View Full Version : 'Grave danger of financial collapse' says Clarke

14th October 2010, 11:15 AM

The world faces a "grave danger of financial collapse" and the UK is "not out of the woods" yet, Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke warned today.

"I actually am one of those who believes, with a grave danger of financial collapse, we're not out of the woods in the western world yet. There is an extremely serious financial crisis," he said.

Mr Clarke said the UK has "rescued ourselves at the moment", but he added: "If we fail to deliver with the (CSR) programme we're going to set out, we'll be back there all too soon."

His comments were not contained in the draft text of his speech released by the Ministry of Justice.

But speaking at the Prison Governors Association annual conference in Buxton, Derbyshire, Mr Clarke joked about the reputation of the town's mineral water, telling his audience: "Whilst here I would suggest you taste the water to try the cure, because the events of the next 12 months are going to be quite dramatic."

He said he did not want to dwell on the comprehensive spending review, but added: "It is quite the most dramatic in living memory.

"There's no one alive who remembers a crisis of this kind.

"It is not the usual public spending squeeze."

Mr Clarke told the prison governors: "I would brace yourself for quite a lot of change, because these are difficult circumstances.

"Whatever I manage to get, it won't be what you like."

Filthy Keynes
14th October 2010, 12:17 PM
Mr Clarke said the UK has "rescued ourselves at the moment"

Hahhahaha... I always get a chuckle when I hear intellectuals talk about Keynesian policies as having "rescued" them.

That was a good article - the powers that be are trembling in their boots - scared sh-tless!

14th October 2010, 12:31 PM
We can help the patient only when we know that he is sick.......as far as the government is concern we are still dancing the night away.

Twisted Titan
14th October 2010, 02:25 PM
Let it collaspe.

Their is no way we are getting to the other side without a shitload of bullets and gunsmoke.

14th October 2010, 05:30 PM
Let it collaspe.

there is nothing to collapse

it collapsed long ago when I bought my last "made in USA" jeans

14th October 2010, 05:33 PM
But speaking at the Prison Governors Association

for a moment a thought he spoke out of prison

15th October 2010, 07:01 AM
They are not shaking in their boots. He is pushing the fear so he can wind up the pressure for people to accept the CSR, what ever that is. I can guarantee it won't be good.

ah, it is the Comprehensive Spending Review.... austerity programs dictated by the IMF is my guess. No pensions for retired people, no health care...that you can access anyway.

Due to be announced by the HM Treasury on 20 October 2010


And they mention this....hmmmm not good. The people of the UK are about to get bent over.

What is a Star Chamber?
The Star Chamber takes its name from an English court of law established in the 15th century in the Palace of Westminster. The court took its name from the room in which the court met.

The court was initially intended to bring prominent and powerful people to justice, where ordinary courts could not.

The term Star Chamber was used again in the 1980s for meetings between senior departmental Ministers and the Treasury to resolve spending issues.