View Full Version : Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

5th October 2010, 02:06 AM
Anyone seen it? I heard it was good, prolly check it out this week sometime. That'll mean making an exception to my long boycott of movie theaters (playing commercials to a paying/captive audience before the movie was over the line for me!)

ETA- 2 min trailer:


5th October 2010, 02:20 AM
I'll venture a guess that the last movie you went to the theater to see was The Godfather II.

Silver Shield
5th October 2010, 04:42 AM
Great movie.

"Greed is good." Gordon Gekko Then

"You are all fucked." Gordon Gekko Now

5th October 2010, 07:55 AM
I'll venture a guess that the last movie you went to the theater to see was The Godfather II.

I don't mean movie previews, I don't mind them, they're interesting. I mean commercials. Saw a theater movie a couple years ago, and among several commercials was a ~3 minute (seemed endless) "music video" commercial telling us how romantic/patriotic joining the National Guard was. This was a PG rated children's movie, "Mama Mia". Couldn't mute it, couldn't change the channel, couldn't turn it off. Just had to sit & endure it, and feel like a sucker.

Anyways, I heard "Money Never Sleeps" has some powerful themes. As Silver Shield tells us, "You are all f*cked." Gordon Gekko Now.

Yahoo critics/readers are only giving it a B/B- (http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810045848/details).

Emerging from a lengthy prison stint, Gordon Gekko finds himself on the outside of a world he once dominated. Looking to repair his damaged relationship with his daughter, Gekko forms an alliance with her fiance Jacob, and Jacob begins to see him as a father figure. But Jacob learns the hard way that Gekko -- still a master manipulator and player -- is after something very different from redemption.

So "Jacob" is the idealistic young protege. I don't suppose the movie will have a "it's dajooz, stupid!" sub-theme? Nah! (ref- Ollie Stone's recent social faux pas...)

5th October 2010, 06:17 PM
Saw the matinee today. It was an entertaining movie, without getting hung up for the moment on its various product plugs (CNBC!) and misdirection ploys as to who and what has been going on. Housing bubble & Wall Street's peddling, & shorting, worthless mortgage debt was integral in the plot, as well as green-energy hopes. Funny Bud Fox cameo. And yep, the '87 movie's "greed is good" tagline is updated to "you're all fvcked" (Gecko says this to a university class, followed by calling them the NINJA generation (No Income, No Job, No Assets). Won't spoil it further.

On my pet peave, commercials before the flick, yep they're still showing them. I sat down 5 mins before scheduled showtime, and they were rolling ads for Sprint, Allstate, Facebook, couple others I forgot. Then at showtime, it was about 13 mins of previews, 5-7 of them. Then the flick finally started. I don't know if Century/CineMark theaters are the only ones to do this, I'd guess not, but at least I know for sure that they do it, and can boycott them specifically.

Silver Shield
11th October 2010, 10:18 AM
I have thought about this movie more and more.

Another sub plot in this movie is the investment into fusion technology.

The Chinese were interested in investing in this renewable clean power that would be a blessing to all of humanity.

The Goldman Sachs bank sacked the funding for the fusion project so they would not provide a challenge to their oil empire.

This showed how technology is suppressed in favor of those that own the oil and banking interests.

11th October 2010, 01:52 PM
My technique is to arrive at the front door of the theater at the stated show time. Proceed to get tickets and empty your bladder and maybe get some popcorn. Generally, the last preview is rolling when I sit down. The only downside to this technique is the lack of seating at more popular shows and times.

willie pete
11th October 2010, 01:55 PM
It's here.... along with others


Korbin Dallas
11th October 2010, 02:48 PM
It's here.... along with others


What's the deal with ch131? I've heard of it, but wasn't sure if they had found some loophole that keeps the jackbooted thugs from busting down the door.