View Full Version : We Got Problems....

14th October 2010, 05:43 AM
I'm sure there are people cheering the ~0.4% move in the futures right now - higher.


It's not good news. It's very bad news.

<img src="http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?get_gallery=389"/>

That's another 0.75% decline in the value of the dollar in the last couple of hours, and is very disorderly.

It's matched by this:

<img src="http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?get_gallery=390"/>

That's the Yen.

On a longer timeframe this is what the Yen looks like .vs. the Dollar since 2007:

<img src="http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?get_gallery=391"/>

That's massive. It's also basically at historical lows and support.

So much for "intervention" eh?

There's nothing good here either:

<img src="http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?get_gallery=392"/>

The dollar looks to be headed to 72, historical lows.

Bernanke is clearly intending exactly that sort of thing, in an orderly format. What's going on this evening is anything but orderly.

If this keeps up by the time Bernanke gets to his meeting the dollar will be lucky if it's not in the 60s, below all historical support levels. Somewhere in here it will come under severe speculative attack.

Bernanke thinks he can control this if it happens. He's wrong.

I wrote about this in 2007 and said that if it happened - the last time we were down there - it would be a catastrophe. Such an event would cause commodities to shoot the moon on a literal basis and result in massive capital flight of foreign funds out of the United States.

This is exactly the sort of trap that can lead a central banker to make the critical mistake of trying to "ease" even more - that is, print his way out. If he makes that error the currency is destroyed and when it implodes the government will go with it, as every citizen's liquid net worth will be rendered value-less overnight, exactly as occurred in Weimar.

From that outcome will come the sort of change nobody with any hint of sanity wants.

His only other option is to massively withdraw liquidity to support the dollar. That collapses every large bank - overnight.

If you think this sort of thing is "under control" you need to take a look in the mirror because you are suffering from severe recto-cranial inversion, and if you don't pull your head out soon you're going wake up with a boot on your neck.

Get your arms around this America:

Bernanke does not have the situation under control, and control is rapidly being taken over by international speculators who have more money than he does and both can and will force the issue.

Remember George Soros and the Bank of England.

We're in serious trouble; this sort of instability breeds crashes, and not just in stock markets either.

Ps: As I post this in the Yen it's still going..... at some point we'll get intervention - but will it matter? Who knows.... what I do know is that this is definitely not "orderly" by anyone's definition.


Silver Rocket Bitches!
14th October 2010, 06:00 AM
USD is at 76.452 at this moment.

Seems the plunge to 72 is inevitable aside from a couple blips here and there.

14th October 2010, 06:04 AM
Surrounded by Indians, the Masked Man turned to Tonto (Spanish for "Stupid") and remarked "Tonto, we got problems."

Tonto looked at the Masked Man and replied "What do you mean 'WE', White Man?" proving he was not all that stupid after all.

14th October 2010, 06:06 AM
"What is inevitable"--to borrow your phrase, Silver B-- is .4800 target on the USDX.

.7200 is but a bleeping on the sonar

14th October 2010, 06:06 AM


14th October 2010, 06:12 AM
i have the day off today. i think i will get out my copy of "rollover" and watch it. then i'll maybe turn on cnbc as the sequel.

14th October 2010, 06:14 AM
"Tell Bennie to print another few trillion and transfer it into my Tel Aviv accounts. The FED never gets audited anyway."


14th October 2010, 06:18 AM
The dollar looks to be headed to 72, historical lows .

i remember USDX at 71.04 two or three years ago

Filthy Keynes
14th October 2010, 06:34 AM
I don't see a problem with the disintegration of the US Dollar. How many times have I been lambasted and scorned, mocked and looked down upon by "intellectuals"...... well.... just like in the days of Noah we can warn, but in the end our boat will have it's doors shut and the screaming masses will be drowned again - but this time they will drown in "money".

So I have no pity for the people that I know because they all were warned.

Filthy Keynes
14th October 2010, 06:40 AM
Here's a currency summary page:


Silver Rocket Bitches!
14th October 2010, 07:10 AM
The dollar looks to be headed to 72, historical lows .

i remember USDX at 71.04 two or three years ago

It hit 71 for a second during the 2008 collapse before it rebounded as a flight to safety.

I don't think we'll see the same misallocation of capital this time around.

Filthy Keynes
14th October 2010, 07:40 AM
It hit 71 for a second during the 2008 collapse before it rebounded as a flight to safety.

I don't think we'll see the same misallocation of capital this time around.

May 6th, 2010 crash was a test. => Stocks down, Dollar down, Gold up, Gold stocks up.

The next crash will be May 6th on steroids.

Twisted Titan
14th October 2010, 07:52 AM
i have the day off today. i think i will get out my copy of "rollover" and watch it. then i'll maybe turn on cnbc as the sequel.


14th October 2010, 08:41 AM
Thanks Ares, that was a truly sobering read.

Filthy Keynes
14th October 2010, 09:03 AM
Karl, Karl, Karl... (Denninger).... I wonder how he is feeling about his love of the US Dollar now!



