View Full Version : The end of the leyend of Ponce...or the beginning?
12th October 2010, 05:40 PM
Anyway, what I had last weed was a stroke...a cloth?clothe?....whatever you call a vein in my brain........from now on baby aspiring and bp pills.........that's the pits for me.
So, it looks that there will be a LEYEND (and a ghost) in your life hahahahahahha..........I can only hope that my kitty cat dies before me.
Don't worry guys, is all part of living..........
1970 silver art
12th October 2010, 05:43 PM
Ponce? HOLY COW!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o
12th October 2010, 05:45 PM
A blood clot in your vein/brain?
Why did it take so long for them to determine you had a stroke? Usually they can tell immediately.
Glad to hear it wasn't worse. Strokes are very unpredictible on the damage they can do. Thanks for the update & stay safe!
General of Darkness
12th October 2010, 05:46 PM
Ponce, my heart and prayers goes out to you. If you need ANYTHING, let me know.
12th October 2010, 05:55 PM
hope you live a good long time, clear headed and healthy...
12th October 2010, 06:11 PM
hope you live a good long time, clear headed and healthy...
exactly ! :)
12th October 2010, 06:17 PM
I hope you recover completely, and soon. Take care Ponce!
Silver Shield
12th October 2010, 06:18 PM
I always took you for a young whipper snapper.
You need live long enough to be a TP millionaire...
Hope all is well.
willie pete
12th October 2010, 06:21 PM
Glad it was no worst than it was viejo......¿su fumar? ....that'll guarantee you a cerebral infarct
12th October 2010, 06:22 PM
Ponce, take it easy for a bit. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
I would also recommend that not you move your tp stash around for a while. ;D
12th October 2010, 06:27 PM
J/K, buddy... Hoping for a quick and full recovery for you!
12th October 2010, 06:48 PM
Hahahahahahah love you guys.......and NO, I'll be hiding my stach of tp so that you guys won't find it......I'll be burried with it heheheheheeheheheh........who says that you can't take it with you hahahahahahahahah.
Death has been part of my life for such a long time that by now we are buddies who respect each other...I don't know where he will take me but to me is just another adventure that I am eager to parte in.
Where the heck did that word came from? parte? be part off, to participate....I think.
12th October 2010, 06:53 PM
Hey Ponce, you'll be alright, just a little challenge put your way...nobody gets out of this life without being tested by fire. Take care of yourself...but you have the right attitude, always be ready for the reaper.
12th October 2010, 07:04 PM
Hahahahahahah love you guys.......and NO, I'll be hiding my stach of tp so that you guys won't find it......I'll be burried with it heheheheheeheheheh........who says that you can't take it with you hahahahahahahahah.
Death has been part of my life for such a long time that by now we are buddies who respect each other...I don't know where he will take me but to me is just another adventure that I am eager to parte in.
Where the heck did that word came from? parte? be part off, to participate....I think.
I think Charon takes a tp-roll or an ounce of silver to take you across Styx to Hades... Only problem is that it is so damn difficult to get the tp-roll in the mouth... :oo-->
12th October 2010, 07:09 PM
hope you live a good long time, clear headed and healthy...
Me too, and when silver goes to 3 digits we want you here posting up a storm and having a big fiesta wherever that "silver island" of yours is!
12th October 2010, 07:13 PM
Ponce three things.
First, sorry about that hit you took buddy. Serious
Second, I hope you do all the right things to make yourself healthier.
Third, if you need a place to hide your stash give me a PM. ;D ;D
12th October 2010, 07:18 PM
Ponce? you ain't dead yet !
You got a looong way to go MR. just follow the whitecoats instructions on the meds. ;)
1970 silver art
12th October 2010, 07:22 PM
Hahahahahahah love you guys.......and NO, I'll be hiding my stach of tp so that you guys won't find it......I'll be burried with it heheheheheeheheheh........who says that you can't take it with you hahahahahahahahah.
Death has been part of my life for such a long time that by now we are buddies who respect each other...I don't know where he will take me but to me is just another adventure that I am eager to parte in.
Where the heck did that word came from? parte? be part off, to participate....I think.
Ponce? There is no need to hide your tp stash from the GSUS community. We promise to take very good care of your tp stash. No Charmin squeezing is going to occur here. ;D ;D ;D
12th October 2010, 07:25 PM
Damn it ya old tough bastard!
You're a *living* legend. Try to stay that way as best you can!
Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th October 2010, 07:50 PM
Good luck and rest assured, once you're gone, The Ponce Foundation will come into existence with the goal of teaching people that if they don't hold it, they don't own it.
12th October 2010, 08:05 PM
Ponce? I'm just a leyend in my own mind, but you're a REAL leyend. Take care of yourself. I've known you 7 or 8 years, so I think you're making something out of nothing. I hope I'm right.
If things really look bad, PM 1970 Silver Art with the coordinates to your stash of Charmin and PM me with the coordinates to your silver stash.
