View Full Version : JEWS: Double Agents Inside TPTB

10th October 2010, 02:13 PM
It is a well known fact (or belief) around these boards that Jews make up the majority of TPTB.

Of course, except for the No. Korean PTB, the Chinese inner party PTB, the Sudanese PTB, the Iraqi PTB, PTB from Iran, from Vietnam, from Argentina, from Pakistan, from India, Burma, Rome, Japan, Colombia, and just a few other places.

But the point is this.

How do we know that the Jews in these say, 2nd layer down positions inside TPTB aren't really double agents?
How do we know that they're not reading GIM in their spare time and sending secret donations to Ron Paul?

My speculation is that Jews could become a great force for good when TPTB launch their final SHTF assault upon freedom.
I think it is more likely that these people in select positions of power on the ground, due to some understanding of how history has treated the workers and average people who just want to live their lives in peace, might become true freedom fighters. The 2nd layer down Jews could refuse orders or go against their higher ups more so than say the drug runners for the PTB of Colombia's cartels or the military officers of some tightly controlled country like Burma.

The Jews may be the ones to whisper among themselves and modify orders coming in from the top PTB in an effort to prevent the effectiveness of some major SHTF scenario like the delivery of germ warfare or the trasporation of radioactive material.
Somehow I don't see the mafia employees doing the same.

Some might point to the willingness of Jews to join the IDF or commit crimes around the globe, but some Jews may have already prevented certain crimes that TPTB wanted to unfold. Some may have even died because of their double agent actions and we simply never found out about them.

Maybe it's just on an individual by individual basis, and has nothing to do with one's parents or one's national or religious leaders.

Or then again, it may be true what many members of Internet forums claim, and you can tell how evil someone is by determing not what they do with their free will, but by what genes their parent's have.

10th October 2010, 02:17 PM
Does individual free will trump genetics?
Can an individual refuse to live the same way their parents lived?
Do some races have "free will" to direct their lives and other races don't?

I have my answers. What are yours?

10th October 2010, 02:20 PM
alls you do is keep posting your opinion instead of good finds

you refuse to even answer who owns the FED , comical considering your name

bottom line, you are full of sh*t

war has been waged forever, beyond 1800, back to who the hell knows when

fiat is just a tool

these problems existed since lucifer sh*t out the parasites 5771 years ago

The year is 2010, not 5771 according to the chicken swingers.

It is all about power and domination.

edit add, maybe I made a mistake, didn't check, it might actually be 5772


edit added after I read his post again, rofl

10th October 2010, 02:25 PM
you refuse to even answer who owns the FED ,

That is not for me to answer and I have already seen other's post that info. The owners have parents who were Jews (at least from the posts I saw). So what? I'm talking about the 2nd layer down soldiers in this thread, those who carry out the orders, not those giving the orders.

10th October 2010, 02:25 PM
So you think there might be a good one in this bunch?

10th October 2010, 02:26 PM
Does individual free will trump genetics?
Can an individual refuse to live the same way their parents lived?
Do some races have "free will" to direct their lives and other races don't?

I have my answers. What are yours?

10th October 2010, 02:35 PM
these problems existed since lucifer sh*t out the parasites 5771 years ago

Good luck Funny Money. Hard to argue logically some of the time with the more minded Abrahamic types.

I'm just glad the Christian ones tend to keep the rivalry amoungst the group. Better them than me. :P

10th October 2010, 02:38 PM
Does individual free will trump genetics?

People stick together, forget genetics, Jews are brainwashed too by their own top.
Had a post for you on how Rockefeller and Rothchild mass murdered Jews too,
they created Hitler and the USSR, and so on, deleted the post, they created Israel,
YET , the Jews give them a pass, accept them as their Kings even " messiah ",
how many Jews or their powerful NGO's work to expose these criminals at the top ?
What about the media they control or have at the very least influence
over ? Yet they manufacture nonsense and enemies, even Rabbi's admit that
anti-semitism works in their favor, they create it on purpose for group cohesion.
Forget genetics, it is tribal warfare, ideology. You think people here don't know
their own works. Attack any group they will com together against a common enemy
they perceive, leave them alone they argue amongst themselves, this forum is like
that too, countries are like that, " I SHALL SET BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER " .
At the very least Jews are the managers and will be blamed, people already see that,
they may not know of the engineering. Even if the media is legit, nothing is possible
without it, they need to take responsibility for their failures, you are fired, period. LOL !
Fat chance. That is just one key industry. Look at the FED, no accountability, look at
the NeoCon criminals, no accountability, they get promotions, round 2 or round 1005 ? lol

10th October 2010, 03:30 PM
Of course, except for the No. Korean PTB, the Chinese inner party PTB, the Sudanese PTB, the Iraqi PTB, PTB from Iran, from Vietnam, from Argentina, from Pakistan, from India, Burma, Rome, Japan, Colombia, and just a few other places.

But the point is this.

How do we know that the Jews in these say, 2nd layer down positions inside TPTB aren't really double agents?
How do we know that they're not reading GIM in their spare time and sending secret donations to Ron Paul?

My speculation is that Jews could become a great force for good when TPTB launch their final SHTF assault upon freedom.
I think it is more likely that these people in select positions of power on the ground, due to some understanding of how history has treated the workers and average people who just want to live their lives in peace, might become true freedom fighters. The 2nd layer down Jews could refuse orders or go against their higher ups more so than say the drug runners for the PTB of Colombia's cartels or the military officers of some tightly controlled country like Burma.

Many people try to hold on to their cherished delusions... I know myself, I wanted to believe that people were "basically good" until I met the douchebaggiest scumbag ever at a previous place of employment. Some people are just plain evil, that is the way it is; arguing nature vs. nurture is beside the point, because you need to focus not on "why are they like that" but "how do I protect myself from them"?

In order:

PTB are Jewish in many places. Arabs like in Saudi Arabia? Read up on the Donmeh.

Marxist/Communist places - where does Marxism originate from, who are their middlemen and supporters in other places in the world?

Japan - Jews have been there since the 16th century... also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Japan#List_of_notable_Japan ese_Jews

Double agents - read even "Mila 18" by Leon Uris, who is himself Jewish - read up on the Judenrat, the Jewish self-government that willingly sent their own fellow Jews on trains out of the Warsaw Ghetto... Where the Judenrat really "double agents" when 95% or so of the Warsaw Jews were placed in direct danger by their actions (I don't know what %age died in other places during the war).

You want a window into the future? Read the FULL story of "Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors" and "Esther" in the Old Testament.

Joseph - God helps make him 2nd in command to Pharaoh - Joseph uses insider trading to corner the market on food, then uses food as a weapon to foreclose on ALL Egyptians, then force them into feudalism, including relocating them into jam-packed cities.

When his family is brought over, they get the pick of the best land (which now belongs 100% to Pharaoh) and Joseph counsels them on how to lie to Pharaoh (the Egyptians hate sheep herders, so Joseph tells his family to claim they are cattlemen).

Esther - Christians read this and get all misty-eyed, thinking "this is how God uses someone to make a change for the better and protect the innocent". Jews read this and get the message - "we always have to have people near the top leaders in order to influence them on behalf of the Jews" .

Read this (scroll down halfway to part about Esther): http://gilad.co.uk/html%20files/purim.html

Interestingly enough, the Book of Esther (in the Hebrew version) is one of only two books of the Bible that do not directly mention God (the other is Song of Songs). In the Book of Esther it is the Jews who believe in themselves, in their own power, in their uniqueness, in their sophistication, in their ability to conspire, in their ability to take over kingdoms, in their ability to save themselves. The Book of Esther is all about empowerment and the Jews who believe in their powers.

Interestingly, your view on the mildness and fair-mindedness of the Jews almost exactly parallels the views in the early days of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution. Since Jews had been put upon by Tsarist Russia, it was a view that they were perfect people to serve in positions of trust, since they would repudiate Tsarist notions. Of course, this didn't work out very well for the kulaks in Ukraine or the targets of the Cheka secret police, 87% of the Cheka being made up of Jews.

10th October 2010, 03:36 PM
Interesting SJS, history could be repeating, we will see. My only response would be...

Does individual free will trump genetics?
Can an individual refuse to live the same way their parents lived?
Do some races have "free will" to direct their lives and other races don't?

I have my answers. What are yours?

10th October 2010, 03:53 PM
Of course, except for the No. Korean PTB, the Chinese inner party PTB, the Sudanese PTB, the Iraqi PTB, PTB from Iran, from Vietnam, from Argentina, from Pakistan, from India, Burma, Rome, Japan, Colombia, and just a few other places.

So what? I'm an American, worried about the future of America for my kids.

HERE, the PTB are most assuredly overwhelmingly Jews.

50% of Harvard Profs

Rahm Emmanuel

7 of the 8 major Hollywood execs

the Fed
Goldman Sachs....

General of Darkness
10th October 2010, 03:57 PM
Funny Money I found you a shirt.


10th October 2010, 03:57 PM
My speculation is that Jews could become a great force for good when TPTB launch their final SHTF assault upon freedom.

Well, yeah, I guess you can speculate that if you want.

ME, however, I say past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior and Jews have been kicked out of countries 149 times since AD 1000. Jews worry about what's Good for the Jews (including defending and shielding the nogoodniks - for f.'s sake, they often try to make out like the spies the Rosenbergs who sold USSR The Bomb -- that lead to 2 gens of gentile schoolkids growing up terrified of the End of the World -- were victims of a miscarriage of justice)
And no, I don't think a leopard can change its spots in a thousand years. Evolution doesn't work that fast.

10th October 2010, 03:59 PM
Does individual free will trump genetics?
Can an individual refuse to live the same way their parents lived?
Do some races have "free will" to direct their lives and other races don't?

I have my answers. What are yours?

MY short answer?

10th October 2010, 04:10 PM
MY short answer?

The negation of "Individual God Given Free Will" is an interesting belief. I have often wondered about why people believe so much in fate.

If someone orders you to do something that may be evil, you may be faced with three choices: do it; don't do it; don't do it and in addition turn it against who asked you to do it.
Is this a decision which is done in the mind and in the heart, or is it done within the genes?

