View Full Version : Pinkwashing

Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th October 2010, 11:25 AM
(NaturalNews) Breast cancer awareness "pink" campaigns are nothing new, with billboards, bracelets, bumper stickers, clothing, and even consumer products plastered in the bright color as a reminder about the deadly disease. But many are growing weary of the never-ending media blitz, including the advocacy group Breast Cancer Action (BCA), because breast cancer a
wareness has largely become nothing more than a marketing ploy for major companies to sell more products, including many that actually cause cancer.

Take Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), for instance. Earlier this year, KFC launched a "Buckets for the Cure" campaign that promised to donate 50 cents from every bucket of fried chicken sold to "end breast cancer forever." Too bad KFC's chicken is loaded with cancer-causing chemicals like monosodium glutamate (MSG) and fried in trans-fat oils.

"KFC sells products that are salt- and fat-laden, and injected with hormones, and they are the subject of a lawsuit in California about a potential carcinogen that they use in the processing of their chicken," explained Samantha King, author of Pink Ribbons Inc. and associate professor at Queen's University, to CTV.ca.

More recently, Mike's Hard Lemonade and Chambord Vodka both launched pink campaigns to promote their alcohol. Alcohol consumption, of course, is linked to causing cancer.

Back in 2002, both Yoplait and Dannon painted their yogurt products pink, even though the milk used in their production came from cows treated with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). Despite reassurances from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that rBGH is safe, the artificial hormone chemical actually contributes to causing cancer.

And a Canadian gas station chain covers their stations in pink ribbons every year, even though the pollution caused by burned gasoline is linked cancer as well.

In 2002, BCA launched the "Think Before You Pink" campaign to urge consumers to consider whether the pink products they purchase are actually contributing to a good cause or not. Thanks in part to the campaign, overwhelming pressure from consumers caused both Dannon and Yoplait to stop using rBGH milk in their yogurts, and BCA hopes the same will happen with other companies that have "pinkwashed" their cancer-causing products.

Consumers should also beware of breast cancer awareness programs in general. Breast cancer can already be both prevented and treated through proper nutrition and supplementation with powerful herbs and medicinal foods. To learn more about breast cancer, please visit:


12th October 2010, 12:14 PM
I recall reading somewhere that FAR more men die of Prostate cancer than women do of breast cancer, but Prostate cancer gets less than 1/6 the funding of breast cancer due to the "pink ribbon" and "save the tattas" campaign memes. Can anyone verify?

12th October 2010, 12:23 PM
I recall reading somewhere that FAR more men die of Prostate cancer than women do of breast cancer, but Prostate cancer gets less than 1/6 the funding of breast cancer due to the "pink ribbon" and "save the tattas" campaign memes. Can anyone verify?
I've heard similar. One important differentiation is that surviving prostate cancer is generally regarded as a 100% improvement while mastectomies destroy a person's image and psyche. It's simply a more visible cancer. Both cancers are typically easily detected and treated with diligent examinations. Another possible consideration is that men are avoiding examination far longer and more frequently than women so they die when the woman survives.

12th October 2010, 12:42 PM
Interesting. I was thinking the same thing last week; the pink ribbon campaign has become ubiquitous. Have we not reached saturated heightened awareness on this cause?

12th October 2010, 12:48 PM
For the guys, we would need a "Blue Balls" campaign.


12th October 2010, 01:23 PM
For the guys, we would need a "Blue Balls" campaign.


"Save the Schlongs" ? ;D

Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th October 2010, 01:32 PM
Interesting. I was thinking the same thing last week; the pink ribbon campaign has become ubiquitous. Have we not reached saturated heightened awareness on this cause?

I believe so. I watched football on Sunday and saw pink cleats, pink mouthguards, pink armbands, pink towels, pink gloves, etc. Why not just make the damn football hot pink??

And the tag lines for this disease have really detracted from the seriousness of the campaign. ie "save the ta tas."

Rather than awareness, it's become almost a celebration of what was once a unheard of disease.

12th October 2010, 01:42 PM
Rather than awareness, it's become almost a celebration of what was once a unheard of disease.