14th October 2010, 09:09 AM
Is it finally time to go long Nat Gas???!

That's an ugly return!

14th October 2010, 09:17 AM
it's getting out of control. they need to do a plaza accord and keep it contained in an orderly fashion.

14th October 2010, 09:33 AM
From my private email...........
================================================== ===

America's Currency Crisis is Now Underway

According to minutes that were just released this week from the Federal Reserve's meeting on September 21st, the Federal Reserve is now trying to figure out ways to boost inflation expectations. The mainstream media is reporting that the Federal Reserve wants to publicly declare their intention to seek a higher inflation rate so that Americans are encouraged to spend more before their money is worth less. Unfortunately, what the mainstream media fails to realize is, not only will their money soon be worth less but it will literally become worthless.

If the Federal Reserve doesn't immediately raise interest rates dramatically, there is serious risk of the current "meltup" turning into hyperinflation before the end of 2012. The Federal Reserve's words can no longer control the present situation. They are saying they want inflation so that when massive inflation does arrive, it appears as though they still have control. With gold up 19% and silver up 38% since NIA's July 28th article "Gold and Silver Capitulation is Near" in which we said, "the big move to the upside (for gold and silver) is right around the corner", it is obvious that the Federal Reserve has completely lost control of inflation and a major currency crisis is already underway.

The world is flooded with excess liquidity of U.S. dollars. Up until now, Americans have been blessed by the fact that the world has been hoarding these dollars, believing they are a safe haven during these uncertain economic times. The world's confidence in the U.S. dollar and strong demand for U.S. treasuries despite the need for the Federal Reserve to monetize our $13.6 trillion national debt will one day be looked back at as the most mysterious paradox of our generation.

The average American today is pouring money into U.S. treasuries. They got crushed when the dot-com bubble collapsed, they got decimated when the Real Estate bubble burst, and now they are loading into dollar-denominated assets. Simultaneously, the Federal Reserve is trying to destroy the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar. The only thing the Federal Reserve should be focused on today is preventing hyperinflation, because hyperinflation always leads to complete societal collapses.

Almost all American investment advisors tell their clients today that government bonds are the "safest investments there are" because they "are backed by the full faith and credit of the government". It is very common for investment advisors to recommend to their clients that they put 25% or more of their assets into U.S. government bonds and keep another 25% of their assets in U.S. dollar cash. Yet, there are almost no investment advisors in existence who recommend to their clients that they put more than 5% of their assets into gold.

Investors who only put 5% of their assets into gold might find that they only retain 5% of their purchasing power in the future. Neither NIA nor its co-founders are investment advisors, but our commentary has consistently highlighted our beliefs that there is no such thing as owning too much gold. NIA believes that individual investors' portfolios should be 100% in assets that will retain or increase in purchasing power during hyperinflation. The only question today that smart investors should be asking themselves is what percentages do I put into physical gold, physical silver, mining stocks, agricultural commodities, etc.

Obama continues to state he will not raise taxes for those earning less than $200,000, yet he is doing absolutely nothing to reduce government spending. With China and Japan getting ready to pull the plug on the U.S. dollar, future U.S. deficit spending will have to be paid for by outright money printing. The price inflation that is ahead as a result of monetary inflation is the absolute worst thing that can happen to middle class Americans. Obama's inflation won't hurt the wealthy as much because the wealthy, if they become educated and act quick enough, can still preserve the purchasing power of their wealth by buying gold and silver.

Obama's plan to reduce our budget deficit from $1.6 trillion today down to $752 billion in 2015 is contingent on 5.58% annual GDP growth and interest rates on our public debt of only 4.1%. The only way we will see 5.58% annual GDP growth is with massive inflation and when inflation spirals out of control, so will interest rates. There is no doubt that our nation's budget deficit come 2015 will be substantially higher than it is today, if our nation survives until then.

First post of the day................good morning to one and all.

14th October 2010, 09:51 AM
Is it finally time to go long Nat Gas???!

That's an ugly return!

Where will you keep it? :boohoo

Uncle Salty
14th October 2010, 10:17 AM
I don't cheer the implosion of the dollar and our soon to be third world status.

But I do cheer the fact that I have taken steps to protect myself from this inevitable collapse. There is a difference.

While it will be painful to watch friends, family, and others suffer who have not protected themselves, there is a level of satisfaction that I have done so to some extent. And by doing that prep, I will be able to help a handful of people. For that, I am grateful.

Silver Shield
14th October 2010, 10:29 AM
Is it finally time to go long Nat Gas???!

That's an ugly return!

Where will you keep it? :boohoo

I just ate chili...

14th October 2010, 12:16 PM
Last night, while I was watching Silver gain $0.35 in a little over 2 minutes, I just KNEW it wasn't a good thing. It kind of freaked me out, actually... I had a sense of dread and was saying to myself "not yet... not yet, damnit... Still too much left to do before THIS". There will come a day not too far from now when it WON'T stop, like it did last night, and by then I'm hoping we're all in a better position to deal with it.

Moral of the story? BUY MORE SILVER - you just CAN'T have enough for what's on the horizon! :o