We have your answer. Thank you for providing it.

10th October 2010, 04:15 PM
This reminds me of that thread on Alan Greenspan being a 007 agent for the people and how he was bringing down the economy and destroying all the peoples lives to get back to a gold standard which would save everyone.


10th October 2010, 04:20 PM
Is this a decision which is done in the mind and in the heart, or is it done within the genes?

Genetic mutations happen. And the exchange of genes during meiosis causes sometimes unexpected genotypes/phenotypes in the offspring. Occasionally, cross-breeding with
another genotype can lead to surprising phenotypes. This is the explanation for when individuals demonstrate not behaving like the parents.
Occasionally you'll get a bull who is meek. But that's not the way to bet if you meet one in an open field.

Population genetics are based on AVERAGES. That means that ON AVERAGE, the individual member of the population in question will exhibit some/most/all of the population's traits on average.
Such genetically-mediated traits are responsible for stereotypes. Stereotypes are not "evil." They are simply the generalization which is true enough often enough to be useful.

Jewish genetics codes for: high IQ, hypersensitivity which manifests itself in emotional intensity / hysteria / paranoia. And an extreme level of tribalism, which manifests in all humans to one degree or another Which results in the Jewish desire for power in order to assuage their paranoiac fear of "the Other" And the high IQ allows them to get that power

10th October 2010, 04:20 PM
This reminds me ...

Ends which justify the means? Do evil so that sometime in the future good might prevail? I see your point.

But I actually don't think it goes like that. I think it happens differently. Something more along the lines of a soldier who suddenly realizes that the orders which were given are contrary to some deep understanding which causes his soul to revolt. A sudden moment of truth and a U-turn in one's individual actions going forward.

At least from all the examples I've seen and read about, that's how it usually seems to happen.

10th October 2010, 04:21 PM
So the occasional Jew who sides with the Gentiles does happen.

But in an existential struggle for survival as we have building now, counting on most of them to do so (or even enough to make a difference) is a mug's game.

10th October 2010, 04:25 PM
So the occasional Jew who sides with the Gentiles does happen.

What about the occasional Gentile who sides with the Jew?

Seems like a lot of past leaders of the USA were gentiles. Is Bush less guilty of treason or war crimes, since he was just following orders?

10th October 2010, 04:58 PM
Does individual free will trump genetics?
Not this again. You're beating a dead horse. Why would Khazars have the will to do what is not in their best interests and not in the best interests of their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren? Why would this be reversed based on goyish values and principles? There might be a half dozen Khazars who do but they have no more influence than me.

You need to read back through history and study what motivates people.

10th October 2010, 05:04 PM
Why would Khazars have the will to do what is not in their best interests and not in the best interests of their ...?.

Maybe because some of them worry that they will be held individually responsible for their own actions without regard as to how those actions might benefit their own family and that their family might be just fine without those extra gains.
Maybe because they might be afraid that doing something which in their own soul feels wrong despite the material rewards, could possibly send them into eternal damnation.

Not sure if eternal damnation is really such a bad thing when you can still get a few decades of material gains, but some might feel that way.

Or are you saying that it's very unlikely that more than a handful of people would come to that conclusion?

10th October 2010, 05:24 PM
Ill chip in, Its about CULTURE. Khazar Jew culture is anti everything not Khazar Jewish.now as far as your genetics question, Khazar Jews arent a race, they are part of a greater race of undesirables known as the Turkic peoples,Who basically do the SAME THING to every society they move into. Infiltrate the govt. control commerce and undermine the host society to a point it either collapses or bows to their will.They do however use Talmudic Judaism as a guide to their evil behavior. Certain Islamic peoples of the same ethnicity (Non Arabic) Albanians,Chechens,and others, have done and still do practice these acts. Notice almost all Middle Eastern Muslims,like Syrians,Iraqis etc. have a distaste for Zionists, while the others I mentioned seldom squeak about them?

10th October 2010, 05:31 PM
Maybe because some of them worry that they will be held individually responsible for their own actions without regard as to how those actions might benefit their own family and that their family might be just fine without those extra gains. By whom? You forget they aren't Christians.


10th October 2010, 07:31 PM
due to some understanding of how history has treated the workers and average people who just want to live their lives in peace, might become true freedom fighters.



Get real. The jews turned Gaza into the biggest CONCENTRATION CAMP on Earth...lol.


10th October 2010, 07:34 PM
The jews turned Gaza into the biggest CONCENTRATION CAMP on Earth...lol.

Are you sure? Was it the jews or was it our taxes?

10th October 2010, 07:39 PM
The jews turned Gaza into the biggest CONCENTRATION CAMP on Earth...lol.

Are you sure? Was it the jews or was it our taxes?

Probably the most blatant example of misdirection ever posted at GSUS. You aiming for Red Herring Award Of The Year ?


10th October 2010, 07:44 PM
...Probably the most blatant example of misdirection ever posted at GSUS.

You can go after the jews, go right ahead. My belief is that won't'work but you can try it, go right ahead.

JMHO, but I believe in going after the money. The IDF might have a more difficult time if they can't buy bullets for those guns. Leave them with the money and they'll always find some willing mercenaries, even if they aren't jewish.

10th October 2010, 07:53 PM
JMHO, but I believe in going after the money. The IDF might have a more difficult time if they can't buy bullets for those guns. Leave them with the money and they'll always find some willing mercenaries, even if they aren't jewish.
Money, power and influence are interchangable. If they had no money they could use the media to foment wars through disinformation.....like they have been doing for centuries....no need to pay mercenaries. Are they paying for mercenaries in Iraq? Afganistan? Stupid goyim perform this service for free.

10th October 2010, 08:37 PM
Does individual free will trump genetics?
Not this again. You're beating a dead horse. Why would Khazars have the will to do what is not in their best interests and not in the best interests of their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren? Why would this be reversed based on goyish values and principles? There might be a half dozen Khazars who do but they have no more influence than me.

You need to read back through history and study what motivates people.

2 factors.

one is group behavior.

this we write about here on G-S.us and observe in detail.

also i think there is the factor of which genetic tendencies are selected for in the Jewish culture. i think they select for pyschopathic tendencies, so war criminals like Rahm Emanuel's father, and Bibi Netanyahu, are rewarded by their respective cultures (the US & Israel) and go on to have families.

so Jew culture, to use the genetics term, selects for psychopathic behavior patterns.

obviously this occurs also in some Gentile families.

but i think in families and communities that honor Christian values (and similar moral values), pyschopathic behavior is selected against.

>Does individual free will trump genetics?

i think it's more complex than that. if i said "yes" or "no", that would be modelling human behavior with a 6 word question followed by a one word answer. it's not that simple.

if by that you mean, can an individual raised in Talmudic Jewish community break free from that mold - yes, of course.

10th October 2010, 08:45 PM
if by that you mean, can an individual raised in Talmudic Jewish community break free from that mold - yes, of course.

So it is possible. There could be double agents inside TPTB, they could even have parents who are or were Jewish, and these agents inside TPTB may have decided to exercise their own Free Will for good over evil.

We have your answer then. Individual Free Will ( a gift from God to humans ) is more powerful. Thank you for providing it.

10th October 2010, 09:50 PM
We have your answer then. Individual Free Will ( a gift from God to humans ) is more powerful. Thank you for providing it.

Just for you FunnyMoney! ... I suggest you also look into a book called "Pollyanna" it is right up your alley...

Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart

Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star

Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free

(Stay free, where no walls divide you)
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free

10th October 2010, 10:36 PM
I put the Finnish Tango on the wrong thread. It belongs here.


10th October 2010, 11:32 PM
if by that you mean, can an individual raised in Talmudic Jewish community break free from that mold - yes, of course.

So it is possible. There could be double agents inside TPTB, they could even have parents who are or were Jewish, and these agents inside TPTB may have decided to exercise their own Free Will for good over evil.

We have your answer then. Individual Free Will ( a gift from God to humans ) is more powerful. Thank you for providing it.
You are stretching his answer to mean something he didn't intend. One person out of a hundred who chooses to exercise free will vs ethnic loyalty, doesn't make free will more powerful...

11th October 2010, 08:23 AM
Genetics are a very powerful thing. These pre-programmed tendencies are hardwired into every fiber of your being. Which is exactly why you continue denying the truth while every contributor to this thread attempts to tell you something you don't wanna know.

You have no free will, as your mind is predisposed. There could not be a clearer example than the one you are making for yourself in this thread.

The only thing we're born with is a sensitivity to light and sound. Everything else is learned behavior. Also, I feel really sorry for you if you feel your life is pre-programmed and you don't have the choice to change it if you want.

11th October 2010, 09:17 AM
The idea's presented from both pov's in this thread have been excellent. I see a lot of truth in both sets of opinions. The slight problem with the course of the thread (jmho), is that both camps are arguing two different debates in a lot of ways. SIMS and others have highlighted some great historically irrifutable facts, which if I am not mistake, FM agrees with. FM is highlighting some theoretic possibilities about human nature and the ability of our, call it our 'heart' to lead us in a different direction than is expected. I would assume all here would agree with these possibilities, as there are plenty of historical and personal examples of people having a change of heart for the greater good.

I happen to agree with a lot of the content of both sides, and I certainly don't see any conflict or contradiction in that....like I said, you are exercising 2 different debates, imo.

It seems to me that the debate is fundementally, 'can ANY good come from ANY jew at ANY time?'.

Otherwise, the content of the thread is great.

11th October 2010, 09:22 AM
The jews turned Gaza into the biggest CONCENTRATION CAMP on Earth...lol.

Are you sure? Was it the jews or was it our taxes?

Probably the most blatant example of misdirection ever posted at GSUS. You aiming for Red Herring Award Of The Year ?


he's not even GOOD at it!...get back to the adl handbook, man! try SUBTLETY !

dodge -bob-weave-refuse to answer on point-blame-cry =victim..... :oo--> same old song and dance.....maybe you gould get gershwin to write you a score for the musical :lol :lol

11th October 2010, 09:31 AM
... try SUBTLETY !

dodge -bob-weave-refuse to answer ...


