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5th October 2010, 09:58 PM
Global stocks surge on world stimulus hope

By Manuela Badawy

NEW YORK | Wed Oct 6, 2010

NEW YORK (Reuters) - World stocks surged to a five-month high and the U.S. dollar fell broadly on Tuesday after the Bank of Japan unexpectedly cut interest rates, fueling speculation that other governments will take additional actions to reinvigorate the global economic recovery.

Gold hit yet another record high above $1,340 an ounce, while copper rose to its highest since July 2008 and oil rose to a five-month high as the dollar, driven by investor concern over the outlook for global growth, weakened further.

Risk assets soared on encouraging U.S. services sector data, the BOJ's rate cut and the Reserve Bank of Australia's decision not to raise rates, raising investor hopes that cheap money will flood global economies. The Federal Reserve has suggested it may engage in further quantitative easing unless the U.S. economic outlook improves.

"The thinking today is that the printing of money is going to take place," said Bucky Hellwig, senior vice president at BB&T Wealth Management in Birmingham, Alabama.

"The short-term impact of that is to drive asset prices higher. We've seen it almost across the board in commodities."

The BOJ's measures -- cutting its overnight rate target to virtually zero and pledging to buy 5 trillion yen ($60 billion) worth of assets -- pushed the Nikkei average .N225 to close 1.5 percent higher. The December futures contract for the Nikkei 225 stock index trading in Chicago rose 280 points to 9,630.

Tokyo's action came after Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Monday that more asset purchases could further ease financial conditions and help the economy.

The euro jumped to its highest since February against the dollar on concerns that further U.S. quantitative easing could undermine dollar strength.

A U.S. equities rally was fueled further by data showing the pace of growth in the U.S. services sector, which accounts for 80 percent of U.S. jobs, accelerated last month more quickly than economists had expected, while hiring also picked up.

The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI closed up 193.45 points, or 1.80 percent, at 10,944.72. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX rose 23.72 points, or 2.09 percent, to 1,160.75, the highest level since mid-May. The Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC gained 55.31 points, or 2.36 percent, to 2,399.83.



Tomorrow, I am going down to BestBuy and purchase that 55" HDTV on my Visa card and stimulate the economy even more! Yippie !!!


5th October 2010, 10:22 PM
LOL... "U.S. services sector, which accounts for 80 percent of U.S. jobs"

Fast food servers, retail sales associates, LOL

5th October 2010, 10:27 PM
Heh, and there's a bluelight special on toilet paper, and office supplies.


6th October 2010, 12:43 AM
Sorry to tell you--

I got the last one just before they closed last night!


It's all mine.


Global stocks surge on world stimulus hope


Tomorrow, I am going down to BestBuy and purchase that 55" HDTV on my Visa card and stimulate the economy even more! Yippie !!!

8th October 2010, 09:57 AM
Dow crosses 11,000 level after (sh!tty) jobs report (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39571806/ns/business-stocks_and_economy/)

While job creation remains scarce, there could be a silver lining. Expectations are growing that the Federal Reserve will try to stimulate the economy by stepping up its purchases of government bonds. The gloomy jobs report could give the Fed more incentive to act.



8th October 2010, 10:05 AM
Recovery Summer is here at last!!!


8th October 2010, 10:15 AM
Zero Hedge: It's Official: Fed Is Now Second Largest Holder Of US Treasury Bonds (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/its-official-fed-now-second-largest-holder-us-treasury-bonds)

1970 silver art
8th October 2010, 10:18 AM
Well, since everything is getting better, then we can sell all our gold and silver and go back to being regular sheeple. This calls for a celebration. :sarc: :sarc: :sarc:

8th October 2010, 01:47 PM
Zero Hedge: It's Official: Fed Is Now Second Largest Holder Of US Treasury Bonds (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/its-official-fed-now-second-largest-holder-us-treasury-bonds)

With this, and the recent topics regarding public seizure of private properties for renting. Its all becoming clearer, we are too be fully Red by 2012.

Hopefully I will be evicted by then.

30th October 2010, 12:52 PM
Zero Hedge: It's Official: Fed Is Now Second Largest Holder Of US Treasury Bonds (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/its-official-fed-now-second-largest-holder-us-treasury-bonds)

With this, and the recent topics regarding public seizure of private properties for renting. Its all becoming clearer, we are too be fully Red by 2012.