Money generator/sucker. I find it hard to believe with the 100's of billions thrown at cancer that no cure has been found.

Think of the bureaucracy that is behind the whole breast cancer song and dance.

Off the top of my head, I would see tapping the NFL and its mass exposure to generous fans who will buy the pink variety of the merchandise. Hey the wife will watch football now with her pink jersey.

But boobs will always generate passion. It's someone's mom, sister, wife, daughter, girlfriend, etc.

Who wants to imagine a prostate exam anyway? I don't.

12th October 2010, 02:00 PM
& the kicker is breast cancer isn't even the #1 cause of death for women, it's heart disease.

12th October 2010, 02:47 PM
The article makes a great point too - why NOT call it breast cancer prevention month instead??? I don't trust the Komen Foundation, sorry. They sure are raking in some cash now.

12th October 2010, 04:19 PM
& the kicker is breast cancer isn't even the #1 cause of death for women, it's heart disease.

Maybe so, but Big Pharma can't rake in the dough with Heart Disease, because we already know how to avoid it. So shhhhhhhhhhh! You'll make people ask questions!
They NEED breast Cancer to perpetrate the lie that they are actually doing research to find cures for illnesses.

15th October 2010, 11:52 AM
Kind of like tobacco companies campaigning against smoking... in other related news...

Let’s Hear It for the Boy

Every October, the flood of pink ribbons and information about breast cancer can mean only one thing: Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

We hear about the 200,000 women who fight breast cancer every year, and we honor those who lost the fight.

What we don’t hear about are the men standing behind those women, who are just as affected by their cancer diagnoses.

Marc Heyison was one of those guys. In 1992, when he was 29, he heard what he calls the five most horrific words he had ever heard: “Your mother has breast cancer.”

Heyison is 47 now, but he still feels the agony of that day. He remembers that he felt like a little boy, scared that his mother, Gloria, was going to die. His family rallied around the woman who was “their foundation,” and they braced for the scariest ride of their life, doing all they could to be there for her.

“One of us was always there for my mom’s treatment appointments, and I thought that was the norm," Heyison told FoxNews.com. "But when I saw women there by themselves, I couldn’t understand that.”

Heyison’s experience taught him how tough it was to provide the right kind of support for his mother. Seven years later, he started Men Against Breast Cancer (MABC), a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate men on their responsibilities as caregivers. Soon after, MABC became the first organization of its kind to receive a $1.1 million grant from the Centers for Disease Control.

“Men are incredible caregivers when given the opportunity. But they are underserved in education about support,” he said.

Since starting MABC, Heyison said he has been overwhelmed by the number of men who show a need for support for themselves, that they unfortunately find is not addressed in other places.

“It’s bittersweet, because I am proud of what we have accomplished, but there should be a thousand organizations like us, it should be the norm,” he said...
Chris Wrobel, of Prior Lake, Minn., found out firsthand how important his support was when his wife, Kaylynn, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer five years ago during a baseline mammogram.

Wrobel, 44, feeling shocked and lost, tried to find the help he needed for himself, and found the majority of the information was for patients, not the caregiver.

“At the clinic she went to, they said, ‘Here is some information,' and it was a tri-fold paper that said what to expect, and to be supportive," he recalled. "Well that’s not really enough. You need more than that. I tried to get help, but there was nothing there to go to.”

Kaylynn found out about MABC and told her husband he needed help dealing with her illness. He made the call, and five years later, he is on the board of directors.

“I felt like, I’m not by myself. All of these guys are in the exact same boat. We are all in this position together,” he said.

Wrobel met with other men who could relate to how he was feeling and could discuss the right things to do in the toughest situations.

“What destroyed me the most was the first day of chemo; holding her hand, saying, ‘Honey I love you, we are in this together,’ and knowing they were pumping her full of poison to kill the bad stuff, and that it was killing the good stuff too,” he said.

Wrobel and his wife made it through the chemotherapy and a double mastectomy. Now, he said, he wants to help other men realize that in order to help their loved ones, they need to help themselves.