I have re-posted every point made by those who believe, "the Jews are at the root of every worldwide evil."

I say "some race" and use the "SOME" word when talking in a general sense because there are some (although fewer) members who would replace the word Jew with Kazar or Muslim or Black or something else.

But I have never once "refused to answer". About 50 times members have asked me to identify the owners of the Federal Reserve. Do you think I have met them? All I know about them is what others have already posted, and I have several times answered that question. Just because they are Jews does not negate my point about them being so powerful that to remove them from power first requires a removal of the systems which protect, defend and supply them.

Just like the General and Book, you reduce yourself to attack the poster who presents the idea when you are unable to debate the idea. What the f#ck makes you think I am so important that you must attack me? Usually when a debate is reduced to attacking the presenter instead of the idea presented the debate is over.

11th October 2010, 10:17 AM
...which can be statistically proven over and over again. ...

I seem to remember a famous quote about "statistics". From my experience, I have seen first hand how true that quote is, but that's JMHO (or Twain's and mine I guess).

As to the rest of the post, it sounds like you do not believe it's possible or it is at most extremely rare for "Individual Free Will" to overcome genetics. So I guess we have your vote on that now. Thanks for providing it.

11th October 2010, 10:23 AM
The only thing we're born with is a sensitivity to light and sound. Everything else is learned behavior. Also, I feel really sorry for you if you feel your life is pre-programmed and you don't have the choice to change it if you want.

Sure everyone has a choice, even FM could start a new thread discussing the effects of genetic code on the psyche.

11th October 2010, 11:06 AM
...which can be statistically proven over and over again. ...

I seem to remember a famous quote about "statistics". From my experience, I have seen first hand how true that quote is, but that's JMHO (or Twain's and mine I guess).

As to the rest of the post, it sounds like you do not believe it's possible or it is at most extremely rare for "Individual Free Will" to overcome genetics. So I guess we have your vote on that now. Thanks for providing it.
Individual Free Will never overcomes genetics, if you have a predisposition for hysteria you are more likely to be hysteric, certainly there may be techniques whereby you can consciously overcome your predisposition for hysteria, but you will still have a genetic predisposition towards hysteria.

11th October 2010, 11:44 AM
Individual Free Will never overcomes genetics, if you have a predisposition for hysteria you are more likely to be hysterical, certainly there may be techniques whereby you can consciously overcome your predisposition for hysteria, but you will still have a genetic predisposition towards hysteria.

Creator Almighty, how many times do I have to correct you people???!!!

just kidding :)

11th October 2010, 02:29 PM
The only thing we're born with is a sensitivity to light and sound. Everything else is learned behavior.
I guess you've never owned a pure breed dog. Herding dogs have herding instincts. It's possible for a small percentage of these breeds to be born without that instinct, but it would be the exception to the rule.
Certain breeds have territorial instincts. Bloodhounds have trailing instings. If you wanted to train a dog to track escaped convicts, you wouldn't choose a herding breed, you would select a bloodhound. You would not select a bloodhound to herd sheep or cattle.
Sure, it's possible that someone could train a herding dog to trail, but it would have marginal results compared to the same amount of time and effort training a bloodhound.

There is no scientific basis for human equality. We all have 2 arms and 2 legs, red blood and other similarities, but like dogs there are variations in sub-species.

It's a fact of life, get used to it.

11th October 2010, 03:33 PM
What about the occasional Gentile who sides with the Jew?

Seems like a lot of past leaders of the USA were gentiles. Is Bush less guilty of treason or war crimes, since he was just following orders?

The occasional Gentile who sides with Jews:
Again, genetic recombination during meiosis can result in some surprising phenotypes.

BUT there is also a biological phenomenon known as "extended phenotype" where a parasite controls its host's behavior to make its host behave in ways that benefits the parasite at the expense of the host.

If no Ashkenazis had immigrated through Ellis Island, certainly we would still have some
treasonous leaders BUT, sans Jewish power, money and influence, we non-Ashkenazis would deal effectively with our own traitorous leaders, as we have for millenia.

But WITH Jewish power and influence enabling our own treasonous leaders, the normal checks that ordinarily exist within a people upon their own elite's excesses are disabled.
So, yeah, the Jews are driving America to ruination. (Because without them, our own treasonous elites couldn't do nearly the damage, lest they encur the pitchfork-point of the peasantry's ire.)

11th October 2010, 03:45 PM
What about the occasional Gentile who sides with the Jew?

Seems like a lot of past leaders of the USA were gentiles. Is Bush less guilty of treason or war crimes, since he was just following orders?

The occasional Gentile who sides with Jews:
Again, genetic recombination during meiosis can result in some surprising phenotypes.

BUT there is also a biological phenomenon known as "extended phenotype" where a parasite controls its host's behavior to make its host behave in ways that benefits the parasite at the expense of the host.

If no Ashkenazis had immigrated through Ellis Island, certainly we would still have some
treasonous leaders BUT, sans Jewish power, money and influence, we non-Ashkenazis would deal effectively with our own traitorous leaders, as we have for millenia.

But WITH Jewish power and influence enabling our own treasonous leaders, the normal checks that ordinarily exist within a people upon their own elite's excesses are disabled.

So, yeah, the Jews are driving America to ruination. (Because without them, our own treasonous elites couldn't do nearly the damage, lest they encur the pitchfork-point of the peasantry's ire.)

Exactly the only vetting done on politicians today is to make sure they are an Israel first.

11th October 2010, 11:10 PM
What about all the non-jews (caucasians particularily) who assist in the diabolical workings of the zionists? What is their genetic predisposition? Does it differ from 'smart' caucasians who are aware of the zionists?

12th October 2010, 12:03 AM
What about all the non-jews (caucasians particularily) who assist in the diabolical workings of the zionists? What is their genetic predisposition? Does it differ from 'smart' caucasians who are aware of the zionists?
Probably a high level of genes that predispose to psychopathy...

12th October 2010, 12:06 AM
What about all the non-jews (caucasians particularily) who assist in the diabolical workings of the zionists? What is their genetic predisposition? Does it differ from 'smart' caucasians who are aware of the zionists?
Probably a high level of genes that predispose to psychopathy...

So you're saying a bell curve is involved for all parties. With that I could agree.

Wait a minute.......that puts us all in the same boat, no? ;)

12th October 2010, 12:17 AM
What about all the non-jews (caucasians particularily) who assist in the diabolical workings of the zionists? What is their genetic predisposition? Does it differ from 'smart' caucasians who are aware of the zionists?
Probably a high level of genes that predispose to psychopathy...

So you're saying a bell curve is involved for all parties. With that I could agree.

Wait a minute.......that puts us all in the same boat, no? ;)
Well it would be in the same boat if all races were equal... But the promised land of psychopaths changes the balance. They are in charge.

12th October 2010, 12:36 AM
What about all the non-jews (caucasians particularily) who assist in the diabolical workings of the zionists? What is their genetic predisposition? Does it differ from 'smart' caucasians who are aware of the zionists?
Probably a high level of genes that predispose to psychopathy...

So you're saying a bell curve is involved for all parties. With that I could agree.

Wait a minute.......that puts us all in the same boat, no? ;)
Well it would be in the same boat if all races were equal... But the promised land of psychopaths changes the balance. They are in charge.

Who put them in charge?

12th October 2010, 02:13 AM
The monarchies of 18th century Europe put them in charge...

12th October 2010, 03:49 AM
The monarchies of 18th century Europe put them in charge...

Neuro....I just lost about a good effort of response to you. I apologize. And agonize :P
It's late for me right now, but suffice it to say, I'm sure we can pick this up down the line.

12th October 2010, 04:11 AM
The monarchies of 18th century Europe put them in charge...

Neuro....I just lost about a good effort of response to you. I apologize. And agonize :P
It's late for me right now, but suffice it to say, I'm sure we can pick this up down the line.
Bummer I know the feeling, another thing, power is rarely given it is taken. And certainly everyone is to some extent guilty of not taking the power back from the psychopaths. However the most important in taking the power back is to identify who has it

12th October 2010, 05:41 AM
Genetics are a very powerful thing. These pre-programmed tendencies are hardwired into every fiber of your being. Which is exactly why you continue denying the truth while every contributor to this thread attempts to tell you something you don't wanna know.

You have no free will, as your mind is predisposed. There could not be a clearer example than the one you are making for yourself in this thread.

The only thing we're born with is a sensitivity to light and sound. Everything else is learned behavior. Also, I feel really sorry for you if you feel your life is pre-programmed and you don't have the choice to change it if you want.

It appears that you have completely missed the point. Your "life" is not pre-programmed, only your mind and body is. This is why Africans (males in particular) are predisposed to violence and crime no matter what part of the planet they inhabit. Just take a look at the statistics as well as the IQ differences between blacks and whites. Just take a look at Zimbabwe. Just take a look beyond your "conditioned" thoughts. Sure, behavior can be learned, however natural genetic tendencies will override those learned behaviors every time. Anyone with children knows this. Even if they are raised and taught exactly the same, their genetic makeup will display their differences.

You shouldn't feel sorry for anyone except yourself for being insulated to these scientific truths which can be statistically proven over and over again. Save the pity for yourself. I accept my genetic gifts and limitations.

If a newborn African American male was born in an inner city slum and adopted by a stable family with values and morals, wouldn't this person tend towards the teachings of his parents rather than some primal urge? I'm pretty sure he would.

Let's look at Zimbabwe. MOST of the people there would probably like nothing more than to be left alone to live their life. A SELECT group of people DECIDE (conscience decision) to act like animals and rape and pillage. If MOST of these people are of similar genetic makeup, economic means, and spiritual belief, why do a few CHOOSE to be violent?

I can't speak to IQ between the races...I haven't researched it.

12th October 2010, 05:52 AM
The only thing we're born with is a sensitivity to light and sound. Everything else is learned behavior.
I guess you've never owned a pure breed dog. Herding dogs have herding instincts. It's possible for a small percentage of these breeds to be born without that instinct, but it would be the exception to the rule.
Certain breeds have territorial instincts. Bloodhounds have trailing instings. If you wanted to train a dog to track escaped convicts, you wouldn't choose a herding breed, you would select a bloodhound. You would not select a bloodhound to herd sheep or cattle.
Sure, it's possible that someone could train a herding dog to trail, but it would have marginal results compared to the same amount of time and effort training a bloodhound.

