View Full Version : Diamond Bar man arrested for having a car with a flat tire parked in his drivewa

General of Darkness
13th October 2010, 05:08 PM
Oh for fucks sake. :redfc


Diamond Bar man arrested for having a car with a flat tire parked in his driveway
By Thomas Himes Staff Writer
Posted: 10/12/2010 03:18:19 PM PDT

The 1979 Mercedes 450 SL that Douglas Barcon let sit in the driveway of his Diamond Bar home, leading to his arrest. It is currently in storage at an auto shop. (Courtesy Photo)

DIAMOND BAR - A man is facing jail time after being arrested for leaving a car with a flat tire in his driveway.

Douglas Barcon faces two criminal charges that stem from a 1979 Mercedes SL 450 parked in the driveway of his Diamond Bar home. He was first cited in April and was arrested Aug. 14 for failing to appear in court.

The car had a flat tire, making it inoperable and in violation of city ordinances, authorities said.

The Barcons have spent $8,000 on a bail bonds and legal fees. Jail time is not out of the question, Barcon's attorney said.

Barcon did not know the flat tire was a major issue until deputies showed up at his home, he said.

He surrendered at the Sheriff's sub-station in
Go behind the yellow tape in the Crime Scene blog
Walnut after deputies told his wife they had a warrant for him.

"It was basically, 'Surprise, you're under arrest,"' Barcon said. "I didn't even know what was going on."

Barcon was released on $30,000 bail, according to booking records.

Barcon's attorney said the city's tactics were too aggressive considering the nature of the violation.

"I think the code would provide for things like you don't want people parking cars in their front yard or running a chop shop," attorney Marcy Gardner said.

"That's the spirit and idea, but this just seems to be a little different," she said.

The classic '79 Mercedes can sell for as much as $25,000 and wasn't in bad shape other than the flat tire,
according to Barcon and city officials.

"I kept putting air in it, and city officials kept coming to take pictures," Barcon said.

City officials said the warrant wasn't issued until Barcon for months failed to repair or replace his tire.

"The city doesn't issue citations right away," Community Development Director Greg Gubman said. "There's usually an initial contact and some courtesy notices (first)."

Barcon and his wife said they never received the violations. They also said city officials were unwilling to speak with them.

"(The city) wouldn't deal with us," said Barcon's wife, Mary Barcon. "We'd have (code officers) come by and take pictures, and run away when I would try to talk to them."

The 57-year-old has lived in his North Rock River Drive house in a neighborhood just west of the 57 Freeway for 23 years. He accused the city of trying to generate revenue.

Gubman said the city recently started pursuing code violators through courts more frequently, but denied the change has anything to do with collecting more money. I'm calling bullshit on this

"We've been following through more diligently than we may have in the past," Gubman said. "Our code enforcement efforts are to seek compliance, not to get revenue."

The attorney prosecuting Barcon, Patricia Fitzgerald, did not return calls for comment.

Diamond Bar Mayor Carol Herrera did not return calls for comment made to her home over the last week.

Barcon's wife, Mary, said the fines and citations came at a time when the family could least afford to pay.

Her husband had recently been laid off from his job as a pharmacist and the couple was struggling to make mortgage payments on the $450 a week in unemployment he received.

"Our backs were against the wall, and we were doing OK until this happened," Mary Barcon said.

Barcon had the car towed to a garage and stored, he said. Once he gets back on his feet financially, he hopes to again drive the car, which has been in his family for about 20 years.

13th October 2010, 05:17 PM
It would be a shame if people kept letting air out of the tires of the city officials that did this and took pictures of that.

13th October 2010, 05:23 PM
He should have fixed the tire after the first run in

13th October 2010, 05:24 PM
Her husband had recently been laid off from his job as a pharmacist and the couple was struggling to make mortgage payments on the $450 a week in unemployment he received.

450 a week for a pharmacist?

Maxed out a the unemployment level?

13th October 2010, 05:33 PM
This crazy law is a lot of hot air..............

30000 $ bail for a flat tyre,lucky it was only one tyre.

Imagine a semi in the drive with all tyres down ......basically a capital offence......life in prison

willie pete
13th October 2010, 05:34 PM
unemployed pharmacist? :conf: that's weird....I think I would've fixed the flat..nice looking MB too, 2-door coup, probably lots more to this story than meets the eye

13th October 2010, 05:36 PM
He should have fixed the tire after the first run in
Would this be a form of involuntary servitude?

13th October 2010, 05:41 PM
Where is Book to cheer on the cops and post a snappy picture?

13th October 2010, 05:44 PM

General of Darkness
13th October 2010, 05:45 PM
What's interesting to me is that this law is bullshit. I believe in common law, you know, where someone is wronged and or there is some type of distress, or it created a situation that recourse existed.

