View Full Version : political ads are now being run against people not even running for office

12th October 2010, 05:36 AM
what do you make of this?

some organization called "american jobs first" is now running ads on my local radio station against people who aren't even up for election. so far, i have heard ads against 1 member of the school board,2 city council people, and a judge. none of these people are even up for re-election, they're in for another couple of years.

they're kind of vicious attack ads too. i don't know what to make of it. why run attack attack against people not even running for re-election? it started yesterday, heard them several times this morning already. :conf:

12th October 2010, 06:22 AM
what do you make of this?

some organization called "american jobs first" is now running ads on my local radio station against people who aren't even up for election. so far, i have heard ads against 1 member of the school board,2 city council people, and a judge. none of these people are even up for re-election, they're in for another couple of years.

they're kind of vicious attack ads too. i don't know what to make of it. why run attack attack against people not even running for re-election? it started yesterday, heard them several times this morning already. :conf:

Thinking ahead maybe?

Think of it like planning a garden ,prep the soil, planting the seeds, tending the plants, and then enjoy the harvest!

What the adds you are seeing may be the planting of seeds in peoples minds early and if the adds keep up that is tending the ideal and then when elections come up that is the harvest.

That is one reason I can see attacking these office holders now can be. Poison the ground early and often to bring the ones targeted down when they are up for election.


12th October 2010, 06:31 AM
what i found weird was that the ads are "these people favor shipping american jobs overseas" type stuff.

WTF? how does a judge, a city council guy (okay, maybe i can see that one) or a school board person ship jobs overseas?

12th October 2010, 06:49 AM
what i found weird was that the ads are "these people favor shipping american jobs overseas" type stuff.

WTF? how does a judge, a city council guy (okay, maybe i can see that one) or a school board person ship jobs overseas?

Trashing character by telling lies, Truth what is truth? We see on these forums the same kind of actions against members on forums. "If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth" By Joseph Goebbels.
http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels Some of our skinhead types do this all the time trying to rewrite history. By pushing their "Truth" it is an attempt to rewrite what was real.

So smear and slander is in the tool box of the ones targeting these people so by the time they are up for election , maybe enough minds have been turned so these people get voted out.

Just a thought.