There is no scientific basis for human equality. We all have 2 arms and 2 legs, red blood and other similarities, but like dogs there are variations in sub-species.

It's a fact of life, get used to it.

You make a good point regarding dogs. I would argue the self awareness and deductive reasoning of a dog is very limited compared to a human though. I am aware of the pain and joy my actions can bring to another person. Dogs are responding to the tone in my voice.

Yelling "Good Boy" at a dog in a stern voice would make them cower and yelling "Bad Dog" in a sweet voice would make them wag their tail. Repeating this test with a person would probably confuse them because the tone doesn't match the words being used. Person noticed...dog didn't.

We are here today because our ancestors were smart enough to run away from rustling in a bush rather than investigate it. That might be genetics...I don't know. Maybe they saw something bad happen to someone investigating a bush in the past that made them decide to run away.

12th October 2010, 06:08 AM
you are stretching his answer to mean something he didn't intend. One person out of a hundred who chooses to exercise free will vs ethnic loyalty, doesn't make free will more powerful...

exactly - most Jews "go with the program".

12th October 2010, 06:40 AM
you are stretching his answer to mean something he didn't intend. One person out of a hundred who chooses to exercise free will vs ethnic loyalty, doesn't make free will more powerful...

exactly - most Jews "go with the program".

Free will was exercised in 100 out of 100 cases. 99 chose to continue the charade and 1 chose not to.

12th October 2010, 08:18 AM
If a newborn African American male was born in an inner city slum and adopted by a stable family with values and morals, wouldn't this person tend towards the teachings of his parents rather than some primal urge? I'm pretty sure he would.

RE: haven't researched IQ between the races...

Please do so and get back to us.

Especially read the research results of Af-Am babies raised by stable Whites: Results of IQ tests AND criminality are far more linked to the bioparents scores / history than the adoptive White parents.
Also: Korean babies adopted out of orphanages, having endured starvation, have IQs on average much closer to the Korean average (i.e, higher) than the White parents.

And ESPECIALLY read the twins-separated-at-birth studies. Despite one twin growing up in affluence and one in poverty/crime the adult IQs and incomes are nearly identical.

12th October 2010, 08:21 AM
Wait a minute.......that puts us all in the same boat, no?


Because where the PEAK of the bell curve lies determines how many there are on the extreme tails:

A slightly higher average psychopathy score for a population means MULTIPLES more of extreme psychopaths.

12th October 2010, 10:21 AM
I can't believe you guys are getting suckered into this discussion when the history speaks for itself, the modern presidential cabinet assembly speaks for itself, the percentage of ownership in corporations, arms manufacturers, media, banks and political bodies speak for itself, on and on and on.

You can't tell when a person is being paid to post here?

All of the proof is out there. Hell, a good portion of it is posted on this very forum.

Can a person think and operate independantly and with free will?

It just so happens that their free will leads them to choose zion over goyim. Nothing new here, FunnyMoney. Same 5000 year old conspiracy.

As for the "Taxes" strawman, they don't "need our money", they just need us to think that we are in debt to continue slaving away with our heads down (and our asses up) so we don't ask questions and don't think too much.

Even if the USD completely collapsed, zion would find the means to expand their military/empire and murder palastinian women and children. They don't need us for that. The fact that we "assist" them in their endevors is just a little bonus.

12th October 2010, 11:01 AM
...Even if the USD completely collapsed, zion would find the means to expand their military/empire and murder palastinian women and children. They don't need us for that. The fact that we "assist" them in their endevors is just a little bonus.

I don't think you have followed my ideas very well. I never said the best way to tackle crime was to see the USD collapse.

The root cause of absolute power (just as it always has been) (beyond the "who", which could be satan as others have said) is the "how" of:

1. Taxes,
2. Stealth Taxes (Fiat money as one primary example),
3. Laws, Rules and Regulations (usually manifest themselves as Taxes / Fees)

The IDF is going to have a lot of trouble implementing orders when the revenue stream is gone. Same goes for the MIC and the USA's 700 bases around the world. Same goes for the DoD, the Chinese military, the DEA, the CIA and a large list of others.

I don't think you can get from point A to point B by simply admitting who the owners of the federal reserve are or who the biggest criminals on the planet are. Let's assume that nearly all criminals on the planet have or had Jews for their parents. I don't believe criminals are truly following the word of God. Maybe they are following some man who claims to be a preacher or rabbi or something who says they have the 'true' interpretation of the word of God, but they are really just following some man who likely is really following satan. So most criminals follow evil men not God and therefore are not religious in the God given meaning. But regardless, even if everybody agrees that even ALL the criminals were to have parents that were Jews , just saying that does not get you from point A to point B.

TPTB can not be taken down and the evil crimes and corruption can not stop by simply knowing that. I have gone through every possible scenario and you can't get from point A to point B WITHOUT FIRST TAKING OUT THE DEFENSES AND SUPPLY CHAIN (money) THAT TPTB HAVE SURROUNDED THEMSELVES WITH. At the root of that comes the historic evil itself, the greatest most powerful evil corrupt dishonest system ever created by man - taxes (see the 3 bullets above)

12th October 2010, 11:22 AM
even if everybody agrees that even ALL the criminals were to have parents that were Jews ,

If ALL criminals had parents who were Jews, the obvious way to eliminate criminality would be to have Jews have genetic testing to see which ones were going to give birth to a criminal.

Post WWII, however, sensible solutions are verboten.

12th October 2010, 11:29 AM
FunnyMoney, I think you're forgetting the "other" currency, that is; food.

If and when a total economic collapse were to happen, the servants of the NWO (Soldiers, etc) would be offered a deal they could not refuse. They, and their families, would be taken care of with a roof over their heads and food/water.

All they would ask in return is for a little "service" for their "country". That sevice would be to round up the people and stick 'em in FEMA camps, etc.

I think you are underestimating the depths of satanic evil these people are capable of.
I think you should PM Bellevue Bully and ask him to link you to the Bohemian Grove testimony, regarding the rape and murder of pre-teen boys by the elite, during satanic rituals.
(Which they video taped, and forced other children to watch while they raped them)

I don't thing you are grasping that this is a war between God and Satan. You think satan's soldiers are going to "go easy on us" and "do the right thing" out of the good of their hearts? Ha!

I wouldn't count on it. You can preach all you want about "removing the system to render them powerless", but in the end you will see that even removing the system will not render them powerless.

12th October 2010, 11:43 AM
I can easily respond to both the posts above.

First, genetic testing - are you going to send a kit to every household and ask the head of household to test grandma and all the children? Again, whatever you think you can do to round up the criminals using simply identification of them, I can show you that it has never worked in the past and can not work. You can not get from point A to point B with that strategy.

Second, whatever evil uses as payment, whatever the contract says for selling one's soul - it still does not counter the fact that: WITHOUT FIRST TAKING OUT THE DEFENSES AND SUPPLY CHAIN (money) THAT TPTB HAVE SURROUNDED THEMSELVES WITH significant progress toward fighting the criminals is fruitless.

Money buys food, remove the 100% corrupt and criminal SYSTEMS and then the battle field becomes more even.

No enemy has even been beaten back without first taking down their defense and supply chain systems.

12th October 2010, 12:46 PM
Money is worthless, literally, when put up against food.


Food and water trump all.
You think you and some GSus stragglers can "remove their resources"? Get real. They have been preparing for thousand of years, and we have been distracted for the same amount of time.

They have personnel, logistics, networks, arms, technology, "laws", media and every other resource you can think of at their disposal.

The Global Elite

The global elite have, over the centuries, refined the techniques they employ to assure continued dominion over the resources of the planet. In the early days they simply crucified certain rebellious citizens, whilst sprinkling in the occasional peasant massacre to ensure a climate of fear and to thwart any challenge to their hegemony.

When this overtly bloody strategy provoked revolution in such disparate locales as France, America and Russia; and later Cuba, the Congo and Vietnam, the bloodline oligarchs shifted to a strategy of covert assassination and counter-revolutionary intrigues. But brutality is brutality, however subtle and disguised it may be.

So when this strategy failed to stem the tide of history, while provoking a democratic and thus subversive reaction amongst the populace, the international banking syndicate and its coterie of idle rich turned to psychological warfare. They learned that it is much easier to control a population through brainwashing than it is to mow down a more cognizant citizenry in the streets and risk backlash. The key, they learned, was to keep people docile, fearful and ignorant.

In 1913 the Rockefeller Foundation came into being. It would shield the family's wealth from the coming income tax provisions of the never-ratified 16th Amendment (1917). More importantly it would allow the Federal Reserve (1917) owners to steer public opinion through social engineering via grant money. One of its most infamous tentacles was the General Education Board. In Occasional Letter #1 the Board stated,

"In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions fade from their minds and, unhampered by tradition, we will work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall try not to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science...of whom we have ample supply."

Over the next decades the condascending financial parasites at Club Fed would fabricate all matter of story lines to keep "the rural folk" frightened and inert. These included the Great Depression, the Cold War, McCarthyism and nuclear armagedon. All of these were also, quite conveniently, boons for the international banking syndicate and their defense/oil/drug mafia friends.

Current "scary story lines" include Muslim extremism and global warming. The former is funded by Britain's M-15 and the Israeli Mossad and has, two warslater, proven to be a Wall Street goldmine. The latter, while difficult to refute in fact, is being used to further enrich the casino owners. Goldman Sachs will, for example, be the biggest beneficiary if cap and trade is initiated.

Should we arrest and prosecute Muslim extremists, like that blond-haired, green-eyed white woman in Pennsylvania? Certainly. Should we stop pumping CO2 into our atmosphere, even if we aren't facing catastrophe? Of course. But these things should not make us scared. Yet that is exactly what the establishment media wants to do. Fox News right-wing viewers are brainwashed to fear "the Muslims". CNN liberal-wing watchers are hypnotized to fear global warming. Both "scary story lines" have been utilized to both enrich the global elite and restrict our civil liberties.