13th October 2010, 06:01 PM
I honestly thought this was from the UK.

13th October 2010, 06:06 PM
If they really wanted this law gone, all they have to do is go around letting air out of tires. Then also to get people to let the air out of their own tires. Get an article to appear in the paper about the recent wave of tire vandalism. Now anyone who gets a ticket can simply say "Well as you know the police have done nothing to stop this trend of people letting air out of other people's tires, and prefer to instead blame the victims. I was the latest victim, and am being further harmed as I'm forced to take a day off work to fight this ticket." Bam - there's now going to be 0 prosecution.

I had a property in another town with an old barn on it once. Someone complained to one of the two bylaw officers in that town about the condition of it (it was in the middle of nowhere, out of sight - who cares?). It took 3 weeks for anyone to come out to see it, as the two bylaw officers were busy with other stuff to do. When the officer showed up to investigate I told him I understood he was just doing his job, and when someone complains he has to take some sort of action. I then opened a folder containing 24 pictures I had taken of other buildings in the area in worse shape, with the address written on each one. I told him I'd like to complain about these buildings (knowing full well how busy the guy was). He said ok. He then took a quick look around my place, said the fence around the building seemed sufficient to keep people out of it, and recommended I have it demolished in the future to avoid any potential problems. I told him I had second thoughts about the buildings I had photographed and didn't really want to file a complaint after all. Our meeting ended with both of us happy.

13th October 2010, 06:38 PM
I had a property in another town with an old barn on it once. Someone complained to one of the two bylaw officers in that town about the condition of it (it was in the middle of nowhere, out of sight - who cares?). WTF? Bylaw officers? I wouldn't own property in a town that has bylaw officers. Move to Montana.

mick silver
13th October 2010, 06:52 PM
when they start coming to your home because your tire is flat the end has to be near

13th October 2010, 06:53 PM
"I kept putting air in it, and city officials kept coming to take pictures," Barcon said.

City officials said the warrant wasn't issued until Barcon for months failed to repair or replace his tire.

Fuking eyesore in the neighborhood and he knew it.


13th October 2010, 07:11 PM
Good thing he cuts his grass, of they would have fucked him up like they did with that old lady the other week!

Half Sense
13th October 2010, 08:26 PM
Jury trial with full discovery.

You'll want all the cameras and memory cards, logs of visits to your property by city officials, minutes of departmental meetings and all internal memos , etc.

I'm sure you'll find there was a recent policy shift to generate more revenue from BS violations. You may also find they deleted any pictures of the tire when it was pumped up.

You might also want to take pictures of any properties belonging to any of the city officials involved, with code violations circled in red.

Then put them all on the stand, to explain in detail how they performed their duties in this case. They will tell a pack of lies and it will go badly for them.

13th October 2010, 08:44 PM
While I'm the first to stand up for individual rights, the hard truth is that what happens on your property can have an effect on the value of your neighbors property. If this guy wants to junk cars on his lawn, he should move to a ghetto where there is no code enforcement. He could have fixed the tire after the first warning, or put the car in his garage, or done a number of other things to avoid arrest.

This guys neighbors have rights, too.

General of Darkness
13th October 2010, 08:59 PM
This guys neighbors have rights, too.

You're right, but what is going to happen with the recourse? There's probably more to this story, but at the end of the day, the bondsman made money and the state, NOT the people that might have redress. That's not common law.

13th October 2010, 09:11 PM
While I'm the first to stand up for individual rights, the hard truth is that what happens on your property can have an effect on the value of your neighbors property. If this guy wants to junk cars on his lawn, he should move to a ghetto where there is no code enforcement. He could have fixed the tire after the first warning, or put the car in his garage, or done a number of other things to avoid arrest.

This guys neighbors have rights, too.

Junk cars? Because the fukkin thing has a flat tire? Please, dude, I KNOW you are smarter than that.

Goooodness. ::)

I'm glad you're not my neighbor. I think I have a weed growing in my flowerbed.

Horrors! Write me the fu*k UP!

13th October 2010, 09:13 PM
unemployed pharmacist= shut down pot dispensary guy

13th October 2010, 09:13 PM
unemployed pharmacist= shut down pot dispensary guy

Nice baseless speculation.

13th October 2010, 09:14 PM
How incredibly stupid.

It wouldn't surprise me if this law was written and enacted by career politicians who have little to nothing to offer society except for trying to micromanage and tax everything they can until there's nothing more to control.

13th October 2010, 11:01 PM
unemployed pharmacist= shut down pot dispensary guy

Nice baseless speculation.

I wasn't even close to serious. Forgot the smiley.

13th October 2010, 11:30 PM
Other than the arrest, I had a very similar experience in 2001. My ex was living in my house in a nice middle class neighborhood outside philly. She had a new car and we kept her old one for a beater. It wasn't used much, and as such, had battery discharge issues from alarms and stereos draining the battery. It was a perfectly good car. It was parked legally on the street in front of the house. After I left, she didn't mess with and left it there, the battery went dead. Somehow or another, in a community that was practically crime free, the driver window got smashed in but nothing was taken and an orange abandoned sticker was placed on the car.

She called the cops that someone had vandalized her car and they forwarded her around and around, finally "come in and file a report". She did. Meanwhile, the car has an abandoned sticker on it, she calls me to jump it and get it off the road. I come over, get it started, move it into the driveway behind the house and put a car cover over it.

About a week later three cop cars and a tow truck show up at the house. She is freaking the hell out because they claim they are either taking the car or arresting her. She demonstrates the paperwork filed for the vandalism, shows them the car parked on the driveway, covered and demands why they are taking this action. The cops threatened her with arrest. They finally agreed to have the tow truck drive the car two blocks away to our mechanic garage and the cops sat there while she ordered a new window with the garage.

The bill for all of this was 120 to tow the car two blocks, a fix-it ticket that was made good after the garage owner got paid and the almost arrest of my ex-bitch. The car was a 90 ford probe that was in very good condition, no rust, dents, etc and ran fine, when you bothered to drive it.

To see someone arrested for this is just absurd. When this happened I was ready to explode, but it was my house and I didn't want more trouble with the cops, and I also didn't know what other BS the ex might have been stirring to bring this on. I sold the house and got the hell out of there shortly thereafter.

Soon, you will be arrested for anything, chunking a cigarette butt, with no bail or ridiculous bail. Stay away from the popo.

13th October 2010, 11:47 PM
This guys neighbors have rights, too.

You're right, but what is going to happen with the recourse? There's probably more to this story, but at the end of the day, the bondsman made money and the state, NOT the people that might have redress. That's not common law.

I agree with you, the neighbors should be compensated for this guy junking cars on his lawn, not the state.

13th October 2010, 11:53 PM
While I'm the first to stand up for individual rights, the hard truth is that what happens on your property can have an effect on the value of your neighbors property. If this guy wants to junk cars on his lawn, he should move to a ghetto where there is no code enforcement. He could have fixed the tire after the first warning, or put the car in his garage, or done a number of other things to avoid arrest.

This guys neighbors have rights, too.

Junk cars? Because the fukkin thing has a flat tire? Please, dude, I KNOW you are smarter than that.

Goooodness. ::)

I'm glad you're not my neighbor. I think I have a weed growing in my flowerbed.

Horrors! Write me the fu*k UP!

I may have used a bit of hyperbole there, but it a slippery slope from a car with a flat tire to having junked cars filling the lawn.



14th October 2010, 02:58 AM
parasitic gov drones probably got a peek at their retirement/pension fund reports. mayor says "not about revenue" my ass. " code enforcement agents" what the fuck is that ? useless annoying busybodies. vote with your feet, this kinda shit is outta control.

14th October 2010, 04:27 AM
Morton Illinois years ago a man was arrested for loitering. It was early morning, he was on his own property waiting outside his house for his carpool to arrive. Evidently the neighbors thought he was up to no good.

These minor inconveniences are going to happen from time to time in a complex society like the U.S. has. Better learn to get good at recognizing contracts and learning to control them.

14th October 2010, 05:13 AM
While I'm the first to stand up for individual rights, the hard truth is that what happens on your property can have an effect on the value of your neighbors property. If this guy wants to junk cars on his lawn, he should move to a ghetto where there is no code enforcement. He could have fixed the tire after the first warning, or put the car in his garage, or done a number of other things to avoid arrest.

This guys neighbors have rights, too.

Here's how you handle that without the law getting involved:
Neighbor is worried out his property value, he's trying to sell his house, flat tire looks bad... so he goes to the guy and gives him a $20 to go get the tire fixed. If the guy doesn't have the time the neighbor can be nice and go over with a tire iron and jackstand and go get the tire fixed. Then it costs him $20 and the problem is solved the next day instead of thousands of dollars and many officials over a period of months.

Also if the law wasn't there, when you neighbor puts his house up you could offer him some cash to include in the contract that the new owner has to sign an agreement to keep his lawn free of junk cars, keep his music down, etc.

The desired result can be attained quicker and cheaper without the need for government force.

14th October 2010, 06:47 AM
...city attorney greg GUBMAN :oo-->....behind every f'n problem. :oo-->

14th October 2010, 06:52 AM
unemployed pharmacist= shut down pot dispensary guy

Nice baseless speculation.

