View Full Version : On the Edge - Max Keiser Oct 1 - Norway Bonds and Ag Commodities

5th October 2010, 10:45 PM
Ineteresting interview with Ned Laylow Leyland an advisor to a gold fund in the UK. Discusses the value in Norway Govt bonds. 13% surplus on GDP. $400 Billion sovereign wealth fund. So no debt, bucket loads of oil, huge wealth fund. Low return on bonds but higher than UK Govt bonds and the Kroner is appreciating against the pound, so far about 25% so the return is pretty good if it continues to appreciate as expected.

Also talks about Ag commodities and how these will go higher. The Ag sector deflationary period appears to be over. One concern is that this sector will be impacted by Government intervention spurred by popular revolt on food prices in the future. Doesn't like the morality of speculating on food but it is going to happen regardless of what he feels about it.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

5th October 2010, 11:56 PM
not had chance to watch the interview, but a glaring omission regards norway:

Public debt (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/no.html#Econ):60.6% of GDP (2009 est.)

there was an article about a couple of years back which attempted to present a balanced view of national economies (including public debt, national debt, surpluses, all available data), and it boiled down to if you sell oil and have a small population (emirates, norway, dubai), you have more money than most.

norwegian standard of living is certainly extremely high. i think it has to be, otherwise everyone'd sod off to somewhere warmer.

Public debt percent gdp world map (Again based on cocaine importing agency stats):