Don't be scared!

Next time: the global elite's most potent psychological warfare weapon of all: neo-Darwinism and the dominance paradigm.


How to Rebel Against The Global Elite and New World Order
By chinplus, eHow Member

For those with knowledge of what the world elite is trying to do, and those with knowledge of biblical principals of the end times, you know that you want to rebel against the global elite. In this article I will teach you some of the best ways that you can rebel against their agenda for a New World Order.
Difficulty: ModerateInstructionsThings You'll Need:
Determination to rebel against the global elite.

1Raise strong healthy children avoiding all vaccines that contain mercury, thimerosol, and squalene. Teach your daughters to be strong women determined to love and respect their husbands and teach your sons to be strong chivalrous men who love and protect their families.

2Keep marriages sound and healthy. Men love your wife and women love your husband. Understand that media propaganda teaches us to destroy our families through movies, sitcoms, and televison shows.

3Ignore television as much as possible. Do away with it if you can. Understand that television is a complete waste of time and takes years off your life that you could be doing other things. 30 minutes of TV a day to a newborn until aged 90 equates to 3 years of awake hours in a lifetime. Remember that television is full of propaganda and messages to subliminally effect your judgment and rational as a human. It is also a tool used to desensitize you to numerous issues. As Anton LeVey - founder of the church of satan and author of the satanic bible once said "There is no better tool ever used by the church of satan than television".

Remember how many families are duly broken because of television (ignoring each other in the evenings) and how many children are being raised by their TV's.

4Do not drink water containing sodium fluoride. For most of America, this means our tap water. As sodium fluoride was first used in concentration camps, it is a mind numbing sumbstance that reduces IQ's as numerous Europian and Asian countries have found. Instead drink distilled or spring water, or water that has been purified of fluoride.

5Educate each other on constitutional law and form groups that will hold their local governments accountable for their votes. Always use the constitution as the authority and law of the land in any legal arguments.

6Remember that public schools are a social and community program where open prayer to God is not tolerated. Remember textbooks (such as the scholastic series) are often funded by elite organizations such as the Rockerfeller foundation.

7Use alternative and natural medicine to avoid the medical industrial complex. Many of you will be shocked to see how well these natural medications work.

8Try to avoid any type of debt as much as possible. If debt must be held, hold it with private credit unions. Do not "enslave" yourself by needing more money, rather free yourself by needing less money.

9Erase the social peer pressure. Natural housing, clothing, and alternative living is very practical and nice. Building homes free of code and in the wilderness is perfectly natural and people did this for centuries.

10Learn of sources for alternative energy and water sources. Some good things to know about are wind and solar for energy, and atmospheric water generators for water. Learn of water catchment systems and how to implement uses of these for standard living. Learn of solar water heaters and solar heating.

11Learn to cook. Make your body (your temple) healthy and strong. Do not eat processed foods as much as possible. Remember that natural food (the creation) is the most healthy for your body. Foods containing MSG's, Artificial Sweetners (aspartame) are very harmful to your body.

12Educate others of your life & lifestyle. Learn from each other, and thrive together as close knit communities free from social pressure

Throughout this entire thread, your theme is that we shouldn't point fingers at "who" lays at the heart of the conspiracy. Instead, you assert that we should remove their resources and systems from them.

From who? You must identify the group that is subverting the globe before you can attempt to strip them of their means. You're playing a couple cards that don't gel with reality, and I don't doubt for a minute that you are being advised or paid to do so.

12th October 2010, 01:38 PM
Again, whatever you think you can do to round up the criminals using simply identification of them, I can show you that it has never worked in the past and can not work..

Okay. Please do so.

12th October 2010, 01:51 PM
First, genetic testing - are you going to send a kit to every household and ask the head of household to test grandma and all the children?

IF all criminals came from Jewish parents and we were to genetically test them,


Testing bubbe ain't necessary since she's postmenopausal.


IF Jews really are only 2-3% of the population as they insist, and since we'd only have to test the reproducing portion, that leaves only + or - 1% to be tested
You could make it voluntary, just like the genetic testing Ashkenazis often voluntarily go through to detect their OTHER genetic diseases, like Canavan disease.


12th October 2010, 01:56 PM
And if the society were healthy,

IF all criminals were Jews:

then those Jews who refused genetic testing and then conceived and raised a child to adulthood who exhibited criminal behaviors, those parents would
be subjected to societal disapproval and ostracization just as today's parents of serial killers are.
If you made the parents financial liable for the crimes of their children knowingly conceived with the genetic propensity for criminality, then those parents would voluntarily decline to reproduce
Problem solved.

IF all criminals were Jews.

12th October 2010, 02:01 PM
I don't doubt for a minute that you are being advised or paid to do so.

Anyone who has followed me since the very early days at kitco through the 3000 posts at GIM1 and all the other forums I've posted to would know my uniqueness. I would love to be paid to write but I am not. If paid some day in the future or not, my beliefs do not allow me to be "advised" in the way you infer. While I don't ignore anyone, I do not bow down or take direction from any man.

I take your comments as an insult and usually when the debate turns to attacking the poster who presented the idea instead of debating the idea presented, the debate is OVER.

Again, whatever you think you can do to round up the criminals using simply identification of them, I can show you that it has never worked in the past and can not work..

Okay. Please do so.

I am not going to write down all the different scenarios that I have examined that come from history and my own analysis, there are too many possibilities to list them all even in a book. So You provide the scenario which you think will work, I will show you how it can not work.

If your scenario is to test all the people for their genetic makup and then round them all up from ages 1 month to 100 years and put them in some isolated location where they can not become criminals then lay out the details of how you plan to do that.

If your scenario is to make people responsible (financially or otherwise) for their crimes, then that has already been tried and under the current SYSTEMS of today only about 10% come to justice and far fewer than that pay restitution.

Once again,

WITHOUT FIRST TAKING OUT THE DEFENSES AND SUPPLY CHAIN (100% criminal and corrupt money systems) THAT TPTB HAVE SURROUNDED THEMSELVES WITH, significant progress toward fighting the criminals is fruitless.

12th October 2010, 02:12 PM
I don't doubt for a minute that you are being advised or paid to do so.

Anyone who has followed me since the very early days at kitco through the 3000 posts at GIM1 and all the other forums I've posted to would know my uniqueness. I would love to be paid to write but I am not. If paid some day in the future or not, my beliefs do not allow me to be "advised" in the way you infer. While I don't ignore anyone, I do not bow down or take direction from any man. I take your comments as an insult

I would also say that you don't look at history, and you don't ackowledge reality.
Whether you take it as an insult or not is inconsequential. I regret to inform you that I have not been following your 3000+ posts since kitco and GIM.

If you had followed my 5000+ posts at GIM, you would know that I originally thought that the BBG/CFR/TLC were the head of the octopus, and you would have seen me actually grow in knowledge due to my research, which has led me to the truth.

and usually when the debate turns to attacking the poster who presented the idea instead of debating the idea presented, the debate is OVER.

Bottom line is, they don't need money. Money serves as a tool to keep the blue collars enslaved, and nothing more. It's a transfer of wealth. They use it to amass land, equipment, precious metals, materials, you name it. Here is the part you're not understanding:
They have it already. Everything they need.

The only reason it works is because our society is too stupid to reject it. If we didn't use it, it wouldn't work. Do you know what would become the next form of currency at that point?

If you don't understand that money is an illusion that TPTB use to keep you busy and enslaved by now, then you are correct. The debate is truely over.

EDIT to add:
I don't believe that all criminals are jews, and I don't believe that all jews are criminals.
I do believe that the jews that are "in the know" are zionists, and they are all working towards global enslavement.

12th October 2010, 08:56 PM
The monarchies of 18th century Europe put them in charge...

Neuro....I just lost about a good effort of response to you. I apologize. And agonize :P
It's late for me right now, but suffice it to say, I'm sure we can pick this up down the line.
Bummer I know the feeling, another thing, power is rarely given it is taken. And certainly everyone is to some extent guilty of not taking the power back from the psychopaths. However the most important in taking the power back is to identify who has it

Back at ya, Neuro. Ya, last nite sucked. I had a really well put together response for you and then, poof......something went bad. I contemplated rewriting it but it was just too late.

Anyhow, what I wanted to say was that I did not want to appear to be baiting you last night.....I was more "putting it out there to see where you stood". I've always respected your opinion on these boards.

So back to your last statement....identify who has it. I agree with the question, but not your answer. No, this big problem we see in the world is not owned by the zionists.....they are only the administrators. It is much deeper than that. Let me be subtle......it is hardcore luciferianism.

I know not everyone looks at the world through a 'spiritual' view. But the signs are on the wall that everyone should start. Signs of the occult are in every corner of our existance (on our money, on corperate logos, in churches, in charitable halls, in universities, in government buildings, etc.)

The zionists, whom I would more rightly refer to as the synagogue of satan, are no more jewish (in God's eyes) than you or I (unless of course you are jewish ;D). They are working under the guise of Judaism, but are doing the work of satan. I believe that being led into distractive notions of the doings of this group or that are feeding right into the deciept of satans work. Satan exploits everyone. He has used commies, nazis, zionists, capitalists and every other 'ist' under the sun to accomplish his goals. The intricacies of his handiwork can not be attributed to a man, or a group of men. It is a supersized spirtitual performance.

Until one is willing to peel back some seriously disturbing layers on the onion, they will stop short of seeing the depths of this issue and the dire consequences of it for their lives.

Here is a link to an online book http://themurkynews.blogspot.com/ that does a very good job of tying in all the events of the past....false flags, mkultra mind control, satanic abuse rituals, bohemian grove, et phenom, cia, technology, corperate allegiance, culture, masons, nazism, false prophets etc. Even for someone without 'spiritual' leanings, this book is a MAJOR eye opener into how infiltrated the world is by satan work. I would suggest a full chapter by chapter read, utilizing the links. I don't subscribe to 100%, but for anyone willing to accept that so many incidents do not constitute a coincidence, this is one of the best reads I have found out there.

God bless.

12th October 2010, 09:10 PM
Amazing post, Bellevue. Where is the link?

