View Full Version : best prep ever (after food, water, + ammo)

12th October 2010, 07:35 AM
EVERYONE has something that run on these.

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnxxXJqnaXoDFhZxS8WxhqjXk8VDII9 mo4zAmOvWbxEpRaPbw&t=1&usg=__kNAY_mdkjvLwEG52OtnDSAboOTc=

you can't go wrong. stockpile a 100 of them or so for trade.

12th October 2010, 08:26 AM

Half Sense
12th October 2010, 12:09 PM
Harbor Freight has a $20 coupler that allows you to refill the small tanks from a larger tank.

12th October 2010, 04:27 PM
I understand the value of those but I specificaly planed my bug in and bug out items to not need propane or batteries.

So if I did it would be for trade only.

13th October 2010, 06:59 AM
I understand the value of those but I specificaly planed my bug in and bug out items to not need propane or batteries.

So if I did it would be for trade only.

how are you doing heat???? :conf:

wood stoves?

13th October 2010, 09:16 AM
bug in I use a wood stove.

bug out. I use sterno stoves with chafing dish fuel instead of sterno it gives me 8 hours of heat. in a extremly small container the chaffing dish fuel can fits inside the tin camping cup which fits inside my aluminum pot. that set up will last as long as my food will and it weighs about 1/3 of a stove even my MSR ultralight stove weighs more than that setup.

Other uses mainly camping/hunting not SHTF, I have liquid multi fuel stoves and lanterns they burn most any liquid fuel.

I got away from propane long ago. I do camping in some rough enviroments and propane only works well when it is above freezing and it does not flash to gas at all when it is bellow zero. That is why they bury the tanks below the frost line in cold country.

13th October 2010, 10:44 AM
Harbor Freight has a $20 coupler that allows you to refill the small tanks from a larger tank.

It's actually on sale for $17.99. I just may pick one up. Thanks

15th October 2010, 08:03 PM
EVERYONE has something that run on these.

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnxxXJqnaXoDFhZxS8WxhqjXk8VDII9 mo4zAmOvWbxEpRaPbw&t=1&usg=__kNAY_mdkjvLwEG52OtnDSAboOTc=

you can't go wrong. stockpile a 100 of them or so for trade.

I've got a thousand gallon tank. Why would I need piddly little tanks like that ;D Actually I have stock piled quite a few myself. Good advice

15th October 2010, 08:22 PM
Our tank is only a few hundred gallons I haves lots of those little ones stacked in out seatrain container...we have a couple little heaters that run on them and and a couple campstoves that use them too.

I would like to find a hose that would let me use a five gallon tank on those...anyone know where I can find one?

15th October 2010, 08:24 PM
Our tank is only a few hundred gallons I haves lots of those little ones stacked in out seatrain container...we have a couple little heaters that run on them and and a couple campstoves that use them too.

I would like to find a hose that would let me use a five gallon tank on those...anyone know where I can find one?

I found mine at ace hardware.

15th October 2010, 08:34 PM
As far as camp stoves are concerned, nothing works better than propane. Very reliable and puts out plenty of heat. No cussing, flooding or blackening of cookware like white gas stoves.

I haven't tried the bottle refilling adaptors and I'm a bit skeptical of them. Propane is a gas is a liquid. The filling would have to be a liquid transfer. You can't get liquid out of a propane tank without turning it upside down.
Anyone actually used them?

15th October 2010, 11:00 PM
As far as camp stoves are concerned, nothing works better than propane. Very reliable and puts out plenty of heat. No cussing, flooding or blackening of cookware like white gas stoves.

I will agree UNTILL you get below freezing then you are eating raw food when the propane will not flash to gas.

16th October 2010, 06:06 AM
I will agree UNTILL you get below freezing then you are eating raw food when the propane will not flash to gas.

I never had any problem using it in the teens.

16th October 2010, 07:32 AM
I will agree UNTILL you get below freezing then you are eating raw food when the propane will not flash to gas.

I never had any problem using it in the teens.

I've used propane cylinders all over Northern Canada with various heater types (catalytics, blowers) and have never really had a problem with it. I mean I'm talking ice fishing in -20C. I will say, at those temps, you do leave some at the bottom of the cylinder. Any problems I have ever encountered have been more to do with sealing the unit up against a frozen o-ring on the heating implement.

16th October 2010, 09:45 AM
As far as camp stoves are concerned, nothing works better than propane. Very reliable and puts out plenty of heat. No cussing, flooding or blackening of cookware like white gas stoves.

I will agree UNTILL you get below freezing then you are eating raw food when the propane will not flash to gas.

Shoot I don't think I would want to be anywhere near Freezing temps in a SHTF scenario.... Brrrr :imskerd: