13th October 2010, 08:48 PM*
What is it with crazy billboards this election season?
The National Review's Michael Sandoval was alerted by a reader to a billboard installed Tuesday on Interstate 70 in Grand Junction, Colo., that basically animates every over-the-top attack ever leveled against President Obama.
The billboard (the Grand Junction Sentinel has a larger version) depicts Obama as a Muslim terrorist, a gangster, a Mexican bandit and a gay man. The four Obamas are seated around a table playing cards, showing off sixes in groups of three. The group is being eyed by two vultures — one labeled "$oro$," the other "UN" — and several rats, some labeled "FED," "trial lawyer," "IRS" and "EPA."
The image also includes a soldier, a copy of the Constitution, the Liberty Bell and what appears to be the Bible — all of which serve as the stakes in the game the various Obamas are playing.
"Vote DemocRAT," the billboard says. "Join the game."
A slightly different version of the billboard obtained by National Review shows the "Obama" characters emblazoned with a Nazi swastika, a Muslim crescent and star, the Communist hammer and sickle, and a rainbow patch for gay rights.
The billboard lists only an email for the artist, Paul Snover, who tells KKCO-TV that he was paid $500 to draw the work for a client who "doesn't care for what Obama is doing for the country and wanted to get that across to the people of Grand Junction and possibly around the country." Snover would not identify the client and did not respond to emails from The Upshot seeking comment.
This is just the latest in line of several over the top billboards around the country attacking Obama. Flickr user "Nate Klutzz" posted an image of another billboard along I-70 in Colorado attacking Obama as a "wannabe Marxist dictator." In July, a tea-party-sponsored billboard in Iowa likened Obama to Adolf Hitler and Communist leader Vladimir Lenin.
link (;_ylt=AvSjhTkBPWkS1KHCJ5m6uWHuOrgF;_ylu=X3oDM TRtMmtncXFsBGFzc2V0Ay9zL3libG9nX3Vwc2hvdC9jb2xvcmF kby1iaWxsYm9hcmQtYW5pbWF0ZXMtZXZlcnktYXR0YWNrLWV2Z XItbGV2ZWxlZC1hdC1vYmFtYQRjY29kZQNtcF9lY184XzEwBGN wb3MDNgRwb3MDNgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA2Jpb Gxib2FyZGlsbA--)
What is it with crazy billboards this election season?
The National Review's Michael Sandoval was alerted by a reader to a billboard installed Tuesday on Interstate 70 in Grand Junction, Colo., that basically animates every over-the-top attack ever leveled against President Obama.
The billboard (the Grand Junction Sentinel has a larger version) depicts Obama as a Muslim terrorist, a gangster, a Mexican bandit and a gay man. The four Obamas are seated around a table playing cards, showing off sixes in groups of three. The group is being eyed by two vultures — one labeled "$oro$," the other "UN" — and several rats, some labeled "FED," "trial lawyer," "IRS" and "EPA."
The image also includes a soldier, a copy of the Constitution, the Liberty Bell and what appears to be the Bible — all of which serve as the stakes in the game the various Obamas are playing.
"Vote DemocRAT," the billboard says. "Join the game."
A slightly different version of the billboard obtained by National Review shows the "Obama" characters emblazoned with a Nazi swastika, a Muslim crescent and star, the Communist hammer and sickle, and a rainbow patch for gay rights.
The billboard lists only an email for the artist, Paul Snover, who tells KKCO-TV that he was paid $500 to draw the work for a client who "doesn't care for what Obama is doing for the country and wanted to get that across to the people of Grand Junction and possibly around the country." Snover would not identify the client and did not respond to emails from The Upshot seeking comment.
This is just the latest in line of several over the top billboards around the country attacking Obama. Flickr user "Nate Klutzz" posted an image of another billboard along I-70 in Colorado attacking Obama as a "wannabe Marxist dictator." In July, a tea-party-sponsored billboard in Iowa likened Obama to Adolf Hitler and Communist leader Vladimir Lenin.
link (;_ylt=AvSjhTkBPWkS1KHCJ5m6uWHuOrgF;_ylu=X3oDM TRtMmtncXFsBGFzc2V0Ay9zL3libG9nX3Vwc2hvdC9jb2xvcmF kby1iaWxsYm9hcmQtYW5pbWF0ZXMtZXZlcnktYXR0YWNrLWV2Z XItbGV2ZWxlZC1hdC1vYmFtYQRjY29kZQNtcF9lY184XzEwBGN wb3MDNgRwb3MDNgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA2Jpb Gxib2FyZGlsbA--)