12th October 2010, 09:21 PM
Amazing post, Bellevue. Where is the link?

duh, Sorry. It has been added.

12th October 2010, 09:35 PM
Here is a very good example.

Here are the Jesuit generals, down through the ages. No relation to each other....ya right. I'd say by looking at the depictions of them, there is more than a slight chance that some sort of bloodline has been maintained. Who's bloodline? More below

12th October 2010, 09:36 PM
and (more next post)

12th October 2010, 09:37 PM

12th October 2010, 09:38 PM
There are more. Should I continue??

12th October 2010, 09:51 PM
Why are prominent people sporting well known symbols for Baphomet?? Below are pictures of Alister Crowley displaying the occultic symbol for baphomet, and also images its use in Washington. Coincidence? Not when taken into account with the other bazillion examples.

12th October 2010, 09:56 PM
Why is Molech in DC??????

12th October 2010, 10:00 PM
Here is a very interesting picture on the bridge of an aircraft carrier...

This is the chap who buried the nasty Bay of Tonkin pain in the ass.

Next post is a picture of the young lad (his son) who is with him.

12th October 2010, 10:01 PM

12th October 2010, 10:14 PM
Even our evangilists???? Lot's of them. What you need to understand with the flashing of these signs, is that they are signals of allegiance.

12th October 2010, 10:18 PM
How does this happen in America? Did the jews design this building?

12th October 2010, 10:22 PM
And why is Arnie sporting a totenkopf???

12th October 2010, 10:23 PM
Maybe he's a nazi. I dunno. But his dad sure was one. Maybe he is the one who taught him how to strike a pose.

12th October 2010, 10:25 PM
I mean, he does like to hang out with nazi shock artist, Gottfried Helnwein.

12th October 2010, 10:33 PM
Do we have free will which can overcome upbringing and genetics? In fact, do we have free will at all? For the vast majority of us, the answer is no. To have free will you must be an individual. An individual is a conscious being with a will. Most people are double minded, and are made up of a collection of conflicting thoughts, desires, and feelings. They do not have a direction in life despite their desperate attempts to convince themselves they do. Only through conscious effort are people able to become individuals.

The "satanists" at the top are simply more spiritually developed atheists. As individuals with will, they can easily impose it on others who have no will. That is why they poison us (physically and non-physically), to keep us from solidifying into individuals with will.

12th October 2010, 10:46 PM

It makes sense a lot of what you post. I plan to think about that some more before trying to respond.


You are demonstrating that the rat hole is a giant maze and reaches far into every corner of the world. Many are those who worship the occult and those who gladly take orders from them. I do not believe we can expose them all and even if we could I doubt that we can get at them to bring them to justice for their crimes. We must stop paying them our taxes and we must stop using their money. That has to be step number one because the playing field is so uneven, and they are already so powerful and in control of so many corrupted systems. Step one will require the world to recognize the evil of taxation, and centralized financial institutions and govts. We must first level the playing field. And it is a cause worthy of the fight because I am not convinced that the future which 7th trump keeps posting is coming any day actually does come that soon. God may allow the world to fight this thing out for some time to come.

12th October 2010, 11:07 PM

It makes sense a lot of what you post. I plan to think about that some more before trying to respond.


You are demonstrating that the rat hole is a giant maze and reaches far into every corner of the world. Many are those who worship the occult and those who gladly take orders from them. I do not believe we can expose them all and even if we could I doubt that we can get at them to bring them to justice for their crimes. We must stop paying them our taxes and we must stop using their money. That has to be step number one because the playing field is so uneven, and they are already so powerful and in control of so many corrupted systems. Step one will require the world to recognize the evil of taxation, and centralized financial institutions and govts. We must first level the playing field. And it is a cause worthy of the fight because I am not convinced that the future which 7th trump keeps posting is coming any day actually does come that soon. God may allow the world to fight this thing out for some time to come.

It would appear to me from your response to vacuum that you don't really believe literally in satan. Out of curiousity, do you believe that some day, what 7 th trump espouses will, to some degree happen. If you don't believe in these issues literally, your viewpoint regarding my comments are much more understandable.

Whether the day comes in my lifetime, or not, changes not the point I am trying to make. The point is simple:

Satan is the architect of this world and of the plan to destroy mankind. He uses systems (money included) to do it. Forming an honest money system will not defeat satan. It is the other way around. When satan is destroyed there will be justice and righteousness. The point you seem to be missing is that as long as our primary advesary is around, everything around us will be a reflection of his plan to destroy us. Money is only one of his tools. Do you think in eternity we will all have gold and silver bank accounts? I think not.

If that is not what you believe, that is personal to you. If it were another way (no spiritual reality) I would say you are on the money ;D, but when you add a spiritual reality, I'm afraid you are going down a garden path. No offense intended.

12th October 2010, 11:09 PM
"Occult" simply means hidden. Hidden, not in the sense that someone conceals it from us, but in the sense that we cannot see it. When Jesus said "he who has ears, let him hear", he was talking about the occult. In fact, the Gospels are very occult - because things are hidden within them which only can be seen with spiritual development and meditation.

12th October 2010, 11:12 PM
"Occult" simply means hidden. Hidden, not in the sense that someone conceals it from us, but in the sense that we cannot see it. When Jesus said "he who has ears, let him hear", he was talking about the occult. In fact, the Gospels are very occult - because things are hidden within them which only can be seen with spiritual development and meditation.

If we are going to play semantics tag, I guess I'm it. Do you have any suggestions that would appease discontent with the choice of words? May I suggest "satanic"??

12th October 2010, 11:29 PM
"Occult" simply means hidden. Hidden, not in the sense that someone conceals it from us, but in the sense that we cannot see it. When Jesus said "he who has ears, let him hear", he was talking about the occult. In fact, the Gospels are very occult - because things are hidden within them which only can be seen with spiritual development and meditation.

If we are going to play semantics tag, I guess I'm it. Do you have any suggestions that would appease discontent with the choice of words? May I suggest "satanic"??

That would be fairly accurate but even that could be improved, I'd call them negative or service to self.

They actually feed on each other, and create a pyramid in doing so. Just like if your older brother torments you, and you in turn you torment your younger brother, so the top of the pyramid feeds on those lower than it. Its all about control in their spiritual path. They hide knowledge from those below them to keep that control.

So while there is no "satan" for them, there is always another higher than them which they serve, and always one below them which serves them.

I'm not trying play semantics here, just clarifying something.

13th October 2010, 12:39 AM
"Occult" simply means hidden. Hidden, not in the sense that someone conceals it from us, but in the sense that we cannot see it. When Jesus said "he who has ears, let him hear", he was talking about the occult. In fact, the Gospels are very occult - because things are hidden within them which only can be seen with spiritual development and meditation.

If we are going to play semantics tag, I guess I'm it. Do you have any suggestions that would appease discontent with the choice of words? May I suggest "satanic"??

That would be fairly accurate but even that could be improved, I'd call them negative or service to self.

They actually feed on each other, and create a pyramid in doing so. Just like if your older brother torments you, and you in turn you torment your younger brother, so the top of the pyramid feeds on those lower than it. Its all about control in their spiritual path. They hide knowledge from those below them to keep that control.

So while there is no "satan" for them, there is always another higher than them which they serve, and always one below them which serves them.

I'm not trying play semantics here, just clarifying something.

I disagree wholly. Satan is real. Picking on your underlings because you've been picked on by your superiours does not coordinate the intricate web that is evident in our world. That is a 'chaotic' route. The route satan has chosen is planned and executed.

13th October 2010, 04:00 AM
Regarding the pics you posted of Pat Robertson, he is using the "Lions Paw" symbol, which is widely known in te ranks of the illuminati and FMC. Both of which are jewish founded.


Here we have Anton Lavey, jewish founder of the Satanic Church


These are from here:


Look here from some more pics.

Ralph Epperson released a (poor quality) slideshow presentation on Youtube, and he covers the lions paw, showing a pile of pictures from prominant leaders, using the sign.

Bellevue, you are correct in your posts, stating that satan is the great deceiver, and that he deceives all people inclusively. No-one is safe from his betrayal, even his most loyal subjects. You are also correct in stating that it is not just the jews who have been lured by the glamour of satan and his promises of power and earthly prosperity.

The only thing is, I can't get around the fact that everytime I turn over a stone in this conspiracy, I find a satanic jew at the top.

It seems that the apostate jews are whoring after lucifer with more zeal than anyone else. That is not to say that there are non-jews that are whoring with lucifer as well, but holy shit man...

I don't have any hard and fast statistical numbers, so I can't estimate percentages, but it just seems like a higher percentage of elite jews are luciferians than other "races".

13th October 2010, 09:17 AM
It would appear to me from your response to vacuum that you don't really believe literally in satan. Out of curiousity, do you believe that some day, what 7 th trump espouses will, to some degree happen. If you don't believe in these issues literally, your viewpoint regarding my comments are much more understandable.

Whether the day comes in my lifetime, or not, changes not the point I am trying to make. The point is simple:

Satan is the architect of this world and of the plan to destroy mankind. He uses systems (money included) to do it. Forming an honest money system will not defeat satan. It is the other way around. When satan is destroyed there will be justice and righteousness. The point you seem to be missing is that as long as our primary advesary is around, everything around us will be a reflection of his plan to destroy us. Money is only one of his tools. Do you think in eternity we will all have gold and silver bank accounts? I think not.

If that is not what you believe, that is personal to you. If it were another way (no spiritual reality) I would say you are on the money ;D, but when you add a spiritual reality, I'm afraid you are going down a garden path. No offense intended.


Thank you for your reply, my response was a little unclear and I avoided really going into the details simply because at the time I was so tired that I really wasn't sure if I understood in depth what you and vacuum were posting.

As to your questions, I do believe much of what both you and 7th trump post about. But I'm very uncertain about the timelines. I think a lot of the details have become fuzzy over the years due to translation and interpretation. I also believe that there are powers at play which are beyond the realm of mortal humans. All that said though, I want to really emphasize that I don't like to go into my personal opinions on these matters, not because I'm afraid to do so, but because I don't think it is important to anyone but myself and I really want other members to tackle and debate the ideas presented without regard to the poster presenting them. I like the anonymous factor and firmly believe that the words themselves can be determined to be of value or of no value as they stand. Sure, sometimes members need more details or clarification regarding an idea which has been presented, but I really don't believe that who or where the poster is or comes from needs to enter the picture.

