View Full Version : I'm all for freedom but this guy needs to be locked up.
8th October 2010, 02:43 PM
Who ever wrote, directed and produced this piece of filth should be locked up for good. I had nightmares just from reading the description of this movie thank God I have never seen it.
Worst piece of trash ever committed to film.
8th October 2010, 02:46 PM
where'd you find this Hillbilly?
8th October 2010, 02:52 PM
I found it on a music forum of all places. :(
I like a good scary movie but this is just pure evil.
8th October 2010, 03:06 PM
With freedom we have to take the good with the bad... and with freedom we may boycott the film... the filmmakers, & those who would profit from such trash...
8th October 2010, 03:12 PM
Only after we lock up M. Night Shamalamalon for crimes against humanity.
8th October 2010, 03:14 PM
. Screenwriter Srdjan Spasojevic has responded to the controversy with "This is a diary of our own molestation by the Serbian government... It's about the monolithic power of leaders who hypnotize you to do things you don’t want to do. You have to feel the violence to know what it’s about."
Basically it is a horrible commentary on how NATO destroyed a country of Christians while rewarding Muslim thieves and criminals - at the behest of Zionist Israelis.
willie pete
8th October 2010, 03:21 PM
Sounds extremely Crude, the first thing I thought of was the guy got the idea from the war
8th October 2010, 04:05 PM
Didn't watch or read up what the hell the specific item of discussion. I will later.
You could pick a number of films/shows that are not in the greatest of taste.
Rob Zombie's films? Those things are messed up!
A Clockwork Orange? That was a completely odd thing for its time.
If I disagree, I will walk away.
It would be the same reaction I have when I see Al Gore speaking.
8th October 2010, 04:15 PM
Didn't watch or read up what the hell the specific item of discussion. I will later.
You could pick a number of films/shows that are not in the greatest of taste.
Rob Zombie's films? Those things are messed up!
A Clockwork Orange? That was a completely odd thing for its time.
If I disagree, I will walk away.
It would be the same reaction I have when I see Al Gore speaking.
There were two movies back then to understand what was going on you had to read the book before watching.
2001 a space odyssey and Clockwork Orange were so out of there at the time that unless you read the book you were clueless.
8th October 2010, 04:21 PM
Those movies are like strawberry shortcake books compared to this one.
really it's the most disgusting thing I have ever read and that was just the synopsis.
by the way I read A Clock Work Orange and liked it.
Didn't watch or read up what the hell the specific item of discussion. I will later.
You could pick a number of films/shows that are not in the greatest of taste.
Rob Zombie's films? Those things are messed up!
A Clockwork Orange? That was a completely odd thing for its time.
If I disagree, I will walk away.
It would be the same reaction I have when I see Al Gore speaking.
8th October 2010, 04:27 PM
Didn't watch or read up what the hell the specific item of discussion. I will later.
You could pick a number of films/shows that are not in the greatest of taste.
Rob Zombie's films? Those things are messed up!
A Clockwork Orange? That was a completely odd thing for its time.
If I disagree, I will walk away.
It would be the same reaction I have when I see Al Gore speaking.
There were two movies back then to understand what was going on you had to read the book before watching.
2001 a space odyssey and Clockwork Orange were so out of there at the time that unless you read the book you were clueless.
I never did read the books. I will try to find them. I never have made it through 2001 all the way.
Back on topic. We still have the choice to walk away. Plain and Simple.
8th October 2010, 04:31 PM
Those movies are like strawberry shortcake books compared to this one.
really it's the most disgusting thing I have ever read and that was just the synopsis.
by the way I read A Clock Work Orange and liked it.
I'll take a look at the link later.
I really don't think it could be as bad as half the crap I have seen on the internet, though.
Watching that kids beheading. That was messed up. I forget the guys name currently.
8th October 2010, 04:33 PM
There was one on here awhile back where some evil surgeon grafted peoples mouths onto other peoples asses.
Thus they had to live off the feces. The one in the very back would have to be replaced every once in a while.
I forget the name (something centipede), but it was on par,
8th October 2010, 04:40 PM
Downloading it now...
8th October 2010, 04:43 PM
Check the link, it's much worse than you think and that is just the synopsis.
Those movies are like strawberry shortcake books compared to this one.
really it's the most disgusting thing I have ever read and that was just the synopsis.
by the way I read A Clock Work Orange and liked it.
I'll take a look at the link later.
I really don't think it could be as bad as half the crap I have seen on the internet, though.
Watching that kids beheading. That was messed up. I forget the guys name currently.
8th October 2010, 04:59 PM
8th October 2010, 05:16 PM
Who ever wrote, directed and produced this piece of filth should be locked up for good. I had nightmares just from reading the description of this movie thank God I have never seen it.
Worst piece of trash ever committed to film.