1970 silver art
12th October 2010, 08:15 PM
Ponce? I'm just a leyend in my own mind, but you're a REAL leyend. Take care of yourself. I've known you 7 or 8 years, so I think you're making something out of nothing. I hope I'm right.
If things really look bad, PM 1970 Silver Art with the coordinates to your stash of Charmin and PM me with the coordinates to your silver stash.
That is a good idea Hoarder but I hope I do not end up getting a "Charmin addiction" while I help the GSUS community guard Ponce's tp stash. ;D.
BTW......Ponce? Just recover and get better.
Celtic Rogue
12th October 2010, 08:19 PM
Hey Ponce... take care of yourself. I was on a beta blocker for high blood pressure and a pill for reducing my cholesterol for over a year. When I was on them I was so damn tired it took all my effort just to get basic things done each day. and to top it off my blood pressure was 150/95! I started out at 175/95. So one day I said F it against Dr. advice and withdrew myself slowly from the medications and at the same time taking 10,000 IU's of vitamin D3 and like 2600mg of calcium in malate and citrate forms combined each day. after about a month I was off the crap big pharma mask the symptoms not cure the disease pills and continued taking the D3 and calcium. My blood pressure is now 128/80 and has been steady lowering. I lost 7 lbs and am trying to get more exercise. My cholesterol levels are near normal and my Dr. was flabergasted and wanted to retest me... I said no and never went back. 8-) I dont advocate this for anyone else to try because we are each a little different and have different needs and tolerances. But I do believe that vitamin D3 and Calcium are a great way to a healthy life and you should read up on what they are finding out...
12th October 2010, 08:59 PM
Anyway, what I had last weed was a stroke...a cloth?clothe?....whatever you call a vein in my brain........from now on baby aspiring and bp pills.........that's the pits for me.
So, it looks that there will be a LEYEND (and a ghost) in your life hahahahahahha..........I can only hope that my kitty cat dies before me.
Don't worry guys, is all part of living..........'re a LEYEND, LMFAO. Did ya have a weed stroke? Those are nasty buggers!
Any of us may have issues that might potentially make us die tomorrow but we don't post about them but oh...I forgot you're LEYEND, wouldn't want to miss a second of that. Maybe you can post when you're actually having one of those episodes and tell us about your trip to the other side? Sounds like a great thread to me!!!
12th October 2010, 09:03 PM
Glad you are OK - any clot is serious!
Mock Charon, stay on this side of the Styx, if you are lucky, you'll be there to push Fidel into the river when no one is looking!
Question - if you tell the boatman that "since he's not holding it, he does not own it" will you get the ride over for free?
12th October 2010, 09:04 PM
Ponce, take it easy and relax, you will be around for a long time friend!
12th October 2010, 09:17 PM
hope you live a good long time, clear headed and healthy...
exactly ! :)
Mee too
old steel
12th October 2010, 10:00 PM
Damn time to take it easy Ponce.
Perhaps a housekeeper would be in order.
12th October 2010, 10:49 PM
Holy macro, for not having but for one friend in real life I sure have a lot of them here......or do I? hummmmmmmmmmmmm I think that you guys are waiting for me to buy the farm so that you can go after my tp and my silver..............
Liberty Tree? on the other side three times, went to sleep, woke up........and that was it, the boatman is pissed off at me because he has to return my coin every time hahahahahahah.
Celtic? I'll check that out, thanks.
Don't worry guys, you will have to put up with my crap for a longgggggggg time......all that I am doing is giving you people something to talk about hahahahahahahaha ;D
By the way, my little female cat won't leave me alone for one second, very unusual.
13th October 2010, 07:10 AM
Anyway, what I had last weed was a stroke...a cloth?clothe?....whatever you call a vein in my brain........from now on baby aspiring and bp pills.........that's the pits for me.
So, it looks that there will be a LEYEND (and a ghost) in your life hahahahahahha..........I can only hope that my kitty cat dies before me.
Don't worry guys, is all part of living..........'re a LEYEND, LMFAO. Did ya have a weed stroke? Those are nasty buggers!
Any of us may have issues that might potentially make us die tomorrow but we don't post about them but oh...I forgot you're LEYEND, wouldn't want to miss a second of that. Maybe you can post when you're actually having one of those episodes and tell us about your trip to the other side? Sounds like a great thread to me!!!
Strokes are notorious for affecting the speech & language areas of the brain, including spelling. Cut Ponce some slack.
And Ponce, animals are very intuitive. She knows you've had some trouble.
13th October 2010, 07:25 AM
Anyway, what I had last weed was a stroke...a cloth?clothe?....whatever you call a vein in my brain........from now on baby aspiring and bp pills.........that's the pits for me.
So, it looks that there will be a LEYEND (and a ghost) in your life hahahahahahha..........I can only hope that my kitty cat dies before me.
Don't worry guys, is all part of living..........'re a LEYEND, LMFAO. Did ya have a weed stroke? Those are nasty buggers!
