View Full Version : HalfPastHuman: McCain's Death Camps & Loss of Jewish Victim Status

6th October 2010, 03:06 AM
McCain's Death Camp USA, The loss of zionist - 'jewish' victim status (http://www.halfpasthuman.com/deathcampusa.html)

Our work is *all* about the future. We take bazillions of bits of data, grind it up and gnaw on it fiercely sucking the juice of tomorrows not yet manifest into today's unfolding. We view the future as history awaiting. In that future history, certain events rise up and slap your face right in the midst of gnawing the tasty bits. We call these temporal markers.

Used as way points in emerging circumstances, these temporal markers are the meaningful paragraphs extracted from an anticipated future history book about tomorrow's major developments affecting omni-humanity.

Such a temporal marker has made an appearance.

We here at HPH had been anticipating that ThePowersThatBe (TPTB), through the twisted offices of their political minions and slaves, would be bringing out 'laws' in the near future to be used as 'justification' in the effort by TPTB to exert their total dominance over omni-humanity prior to the large scale social shifts expected from mid 2011 onward. We have been waiting for the appearance of certain linguistic structures in the msm (mainstream media = propaganda outlets for the TPTB and their political zionist minions). These linguistic structures have now emerged.

Noted zionist, political minion (slave to TPTB), pretend hero, and 'senator' to the Populace/USofA, John McCain has been given the 'honor' by TPTB of introducing the 'laws' that our future history books will cite as the 'justification' or 'political excuse' for the upcoming "American Holocaust". Here is a link to a description of the 'law' proposed by zionist and political slave (of TPTB), John McCain, that contains the linguistics we have been anticipating for over 8/eight years.

The details of how TPTB will use their tool's (John McCain) language to start the process of 'indefinite incarceration' in the USofA are not pertinent to this discussion; further these details will be very apparent in the events that manifest from late October (about the 27th) to and through the 4/four days of omnihumanity planetary emotional tipping point of November (8th - 11th inclusive) and the following 2/two months of release language.

It needs to be noted that the portion of the American populace most afeard of the 'death camp scenario', which is to say the fundamentalist xtians, will prove historically to be mostly *not* at risk. Yes, they will have their 'travails' and 'trails' in the upcoming period of Naked American Fascism, but not as they had been brainwashed (by TPTB) into believing, e.g. that 'christians' are the intended victims of the death camps. After all, why should the TPTB waste the gas in their McCain ovens on 'christians' when such minds are so easily controlled by fear and manipulation of historical fact, and when such 'christian minds' make such good, and willing slaves. As a side note, many of the self professed 'christian' fundamentalists *will* be killed and worse, but this is due to their future history role as concentration camp guards and executioners.

After the 'troubles' in America subside, in that wonderful time beyond the pending social fracture and the rise of Naked American Fascism, in those days on the other side of the November 2010 tipping point and the economic and social chaos of 2011, in the halcyon moments after the POU 2TPTB (Planetary OmniHumanity Upheaval against TPTB) when the Survivors of the McCain death camps gather to process through their suffering, at least then they will all be able to live the rest of their days knowing that never again.....

...and as a side note to those who care, yes...the data shows jews are killed in the upcoming American holocaust, but the distinction of 'jewish' victim-hood will be lost in McCain's' more egalitarian (non-sectarian) American Death Camps.....after all, this is the land of the free, home of the brave and we pride ourselves on being a nation where all persons are 'equal under the law" and where any bastard, without regard to race, creed, color, or religion, who pisses off officialdom or TPTB or their minions. will be declared an 'enemy of the state' and 'indefinitely incarcerated' under the 'authority' of what will become the McCain Death Camp Act of 2010.

Enjoy the future. And watch out for that first step....it's a real doozy.

clif high

October 4, 2010

also see:
McCain's Jail US Citizens Indefinitely Bill In Committee (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-3081)

Read McCain's US Citizen Detention Bill S 3081 (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=s111-3081)

Silver Shield
6th October 2010, 03:41 AM
I swear their linguistic models are based on these guys getting really high and having some one change the TV channel really fast.

6th October 2010, 04:56 AM
I swear their linguistic models are based on these guys getting really high and having some one change the TV channel really fast.

Yeah granted, I wouldn't have ever been interested in HPH without hearing a few interviews with Clif High, where he speaks well and is obviously very aware. The newsletter, & articles like the above would never have grabbed me... way too obtuse. It would be one thing if the dates/timeframes they cite, something actually happened; but rather most of them quietly fade into oblivion.

Although some of the language in the newsletter just prior to the 4/20 start of the BP bio-chem warfare op started was prophetic,

Half Past Human March 2010 Predictions Of Oil Disaster (http://rense.com/general91/pred.htm)

Half Past Human March 2010
Predictions Of Oil Disaster
By Clif High

In light of the enormous environmental BP oil catastrophe in the Gulf Of Mexico, I've been going through the 'Shape of Things to Come' ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trend Analysis) Report, published March 12, 2010 by the amazing Clif High...the wizard behind the Half Past Human research.

The following are some remarkable and haunting excerpts from Clif's ALTA Report

Copyright 2010, All Rights Reserved by Clif High of www.halfpasthuman.com ...

"The oceans are described as being not as before."

"Disastrous summerproblems with oceanic convection currents."

"the supporting aspect/attributes sets for the oceans being unlike their former selves."

"oceanic nightmare."

"tidal problems to impact the offloading of ships in ports."

"Ocean changes linked to volcanos" (lots of volcanic activity and the oil blowout itself has been compared to a 'volcano' of oil)

"many areas of costal habitat are forecast to be effectively forbidden for use."

"Destruction of life support systems."

"Indications are many of the problems are related to the core of the planet."

"humans and other life directly impacted by large clouds of drifting complex methane..."

"methane gas release events coincide with dysfunction with the propaganda press."

"percolating up"

"governments merge naval operations into some large and mysterious fleet operations."

"Substantial changes within our planetary environment under ocean"

"The Terra entity is also indicating that natural disasters will be contributing to summer 2010 blues, emotional depression of millions of humans (This is described as a coastal event.)"

"The un-natural disasters are showing as being a particular problem over July through August"

"More failures on the part of civil servants within the federal government during a regional disaster causes a large paradigm shft within the populace of USA over late spring through summer."

"natural and unnatural catastrophes that will require humans to grab their wits and immediately put them to use."

6th October 2010, 05:40 AM
(5) COALITION PARTNER- The term ‘coalition partner’, with respect to hostilities engaged in by the United States, means any State or armed force directly engaged along with the United States in such hostilities or providing direct operational support to the United States in connection with such hostilities.

(7) HOSTILITIES- The term ‘hostilities’ means any conflict subject to the laws of war, and includes a deliberate attack upon civilians and civilian targets protected by the laws of war.