That's just MYHO on the matter. But it is also the essence of this thread.

For example, I believe that JFK and RFK had the true best interest of the nation at heart while they served the nation despite the fact that their parents and other siblings may have been quite evil. I don't think they were perfect, what human is? But I still believe that somebody can be born with strictly Jewish parents and even into a radical family and yet this person can still grow up to use their free will to break ranks and pursue goodness without regards to how it may impact their clan and even their inner family. (see Awoke's footer of that supposed self-proclaimed rabbi's opinion for an example of radical, stupid, evil). I believe those born to Jewish parents or to any parents have the ability to do this. I firmly believe that all it takes is a person to exercise thier God given free will for good over evil.

As to your remarks regarding "the criminals don't come to justice and the crimes won't go away until satan is defeated": Well, in a sense I agree, but that said, I still believe that more criminals can be brought to justice and crime can be reduced using the methods I have described (going after the "how" mechanisms first). And I believe that is what God would want us to do, go after the "how" mechanisms first and if more justice can be served then good, and God will take care of the missing pieces. I believe that we are here in this mortal world to at least try and reduce suffering and crime but in a way that does not rely on "the ends justify the means", something which for the most part and in most situations I believe to be wrong.

Anyway, both you and Awoke have been tying together a lot of loose ends and connecting a lot of dots in this thread, and even though it's still mostly about the "who" instead of the "how", I believe those details are worthy of open discussion. So thank you for providing all that information on this thread.

When members come out and say, "the Jew did it", or "the blacks are all inferior" - that is when I take the other side and point out how they are wrong and how even IF they were correct it still doesn't get you from point A to point B. I believe a significant reduction in crime would take place if we could simply equate the word tax with the word evil. If the entire world simply did that one thing, I think over the long run it would allow for the creation of systems which would be more in line with honesty and God given rights and values - a start in the right direction, giving less power and oportunity to criminals and sending more people into an honest and good direction. In the end, I agree that crime and evil won't vanish, but I also believe the reduction of crime to be a worthy goal and without using criminal means ourselves, we should pursue that goal.

13th October 2010, 09:54 AM
Thanks for the civilized post, FunnyMoney.

As to your questions, I do believe much of what both you and 7th trump post about. But I'm very uncertain about the timelines. I think a lot of the details have become fuzzy over the years due to translation and interpretation. I also believe that there are powers at play which are beyond the realm of mortal humans. All that said though, I want to really emphasize that I don't like to go into my personal opinions on these matters, not because I'm afraid to do so, but because I don't think it is important to anyone but myself and I really want other members to tackle and debate the ideas presented without regard to the poster presenting them. I like the anonymous factor and firmly believe that the words themselves can be determined to be of value or of no value as they stand. Sure, sometimes members need more details or clarification regarding an idea which has been presented, but I really don't believe that who or where the poster is or comes from needs to enter the picture.

I personally don't agree with this mindset. If you post here without associating your personal feeling and opinions, you are posting as an agitator. I don't understand how a person can continue to stay involved and engaged in this forum, without having their personal feelings an opinions...

...but, whatever floats your boat I guess. That being said, if anything, it affirms my original statement that I wouldn't be surprised if you were being directed to post the way you are, or being paid to do so.

For example, I believe that JFK and RFK had the true best interest of the nation at heart while they served the nation despite the fact that their parents and other siblings may have been quite evil. I don't think they were perfect, what human is?

And JFK paid dearly for speaking out against the shadowy cabal.

But I still believe that somebody can be born with strictly Jewish parents and even into a radical family and yet this person can still grow up to use their free will to break ranks and pursue goodness without regards to how it may impact their clan and even their inner family. (see Awoke's footer of that supposed self-proclaimed rabbi's opinion for an example of radical, stupid, evil). I believe those born to Jewish parents or to any parents have the ability to do this. I firmly believe that all it takes is a person to exercise thier God given free will for good over evil.


As to your remarks regarding "the criminals don't come to justice and the crimes won't go away until satan is defeated": Well, in a sense I agree, but that said, I still believe that more criminals can be brought to justice and crime can be reduced using the methods I have described (going after the "how" mechanisms first). And I believe that is what God would want us to do, go after the "how" mechanisms first and if more justice can be served then good, and God will take care of the missing pieces. I believe that we are here in this mortal world to at least try and reduce suffering and crime but in a way that does not rely on "the ends justify the means", something which for the most part and in most situations I believe to be wrong.

Anyway, both you and Awoke have been tying together a lot of loose ends and connecting a lot of dots in this thread, and even though it's still mostly about the "who" instead of the "how", I believe those details are worthy of open discussion. So thank you for providing all that information on this thread.

When members come out and say, "the Jew did it", or "the blacks are all inferior" - that is when I take the other side and point out how they are wrong and how even IF they were correct it still doesn't get you from point A to point B. I believe a significant reduction in crime would take place if we could simply equate the word tax with the word evil. If the entire world simply did that one thing, I think over the long run it would allow for the creation of systems which would be more in line with honesty and God given rights and values - a start in the right direction, giving less power and oportunity to criminals and sending more people into an honest and good direction. In the end, I agree that crime and evil won't vanish, but I also believe the reduction of crime to be a worthy goal and without using criminal means ourselves, we should pursue that goal.

I want to be clear on one thing. I am not advocating violence or vigilante justice against "the jew" or TPTB in any way. As Bellevue and 7th Trump put it, if you are with Christ now, you will be with Christ later. The ones that have stay true to Jesus will be taken with Jesus in the end, so my primary focus is prepping for WTSHTF so that I can provide for my family in any situation without relying on the apocalyptic system of the beast for food/drink/shelter.

That being said, I still stand by my conviction that removing the tools (the "how") that TPTB have at their disposal will not stop them, and will certainly not stop satan. Therefore I believe it is critical that people understand the "who" so that they can also prep for the worst and know who they have to protect their families from. Also, by knowing the "who", you can watch them and see the progress they are making, and the steps they are taking, and the measures they are litigating that are bringing us ever closer to the brink of satans plan for this world.

I don't think that you and I are necessarily in disagreement over the big picture, but I have to be honest and say that your plan of attack is impotent. Removing the "how" will not stop "the plan".

13th October 2010, 12:01 PM
If your scenario is to test all the people for their genetic makup and then round them all up from ages 1 month to 100 years and put them in some isolated location where they can not become criminals then lay out the details of how you plan to do that.

Strawman. I already told you that's not required. Address what I said. Or is that too difficult?

13th October 2010, 12:06 PM
Address what I said. Or is that too difficult?

What did you say again? There's been a lot of posts since then.

Provide your plan where fiat money and the corrupt systems are to remain in place and still gets from A to B with just a focus on who the big criminals are and what race they are from.

Just spell it out step by step, all I remember was something about genetic testing of some percentage of the population.

13th October 2010, 12:26 PM
? But I still believe that somebody can be born with strictly Jewish parents and even into a radical family and yet this person can still grow up to use their free will to break ranks and pursue goodness without regards to how it may impact their clan and even their inner family.

Beliefs are nice. So are teddy bears.

Meanwhile, back in reality: Yes, very, very, very occasionally it can happen that person born from strictly Jewish parents can break out and do other than stereotypically Jewish behaviors.
After all, mutations happen.

The wolf evolved into the dog, after all, because of gazillions of generations of selective breeding by hunter gatherers for tameness. Took a whole lot longer than a 1000 years, though. But anyone today fool enough to keep a wolf for a pet, arguing that because dogs exist, it must mean wolves are really quite nice and just misunderstood, is quite likely to get eaten for dinner.

Since this is an existential struggle for survival, where the Jews are embarked on a campaign of slow genocide of Whites of Christian heritage through pushing for mass immigration of non-Whites into their lands --
(and smearing any Whites who object as "racist" or "Nazi" or other slander, causing them to lose their employment, social isolation, etc,, in order to keep them from rising up in protest and throwing the invaders out)
***the Final Solution to the Aryan Question, in other words***
-- a couple of turncoats (from the Jewish perspective) won't save the White race. Not enough of 'em. Numbers matter.

13th October 2010, 12:31 PM
What did you say again? There's been a lot of posts since then.

Provide your plan where fiat money and the corrupt systems are to remain in place and still gets from A to B with just a focus on who the big criminals are and what race they are from.

Just spell it out step by step, all I remember was something about genetic testing of some percentage of the population.

You paying attention?

Where did you get the idea that I like fiat money?

*I* was providing a theoretical response to YOUR attribution (which I did NOT say) that "all Jews are criminals.


13th October 2010, 12:36 PM
*I* did not say that.
Misstating me to imply that I think ALL jews are criminals is a very stereotypically
Jewish tactic of dishonest arguing to misdirect the reader and to try to discredit the arguer as insanely incapable of nuance.

Reread my post. Every statement i made began with "IF" IF all criminals are Jews.

*I* did NOT say that all Jews ARE criminals. (OR that ALL criminals are jews) That was YOUR supposition.

Now, are you curious to hear MY actual opinions? OR do you want to continue to play this game?

13th October 2010, 12:56 PM
There is only one way of getting rid of the fiat system, to let it collapse under the weight of it's inherent corruption, I think we are on the way to that. In the ensuing chaos, their will be a window to deal with the responsible criminals, if you know who they are... If they are not dealt with, your grandchildren will be slaves too, to their grandchildren...

13th October 2010, 11:12 PM
It would appear to me from your response to vacuum that you don't really believe literally in satan. Out of curiousity, do you believe that some day, what 7 th trump espouses will, to some degree happen. If you don't believe in these issues literally, your viewpoint regarding my comments are much more understandable.

