View Full Version : Exodus of Jewish Advisors from Obama White House Likely Not an Omen of Good Thin

7th October 2010, 09:28 PM
Interesting read. I suppose you have to wonder if Obama asked them to leave, or if it was orchestrated for something to come.


"Curious watchers of this modern gangster drama involving Israel will recount that during the waning days of George Bush’s presidency, upon visiting Israel he was promptly met by rabbis closely-associated with ultra-violent elements of the Israeli right who presented him with a list of demands. The commandments, collectively called ‘Megillat Bush’ were written on a specially-made scroll made to look as if scribed personally by some fire-and-brimstone Old Testament prophet. Typical of the same haughty, pushy, demanding, threatening, obnoxious and condescending tones universally-known to be as much a part of the Jewish state’s character as pasta and tomatoes are to Italian cuisine, the decree had the following to say–

‘To George W. Bush…who comes to Jerusalem, eternal capital of our land, joy of the entire earth…

…If you truly desire peace and wish to be counted in the company of the truly righteous, we call upon you to declare to all the world the following-

‘I George Bush declare that the Land of Israel was bequeathed to the nation of Israel by the Creator of the world. which He gave to His people Israel, the eternal people. Therefore I call upon all the nations to save themselves from certain doom and recognize that this land is the exclusive rightful inheritance of the people of Israel. He who denies this truth endangers all life on earth.’

The proclamation, reminiscent of the same threats of doom and destruction Moses issued when he put the heat on Pharaoh some years back continued with–

‘Or, Heaven forbid, you can choose the second option…to willfully aid in destruction…You certainly know what the God of Israel did to Egypt and to all Israel’s enemies from time immemorial. Do you imagine you can escape from the struggles in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon, by offering up the Jews who are slaughtered daily by their enemies? Remember our forefather Abraham, who pursued the world’s four greatest kings in order to redeem his nephew from captivity. We cannot forget the deeds of our patriarchs, whose example guides us through every generation…

…Understand this well–God ordained that the role of the nations of the world is to strengthen the nation of Israel. Therefore it behooves you to declare: “I, George Bush, Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States of America, will instruct all of my troops to protect the Divine rights of the nation of Israel, and remove from her any threat.” Before you is a choice: You can merit eternal life, or be inscribed for eternal disgrace. Your fate and that of all those with you hangs in the balance of the destiny of our land…’

Immediately after Bush was handed this list of demands, a mere few months later in mid-September of 2008, in the span of just two hours $550 billion dollars evaporated from the US money market accounts. According to Congressional testimony provided by Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke and then-Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, had they not stepped in and shut down the money market accounts, the US would have been completely bankrupt by 2 pm that day."

General of Darkness
7th October 2010, 10:05 PM
The blood suckers got what they wanted of him, and proved a point.

The Usurper won't serve a second term, they've bled this country dry, they'll move to China. In China they'll be met with open arms. The Chinese are slant eyed jews, they'll make great bed fellows.

During the collapse of the dollar, the U.S. will still maintain their 900 military bases, they'll become delapitated, they won't enforce it's border while millions of illegals stream across the border and consume more than they put in.

The Republic is dead, long live the Republic.

7th October 2010, 10:24 PM

7th October 2010, 10:24 PM

The tribe already has Palin picking out new curtains for the White House. Obama is now irrelevant.



Large Sarge
8th October 2010, 05:42 AM
unless the next mossad false flag is going to hit washington D.C.??

8th October 2010, 06:04 AM
unless the next mossad false flag is going to hit washington D.C.??

Now that is a thought...

8th October 2010, 06:13 AM
Interesting, but Obama still has a pile of jews on his cabinet, corrupting the education system and perverting our children, pushing homosexual agenda and promoting abortion/birth control.

Read "Radical Rulers" to know more.