Any of us may have issues that might potentially make us die tomorrow but we don't post about them but oh...I forgot you're LEYEND, wouldn't want to miss a second of that. Maybe you can post when you're actually having one of those episodes and tell us about your trip to the other side? Sounds like a great thread to me!!!
Strokes are notorious for affecting the speech & language areas of the brain, including spelling. Cut Ponce some slack.
And Ponce, animals are very intuitive. She knows you've had some trouble.
Hell, Ponce may be spelling *better*! :D
13th October 2010, 07:36 AM
Some people--Ponce, will do almost anything to get some time off!
Be well man.
Holy macro, for not having but for one friend in real life I sure have a lot of them here......or do I? hummmmmmmmmmmmm I think that you guys are waiting for me to buy the farm so that you can go after my tp and my silver..............
Liberty Tree? on the other side three times, went to sleep, woke up........and that was it, the boatman is pissed off at me because he has to return my coin every time hahahahahahah.
Celtic? I'll check that out, thanks.
Don't worry guys, you will have to put up with my crap for a longgggggggg time......all that I am doing is giving you people something to talk about hahahahahahahaha ;D
By the way, my little female cat won't leave me alone for one second, very unusual.
13th October 2010, 08:32 AM
Ponce, take care man. The eternal bunsen burner can wait.
13th October 2010, 09:36 AM
What pisses me off is that I don't drink, smoke or use drink a lot of milk and one cup of coffee in the morning.......walk a lot and jug a little bit and use my wrowing machind once a day (getting nice arms) the other hands I hav been blown up and hit on the head so many times that something was bound to happen............the roll of the dice.
I know feel more sleppy than before but have to do it sitting on my recliner, doing it in bed makes me sick...right now letters are dancing around.........see ya later.
13th October 2010, 09:39 AM
What pisses me off is that I don't drink, smoke or use drink a lot of milk and one cup of coffee in the morning.......walk a lot and jug a little bit and use my wrowing machind once a day (getting nice arms) the other hands I hav been blown up and hit on the head so many times that something was bound to happen............the roll of the dice.
I know feel more sleppy than before but have to do it sitting on my recliner, doing it in bed makes me sick...right now letters are dancing around.........see ya later.
cuidar de ti mismo amigo
13th October 2010, 09:41 AM
What pisses me off is that I don't drink, smoke or use drink a lot of milk and one cup of coffee in the morning.......walk a lot and jug a little bit and use my wrowing machind once a day (getting nice arms) the other hands I hav been blown up and hit on the head so many times that something was bound to happen............the roll of the dice.
I know feel more sleppy than before but have to do it sitting on my recliner, doing it in bed makes me sick...right now letters are dancing around.........see ya later.
The luck of the draw ponce ?
willie pete
13th October 2010, 09:59 AM
take care viejo...good to hear you don't smoke....'cause if you smoke, you almost certainly will have a cva
13th October 2010, 10:01 AM
Ponce, you need to go on a strict water fast as soon as possible.
It will thin the blood, remove the scaling from the inside walls of your arteries, dissolve clots, cure angina and a multitude of other ailments.
15 to 25 days with no food and only distilled water will do your body good, but of course let your doctor know that you are going to do it and make sure you see him weekly for bloodwork, etc.
13th October 2010, 11:51 AM
Ponce, you need to go on a strict water fast as soon as possible.
It will thin the blood, remove the scaling from the inside walls of your arteries, dissolve clots, cure angina and a multitude of other ailments.
15 to 25 days with no food and only distilled water will do your body good, but of course let your doctor know that you are going to do it and make sure you see him weekly for bloodwork, etc.
And make sure your schedule is clear for those 15-25 days, you will not have a lot of strength during those days and work should be out of the question.
13th October 2010, 01:37 PM
Ponce, you need to go on a strict water fast as soon as possible.
It will thin the blood, remove the scaling from the inside walls of your arteries, dissolve clots, cure angina and a multitude of other ailments.
15 to 25 days with no food and only distilled water will do your body good, but of course let your doctor know that you are going to do it and make sure you see him weekly for bloodwork, etc.
Awoke, I normally agree with almost everything that you post, but this advice to a 70 year old man who just had a stroke, could kill him. No calorie fasting is an enormous physiological drain on the bodies resources, and he needs those resources at this point to recover. Six months later or so, yes, but not now. I would suggest though that Ponce do a fast, but with fruit juices and fresh vegetable/fish soups with some olive oil and supplement with fish oils. The brain consists of 30% fat and it will appreciate getting some good fat for the repair work... This type of fast will save him some energy that would normally go to digestion, but without too much physiological stress...
13th October 2010, 02:54 PM
Darn, are you guys trying to kill me or what? don't be in such a hurry to get hold of my tp ::)
I must say this much, just got up from taking a three hours nap and feel somewhat better ;D, my kitten sleep in my arms and gave some of her purrrrrrrrrrr power.
