View Full Version : New requirement? Patient told to waive right to trial by jury for vaccines

14th October 2010, 12:12 PM
This was posted on one of my online parenting groups. I don't vaccinate, so I've never come across this situation. Is this a new trend?

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I want to share with you an experience I had this week relating to our Constitutional rights.

I went to the doctor to receive a preventative vaccination against pertussis (whooping cough) so that I would be protected from the current outbreak here in Southern California, and more especially so that my infant daughter would be better protected against the disease since she is not yet big enough to be vaccinated.

To my surprise, I was actually denied services at the physician's office because I refused to sign a contract which would forfeit my Constitutional right to a trial by jury.

I explained the U.S. Constitution to the office staff and argued that it wasn't fair to ask me to forfeit one of my Constitutional rights in order to receive medical treatment.

They refused to budge and so I was forced to either sign away this precious right or leave the office untreated.

As an American educated in the Constitution, and as teacher of it, I could not so flipantly sign my rights away. So, I left the office untreated.

On my way to the car I began to cry, not because I was saddened to be missing a vaccination (although that is pretty disappointing), but because I felt as if yet another part of the Constitution had just died before my very eyes.

I felt as if I were at the funeral of our dearly beloved Right-to-Trial-by-Jury and that he was being placed in a casket of paper contracts buried six feet under the dirt of ignorance, apathy, greed, and socialism.

Our founding fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in order to secure our liberties in this nation.

With a quill and ink they penned the framework of liberty we enjoy today. How can I then with a pen in MY hand so easily sign away such precious liberties which were bought at such high a price? I can't. I won't. I shall not go down without a fight! Will you?

P.S. I am aware of the difficult issues between insurance companies, greedy individuals, law suits, physician's, etc... However, I think there MUST be a better solution to the problem than stripping us of our Constitutional rights in the name of "saving money" and "protecting" certain individuals and corporations from abuse.

14th October 2010, 12:33 PM
If they want you to do that is only because they know that the vaccine is not good and there is a stormy weather ahead........

14th October 2010, 12:40 PM
I'm wondering if this is a new requirement since the Hannah Poling vaccine/autism verdict last month.

"Family win $1.5 million in autism-vaccine payout"

I just love this bit of double-speak from the government:

"The officials said that the vaccine didn't "cause" her autism, but "resulted" in it."

14th October 2010, 01:13 PM
Barry signed something to the effect that Big Pharma will not be held accountable for anything. However in this legalese he forgot to write off "trial by jury" same thing for "civil court". Remember OJ was innocent but was to pay 8.5 mil in wrongful death in the Civil trial.

So in waiving your right to a jury trial you can still go the Civil route if something horrible happens. This is all a big red flag, why in TF would you volunteer to put something this nasty by their own admissions into your or your children's bodies?

14th October 2010, 01:15 PM
I went to the doctor to receive a preventative vaccination against pertussis (whooping cough) so that I would be protected from the current outbreak here in Southern California, and more especially so that my infant daughter would be better protected against the disease since she is not yet big enough to be vaccinated.

On my way to the car I began to cry, not because I was saddened to be missing a vaccination (although that is pretty disappointing)...

Constitutional issues not withstanding... WHAT AN IDIOT!!! ::)

14th October 2010, 04:18 PM
Our founding fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in order to secure our liberties in this nation.

What did He/She pledge?