View Full Version : Reading around..................by me.

11th October 2010, 10:47 AM
Prices for Fed X and UPS are going up on the first around 5.8 to 6.6%...............bacon is going up , coffee is going up, eggs is going up tp is going up ...................from now on and little by little you will see the prices of everythign going up........... the name of the game is to see how high they can do it, and how fast, before you pull a raid on their stores................BUT UP THEY WILL GO.

Because I have decided that I have to much fiat at hand, in a few minute I'll be taking a trip to Wallys and buy more more shorts, soxs and so on.........also the bundles of raw material to make more stuff......already have two sweing machines and a loe of needles and threads..............time is short folks, better get ready.

Less containers coming in from China and many more parked in ports till tomeone pays them to unload.......

11th October 2010, 10:50 AM
i've been looking at food really closely, apart from coffee, everything near me is going down in price.


i went to gander mountain and cabelas this weekend. in both stores, prices were literally up 50% on some items. a box of generic .270 ammo is now over $22. it was $15 last year. a gas campstove is approaching $70 with tax. i bought one last year, the same stove, for $42. almost everything in these 2 store i visited was exploding in price.

11th October 2010, 02:10 PM
Just came back from my store and after standing there for ten minutes I notice that those buying the most food are those with a food stamp card.......those with cash buying only about 30% as those on food stamps.

The end is here folks, the end is here :boohoo

Silver Rocket Bitches!
11th October 2010, 02:15 PM
Just came back from my store and after standing there for ten minutes I notice that those buying the most food are those with a food stamp card.......those with cash buying only about 30% as those on food stamps.

The end is here folks, the end is here :boohoo

And you'll also notice the ones paying with cash are the ones buying the store brand items or using coupons.

The ones with the SNAP cards splurge on the national brand items, because, hey, it's free food. May as well eat like a king.

11th October 2010, 02:29 PM
Just came back from my store and after standing there for ten minutes I notice that those buying the most food are those with a food stamp card.......those with cash buying only about 30% as those on food stamps.

The end is here folks, the end is here :boohoo

And you'll also notice the ones paying with cash are the ones buying the store brand items or using coupons.

The ones with the SNAP cards splurge on the national brand items, because, hey, it's free food. May as well eat like a king.

They could be selling the high end stuff for 30 cents on the dollar in the parking lot for crack/beer money.

11th October 2010, 11:23 PM
How do you identify the food stamp cards vs a debit or credit card that is not food stamps?

Just sayin

1970 silver art
12th October 2010, 04:07 AM
The necessities you need in order to live are going up in price. Too bad my paycheck is not going up at the same rate that everything else is but that is not affecting me yet because I am still able to live comfortably as a single person with no children to take care of.

I am speaking from my personal experience when I say the following...........

The fewer monthly bills that you have, the better off you will be in the long run.

12th October 2010, 05:17 AM
They could be selling the high end stuff for 30 cents on the dollar in the parking lot for crack/beer money.
They buy returnable stuff that can be exchanged for store credit with no receipt, then buy beer.

12th October 2010, 06:26 AM
How do you identify the food stamp cards vs a debit or credit card that is not food stamps?

Just sayin

The card is an EBT card and does not look like the usual credit/debit. I've seen them at the grocery store in use. Here is a google image search:

LINK (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch:1&q=ebt+food+stamp+card&revid=241749770&sa=X&ei=1mG0TN-4BYO8lQfetJHkCQ&ved=0CCMQ1QIoAA&biw=1141&bih=648)

Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th October 2010, 07:23 AM
They could be selling the high end stuff for 30 cents on the dollar in the parking lot for crack/beer money.

I've heard stories of the actual cards themselves being sold for 70 cents or so on the dollar. You go into the store and use the card and there is absolutely no identification needed. Apparently this is a popular way to score drugs off the street.

Talk about a broken system.

12th October 2010, 07:28 AM
Illinois's Link Card


12th October 2010, 09:34 AM
Miky Mouse........the food stamps ir Oregon have a covered wagon on the front......easy to see.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th October 2010, 10:20 AM
Here's what Michigan's looks like. They actually started accepting these at school fundraisers. I sh!t you not.


12th October 2010, 10:22 AM
They take them at some Farmers Markets in ILL.

The poor need veggies too.