“It’s frustrating that I have to watch my fellow man go through what I have gone through and not have help. People haven’t caught on. After it’s over, it’s not the same life you had before, it is different,” he said.

A common theme that both experts and men who have gone through cancer with a loved one can agree on is that generally, when men see a problem, they tend to feel like they can fix it. This is an issue when faced with supporting a breast cancer patient, where the caregiver must stand by them and let the treatments do the work....
Coomer said in her experience, one of the most important things a man can do to support a woman during breast cancer treatments is to make her feel beautiful.

“Remind her you love her for who she is and not what she looks like,” she said.

MABC addresses all different aspects of support for men, from sexual intimacy, to fear of death, and even when to just get out of the way.

“You don’t want to baby her. If she wants to cook dinner, you’ve got to get the hell out of the kitchen. It gives her a sense of power and normalcy,” Heyison said.

Overall, women need to know that men feel fear and helplessness, and are afraid they are going to die; it makes them feel connected to the person they love.

“A big step is just admitting the fact that strength isn’t necessarily making a muscle, but just telling her that you are scared,” Heyison said.

Russell Cooks found his strength when he learned that his ex-wife Celena was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 37. He said he knew it was God’s plan for him to step up and support her.

Although they were no longer together, Russell traveled 80 miles each way, every day, to her home in Atlanta to take care of Celena and their three children.

“The most difficult part was that she was in a place psychologically where she was not feeling like a whole person, not feeling as pretty; feeling like a part of her was gone,” Cooks said. “I went to MABC, and it helped me to be able to deal with that.”

At the end of her treatment, Cooks’ wife underwent a bilateral mastectomy, and he never left. Five months later, they remarried. Now Cooks, also a MABC board member, calls their fight against breast cancer a “family crusade.”

“For men, there is no way to avoid the fight; you are going to be part of it no matter what. The sooner we get involved, the better results we are going to have, and give women the support system they need,” he said.


15th October 2010, 11:58 AM
I don't know how you women walk around with those things.

15th October 2010, 12:30 PM
If I had any, I would play with them all day and all night.

I doubt I would ever leave the house.


Joe King
15th October 2010, 01:11 PM
I recall reading somewhere that FAR more men die of Prostate cancer than women do of breast cancer, but Prostate cancer gets less than 1/6 the funding of breast cancer due to the "pink ribbon" and "save the tattas" campaign memes. Can anyone verify?

Apparently more people care about womens ta-tas than care about our prostates.
Maybe it's because the latter mostly affects men after their prime, and the former is much more "visible"?

Or maybe it's just the marketing.

& the kicker is breast cancer isn't even the #1 cause of death for women, it's heart disease.

As far as "what kills", I always liked the way the chart in this link puts it. (http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/2685/oddsdying8.jpg)
i.e. if you don't lead a sedintary life, stay happy (http://i.ehow.com/images/a05/8i/li/happy-stay-happy-200X200.jpg), avoid cars and don't fall down while trying not to get shot, you've got pretty good chances of lasting longer than not.

I think the thing about cancer is that in most cases there's probably not a lot a person could have done differently to have prevented it.

15th October 2010, 07:30 PM
I read years ago that breast cancer was unheard of until bra's were invented. I told my wife that and she goes around home mostly braless. I kinda like that... 8)

15th October 2010, 08:57 PM
For what it's worth, at my former place of employment, they had a fundraiser for both prostate cancer and breast cancer on the same day. They sold little blue and little pink lapel pins. I called it the "boobs and balls" event, and for some reason my co-workers got a kick out of that. :D

15th November 2011, 11:42 AM
Interesting. I was thinking the same thing last week; the pink ribbon campaign has become ubiquitous. Have we not reached saturated heightened awareness on this cause?
That may not be possible.

This may also help explain all the running in circles.

Chemotherapy 'could cause brain damage' in breast cancer patients (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2061793/Chemotherapy-cause-brain-damage-breast-cancer-patients.html)

dailymail.co.uk Nov.15, 2011

Chemotherapy could cause brain damage in breast cancer patients scientists have warned.
A groundbreaking study discovered that breast cancer patients who had undergone the treatment - which uses medicine to kill cancerous cells - had significantly less activity in parts of the brain responsible for memory and planning compared to those who were not treated.
Researchers from Stanford University believe the findings could explain the phenomenon 'chemo brain' - a term used to describe foggy thinking and memory lapses following chemotherapy sessions.

