View Full Version : Pelosi says food stamps and unemployment benefits help grow the economy

Twisted Titan
9th October 2010, 06:51 PM
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, announced Wednesday that food stamps and unemployment benefits are one of the best ways to help grow the economy. Her comments in San Francisco were a retort to Newt Gingrich's suggestion that Republicans should portray Democrats as the party of food stamps while Republicans were the party of paychecks.

This is a stunning comment to be heard from anyone in the higher levels of government, let alone the Speaker of the House who is only two heartbeats from becoming the President of the United States at any given moment. In the order of ascension to the presidency, should something happen to the President and the Vice-President, the Speaker of the House becomes President of the United States.

If the US economy were actually growing as a result of present policies emanating from Washington, suggestions from Republicans that Democrats represented the party of food stamps would be foolish. However, political speeches near election time are often hard-hitting. In this case, it would appear that Mrs. Pelosi has reacted with a statement that may cause some voters to wonder if she is up to the rigors of her job.

Recent announcements that more than 41 million American citizens are now receiving food stamps reveals that a very substantial number of people are struggling in economic terms. Most of those who are struggling need jobs, or better jobs than they now have. The thought that food stamps help grow the economy does not give comfort to those who are receiving them.

Does anyone wonder why so many incumbent politicians are likely to be voted out of office in November? Probably not. An accumulation of quotes from recent speeches by the Democrat leadership displays little understanding of economics and capitalism. Until the private sector of the business community feels confident about expansion, there will be little growth in employment and better wages.

Instead of playing politics with needless infighting between Democrats and Republicans, it would be encouraging to business interests to see the government function as intended. The country's leaders are supposed to see to the needs of the country, not solely their own personal interests. As President Kennedy once extolled, maybe it is time for them to ask what they can do for their country instead of what it can do for them.

In the meantime, perhaps Nancy Pelosi should discuss her economic theories with some educated economists. Or, possibly she might seek the input of unemployed food stamp recipients. Maybe they would express a preference for a good job instead of a government handout.

Resources: http://www.examiner.com/americ an-politics-in-vancouver/nancy -pelosi-says-food-stamps-and-u nemployment-insurance-will-gro w-us-economy

9th October 2010, 07:09 PM
Well she is quite correct. Measured by numbers the increase in food stamp dependency grows (expands) the economy. Don't mistake jobs and production with the economy. They are just a by product of it. In DC it's all about the numbers and they are quite clearly growing. Debt growth is maintained even if it is not directly private debt it is still growing and consumption is hanging in there because people can still consume with the stamps.

It's all good!

9th October 2010, 07:56 PM

who knew when she was a young debutante that she would turn out to be so brain-dead.