View Full Version : webbots still saying nuclear war 11/8/10

Large Sarge
10th October 2010, 09:47 AM
no real link, sorry folks, they will have a free podcast on veritas radio, around nov 1 or so.

but as far as I can tell, they are still calling for Israeli attack on Iran, leading to nuclear war.

say over a billion people dead by january first 2011


11/8 is 4 weeks from tuesday

they got 9/11 right, they got the iceland banking crisis, they got the gulf oil spill,

food for thought

10th October 2010, 09:53 AM
Not a direct link but some sites that are in the same ball park.


http://2010rapture.org/ (http://2010rapture.org/)

Quote from the first site.

"The "webBot" folks have pointing to the same time frame in November 2010 for some time now .

They are coming from a completely secular and even anti-christian worldview too."

10th October 2010, 10:19 AM

10 dollar download. yes dates include nov 8th - 11th. also goes further out about weather and other calamities.

10th October 2010, 10:20 AM

Webbot working the Megaphone software...lol.

10th October 2010, 10:25 AM
This also could be the great mistake, due to be turned on 11/9 which is of course the mirror image of 9/11. It is a long dry read on physics and what can happen at the LHC and why. It is also strangely interesting considering it could turn the entire planet into a black hole or just plain go supernova. Even the chance that it will cause the earth to shrink to a rock no more than 15 kilometers in diameter.


Abstract. We have received and will show in this article astonishing documents leaked out of CERN internal servers, about the CASTOR project, a Centauro and STrangelet Object Research to hunt for strangelets ‘likely‘ to be produced at the LHC.

According to those internal documents CERN has been lying for years to the press and in the suits, since it always affirmed that it won’t produce the ultra-dangerous, ultradense ‘strangelets’, the liquid explosive made of up, down and strange quarks, responsible of the ice-9 reactions that cause supernovas (below’s graph).

In those documents CERN affirms there is a 65-70% of chances of producing negative strangelets, which according to standard science on strangelets today, will provoke the ice-9 reaction (name taken from Cat and Cradle’s book in which a physicist destroys the world throwing a new type of water that freezes the planet, since an ice-9 reaction will condensate the planet in a 15 kilometers ultra-dense strange star).

Lots more at link.

Personally, I would prefer global thermonuclear war to this, then again maybe not as this would be a quicker death...

The webbots have a solid hit, something bad comes to us soon.

10th October 2010, 10:39 AM
This also could be the great mistake, due to be turned on 11/9 which is of course the mirror image of 9/11. It is a long dry read on physics and what can happen at the LHC and why. It is also strangely interesting considering it could turn the entire planet into a black hole or just plain go supernova. Even the chance that it will cause the earth to shrink to a rock no more than 15 kilometers in diameter.


Abstract. We have received and will show in this article astonishing documents leaked out of CERN internal servers, about the CASTOR project, a Centauro and STrangelet Object Research to hunt for strangelets ‘likely‘ to be produced at the LHC.

According to those internal documents CERN has been lying for years to the press and in the suits, since it always affirmed that it won’t produce the ultra-dangerous, ultradense ‘strangelets’, the liquid explosive made of up, down and strange quarks, responsible of the ice-9 reactions that cause supernovas (below’s graph).

In those documents CERN affirms there is a 65-70% of chances of producing negative strangelets, which according to standard science on strangelets today, will provoke the ice-9 reaction (name taken from Cat and Cradle’s book in which a physicist destroys the world throwing a new type of water that freezes the planet, since an ice-9 reaction will condensate the planet in a 15 kilometers ultra-dense strange star).

Lots more at link.

Personally, I would prefer global thermonuclear war to this, then again maybe not as this would be a quicker death...

The webbots have a solid hit, something bad comes to us soon.


When one of the three supercolliders in the world is sabotaged, it destroyed the French city of Orleans and the surrounding area resulting in the deaths of thirty million people. The result of the blast is the creation of an energy field that, if not contained, will turn the Earth into a black hole.

David [Hellboy II’s Luke Goss] and Raja [Colin Salmon, Hex] are the two scientists who have taken the output of three supercolliders and turned to into safe, low-cost energy that has freed most of Europe from the need for carbon-based, polluting gas and oil – crippling the economies of the Middle Eastern countries that produced them.

When a terrorist named Khaled [Velislav Pavlov] sabotages the Orleans supercollider, he makes seem as if Raja was responsible. Despite David’s refusing to believe him capable of any kind of terrorist act, Paxton [Marina Sirtis] has him surveilled. Meanwhile David and three members of his team [including Muireann, played by Lexx star Xenia Seeberg] go into the Orleans ruins to see if they can discover whether the explosion was sabotage.

