View Full Version : 24 Statistics About The United States Economy That Are Almost Too Embarrassing T

13th October 2010, 07:25 AM
24 Statistics About The United States Economy That Are Almost Too Embarrassing To Admit

Does anyone really want to hear that America is in decline?

For decades, most of us have been raised to believe that the United States is "number one" and that anyone who doubts that fact is a "gloom and doomer" that should just pack up and move to "Russia" or "Iraq" or some other country where things are not nearly as good.

But does it do us or future generations any good to ignore the very serious signs of trouble that are erupting all around us? The truth is that it is about time to wake up and admit how much trouble we are actually in. The U.S. government is absolutely drowning in debt.

The entire society is absolutely drowning in debt. We are being slaughtered in the arena of world trade, and every single month tens of billions of dollars (along with large numbers of factories and jobs) leave our shores for good. Our infrastructure is failing, our kids are less educated and our incomes are going down. We have serious, serious problems. At one time, the U.S. economy was so dominant that it was not even worth talking about who was in second place. That is no longer the case in 2010. Our forefathers handed us the greatest economic machine in history and we have allowed it to fall apart right in front of our eyes. A national economic crisis of historic proportions is getting worse with each passing month, and yet most of our leaders seem to be asleep at the switch.

So is American in decline? Well, read the statistics below and decide for yourself. The reality is that when you start connecting the dots it gets really hard to deny what is going on.

Urgent action must be taken if things are going to be turned around. It is time to get our heads out of the sand. It is not guaranteed that the United States will always be the greatest economy in the world or that we will even continue to be prosperous.

For many Americans, it will be incredibly difficult to admit that our nation has become a debt addict and an economic punching bag for the rest of the world.

But if we are never willing to admit what the problems are, how are we ever going to come up with the solutions?

What you are about to read below is going to absolutely shock many of you. But hopefully it will shock you enough to get you to take action. We desperately need to change course as a nation.

click here to see statistics (http://www.businessinsider.com/24-statistics-about-the-united-states-economy-that-are-almost-too-embarrassing-to-admit-2010-10#10-years-ago-the-us-was-no-1-in-average-wealth-per-adult-in-2010-the-us-is-ranked-7th-1)

13th October 2010, 07:59 AM
One of the comments from the article

this is all bs

we are ahead in the things that count, like...

we print money faster than any other countries, and..

we got smartphones that can keep you plugged into facebook and twitter better than anyone.

these are the things that really matter in life

13th October 2010, 08:50 AM
Yeah, the comments are great... people with eyes wide open.

"Cheer up guys. America ranks first in Community Organizers!
America has more Czars than any other country!
And we are tops in Food Stamp usage!"

13th October 2010, 01:09 PM
American engineering and Can-Do spirit put men on the Moon. Showed those Russkies who's boss.

Now, we have to thumb a ride with the Russians (!) to get up to our own Space Station.
Gaaaah. How utterly embarrassing.

American Third Position party is my party.
