View Full Version : Cut Phone Radiation

4th October 2010, 05:08 PM
For frequent cellphone users, there are a number of products designed to cut exposure to cellphone radiation. Scientists say some gadgets don't work, but others may be a reasonable precaution.

The tawkon app

Many scientists think cellphone radiation is safe, but others are concerned it can cause brain tumors or other cancers. "So far studies of cellphones haven't identified major problems, but there are important uncertainties," says Leeka Kheifets, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California in Los Angeles. Longer-term studies are needed since some types of brain tumors can take decades to grow—longer than cellphones have been in widespread use, she says.

A plethora of radiation-cutting options are popping up. One heavily marketed option are radiation shields, or tiny disks that stick on the phone and are supposed to neutralize radiation. The disks make no sense scientifically, says Louis Bloomfield, a professor of physics at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. If the disk really does absorb and reflect radio waves, all it would do is ruin your reception "and you risk the cellphone turning up its intensity because it is having trouble communicating," he says.

The Federal Trade Commission, which has taken enforcement action against at least two companies selling such devices, has warned consumers there is "no scientific proof" for the gadgets.

For pregnant women, RadiaShield Technologies Inc., New York, offers a $59 T-shirt made with silver fibers it says lab tests have found blocks nearly all radiation. Scientists say that metal does reflect and absorb radiation, so the approach seems reasonable. The company also offers a blanket women can drape over their bellies when using a cellphone.

There is an app called tawkon, which mines the data inside smartphones to determine how much radiation a person gets, according to Tawkon Ltd., of Herzliya, Israel. Low levels of radiation show up on an icon on the phone's screen as green; intermediate levels as yellow; and higher levels as red. The app is available for some BlackBerry phones and Android models. If you're in the red zone, the app displays a suggestion, such as using a headset, holding the phone fully vertical or moving to a better reception area, where the cellphone will emit fewer radio waves. The catch is that, as Tawkon CEO Gil Friedlander says, there is no scientific basis for where to draw the line between red, yellow and green. Users can change the cutoffs as they choose. "We divided it arbitrarily," he says.

For iPhone and BlackBerry Curve users, there's a $40 case made by Pong Research LLC that contains thin pieces of gold that the Middleburg, Va., company says pulls radiation away from your head and releases it out the back of the phone. In tests by Cetecom Inc., a Milpitas, Calif., unit of Germany's Cetecom GmbH that tests radiation levels in cellphones, the case was found to reduce radiation from U.S. phones to a simulated model of the human head by 60% to 82%, Pong says. Cetecom scientist Heiko Strehlow confirmed its tests found that the Pong directs radiation away from the human head.

According to John Walls, spokesman for CTIA, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit wireless industry group, none of the precautions are necessary. The federal government already sets standards for the maximum amount of radiation a cellphone can emit, says Mr. Walls, and in normal use, cellphones emit far less than that.

The easiest way to cut exposure is to use a hands-free device that keeps the phone further from your head, says Devra Davis, an epidemiologist who is the author of "Disconnect," a book that raises concerns about the radiation.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704631504575532080633165038.html?m od=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsTop

1970 silver art
4th October 2010, 05:21 PM
If I am going to be on my cell phone for extended periods of time, then I will use my hands free device. I am sure that smart phones probably emit the highest levels of radiation among all cell phones.

4th October 2010, 07:01 PM
I wear what is basically a magnatherapy wrist band. I won't mention the brand. It is a button magnet housed in a separate ring magnet. The polarizations are opposed. The idea is the iron in the blood flwoing through the wrist is polarised one way over the leading edge of the ring magnet, then flipped to the opposite polarisation going over the button magnet in the middle and then flipped back again as it passes over the trailing edge of the ring magnet. The idea is that it helps oxygenate the blood enabling it to perform better and disapate things like lactic acid faster. Lactic acid plays a part in things like arthritis

I think it has some benefit for the purpose I bought it and a couple of other benefits that I didn't anticipate. I purchased it for knee joint pain and that is gone. It took about 3 months but it did go. The pain was one where it was impossible to get comfortable when sitting. It also was a problem when cycling. I think the issue was caused by a food additive but made worse from the cycling.

The other side benefits I noticed have been less of an after afftect from alcohol. Hangovers are pretty much non existant. I don't recommend people get one so they can binge on but an amount of alcohol that would take the best part of the next day to get moving again is not really an issue.

Recovery from excercise is another one and a big one IMO. I would do a medium distance ride and it would not be until the second day after that I was recovered enough to ride again. When I did a long ride it would be the 3rd day after before I was recovered enough. Now I can do a medium ride every day or only need 1 day for recovery from a long ride. So in my experience it does have some benefit in line with the claims they make about it improving blood oxygenation and consequently lactic acid processing.

The point of all of this is, this same company produces a button magnet for mobile phones which I intend to try very soon. I'm not sure how I am going to measure the effectiveness of it. The device has been around for about 6 years and mobiles have changed a bit. Different frequencies and different power ratings apply now.

I like the idea of the silver impregnated material, it could have a lot of uses other than just phones, like Wifi radiation and I suspect the gold Pong thing probably resonates with the frequncy like an antenna and causing it to follow the part of the gold fibres.

6th October 2010, 07:20 AM
I am an Extra-Class Amateur Radio Operator. In the very first licensing course, issues about electro-magnetic radiation are raised. There are "methods" for evaluating the "safe" distances away from a transmitting antenna.

Radio amateurs use hand-held walkie-talkies. In short, the recommended best practice is to have a wired earbud/mic combo so you can hold the radio (with antenna-just like a cell phone) (when transmitting) away from the body.

I have my own doubts about devices claiming to effectively reduce radiation. Yes, I do own a cell phone and only 1 person knows the number. It is not my primary form of phone communication.

Just offering food for thought.....