As B-movies go, Annihilation Earth is less fun than I’d thought it would be. This is partly because it’s front-loaded with a lot of exposition and techno-bafflegab – and partly because of inconsistencies that probably could have been prevented by an extra pass on the script. I’m talking about an area that we’re told has become radioactive waste, and yet our heroes wait until they’re actually in that area before putting on radiation suits. Little things like that…

On the other hand, why let little details get in the way of a good story? Well, maybe because the story is kinda average – though Goss, Salmon and Sirtis give entertaining performances and Seeberg is, well, even hotter than she was on Lexx [hard as that may be to believe], even though her costume here is far more substantial than the love slave costume she wore on that series.

Sirtis’ Paxton is a no-nonsense, southern woman whose drawl tightens up a bit under stress and elongates for effect when she’s being placatory. She’s the person you want on your side when it comes to fund raising and dealing with the opposition [any opposition]. She’s a bitch, but a bitch you want on your team.

Goss’ David is a family man and dedicated to science, but not slavishly. He puts on a good barbecue and is a good friend. He’s also fearless [see: going into ruined cities to search for evidence of sabotage]. He doesn’t believe for a second that Raja is a terrorist.

Salmon’s Raja is practical and intelligent. He’s the one who realizes what must done to prevent doomsday and has the stones to face down Khaled – even after the terrorist shatters his kneecap with a bullet [which brings up another problem, to wit: even with an amazing pain threshold, no one is going to hobble across a reasonably large room with a shattered kneecap; the pain would be enough to even prohibit hopping!].

Inconsistencies and dodgy science aside, Annihilation Earth has those three solid performances and a bunch of other stuff going for it: explosions, torture, satellites falling from the sky [along with airplanes, helicopters and maybe a space station…], and a countdown to extinction [chyroned in as typed bulletins – 78 Hours to Extinction…].

In the end, Annihilation Earth is an old-fashioned B-movie in every way except for the year of its making. It’s not appreciably better than its fifties progenitors, but not appreciably worse either. And like those fifties B-movies, it’s a lot of fun.


Who really does know? :conf:

10th October 2010, 10:42 AM
Nothing will happen and the tribulation bunnies will wake up looking at the same fucked-up mess the world is after the date passes. From there it will be the usual reset like buying another lottery ticket to renew hope until the next metric misses and so it goes from there. But America is based on free expression and you can believe what you want. Some of us are not looking for every opportunity to prove God is coming disguised as bad foreign policy or junk science.

10th October 2010, 10:44 AM
Nothing will happen and the tribulation bunnies will wake up looking at the same f*cked-up mess the world is after the date passes. From there it will be the usual reset like buying another lottery ticket to renew hope until the next metric misses and so it goes from there. But America is based on free expression and you can believe what you want. Some of us are not looking for every opportunity to prove God is coming disguised as bad foreign policy or junk science.


But still fun!


10th October 2010, 11:26 AM
if you were to actually read the forecast its fascinating language. for ten dollars its by far entertaining to say the least. it also gives a disclaimer regarding the process about how the forecasts are compiled and made. but its worth to take note of the dates and see if they get a hit or not. there are other dates and events. :sun:

Large Sarge
10th October 2010, 11:44 AM
well, needless to say I hope they are wrong.

I will say this, things seem to be coming to a boil with the financial problems, usually that precedes the next false flag/war

like rumsfeld reporting 9/10/01 "we seemed to have misplaced 2.3 trillion dollars in the pentagon"

after 9/11, that story was down the memory hole

seems to me this mortgage fraud thing is a much bigger deal/problem than losing 2.3 trillion dollars

10th October 2010, 11:49 AM
Was it this fall silver prices were going to $600/ounce, according to webbots? I guess a global Thermonuclear war could do it.

10th October 2010, 11:56 AM
if you were to actually read the forecast its fascinating language. for ten dollars its by far entertaining to say the least. it also gives a disclaimer regarding the process about how the forecasts are compiled and made. but its worth to take note of the dates and see if they get a hit or not. there are other dates and events. :sun:

I'm an avid sci-fi reader, and for 10 bucks the wow factor of what you get with the web bots reports are well worth it. I like the disclaimer they write at the beginning of the report:

"A person would be an idiot to make decisions based solely on their interpretation of my interpretation of strange data patterns. Universe rewards thinking. Everyone should try it for themselves at least once. Now would be a good time."

General of Darkness
10th October 2010, 12:01 PM
Well this news is a little disheartening.