General of Darkness
13th October 2010, 03:00 PM
Darn, are you guys trying to kill me or what? don't be in such a hurry to get hold of my tp ::)
I must say this much, just got up from taking a three hours nap and feel somewhat better ;D, my kitten sleep in my arms and gave some of her purrrrrrrrrrr power.
Hey fucker, you ever return PM's?
13th October 2010, 06:46 PM
Ponce, you need to go on a strict water fast as soon as possible.
It will thin the blood, remove the scaling from the inside walls of your arteries, dissolve clots, cure angina and a multitude of other ailments.
15 to 25 days with no food and only distilled water will do your body good, but of course let your doctor know that you are going to do it and make sure you see him weekly for bloodwork, etc.
Awoke, I normally agree with almost everything that you post, but this advice to a 70 year old man who just had a stroke, could kill him. No calorie fasting is an enormous physiological drain on the bodies resources, and he needs those resources at this point to recover. Six months later or so, yes, but not now. I would suggest though that Ponce do a fast, but with fruit juices and fresh vegetable/fish soups with some olive oil and supplement with fish oils. The brain consists of 30% fat and it will appreciate getting some good fat for the repair work... This type of fast will save him some energy that would normally go to digestion, but without too much physiological stress...
You would be surprised. Studies performed in Russia and the USA had shown that elderly patients can restore health, mental alertness, etc. Even patients who do not have "reserves" (Meaning they are not fat).
Even emaciated patients suffer no ailments from a long term fast, and most times come out healthier in the end.
EDIT to add that your advise, IMO and based on the research I have done, is not good for him. There is a lot of science involved, and I can't spend time transcribing page after page of this medically technical information complied from the books I have read, but;
I can sum it up in one statement which will undoubtedly lead to me getting flamed by people who have not done research:
If it doesn't grow from the ground, from a vine or from a tree, don't eat it.
Fish, bottles of Olive oil and fish oil do not grow on trees. (No, Neuro, I am not being a condescending prick right now. I'm just putting it as simply as possible.) I can prove it, and you can prove it to yourself if you want as well.
Animal-derived proteins and fats are detrimental to our body. Every single type protein and nutrient you will ever need can be found in vegetables, even if you are a competitive weight lifter, etc.
Ponce, you want to live?
Eat nothing but vegetables (Mostly green) and drink nothing but water. When you eat the vegetables, eat them raw for the most part.
If you feel the need to cook them, steam them. Boiling them removes some of the benefits they offer.
Your Doctor will sh*t his pants in six months when you go get a check up and you're healthier than he is.
13th October 2010, 08:03 PM
So much advice that I really don't know where to start.......for the past two days I have been drinking my magic silver know? two silver rods in a glass of water connected to three nine volts for fifteen minutes and then drinking the water? appears to be working because I now feel a lot better.
Today I went to te pharmacy and pick up all the junk that the Dr. prescrived for me but all that I am doing is to look at them on my kitchen table the way, the Dr got pissed off at me because I didn't want to take a flu way Jose.
13th October 2010, 08:10 PM
Ponce, this for a Dr to answer, but if you don't have any lung problems or CHF, I wouldn't take one either, My departed refused to have the flu shot one year, and got sicker then hell, couldn't breath, CHF, the next year I made him, he made just fine thru the flu season .
CHF= congestive heart faliure
13th October 2010, 11:58 PM
Ponce, you need to go on a strict water fast as soon as possible.
It will thin the blood, remove the scaling from the inside walls of your arteries, dissolve clots, cure angina and a multitude of other ailments.
15 to 25 days with no food and only distilled water will do your body good, but of course let your doctor know that you are going to do it and make sure you see him weekly for bloodwork, etc.
Awoke, I normally agree with almost everything that you post, but this advice to a 70 year old man who just
had a stroke, could kill him. No calorie fasting is an enormous physiological drain on the bodies resources, and he needs those resources at this point to recover. Six months later or so, yes, but not now. I would suggest though that Ponce do a fast, but with fruit juices and fresh vegetable/fish soups with some olive oil and supplement with fish oils. The brain consists of 30% fat and it will appreciate getting some good fat for the repair work... This type of fast will save him some energy that would normally go to digestion, but
without too much physiological stress...
You would be surprised. Studies performed in Russia and the USA had shown that elderly patients can
restore health, mental alertness, etc. Even patients who do not have "reserves" (Meaning they are not fat).
Even emaciated patients suffer no ailments from a long term fast, and most times come out healthier in the end.
EDIT to add that your advise, IMO and based on the research I have done, is not good for him. There is a lot of science involved, and I can't spend time transcribing page after page of this medically technical information complied from the books I have read, but;
I can sum it up in one statement which will undoubtedly lead to me getting flamed by people who have not done research:
If it doesn't grow from the ground, from a vine or from a tree, don't eat it.
Fish, bottles of Olive oil and fish oil do not grow on trees. (No, Neuro, I am not being a condescending prick
right now. I'm just putting it as simply as possible.) I can prove it, and you can prove it to yourself if you want as well.