The study, published in the Archives of Neurology supports previous findings, and cancer patients have long complained of neurological side effects such as short-term memory loss and, in extreme cases, vision loss, and even dementia following chemotherapy.
But doctors have traditionally dismissed these complaints attributing them to stress caused by cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Old Herb Lady
15th November 2011, 12:02 PM
I read years ago that breast cancer was unheard of until bra's were invented. I told my wife that and she goes around home mostly braless. I kinda like that... 8)

Very spot on Skiddo ! Particularly the UNDERWIRE bra restricts the lymphatic drainage which involves the lymph nodes in the armpit area.
So women will find a lump in their breast or under the arm from the accumulated toxins being unable to drain/cleanse.


They remove the lymph node under the arm. That lymph node is a GOD SEND.
CUT IT OUT and you have NO chance of a natural recovery from breast cancer.

LEAVE IT IN & cleanse the blood,drink distilled water & massage bewbies twice a day and wear a sports bra or NO bra.

15th November 2011, 02:21 PM
I dunno, I am a very big fan of underwire bras for my very heavy girls. I wear one 24/7, except when I'm bathing or having fun with dh. So far so good, but I'm also careful to take a lot of vitamin D in the winter or sunbathe when I can here in sunny soCal.

15th November 2011, 02:23 PM
The girls are still pointing forward instead of down, which I think is quite an accomplishment for a middle-aged woman who breastfed for almost five years. ;)

15th November 2011, 03:27 PM
can't help but wonder if there a correlation between the rBST & other hormones they put in milk & the increased breast cancer rates in young women that have occurred the last 30 years.

15th November 2011, 03:51 PM
i knew the pink stuff had jumped the shark when i found out my garbage collection company would give you a pink garbage can for an extra "donation."

you can get all of this stuff from my garbage company:


keep in mind, we're talking about garbage here. maybe they can do pink sparkplugs or pink colored hammers next.

15th November 2011, 04:01 PM
i knew the pink stuff had jumped the shark when i found out my garbage collection company would give you a pink garbage can for an extra "donation."

you can get all of this stuff from my garbage company:


keep in mind, we're talking about garbage here. maybe they can do pink sparkplugs or pink colored hammers next.

Pink shotgun shells were not enough?

15th November 2011, 04:04 PM
our local newspaper was printed on pink paper for all of october !

15th November 2011, 04:06 PM
Worse than garbage branding (see Chad's post) would be deep fried breasts to support breast cancer?!?


The breast cancer charity’s latest addition to the pink ribbon product army is KFC, which is selling “specially designed pink buckets of grilled and Original Recipe chicken.” Komen gets 50 cents from every sale, with a minimum $1 million donation from KFC and a target of $8 million to fund breast cancer research and local Komen affiliates.

Old Herb Lady
15th November 2011, 05:10 PM
I dunno, I am a very big fan of underwire bras for my very heavy girls. I wear one 24/7, except when I'm bathing or having fun with dh. So far so good, but I'm also careful to take a lot of vitamin D in the winter or sunbathe when I can here in sunny soCal.

I sooo agree with you about underwire support. I know how bad they are for circulation & how bad they are for proper lymph drainage,
but I love the underwire, regardless. Very bad, tho. I'm just as addicted as you are, but cannot break the addiction.

Da girls are still where they are supposed to be and I have been obnoxiously asked point blank, "how much did you pay for those ? "

I was mortified & insulted, like WTF are you talking about. I don't believe in augmentation, you fool !!!
My husband says, oh just take it as a compliment & get over it. So I said, I guess all those decades of underwire support, I s'pose.

I own several of the sports bras, but hate them !! I need to heed my own advice on this dayum bra issue !!!!!!