Whether the day comes in my lifetime, or not, changes not the point I am trying to make. The point is simple:

Satan is the architect of this world and of the plan to destroy mankind. He uses systems (money included) to do it. Forming an honest money system will not defeat satan. It is the other way around. When satan is destroyed there will be justice and righteousness. The point you seem to be missing is that as long as our primary advesary is around, everything around us will be a reflection of his plan to destroy us. Money is only one of his tools. Do you think in eternity we will all have gold and silver bank accounts? I think not.

If that is not what you believe, that is personal to you. If it were another way (no spiritual reality) I would say you are on the money ;D, but when you add a spiritual reality, I'm afraid you are going down a garden path. No offense intended.


Thank you for your reply, my response was a little unclear and I avoided really going into the details simply because at the time I was so tired that I really wasn't sure if I understood in depth what you and vacuum were posting.

As to your questions, I do believe much of what both you and 7th trump post about. But I'm very uncertain about the timelines. I think a lot of the details have become fuzzy over the years due to translation and interpretation. I also believe that there are powers at play which are beyond the realm of mortal humans. All that said though, I want to really emphasize that I don't like to go into my personal opinions on these matters, not because I'm afraid to do so, but because I don't think it is important to anyone but myself and I really want other members to tackle and debate the ideas presented without regard to the poster presenting them. I like the anonymous factor and firmly believe that the words themselves can be determined to be of value or of no value as they stand. Sure, sometimes members need more details or clarification regarding an idea which has been presented, but I really don't believe that who or where the poster is or comes from needs to enter the picture.

That's just MYHO on the matter. But it is also the essence of this thread.

For example, I believe that JFK and RFK had the true best interest of the nation at heart while they served the nation despite the fact that their parents and other siblings may have been quite evil. I don't think they were perfect, what human is? But I still believe that somebody can be born with strictly Jewish parents and even into a radical family and yet this person can still grow up to use their free will to break ranks and pursue goodness without regards to how it may impact their clan and even their inner family. (see Awoke's footer of that supposed self-proclaimed rabbi's opinion for an example of radical, stupid, evil). I believe those born to Jewish parents or to any parents have the ability to do this. I firmly believe that all it takes is a person to exercise thier God given free will for good over evil.

As to your remarks regarding "the criminals don't come to justice and the crimes won't go away until satan is defeated": Well, in a sense I agree, but that said, I still believe that more criminals can be brought to justice and crime can be reduced using the methods I have described (going after the "how" mechanisms first). And I believe that is what God would want us to do, go after the "how" mechanisms first and if more justice can be served then good, and God will take care of the missing pieces. I believe that we are here in this mortal world to at least try and reduce suffering and crime but in a way that does not rely on "the ends justify the means", something which for the most part and in most situations I believe to be wrong.

Anyway, both you and Awoke have been tying together a lot of loose ends and connecting a lot of dots in this thread, and even though it's still mostly about the "who" instead of the "how", I believe those details are worthy of open discussion. So thank you for providing all that information on this thread.

When members come out and say, "the Jew did it", or "the blacks are all inferior" - that is when I take the other side and point out how they are wrong and how even IF they were correct it still doesn't get you from point A to point B. I believe a significant reduction in crime would take place if we could simply equate the word tax with the word evil. If the entire world simply did that one thing, I think over the long run it would allow for the creation of systems which would be more in line with honesty and God given rights and values - a start in the right direction, giving less power and oportunity to criminals and sending more people into an honest and good direction. In the end, I agree that crime and evil won't vanish, but I also believe the reduction of crime to be a worthy goal and without using criminal means ourselves, we should pursue that goal.

The only comment that I would make regarding this is that when you elude to having beliefs that are related to the thread topic (ie, using terms like 'God's money'), but refuse to incorperate that side of your beliefs into the dialogue, the net result seems fractured and disingenuous. I don't neccessarily think that is the case, but I can see that others here certainly do.

Unquestionably, in my mind, the free will of man (God given), will always trump that of genetic lineage. To state anything less is absurd. For those that think every 'jew' is a piece of trash, I would inquire how that makes them any different from the 'jew' who thinks every 'goyim' is cattle. I would also think that for any authentic believer to adopt such a view, they certainly have not read scripture. Revelation describes "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes..." (Rev.7:9).

We each have our own opinions. I respect yours. It becomes an issue of balance, hope vs defeatism.
We hope to be able to change stuff, but realize that things are likely set in stone, and for a reason. And I don't necessarily use the word defeatism in a negative way. We may be defeated in our ability to change a luciferian system, but that has been sanctified for the greater good of complete victory. I hope that's not too confusing....let me know, I could try to restate it if it is. ;)

Well, I think that individuals like Awoke, and myself, as well as a few others, actually get it. But not really many more than that. The conspiracy does not stop at the 'jews'......it starts there. It isn't a pleasant trip. I'd almost rather not know.

I guess what you are saying is that there are no absolutes and there is absolutely no easy answer. I agree on both points.

14th October 2010, 07:11 AM
For those that think every 'jew' is a piece of trash, I would inquire how that makes them any different from the 'jew' who thinks every 'goyim' is cattle.

Hey, it may not be "nice" to use Jewish tactics right back at 'em (i.e., if every goyim is cattle, then every jew is trash) but this is an existential struggle, a struggle for our very survival as a people.

If we continue this foolhardy program of unilateral disarmament,

that is, trusting Jews to be honorable, because it's not "nice" to generalize or stereotype, when they've demonstrated, by advocating for flooding our countries with aliens, that they are NOT trustworthy,

then White Euros of Christian heritage will cease to exist upon the earth.

If this were being done to any other populace it would be called what it is: slow genocide, and the Jews are doing it to US.

14th October 2010, 07:13 AM
BOB'S MANTRA http://whitakeronline.org/bobsmantra.htm
"Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries."

"The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them."

"Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites."

"What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?"

"How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?"

"And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?"

"But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews."

"They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white."

"Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

14th October 2010, 09:45 AM
Yes, the luciferian jews continue to push immigration in every "sovereign" country on the face of the earth, except for israel.

The watering-down of individuality and national pride continue, with the intention of eroding our patriotism, and dedication to whatever land we consider our home. A total loss of national identity is in the making, and you will be cursed by the multitudes if you are proud to be white, and of Irish, German, Scottish descent, etc. Compound that curse by a million if you are a Christian.

The proof is in the pudding, and I can prove that the Lucies (Luciferian jews and their helpers) are behind every maneuver that has been made to lead us to the brink of satanic destruction, so there is no point in arguing the point. This thread has been fantastic, and full of great opinions, viewpoints and alternative answers/approaches. As much as I have enjoyed this thread and the contents that you have all posted, the truth is the truth, and the lucies continue to conspire and destroy.

Another thing I wanted to mention, FunnyMoney, is that you made a reference to my signature line, and used it as an example of how a small minority of jews can think in extremeist terms, but asserted that that is not the norm.
I would beg to differ.

Non-Jews as seen in the Jewish Talmud:

"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. THEY ARE BEASTS." TALMUD: Baba Mezia, 114b (page referrals).

"The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture says to honor the dog more than the non-Jew." TALMUD:Ereget Raschi Erod, 22 30.

"Even though God created the non-Jew they are still ANIMALS in human form. It is not becoming of a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form." TALMUD: Midrasch Talpioth, p 225, Warsaw 1855.

"A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant ANIMAL." TALMUD: Coschen Hamischpat 405.

"Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew as a monkey to a human." TALMUD: Schene luchoth haberuth, p 250b.

"The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called PIGS." TALMUD: Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b.

"If you eat with a non-Jew it is the same as eating with a dog." TALMUD: Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b.

"If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell the Jew: "God will replace 'your loss', just as if one of his animals had died."" TALMUD: Jore Dea 377.

"Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals." TALMUD: Sanhedrin 74b.


"It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah." TALMUD: Coschen Hamischpat, Hagah 425.

"A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands." TALMUD: Abodah Zara, 4b.

"Every Jew who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God." TALMUD: Bammidber raba c 21 & jalkut 772.


BTW, my new term for the luciferian conspirators is "Lucies", which encompasses any ashkenazi jews, sephardic jews and their goyim servants who pay fealty to lucifer. So if you see the term Lucies, you know I am talking about the satanic plotters.

16th October 2010, 02:44 PM
Maybe he's a nazi. I dunno. But his dad sure was one. Maybe he is the one who taught him how to strike a pose.

This IS more real, than you think.

The conspiracy between royal neocon-nazi bankers & jewish rabbis is well known throughout most the western world...

Each evil hand washes the other, from deep within the the Finish countryside they operate.

If this is my last post, you know why...

16th October 2010, 06:07 PM
Maybe he's a nazi. I dunno. But his dad sure was one. Maybe he is the one who taught him how to strike a pose.

This IS more real, than you think.

I was certainly implying that. ;)

16th October 2010, 08:37 PM
I don't doubt for a minute that you are being advised or paid to do so.

I take your comments as an insult and usually when the debate turns to attacking the poster who presented the idea instead of debating the idea presented, the debate is OVER.


Awoke was actually complimenting you in assuming that you post this stuff for a huge monthly shekel salary rather than just flogging your Megaphone Desktop Tool (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaphone_desktop_tool) for free.


Awoke mopped the floor with you in this entire thread. Point for point he exposed your distracting red herrings.

16th October 2010, 08:54 PM
I don't doubt for a minute that you are being advised or paid to do so.

I take your comments as an insult and usually when the debate turns to attacking the poster who presented the idea instead of debating the idea presented, the debate is OVER.


Awoke was actually complimenting you in assuming that you post this stuff for a huge monthly shekel salary rather than just flogging your Megaphone Desktop Tool (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaphone_desktop_tool) for free.


Awoke mopped the floor with you in this entire thread. Point for point he exposed your distracting red herrings.

I never see threads like this referencing you mopping the floor with anybody in any debate. You just seem to bring your picture book and a list of insults. How can you seriously expect to maintain any credibility? Or maybe credibility is not your thing?? Maybe you are getting paid. You certainly take away more than you contribute.....

23rd December 2010, 12:58 PM
The pictures that book chooses to post always speak volumes, and are always on topic. Some people here are not witty enough to make the connection, but I find he is always on point.

In regards to jewish communism, and "Double agents inside TPTB":