Animal-derived proteins and fats are detrimental to our body. Every single type protein and nutrient you will ever need can be found in vegetables, even if you are a competitive weight lifter, etc.
Ponce, you want to live?
Eat nothing but vegetables (Mostly green) and drink nothing but water. When you eat the vegetables, eat them raw for the most part.
If you feel the need to cook them, steam them. Boiling them removes some of the benefits they offer.
Your Doctor will sh*t his pants in six months when you go get a check up and you're healthier than he is.
Where is the research showing that a vegan diet is prolonging life? When you do a water fast the body goes through ketosis which is a stress for the nervous system, liver and kidneys. For gods sake the man just went through a stroke with some resultant brain damage, at this point he needs to take in some easily accessible carbohydrates (so he doesn't need to transform body fats and proteins into blood sugar), further a little addition of some good fats like olive oil and fish oil which is high in Omega 3, together with easily accessible amino acids in fish, will aid in the repair work. I would suggest that he keeps his calorific intake low though. Boiling it will of course reduce the nutritional value of the ingredients, but it will also reduce the digestive effort, especially if he cuts the soup into small pieces with a mixer. But he will get the vitamins from drinking fresh fruit juices instead.
I have done complete water fasts myself, and I have studied the physiology of it, and I can definitely see that it is potentially very beneficial in many chronic disease conditions. But Ponce's problem right now is an acute one, the sudden brain damage associated with the stroke. Certainly the cause of his stroke is an underlying chronic condition (poor cardiovascular health), but at this point it is of outmost importance to stabilize his body physiology, a zero calorie fast would destabilize it. After recovering the energy drain of the stroke, he could very well go on a pro-longed fast, and it would be a good thing to clear his arteries, and body of toxins...
I am no friend of modern medicine in terms of how it is treating most chronic diseases, but I do know that it has a role to fill in stabilization of acutely sick people.
Ponce I would suggest that you do take the mini-aspirins to thin your blood at this point, it will help the perfusion of the parts of the brain that have been blocked of by the blood clot.
14th October 2010, 05:56 AM
Your post is essentially word for word the advice and direction my grandfather got from his doctor. After a few months it was if his stroke never happened.
Ponce, you need to go on a strict water fast as soon as possible.
It will thin the blood, remove the scaling from the inside walls of your arteries, dissolve clots, cure angina and a multitude of other ailments.
15 to 25 days with no food and only distilled water will do your body good, but of course let your doctor know that you are going to do it and make sure you see him weekly for bloodwork, etc.
Awoke, I normally agree with almost everything that you post, but this advice to a 70 year old man who just
had a stroke, could kill him. No calorie fasting is an enormous physiological drain on the bodies resources, and he needs those resources at this point to recover. Six months later or so, yes, but not now. I would suggest though that Ponce do a fast, but with fruit juices and fresh vegetable/fish soups with some olive oil and supplement with fish oils. The brain consists of 30% fat and it will appreciate getting some good fat for the repair work... This type of fast will save him some energy that would normally go to digestion, but
without too much physiological stress...
You would be surprised. Studies performed in Russia and the USA had shown that elderly patients can
restore health, mental alertness, etc. Even patients who do not have "reserves" (Meaning they are not fat).
Even emaciated patients suffer no ailments from a long term fast, and most times come out healthier in the end.
EDIT to add that your advise, IMO and based on the research I have done, is not good for him. There is a lot of science involved, and I can't spend time transcribing page after page of this medically technical information complied from the books I have read, but;
I can sum it up in one statement which will undoubtedly lead to me getting flamed by people who have not done research:
If it doesn't grow from the ground, from a vine or from a tree, don't eat it.
Fish, bottles of Olive oil and fish oil do not grow on trees. (No, Neuro, I am not being a condescending prick
right now. I'm just putting it as simply as possible.) I can prove it, and you can prove it to yourself if you want as well.
Animal-derived proteins and fats are detrimental to our body. Every single type protein and nutrient you will ever need can be found in vegetables, even if you are a competitive weight lifter, etc.
Ponce, you want to live?
Eat nothing but vegetables (Mostly green) and drink nothing but water. When you eat the vegetables, eat them raw for the most part.
If you feel the need to cook them, steam them. Boiling them removes some of the benefits they offer.
Your Doctor will sh*t his pants in six months when you go get a check up and you're healthier than he is.
Where is the research showing that a vegan diet is prolonging life? When you do a water fast the body goes through ketosis which is a stress for the nervous system, liver and kidneys. For gods sake the man just went through a stroke with some resultant brain damage, at this point he needs to take in some easily accessible carbohydrates (so he doesn't need to transform body fats and proteins into blood sugar), further a little addition of some good fats like olive oil and fish oil which is high in Omega 3, together with easily accessible amino acids in fish, will aid in the repair work. I would suggest that he keeps his calorific intake low though. Boiling it will of course reduce the nutritional value of the ingredients, but it will also reduce the digestive effort, especially if he cuts the soup into small pieces with a mixer. But he will get the vitamins from drinking fresh fruit juices instead.