Old Herb Lady
15th November 2011, 05:12 PM
i knew the pink stuff had jumped the shark when i found out my garbage collection company would give you a pink garbage can for an extra "donation."

you can get all of this stuff from my garbage company:


keep in mind, we're talking about garbage here. maybe they can do pink sparkplugs or pink colored hammers next.

OMG, that is insane !

15th November 2011, 08:04 PM
More people die from diarrhea than from breast cancer, but there never has been very much diarrhea awareness. Diarrhea doesn't sell, it isn't sexy. You can't sell a wristband that says, "Save the assholes" but you can, and they do, sell wristbands that say "Save the boobies."

Here is a fun fact. 100% of the money you donate to the national cancer society is used for "Diagnosis and Treatment" which is another way of saying they've stopped looking for a cure.

Cancer. Is. A. Racket.

I feel bad for the people suffering.

15th November 2011, 10:55 PM
While pink-a-fying everything is annoying...... my baker runs these breast cancer promo's with all the balloons and women holding hands cutout chains and the ribbons. Then in theie ingredients is Folate. Now a bit off topic but folate is linked to prostate cancer. So the Govt stipulated adding folate to ALL bread sold in Australia so that they "could" (possibly might) reduce the number of spina biffida cases in Australia.

Now there are 150 cases of spina biffida per yearin Australia, yet millions of Aussie men have to get prostate cancer and impotence so that we can avoid 150 cases of spina biffida. SP is some bad joo joo for sure but it defies all logic when folate is clearly linked to prostate cancer in men. Save the women but either kill the men or make them impotent.... oh and incontinent.

The main gripe I have with the pink is the Ribbons. I don't care about the rest of it but the Ribbons thing pisses me off big time. The Ribbons are for AIDS. They are not nor every have been for any other stinking charity fundraiser. The Ribbons are shaped in the letter A. That's A for AIDS. ok It's a stinking ribbon to fund AIDS research. A does not stand for Breast Cancer. IT does not stand for Homeless Illegal Imigrants. It does not stand for Starving people in Africa... although you could be mistaked I guess. There was one fund raiser they did with the Ribbons. They were white. I can't recall what it was for now but back then I was white with Rage because it was the most blatant unrelated thing you could come up with.

The RIBBON IS FOR AIDS charities. That's what it's for. Stop stealing other peoples stuff. Given that AIDS is a govt fabricated disease I have no problems with the "A for AIDS" Ribbons fun raising. Any real research would benefit everyone not just gay men. Real research would be the thing.... if there were any. But that's a whole nother story.

16th November 2011, 01:01 AM
I own several of the sports bras, but hate them !! I need to heed my own advice on this dayum bra issue !!!!!!

I can't stand shapeless bras either. They are worthless and make your boobs look like crap; lymph nodes be damned. ;)

16th November 2011, 07:37 AM
Lapis your posts are worthless without pics :D;D:D

16th November 2011, 07:44 AM
Pictures from the guys too?


still afloat
16th November 2011, 07:47 AM

For the guys, we would need a "Blue Balls" campaign.


But a blue ribbon might not have the same effect.

16th November 2011, 12:11 PM
Lapis your posts are worthless without pics :D;D:D

Well I could post some, but how would you know it's really me? ;)

16th November 2011, 03:27 PM
Well I could post some, but how would you know it's really me? ;)

Trust me, it won't matter if it's really you or not...... you know, guys and all that. Just trying to be "healthy" (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?32800-Looking-at-Breasts-is-Healthy&highlight=breasts).

28th October 2014, 08:10 PM
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
How Pinkwashing is Creating More Cancer (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/10/how-pinkwashing-is-creating-more-cancer.html)


*Dr. Carolyn Dean talked about breast cancer and natural remedies (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/08/spingola-speaks-20120823.html)
*Why Mammograms Are a Harmful Waste of Time & Money (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/12/why-mammograms-are-harmful-waste-of.html)
*Women Given Radiation for Breast Cancer 8x more Likely to Develop Lung Cancer (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/07/women-given-radiation-for-breast-cancer.html)

also see Makow's
The Boys in Pink - Pinkos Invade Last Male Bastion, Football (http://henrymakow.com/pink_invades_last_male_bastion.html) (October 1, 2014)