This is real top shelf quality stuff you've introduced to this forum. What a fine addition. :sarc: :puke
8th October 2010, 05:33 PM
This is real top shelf quality stuff you've introduced to this forum. What a fine addition. :sarc: :puke
It tells the story of a down-on-his-luck porn star who agrees to participate in an "art film", only to discover that he has been drafted into a snuff movie with pedophiliac and necrophiliac themes.
"Hillbilly" ain't from these neck of the woods Mamboni.
8th October 2010, 05:40 PM
Who ever wrote, directed and produced this piece of filth should be locked up for good. I had nightmares just from reading the description of this movie thank God I have never seen it.
Worst piece of trash ever committed to film.
This is real top shelf quality stuff you've introduced to this forum. What a fine addition. :sarc: :puke
Well considering that this forum is about gold, silver and liberty, and this topic is focused on whether or not the vilest actions of humankind are protected liberties, I think it fits.
Now, in the unhampered market economy, a movie like this would most likely be shunned by the majority of people, but there are those with tastes in film to which this movie will appeal, otherwise nobody would have made it. I personally think this kind of stuff is quite harmful to the psyche and grotesquely desensitizes our natural moral compass, but if God gave this man the sovereignty to choose to make this film, I will simply exercise my sovereignty and ignore it.
8th October 2010, 05:49 PM
Who ever wrote, directed and produced this piece of filth should be locked up for good. I had nightmares just from reading the description of this movie thank God I have never seen it.
Worst piece of trash ever committed to film.
This is real top shelf quality stuff you've introduced to this forum. What a fine addition. :sarc: :puke
Well considering that this forum is about gold, silver and liberty, and this topic is focused on whether or not the vilest actions of humankind are protected liberties, I think it fits.
Now, in the unhampered market economy, a movie like this would most likely be shunned by the majority of people, but there are those with tastes in film to which this movie will appeal, otherwise nobody would have made it. I personally think this kind of stuff is quite harmful to the psyche and grotesquely desensitizes our natural moral compass, but if God gave this man the sovereignty to choose to make this film, I will simply exercise my sovereignty and ignore it.
Freedom indeed! I’m all for it – unfettered, unfiltered, uncensored. This way we can quickly identify the malcontents, provocateurs and tasteless miscreants in the crowd. It never ceases to amaze me how low and depraved some people can become. A person who would waste his time on utter garbage does not respect his time or himself. When he foists such crap on others, it is the equivalent of pissing or spitting in one's living room during a civil discussion. There are limits to freedom; or, there is anarchy. I prefer the former.
8th October 2010, 05:57 PM
I understand what you're saying, but we're not "wasting our time on utter garbage", we're discussing what, if any, acceptable limits there should be to man's sovereign choice to create garbage like this. The movie doesn't interest me, the debate on whether or not it should be allowed does.
8th October 2010, 05:58 PM
Freedom indeed! I’m all for it – unfettered, unfiltered, uncensored. This way we can quickly identify the malcontents, provocateurs and tasteless miscreants in the crowd. It never ceases to amaze me how low and depraved some people can become. A person who would waste his time on utter garbage does not respect his time or himself. When he foists such crap on others, it is the equivalent of pissing or spitting in one's living room during a civil discussion. There are limits to freedom; or, there is anarchy. I prefer the former.
i wonder if Murphy's Law applies to crap films.
it could get an award or something.
8th October 2010, 06:09 PM
I read the synopsis.
Well there are a few things in there that are quite new to cinema. One disturbed movie indeed.
I would have to say that with exception of few "scenes" most parts of this movie can be seen when multiple other movies are added together.
Taken (
The Devil's Rejects (
House of 1000 Corpses (
Se7en (
There are many more movies. These are few that come to mind.
We can always walk away. Like I should have done before posting in this thread.
Also, if you would have never brought this up, I and many others would not have wasted time and effort contemplated such sick things.
8th October 2010, 06:18 PM
8th October 2010, 06:41 PM
Surprisingly small torrent at 320 Mb. y_DigitalDarkness%5D
8th October 2010, 06:45 PM
I had nightmares just from reading the description of this movie thank God I have never seen it.
Yeah...this image is also unpleasant so, like you, I should start a thread dedicated to bring it to everybody's attention here.
Thank you so much for your innocent friendly country bumpkin contribution to GSUS pal.
Grand Master Melon
8th October 2010, 08:10 PM
I don't think it's a commentary on anything, my guess is the writer has some serious drug or mental problems.
Movies can teach, entertain, make people think or any number of things but the only thing this movie would seem to offer is making one want to vomit.
8th October 2010, 10:22 PM
That's what I think. I'm pretty sure for his and the safety of others the writer/director should be locked up at least for observation.
I don't think it's a commentary on anything, my guess is the writer has some serious drug or mental problems.
Movies can teach, entertain, make people think or any number of things but the only thing this movie would seem to offer is making one want to vomit.
8th October 2010, 10:46 PM
... I personally think this kind of stuff is quite harmful to the psyche and grotesquely desensitizes our natural moral compass, ....