I have done complete water fasts myself, and I have studied the physiology of it, and I can definitely see that it is potentially very beneficial in many chronic disease conditions. But Ponce's problem right now is an acute one, the sudden brain damage associated with the stroke. Certainly the cause of his stroke is an underlying chronic condition (poor cardiovascular health), but at this point it is of outmost importance to stabilize his body physiology, a zero calorie fast would destabilize it. After recovering the energy drain of the stroke, he could very well go on a pro-longed fast, and it would be a good thing to clear his arteries, and body of toxins...
I am no friend of modern medicine in terms of how it is treating most chronic diseases, but I do know that it has a role to fill in stabilization of acutely sick people.
Ponce I would suggest that you do take the mini-aspirins to thin your blood at this point, it will help the perfusion of the parts of the brain that have been blocked of by the blood clot.
14th October 2010, 10:13 AM
Your post is essentially word for word the advice and direction my grandfather got from his doctor. After a few months it was if his stroke never happened.
It is good common sense advice based on how the body is working. Unfortunately common sense is not that common any longer. Keep the telephone number of that doctor!
14th October 2010, 10:26 AM
Your post is essentially word for word the advice and direction my grandfather got from his doctor. After a few months it was if his stroke never happened.
It is good common sense advice based on how the body is working. Unfortunately common sense is not that common any longer. Keep the telephone number of that doctor!
Good advice! Ponce do not be too hardheaded about what your doctor wants you to do. But it is your choice ether to do as the doctor says or not. There is one fact for sure and that our time to go comes when it is time, the only thing we can do is not to hurry things along by doing stupid things.
And for you saying "The end of Ponce" take this to heart. "leyendas nunca mueren, simplemente se desvanecen!"
14th October 2010, 10:26 AM
Where is the research showing that a vegan diet is prolonging life? When you do a water fast the body goes through ketosis which is a stress for the nervous system, liver and kidneys. For gods sake the man just went through a stroke with some resultant brain damage, at this point he needs to take in some easily accessible carbohydrates (so he doesn't need to transform body fats and proteins into blood sugar), further a little addition of some good fats like olive oil and fish oil which is high in Omega 3, together with easily accessible amino acids in fish, will aid in the repair work. I would suggest that he keeps his calorific intake low though. Boiling it will of course reduce the nutritional value of the ingredients, but it will also reduce the digestive effort, especially if he cuts the soup into small pieces with a mixer. But he will get the vitamins from drinking fresh fruit juices instead.
If you read "Fasting and Eating for Health" by Joel Fuhrman you will understand the effects of fasting on a cellular level, and he touches on every ailment in it's own chapter, to fully explain how the chemical and biological mechanisms interact with each other during a fast, to the point where you will feel like a scientist after reading it.
If you read "Fasting: The Ultimate Diet" (Stupid title) by Allen Cott, you will read about cases in Russia where the government took people that they wanted to kill, and put them in jail and gave them nothing but water for months at a time. In their attempt to kill them, they were amazed at how even the emaciated prisoners who were ill and near death upon entrance to the jail came out healthier when they released them. They couldn't understand why these people weren't dying of slow starvation, and a serious study began in fasting in Russia shortly after.
There are testimonials and papers and excepts throughout that entire book, and the study material covers old and new studies in multiple countries.
Also, if you read "Eating to Live" by Joel Fuhrman, you can learn how to to regain health and live a prolonged life, simply by eating a strict and straight Vegan diet. (Vegan means No Animal By-products at all. No Cheese, no milk, no eggs, no meat, no animal derived fats, etc)
Here is the progression of a strict water fast, in a readers digest version:
1 ) You stop eating
2 ) You feel hungry for about 2 days, but drink a sh*tload of distilled water which will satisfy your hunger
3 ) Your body searches for energy, but is not getting it from the stomach
4 ) It starts to take away from the muscle tissues for a period of about 6 hours
5 ) The body recognizes that it cannot continue to deplete the muscle tissue
6 )The stomach and digestive system shuts off completely going into "Sleep mode"
7 ) The body starts to take reserves from your fats stores on a cellular level
8 ) Detoxification occurs suddenly as stored proteins and nutrients are salvaged, because stored toxins and poisons are released at the same time, into the bloodstream.
9 ) Each cell in every organ throughout the entire body is purified of toxins and poisons (Which they have stored in minute quantities)
10 ) The cells can provide fats, nutrients, vitamins and proteins for a prolonged period of time (Which they have stored in vast quantities)
11 ) The body has excess energy due to the digestive system being in a shut-down state, and repairs itself on a cellular level in every organ, destroying cancers, repairing tissues, curing all ailments.
12 ) Once you have depleted your body of it's reserves, the body recognizes it and forces the stomach and digestive system back into motion.
13 ) True and aggressive appetite returns, and this sudden return of appetite signifies that you are depleted of reserves, and you must begin eating again.
14 ) You begin eating pureed vegetables and vegetable based soups. A lot of Fruits have a lot of sugar content, and even though they are natural sugars, I avoid them when coming off a fast.
