bigoted buffoon (you and the like) doesn't help.

1st October 2010, 09:16 PM


And the shills never stop. I remember years ago when the shills would post picks of kooks with tin foil on their heads if you didn't believe the 9-11 official story. Same BS...Got anything else?

Look Alex, I have no trouble at all with your material.

Its just that at some point you're going to have to take it to the next level.

That is if you want to get anywhere?

Do you want me to call your agent for you?

Ok, lets play your game. I'm Alex Jones, and you're the enlightened one. Please tell me, how does one take it another level? Are you an example? Is Stormfront and the like an example? If so, they haven't done jacksh*t. They're a freaking embarrassment to white people in general. I do respect Professor Kevin McDonald's work, but he does it on an intellectual level. Acting like a bigoted buffoon (you and the like) doesn't help.

You picked the wrong guy lunger, you can't pull that Stormfront with me.

Level up, Alex.

I'll raise a flag for ya, and all.


1st October 2010, 09:59 PM
That's the problem with Alex.

He tells you that Mossad, and Mi6 are involved in most all false flag terror attacks, but then backs away from simply declaring war on the City of London & Israel.

Why, is he not one of U.S.?

2nd October 2010, 07:42 AM
He tells you that Mossad, and Mi6 are involved in most all false flag terror attacks, but then backs away from simply declaring war on the City of London & Israel.

Simply declairing war? A solution?
Does Alex have to fight them alone?

Do you want the news (better than any other news source of its size) as you get now, or do you want Alex to be forced off the air and demonized and web sidelined in the mind of the sheep?

Men are just men, not messiahs.

I would prefer Alex needs to focus more on solutions, less on prison cell conditioning news. But it is real worthwhile news for the most part. I've seen him mature though over the years in his politics (not changing his money making delivery style of course). He focuses less on reporting divisions amongst the lower classes and better targets the pyramid scheme of control.

Unfortunately he seems blind to the limits to growth in resources and consumption (i.e. ignores peak oil), and the massive entropy our civilization is causing.

This could be the core of his deception, or a natural honest result of his self confessed Christian view of the environment outside man's politics.

2nd October 2010, 08:45 AM
does anyone believe the dead dinosaur story of peak oilers?

Fossil Fuel... lol ;D ;D ;D ;D

2nd October 2010, 09:32 AM


And the shills never stop. I remember years ago when the shills would post picks of kooks with tin foil on their heads if you didn't believe the 9-11 official story. Same BS...Got anything else?

Look Alex, I have no trouble at all with your material.

Its just that at some point you're going to have to take it to the next level.

That is if you want to get anywhere?

Do you want me to call your agent for you?

Ok, lets play your game. I'm Alex Jones, and you're the enlightened one. Please tell me, how does one take it another level? Are you an example? Is Stormfront and the like an example? If so, they haven't done jacksh*t. They're a freaking embarrassment to white people in general. I do respect Professor Kevin McDonald's work, but he does it on an intellectual level. Acting like a bigoted buffoon (you and the like) doesn't help.

You picked the wrong guy lunger, you can't pull that Stormfront with me.

Level up, Alex.

I'll raise a flag for ya, and all.


Great, so the enlightened one posts a Israeli flag, and I'll assume that's taking it to another level...LOL What a joke..

2nd October 2010, 09:34 AM
That's the problem with Alex.

He tells you that Mossad, and Mi6 are involved in most all false flag terror attacks, but then backs away from simply declaring war on the City of London & Israel.

Why, is he not one of U.S.?

LOL, declaring war on London and Israel? Hello, this is the real world. ::)

2nd October 2010, 09:35 AM
He tells you that Mossad, and Mi6 are involved in most all false flag terror attacks, but then backs away from simply declaring war on the City of London & Israel.

Simply declairing war? A solution?
Does Alex have to fight them alone?

Do you want the news (better than any other news source of its size) as you get now, or do you want Alex to be forced off the air and demonized and web sidelined in the mind of the sheep?

Men are just men, not messiahs.

I would prefer Alex needs to focus more on solutions, less on prison cell conditioning news. But it is real worthwhile news for the most part. I've seen him mature though over the years in his politics (not changing his money making delivery style of course). He focuses less on reporting divisions amongst the lower classes and better targets the pyramid scheme of control.

Unfortunately he seems blind to the limits to growth in resources and consumption (i.e. ignores peak oil), and the massive entropy our civilization is causing.

This could be the core of his deception, or a natural honest result of his self confessed Christian view of the environment outside man's politics.

I agree with most of your post, but peak oil is BS.

General of Darkness
2nd October 2010, 09:44 AM
Great, so the enlightened one posts a Israeli flag, and I'll assume that's taking it to another level...LOL What a joke..

This is what I think of the majority of your posts.


2nd October 2010, 09:48 AM
What I think is strange is how similar they are in stature & appearance.

Its almost as if gene splicing occurred. :imskerd:

It's probably the crypto-jewish bloodline.

2nd October 2010, 11:39 AM
That's the problem with Alex.

He tells you that Mossad, and Mi6 are involved in most all false flag terror attacks, but then backs away from simply declaring war on the City of London & Israel.

Why, is he not one of U.S.?

LOL, declaring war on London and Israel? Hello, this is the real world. ::)

Yes, it is the real world and "we" (the U.S.) are involved in two separate theaters of War currently for "similar reasons". We have pundits openly planning for & calling for war and or sanctions towards Iran daily.

Those who pronounce & provide evidence at every turn of attacks on the U.S. orchestrated by particular nation's intelligence/special forces, and then condone them by not declaring an appropriate response of war, and or sanctions towards them are if not only hypocritical then globalist/zionist in nature due to their selective reasoning.

You (Alex) are globalist, a zionist. If you don't understand that you are than you at least a blind hypocrite.

Case closed.

2nd October 2010, 11:59 AM
I do respect Professor Kevin McDonald's work, but he does it on an intellectual level.


That makes you a racist !

This whole thread and you is messed up,
it must be me not getting it.

As far as "intellectual level" McDonald,
people didn't need that in the past
to protect their countries and people
from invasion, subjugation, and mind

2nd October 2010, 01:20 PM
Men are just men, not messiahs.

I agree with most of your post, but peak oil is BS.

There you go, Alex.

Quit thinking your the messiah imprisoning the planet.

Also, I'm quite offended that you've compromised a member of this forum.