It's called the "slippery slope" and it is a primary deception tool of TPTB. The mentally ill usually get help, but in today's 100% corrupted world there's no money for that, and even though actually there really is ('cept that it was stolen) they serve a great purpose for TPTB - if you just forget them and let the chips fall where they may it follows right into the whole problem creating mess.
There was a time when community tried its best to help people, but those times were always very short lived.
9th October 2010, 06:58 AM
I got it downloaded last night. Will watch tonight. Clicked play to check the download and the video quality is very surprising for just 320 MB at 1 hour 40 minutes. I think it may not be in english however.
What I suspect is that it's just bad for the sake of bad, and the talk of how bad it is works as a promotional tool and is encouraged. Maybe we can get some reports of mass vomiting in the movie theaters and people hauled off in ambulances because they were disgusted into a heart attack.
There are two kinds of horror films: the first have great storylines and are well acted and work on suspense, creepiness, or all out mind-f*ck. The second are the gore movies that work on the principal of being more badass than the the other gore movies. Everyone wants to see the worst, and even if you don't have the worst you still have to promote it as if it were the worst.
The movie itself is never as bad as it is promoted to be, because the filmmaker has to walk the fine line of making a movie that sounds so badass that everyone wants to see, without going too far and making a movie that the target audience feels uncomfortable seeing. The funny thing about horror fans is they'll claim they want to see the goriest most taboo shattering film ever, but if it ever gets too real it crosses a line for them and the film will fail.
9th October 2010, 09:13 PM
Just finished it.
When I was 18 or so, I had an encounter at work. I was doing a very physical job, had already hurt myself, and was very stressed. I did deliveries back then. An asshole in a bar, at completely the wrong time, said the wrong thing to me. Remember I'm 18, loaded with enough testosterone to make richard simmons seem straight, and already very upset. I snapped at that point, as I was told by a drunk asshole to get out of his life. It was a quiet snap, probably unnoticed by the outside world, then I picked up a very heavy object and I had every intention of walking over there and beating the guy with it. I even took a couple steps towards him. If I had completed my plan, I suspect I would have killed the guy, as I don't see how he could have survived.. Luckily I didn't. A co-worker put his hand on my shoulder and said my name and I was fine again.
That's the animal in all of us. It's a powerful thing, sometimes tapped into by drugs and sometimes just because a wall in the brain has fallen down. The heavy object I was going to beat the guy with, by the way, was 140 lbs and I was handling it like a 15 lb baseball bat. That kind of strength is in all of us when there's no more barrier between the brain and the muscles (that barrier exists to protect our muscles from overexertion.)
That single moment could have destroyed my whole life. I think of that even as writing this and I feel real emotion, real fear. There is fear of what others may to do you, and then there's fear of what you may do. This movie is about that second type of fear. All the gore and taboo subject matter is secondary - what he is trying to get at is that type of fear that people have of what they are capable of. To connect to certain audiences you have to connect with the abstract, exaggerated version of the experience that exists in their imagination. Some people can tie love to a romance movie, while others require something much more abstract to trigger the response (ie Spotless Mind, What dreams may come). I believe he was trying to connect to the abstract fear with this movie, although to me I think it was a failure. I know what he was getting at, but I didn't feel it.
All that being said, if you've ever been disgusted by a mainstream movie, don't watch this. It really does go farther than other films.
10th October 2010, 01:28 AM
I guess this is what you would call a bad review...... ;D
Tim Anderson of the horror review site "Bloody Disgusting" likened the movie to "having [his] soul raped" and dissuaded anyone reading his review from ever seeing it, writing: "If what I have written here is enough to turn your feelings of wonder into a burning desire to watch this monstrosity, then perhaps I haven't been clear enough. You don't want to see Serbian Film. You just think you do.
10th October 2010, 12:43 PM
Sounds more like a Talmudic Production.
" Kouchner was asked to comment on the case, and claims of the families of the kidnapped and murdered Serbs, who accused him of participating in the human organ trafficking.
When Ničić posed his question, Kouchner laughed out loud and proceeded to address the journalist in an offensive tone: "Organ trade? But you are sick, aren't you? Do I look like someone who would traffic organs? You are insane, to believe all kinds of nonsense like that".
"What's the yellow house? Why yellow? Sir, you should consult (a doctor). There was no yellow house, there was no organ trade. People who talk about things like that are bums and murderers," the French diplomat was heard saying in a video that has surfaced since. "
CHIEF PROSECUTOR FOR ZOG against Serbs did nothing, but write a book,
and she is " a bum and a murderer " Kouchner the Jew.
" Switzerland has gagged one its Ambassadors from promoting a controversial new book about war crimes in the former Yugoslavia. Carla Del Ponte, who prosecuted crimes at The Hague, claims some current Kosovo leaders once sold vital organs from Serb prisoners. ... The book, "The Hunt: Me and War Criminals", was due to be launched in Milan.It details atrocities committed by Albanians against Kosovo Serbs in the late 1990s and says that some of those currently in power in Kosovo made money selling Serb organs. "
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