I could type more and more, but holy sh*t, it would be easier on me if everyone would read those books mentioned above.
I have done complete water fasts myself, and I have studied the physiology of it, and I can definitely see that it is potentially very beneficial in many chronic disease conditions. But Ponce's problem right now is an acute one, the sudden brain damage associated with the stroke. Certainly the cause of his stroke is an underlying chronic condition (poor cardiovascular health), but at this point it is of utmost importance to stabilize his body physiology, a zero calorie fast would destabilize it. After recovering the energy drain of the stroke, he could very well go on a pro-longed fast, and it would be a good thing to clear his arteries, and body of toxins...
I am no friend of modern medicine in terms of how it is treating most chronic diseases, but I do know that it has a role to fill in stabilization of acutely sick people.
Ponce I would suggest that you do take the mini-aspirins to thin your blood at this point, it will help the perfusion of the parts of the brain that have been blocked of by the blood clot.
Well, read the material I posted above. A water fast will thin the blood, lower cholesterol, descale artery walls, break down clots, you name it. Fasting is a cure-all. It is a natural course for our bodies to take. The food we are eating is poisoned by the lucies (, our medicines are typically worst than the ailments. The only thing I agree with in your post is that he should crush and drink an aspirin for now, daily, just to get started.
However, because of your concern with my suggestion of a strict water fast for Ponce, I suggested the Vegan diet. It will achieve the same thing as a water fast, albeit in a much slower fashion.
Since time is of the essence, I suggested a water fast to get started and regain health.
IF, Ponce, you decide to go ahead with a Water fast, you should PM me and let me know ahead of time, I can tell you what to expect about 48 hours into it.
The detoxification starts about 48 hours into a fast, and you will want to know what to expect.
14th October 2010, 10:48 AM
Awoke I did write that a Water fast is beneficial in many if not most chronic ailments, but you do need to take special considerations in acute situations. If for instance you get shot and lose 4 pints of blood, doing a water fast is not going to cure you, you need to have the bullet removed if possible and a blood transfusion, once you are stabilized and recovered sufficiently it would most likely be very beneficial to do a water fast. As I told you I did study the physiology especially relating to fasting, and I agree with what you posted as the beneficial effects of fasting... But there are times when not to do it too...
14th October 2010, 10:57 AM
Agreed. But Ponce hasn't been shot.
Either way Ponce, I continue to pray for you.
14th October 2010, 11:06 AM
If you read "Fasting and Eating for Health" by Joel Fuhrman ...
I'm a wee titter surprised to see you post such a kosher book!
14th October 2010, 11:18 AM
Agreed. But Ponce hasn't been shot.
Either way Ponce, I continue to pray for you.
Anyway, fasting is also an excellent way of saving supplies when TSHTF, not to mention toilet paper!
14th October 2010, 11:21 AM
I hope you'll get well, Ponce.
Even one week of water-fasting might be enough if it's your first. I went through it once, and it certainly took the best out of me.
Looking back at those times, I'd do some things differently. Eat lots of greens and fruits one week in preparation for the fast. And the golden rule - absolutely no physical exercise or working during the fast, that stuff will literally kill you. Even Gandhi, as he was once fasting while having to do physical work, said it was one of the worst mistakes he had ever made.
That being said, listen to your own head to learn from the very best, not us :D
14th October 2010, 12:39 PM
Hell synbi, if I were to listen to my head I would already be dead hahahaaahahhaahah.......besides, why listen elsewhere when you guys are the very best? ;D
14th October 2010, 01:27 PM
A Wise man will take heed to what God said:
Job 36:18 Because there is wrath, beware lest he take thee away with his stroke: then a great ransom cannot deliver thee.
Job 36:19 Will he esteem thy riches? no, not gold, nor all the forces of strength.
14th October 2010, 03:17 PM
My Dr nurse just called me, the Dr wants me to start taking ANOTHER kind of pill for my bp, from taking none now I am to take FOUR different ones...........i'll take the baby aspirin and one for the bp and THAT'S IT.
14th October 2010, 03:40 PM
My Dr nurse just called me, the Dr wants me to start taking ANOTHER kind of pill for my bp, from taking none now I am to take FOUR different ones...........i'll take the baby aspirin and one for the bp and THAT'S IT.
What is your BP now?
14th October 2010, 05:23 PM
For me what is normal........165/100.........little high is 185/110...........I get scared at 210/129.
I don't know what it was the other day but I had 2 Dr's a a bunch of nurses running around hahahahahaha.
14th October 2010, 05:35 PM
If you read "Fasting and Eating for Health" by Joel Fuhrman ...
I'd a wee titter surprised to see you post such a kosher book!
That's the second time you have mentioned the fact that he has a jewish name. So be it.
You guys are always telling me that there is the 1% out there that aren't lucies.
The info in it is priceless and life-saving, and trust me when I say that he has become rich for sharing the info.
