View Full Version : Challenge to Obamacare to go forward in courts

14th October 2010, 05:15 PM



"In this order, I have not attempted to determine whether the line between constitutional and extraconstitutional government has been crossed," Vinson, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida, wrote in his ruling.

"I am only saying that ... the plaintiffs have at least stated a plausible claim that the line has been crossed," Vinson said.

14th October 2010, 07:43 PM
District Judge George Caram Steeh in Detroit ruled that the mandate to get insurance by 2014 and the financial penalty for skipping coverage are legal. He said Congress was trying to lower the overall cost of insurance by requiring participation.

District Judge, don't think MI can vote the fvcker out, just those in his district.

14th October 2010, 07:52 PM
I still think it's going to be set up to go in front of a bunch of bench legislators and made constitutional.