View Full Version : Europe in protest

30th September 2010, 01:10 PM
Anti-austerity protests (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/29/AR2010092907111.html) erupted across Europe on Wednesday - Greek doctors and railway employees walked off the job, Spanish workers shut down trains and buses, and a man rammed a cement truck into Ireland's Parliament to protest the country's enormous bank bailouts.

Tens of thousands of protesters poured into Brussels, swelling into a 100,000-strong march on European Union institutions and bolstering Spain's first nationwide strike in eight years.

Meanwhile, French unions plan more protests against President Nicolas Sarkozy's intended raising of the retirement age, after two strikes on Sept. 7 and 23.

All the actions seek to protest the budget-slashing, tax-increasing, pension-cutting austerity plans of European governments seeking to control their debt and pull their economies out of the worst recession in six decades.


http://media.star-telegram.com/smedia/2010/09/29/20/0930_europeprotests_biz.ART0_GL815E73Q.1+europe_pr otests_biz.standalone.prod_affiliate.58.jpg





Brussels (very Belgian!):


Meanwhile, Ireland Cancels All Remaining 2010 Bond Auctions Due To Market "Turbulence (http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jDgdRgRNckPbFqEKiNMs2xNFoheQ?docId=CNG.c854b 7329bfb2a22fe5de7910550071b.2b1)"

Protests also reported in Portugal, Ireland, Slovenia and Lithuania. The MSM is maintaining a largely silent attitude to it. 100,000 people out in Brussels is a lot, the city's population is around 1 million.

Uncle Salty
30th September 2011, 01:10 PM
Man they keep the juggled balls in the air for a long time.