View Full Version : Elements of competition and Medal tests

30th September 2010, 02:35 AM
In antagonism ballroom, dancers are pronounced by miscellaneous criteria for example poise, the clutch or frame, stance, musicality and appearance, timing, body alliance and outline, floor craft, foot and leg deed, and staging. Giving opinion in a presentation-oriented sport is unavoidably particular in type, and disagreement and grievance by contestants on top of pronouncing position are not unusual.

The scorekeepers are described scrutinizers will reckoning the overall number evoke accrued by every duo during all round in anticipation of the finals, when the Skating technique is used to put every duo by ordinals, as a rule 1-6, however the number of couples in the concluding possibly will differ.

Medal examinations for proletarian facilitate dancers' personality aptitude to be documented according to conservative values. In medal examinations, which are administrated by bodies for instance Ballroom Dance Studio NYC (http://www.youshouldbedancing.net/), each dancer performs two or more dances in a certain genre in front of a judge.

19th October 2010, 12:28 AM
Thank you for joining and posting this.

Wait, What?

19th October 2010, 12:58 AM
perhaps fingering GSUS members is to follow...

22nd October 2010, 11:37 PM
In antagonism ballroom, dancers are pronounced by miscellaneous criteria for example poise, the clutch or frame, stance, musicality and appearance, timing, body alliance and outline, floor craft, foot and leg deed, and staging. Giving opinion in a presentation-oriented sport is unavoidably particular in type, and disagreement and grievance by contestants on top of pronouncing position are not unusual.

The scorekeepers are described scrutinizers will reckoning the overall number evoke accrued by every duo during all round in anticipation of the finals, when the Skating technique is used to put every duo by ordinals, as a rule 1-6, however the number of couples in the concluding possibly will differ.

Medal examinations for proletarian facilitate dancers' personality aptitude to be documented according to conservative values. In medal examinations, which are administrated by bodies for instance Ballroom Dance Studio NYC (http://www.youshouldbedancing.net/), each dancer performs two or more dances in a certain genre in front of a judge.

This is very interesting but there is only one small problem.........what does any of it mean....

It is good to dance though people ,you have too admit