14th October 2010, 05:38 PM
...and trust me when I say that he has become rich for sharing the info.
Oy Vey! Such a humanitarian!
14th October 2010, 07:14 PM
Anyone else read that article on coconut oil helping with Alzheimers posted a while back? That might be a good addition to Neuro's advice.
14th October 2010, 11:48 PM
For me what is normal........165/100.........little high is 185/110...........I get scared at 210/129.
I don't know what it was the other day but I had 2 Dr's a a bunch of nurses running around hahahahahaha.
Because parts of the brain becomes hypoxic (too little oxygen), due to the clots blocking blood flow, the brain tells the body to redirect blood to the brain, it does that by increasing heart rate and constricting blood vessels in the rest of the body (same things happens when you are smoking, CO has 1000x the affinity to hemoglobin compared to O2, and the brain becomes hypoxic) and the result is an increase in blood pressure. The increase in blood pressure in itself is not unhealthy, since the result is that the brain prevents hypoxia by doing it, but the risk with a high blood pressure is that more blood clots will be released from the vessel walls. Doing a juice and soup fast, would divert blood flow away from the intestines who don't need to work to hard. But still give enough energy and building blocks for the repair work in the brain to function normally... When I say soup I don't mean the dry crap they sell in bags, it contains monosodium glutamate, which is a potent neuro inflammatory agent, fish oils are high in Omega 3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation.
15th October 2010, 04:19 AM
Anyone else read that article on coconut oil helping with Alzheimers posted a while back? That might be a good addition to Neuro's advice.
Jersey Thursday
15th October 2010, 05:10 AM
Heal quickly, inside sources tell me Obama was about to name you the new U.S. ambassador to Israel.
Celtic Rogue
15th October 2010, 05:26 AM
My Dr nurse just called me, the Dr wants me to start taking ANOTHER kind of pill for my bp, from taking none now I am to take FOUR different ones...........i'll take the baby aspirin and one for the bp and THAT'S IT.
...again 10000 IU Vitamin D3 and 2600mg Calcium lowered mine back to near normal... from 180/95 to 128/83 today. I was on 4 dif BP med some 2 at a time... didnt work well and was tired as crap gained weight and then weight was gained... Big pharma treats the symptoms not the disease.
15th October 2010, 07:05 AM
If you read "Fasting and Eating for Health" by Joel Fuhrman ...
I'd a wee titter surprised to see you post such a kosher book!
That's the second time you have mentioned the fact that he has a jewish name. So be it.
You guys are always telling me that there is the 1% out there that aren't lucies.
The info in it is priceless and life-saving, and trust me when I say that he has become rich for sharing the info.
LOL, I know man, I just like messin' with you about it.
15th October 2010, 12:40 PM
Anyone else read that article on coconut oil helping with Alzheimers posted a while back? That might be a good addition to Neuro's advice.
The article talks about a it providing energy to brain cells, but that might not do anything if oxygen supply is the problem.
15th October 2010, 01:24 PM
OK gang, here is what the Dr gave me........
1= LOVASTATIN......................for cholestorol.......but, blood test shows that I am OK.
2= MECLIZINE........................for dizzines...........but, after three days I am still dizzi.
3= CIPROFLOXACIN................for antibiotic..........??????? don't know what to say about this one.
4= LISINOPRIL.......................for BP................... there are many different types as this one.
Upsssssssssss almost aspirin, I'll have to take the big ones and cut them in half.
NOW I am going to do a search on what all of you told me to do.........thanks ;D
16th October 2010, 05:58 AM
Ponce, I don't think you need to take 1 and 2, probably not 3 either unless you have an infection... Interestingly Marijuana has been showed to have positive effects on brain blood flow and also seem to help heal brain cell injuries (neuro tropic) but it is not good for you to smoke it, since you would get carbon monoxide in your blood, which would increase your blood pressure...
16th October 2010, 06:22 AM
[quote=Ponce ]
OK gang, here is what the Dr gave me........
1= LOVASTATIN......................for cholestorol.......but, blood test shows that I am OK.
2= MECLIZINE........................for dizzines...........but, after three days I am still dizzi.
3= CIPROFLOXACIN................for antibiotic..........??????? don't know what to say about this one.
4= LISINOPRIL.......................for BP................... there are many different types as this one.
Upsssssssssss almost aspirin, I'll have to take the big ones and cut them in half.
Good Morning Ponce
My mom had a stroke (TIA) then went in to have the carotid artery cleaned out in July, are you dizzy or do you feel like you want to pass out? the antibiotic can make you dizzy, as well as the BP's meds. she said she felt like she would pass out, it did pass, took a month or 2 and he changed the BP meds. Stay on the Dr. if it continues.
16th October 2010, 07:16 AM
3= CIPROFLOXACIN................for antibiotic..........??????? don't know what to say about this one.
i would save that for your preps kit - good to have if you get an infection.
17th October 2010, 11:59 AM
Absolutely. I save all my Anti-biotics in the freezer for WTSHTF.
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