View Full Version : Lady Gaga "more powerful" than Nancy Pelosi: Forbes

7th October 2010, 06:01 PM

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – The Forbes list of the world's most powerful women includes Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga, Beyonce Knowles and Ellen DeGeneres, all of whom apparently wield more power than the woman who is second in line for U.S. president.

The annual list, released late Wednesday, places Winfrey third. The talk-show queen is worth $2.7 billion and earned $315 million in the past year, but beyond wealth Forbes takes into account executive position, creative influence and entrepreneurship.

No. 1 on the list is First Lady Michelle Obama. Forbes didn't calculate her and her husband's personal wealth or money earned in the last year, choosing instead to list in that category the country's national budget, which is $3.5 trillion.

After Winfrey, Lady Gaga, at No. 7, is the next media person on the list. She earned $62 million in the past year and, according to Forbes, "single-handedly reinvigorated pop music and pop culture."

Next in media, at No. 9, is Knowles, who earned $87 million and whose music is a favorite of Michelle Obama's, according to Forbes.

Former "American Idol" judge DeGeneres is 10th on the list and earned $55 million. Forbes noted that she recently gave a $30,000 college scholarship to a gay teenager who challenged a high school policy against same-sex prom dates.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who would be in line for the presidency after Vice President Joe Biden, is 11th on the list. Like Michelle Obama, her "money" category consists of the national budget.

Sarah Palin, who Forbes puts in the media category, is No. 16. Her title is "political maverick and commentator," but unlike most others on the list, her entry doesn't include a "money" category. Instead, she gets a "media buzz" category, which says she has 2.3 million Facebook friends and that if you search for her name online you'll get 44 million results.

Other media personalities on the list include Angelina Jolie (No. 21), Katie Couric (No. 22), Arianna Huffington (No. 28), Madonna (No. 29) and Sarah Jessica Parker (No. 45).


Hatha Sunahara
7th October 2010, 06:42 PM
We are really in BIG trouble.


General of Darkness
7th October 2010, 06:47 PM
A picture is worth a thousand words.


1970 silver art
7th October 2010, 06:51 PM
I like some of Lady Gaga's songs. I will agree with that Forbes list. Gaga is more powerful than Pelosi in terms of pop culture and music. However, Pelosi is more powerful in where it really counts and that is gov't policy making to make life worse for the U.S. citizens and the U.S. economy.

General of Darkness
7th October 2010, 06:53 PM
I like some of Lady Gaga's songs. I will agree with that Forbes list. Gaga is more powerful than Pelosi in terms of pop culture and music. However, Pelosi is more powerful in where it really counts and that is gov't policy making to make life worse for the U.S. citizens and the U.S. economy.

Outlaw, you don't think this filthy thing doesn't make life worse for the U.S. by her music.

1970 silver art
7th October 2010, 07:00 PM
I like some of Lady Gaga's songs. I will agree with that Forbes list. Gaga is more powerful than Pelosi in terms of pop culture and music. However, Pelosi is more powerful in where it really counts and that is gov't policy making to make life worse for the U.S. citizens and the U.S. economy.

Outlaw, you don't think this filthy thing doesn't make life worse for the U.S. by her music.

That is a matter of opinion. As I mentioned, I like some of her songs and her music is not making my life worse. In what way does this "filthy thing" make life worse for the U.S. by her music?

7th October 2010, 08:08 PM
2 of the women i admire most in the world. :sarc:

Uncle Salty
7th October 2010, 08:19 PM
Gaga has no power to take away our freedoms with bad legislation. Just another article to keep people focused on pop culture rather than the treasonous fvcks in DC.

Filthy Keynes
7th October 2010, 08:46 PM
Lady gaga EXPOSED




Meats GAGA


Filthy Keynes
7th October 2010, 08:53 PM

midnight rambler
7th October 2010, 08:56 PM
I like some of Lady Gaga's songs. I will agree with that Forbes list. Gaga is more powerful than Pelosi in terms of pop culture and music. However, Pelosi is more powerful in where it really counts and that is gov't policy making to make life worse for the U.S. citizens and the U.S. economy.

Outlaw, you don't think this filthy thing doesn't make life worse for the U.S. by her music.

That is a matter of opinion. As I mentioned, I like some of her songs and her music is not making my life worse. In what way does this "filthy thing" make life worse for the U.S. by her music?

She's pure wickedness. Do you think that a little bit of wickedness is okay?

7th October 2010, 09:00 PM
We are really in BIG trouble.


You ain't kidding.

::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Filthy Keynes
7th October 2010, 09:02 PM
The thing is, she's just a pop culture icon. Most people already believe in what she is teaching, so she is singing to the choir in a way.

1970 silver art
7th October 2010, 09:03 PM
I like some of Lady Gaga's songs. I will agree with that Forbes list. Gaga is more powerful than Pelosi in terms of pop culture and music. However, Pelosi is more powerful in where it really counts and that is gov't policy making to make life worse for the U.S. citizens and the U.S. economy.

Outlaw, you don't think this filthy thing doesn't make life worse for the U.S. by her music.

That is a matter of opinion. As I mentioned, I like some of her songs and her music is not making my life worse. In what way does this "filthy thing" make life worse for the U.S. by her music?

She's pure wickedness. Do you think that a little bit of wickedness is okay?

Pure wickedness? Really? In what way is she wicked? Give me an example.

midnight rambler
7th October 2010, 09:14 PM
I like some of Lady Gaga's songs. I will agree with that Forbes list. Gaga is more powerful than Pelosi in terms of pop culture and music. However, Pelosi is more powerful in where it really counts and that is gov't policy making to make life worse for the U.S. citizens and the U.S. economy.

Outlaw, you don't think this filthy thing doesn't make life worse for the U.S. by her music.

That is a matter of opinion. As I mentioned, I like some of her songs and her music is not making my life worse. In what way does this "filthy thing" make life worse for the U.S. by her music?

She's pure wickedness. Do you think that a little bit of wickedness is okay?

Pure wickedness? Really? In what way is she wicked? Give me an example.

If you cannot connect the dots on your own with the info posted to this thread, then you're lost to the death cult and you don't even know it.

1970 silver art
7th October 2010, 09:25 PM
I like some of Lady Gaga's songs. I will agree with that Forbes list. Gaga is more powerful than Pelosi in terms of pop culture and music. However, Pelosi is more powerful in where it really counts and that is gov't policy making to make life worse for the U.S. citizens and the U.S. economy.

Outlaw, you don't think this filthy thing doesn't make life worse for the U.S. by her music.

That is a matter of opinion. As I mentioned, I like some of her songs and her music is not making my life worse. In what way does this "filthy thing" make life worse for the U.S. by her music?

She's pure wickedness. Do you think that a little bit of wickedness is okay?

Pure wickedness? Really? In what way is she wicked? Give me an example.

If you cannot connect the dots on your own by the info posted to this thread, then you're lost to the death cult and you don't even know it.

Midnight Rambler,

You say she is pure wickedness but apparently you are not able to tell me how she is pure wickedness. All I said was that I liked some of her songs. I will continue to listen to her songs because I like listening to them. I am not a member of any death cult so I do not know what you are talking about. I like different kinds of music by different people.