I wasn't even close to serious. Forgot the smiley.

My bad... I may be taking this thread too seriously.

14th October 2010, 07:04 AM
He should have fixed the tire after the first run in

I hope you bit your embedded tongue in cheek plumb into 2 pieces with your sardonic observation!

14th October 2010, 07:04 AM
You know, it all comes down to money.

Someone made the comment that property values are lowered by having "junk" cards in your property, but who the hell gives the "appraisers" the right to set values. If money was not created through loans and fractional reserve banking only people with lawful money could set the "value" of property.

I really cannot wait for the day this system collapses and we start over again. It will not be pretty and not all may survive, but I am sure the survivors will get to experience some real liberty while the new system takes hold.

14th October 2010, 07:05 AM
unemployed pharmacist= shut down pot dispensary guy

Nice baseless speculation.

I wasn't even close to serious. Forgot the smiley.

My bad... I may be taking this thread too seriously.
I was a little wanton with my post. Effin steelhead double IPAs ;D Have a great day BrewTech.

Twisted Titan
14th October 2010, 07:59 AM
I honestly thought this was from the UK.








14th October 2010, 08:11 AM
"I kept putting air in it, and city officials kept coming to take pictures," Barcon said.

City officials said the warrant wasn't issued until Barcon for months failed to repair or replace his tire.

Fuking eyesore in the neighborhood and he knew it.


What's next ?
getting arrested for not waxing your car ?
getting arrested for not washing your windows ?
getting arrested because your garbage bags smells ?
getting arrested because your cat pissed on your neighbors lawn ?
getting arrested because you use too much electricity in this new era of green natzis everywhere ?

and after that...
Getting arrested just because...

Where does it end ???

Hey you!

You have lots of bright ideas. We like to way you think. Have you ever considered a career in politics? We can make it happen for you.


P.S. If you don't have any skeletons in your closet, get some now.

14th October 2010, 08:14 AM
While I'm the first to stand up for individual rights, the hard truth is that what happens on your property can have an effect on the value of your neighbors property. If this guy wants to junk cars on his lawn, he should move to a ghetto where there is no code enforcement. He could have fixed the tire after the first warning, or put the car in his garage, or done a number of other things to avoid arrest.

This guys neighbors have rights, too.

Here's how you handle that without the law getting involved:
Neighbor is worried out his property value, he's trying to sell his house, flat tire looks bad... so he goes to the guy and gives him a $20 to go get the tire fixed. If the guy doesn't have the time the neighbor can be nice and go over with a tire iron and jackstand and go get the tire fixed. Then it costs him $20 and the problem is solved the next day instead of thousands of dollars and many officials over a period of months.

Also if the law wasn't there, when you neighbor puts his house up you could offer him some cash to include in the contract that the new owner has to sign an agreement to keep his lawn free of junk cars, keep his music down, etc.

The desired result can be attained quicker and cheaper without the need for government force.

Right! Next thing you know, your house is still on the market months later and the neighbor just called you asking when you are going to wax his car, shingle his roof and repair his fence. Oh BTW, could you bring over a couple of cold ones while you're at it? ;D ;D ;D

14th October 2010, 11:20 AM
Right! Next thing you know, your house is still on the market months later and the neighbor just called you asking when you are going to wax his car, shingle his roof and repair his fence. Oh BTW, could you bring over a couple of cold ones while you're at it?

Well, if you think your neighbor's car being waxed or having a full tire is going to raise your "property value" more than it will cost you to do those things, it would make sense for you to do it. Probably no one else really cares and they shouldn't have to pay for officers and court costs and such so that you can force some guy to change his tire thinking it will help you sell your house easier.

Personally I don't care that much about my property value. If you're not selling then it's basically the last thing you want going up as it just means more property taxes.

14th October 2010, 12:43 PM

All you "Libertarians" who think you have the right to trailer-park your neighborhood (probably renting anyway...lol.) need to ask this kid about neighborly responsibility. Obviously his daddy actually cares and is raising him to not be like you.


14th October 2010, 12:54 PM
OMG, the neighbor has a Mercedes parked in his driveway. That must be why my house isn't worth what I paid for it.

14th October 2010, 12:55 PM
Those people should be locked up for having a driveway stained like that.

And kids the neighborhood are never good for property values.

15th October 2010, 11:26 AM
I can just see Book and Olmstein running around the block taking snapshots of car tires. Get a life.

15th October 2010, 11:40 AM
Get a life.


Stay on your side of town.

15th October 2010, 11:43 AM
I will, Book. We have indoor toilets here.

Looks like you've been working out.