Hopefully I will be evicted by then.

You will be better off because you will get one of the better spots in your local FEMA camp. :)

30th October 2010, 07:23 PM
I was driving today and overheard one of the financial radio informercial/programs, something like Investing for Seniors. A trainging with guaranteed income, probably a scam where a senior gives them all the money in exchange for "guaranteed" (for those who haven't heard of AIG going down) income.

And then they answered lots of calls, and the guy was all gitty-up on investing in real estate.

And of course he had to mention that gold "securities" are risky.

And then he dared anyone to call and voice an opinion.

I had an itch to call. really, see how dumb one could be...or if his screening is such that smart people just don't get to be on.

But it looks like we are alright anyway, everyone should sell their stashes, buy gubbermint bonds and live happily ever after.

30th October 2010, 07:59 PM
Oh Goodie!!! It looks like Act 2 is about to start... now where the hell did I put that popcorn smiley that is supposed to follow my post?


30th October 2010, 08:00 PM
Dow crosses 11,000 level after (sh!tty) jobs report (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39571806/ns/business-stocks_and_economy/)

While job creation remains scarce, there could be a silver lining. Expectations are growing that the Federal Reserve will try to stimulate the economy by stepping up its purchases of government bonds. The gloomy jobs report could give the Fed more incentive to act.


Whew! Man, thank goodness cuz when I go to that job interview, I'll just tell the boss the fed is purchasing more gubmint bonds, so I'm sure to get hired!


4th November 2010, 06:05 PM

Stocks set highs for 2010 after boost from the Fed (http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9J9HAAG3.htm)

Yippie! The recession is over!


1970 silver art
4th November 2010, 06:08 PM
Before you know it, the traders on Wall Street will need to dust off those DOW 12,000 hats if the Dow keeps going up. Economic happy days are here to stay. :sarc:

28th December 2019, 08:31 AM
What happened to JohnQPublic? Hope your doing well sir.

And what about Matt from LATOC? I learned that a modern Stasi government exists and operates in the west when he and his site was targeted, attacked, gang-stalked and he was forced off the internet* with the site shut down. Can't have a popular politics and conspiracy site of left wing and right wing peoples all together talking logically and scientifically about sustainability, the environment and green energy (and politics and current events) . Once Matt was gone, and most forum members splintered away to small private forums, they promoted low IQ Jewish thots like, back then Naomi Klien and now AOC, english majors and bartenders who listen to other social science educated marxists and write or promote energy supply manifestos on their rainbow science dreams that then get promoted and sold by the MSM as our scientific future once we tear down all that works now.

Anyway I've not found any environmental sites or channels as good as what we had a decade ago. A few of the same people are still online, without an online community and they have mostly moved on. Perhaps a mute issue anyway when our governments and big corporations are actively genociding the western peoples. Once replacement immigration and anti-family, anti-children anti-free speech, anti-self defence western government policies are changed, then economic and environmental sustainability can be prioritized.

MSM coverage of technology like windmill has not been scientific, little awareness of net energy produced nor externalities for example. So it was surprising to hear President Trump talk about windmills in his speech, things like low ERoEI, and the externalities like vibroacoustic disease. An above 90 IQ take that someone could have after a half hour or so reviewing good scientific literature on the topic, a take that is completely alien to low IQ thots like Naomi Klien and pretty much the entirety of western MSM. Perhaps Trump read the file on Matt from whatever FBI, CIA or FEMA prison he is being held in.

Guardian News: ‘I never understood wind’: Trump goes on bizarre tirade against windmills


28th December 2019, 04:41 PM
https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Trump-at-Hanukkah-reception-I-will-always-celebrate-the-Jewish-people-610684 (https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2019/12/Screen-Shot-2019-12-11-at-11.51.45-PM-e1576101184865.png)

After TEN YEARS at GSUS we still see this same jew at Trump's White House (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1562884268215.gif)


3rd January 2020, 09:27 AM
Clear Energy Alliance: Michael Moore & Trump

Dec 13, 2019
Michael Moore has released a new documentary acknowledging numerous uncomfortable energy realities. His documentary shows we’ve all been misled on wind, solar, and electric cars significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A lot of fossil fuels are required to manufacture renewable technologies, and the eco-activist movement is a multibillion-dollar industry pursuing its own financial interests while misleading the public. We could have told him that from the start.