View Full Version : BROOKLYN bridge shut down.

15th October 2010, 07:37 AM
Not much info yet.

Tweets .


15th October 2010, 07:39 AM
Per fox news site there is (unconfirmed) 1 (maybe 2nd) suspicious package(s) on the bridge. No traffic on foot or vehicle currently on the bridge.

15th October 2010, 07:40 AM
CNN Video, bridge reopened

15th October 2010, 07:44 AM
somebody saw a flashlight lying on the bridge. :oo-->

15th October 2010, 07:50 AM
I am just glad is was not the BROOKLYN bridge... ;)

15th October 2010, 07:51 AM
I am just glad is was not the BROOKLYN bridge... ;)

Aha sh*t!!


low caffeine levels ;D

still afloat
15th October 2010, 07:54 AM
Also a package causing problems at Georgia Tech right now.

15th October 2010, 10:26 AM
What a courageous nation we are. A cowardly nation would have evacuated the entire city at the sight of a box of mass destruction.


still afloat
15th October 2010, 10:49 AM
I'm more scared of the colored condoms with the probe !

15th October 2010, 12:33 PM
...gotta keep those fear-levels elevated.


Twisted Titan
15th October 2010, 02:20 PM

15th October 2010, 03:18 PM

I would like to get a T-shirt with that, it would be a gas to wear it in the airport, TSA might get a kick out of it as well.

15th October 2010, 03:42 PM
Aahhh America. Land of the free, home of the ??????

15th October 2010, 03:49 PM
underwear bombers, times square false flags, a fleshlight and a USPS next day box, this terror is really pushing me to finish hand digging for my container house. Real terror would be Piglosi posters pasted all over the place, I wouldn't leave home.

15th October 2010, 04:03 PM
What a courageous nation we are. A cowardly nation would have evacuated the entire city at the sight of a box of mass destruction.


A few years ago at work there was a car that sat for months, it looked like someone was sleeping out of it. Apparently after a few months someone wanted it moved so they called in a bomb threat. In no time cops have the roads closed, bomb squad with robot, spotters and they are all staging 1/4 mile away.

So having grown up in this town I see all this lunacy and drive down a dirt road to get to the road where this car is on and then my office, so cops are sh*tting bricks left and right an apartment complex next door had been evacuated and you know cops this type of thing gives them raging boners.

So there I go drive right past the car and turn to go to the office and immediately a cop runs over to me terrified because he thinks his life is about to end being only a few hundred feet from this nuclear warhead. I say "dude I have driven past that car everyday for the last few months I'm seriously not worried about it, would you like me to go open the door?" At first he was an asshole (big surprise) but then miraculously (once in a lifetime) I got on his ass and he apologized to me ;D

The funny part is the gate was locked, and after the cop left me alone I realized I didn't have my key I was like damnit if I just drive off this dude is going to think I'm full of it and if I hop the fence 12 foot chainlink with barb wire, he is gonna think I'm a lunatic. So I decided to jump it and get my key from inside to unlock the gate, so eventually he knew I was legit but I'm sure he thought it was bizarre.

Looking back it's hilarious since they were on terror alert level 11 and I casually drive past. So I figured I'd share with the class.

15th October 2010, 04:52 PM
I would like to get a T-shirt with that, it would be a gas to wear it in the airport, TSA might get a kick out of it as well.

I am sure they would be laughing so hard they would just wave you through.

16th October 2010, 07:04 AM
What a courageous nation we are. A cowardly nation would have evacuated the entire city at the sight of a box of mass destruction.


A few years ago at work there was a car that sat for months, it looked like someone was sleeping out of it. Apparently after a few months someone wanted it moved so they called in a bomb threat. In no time cops have the roads closed, bomb squad with robot, spotters and they are all staging 1/4 mile away.

So having grown up in this town I see all this lunacy and drive down a dirt road to get to the road where this car is on and then my office, so cops are sh*tting bricks left and right an apartment complex next door had been evacuated and you know cops this type of thing gives them raging boners.

So there I go drive right past the car and turn to go to the office and immediately a cop runs over to me terrified because he thinks his life is about to end being only a few hundred feet from this nuclear warhead. I say "dude I have driven past that car everyday for the last few months I'm seriously not worried about it, would you like me to go open the door?" At first he was an asshole (big surprise) but then miraculously (once in a lifetime) I got on his ass and he apologized to me ;D

The funny part is the gate was locked, and after the cop left me alone I realized I didn't have my key I was like damnit if I just drive off this dude is going to think I'm full of it and if I hop the fence 12 foot chainlink with barb wire, he is gonna think I'm a lunatic. So I decided to jump it and get my key from inside to unlock the gate, so eventually he knew I was legit but I'm sure he thought it was bizarre.

Looking back it's hilarious since they were on terror alert level 11 and I casually drive past. So I figured I'd share with the class.

dude...you work in an office with a 12' high fence?? must b alotta niggers around.

16th October 2010, 07:25 AM
...gotta keep those fear-levels elevated.


that's how post-traumatic stress syndrome works.

the emotions of the original event (e.g., 9-11) can be mimicked by a mini-event, like this Brooklyn Bridge incident.

similar to how a loud sound can bring back a flood of adrenaline for someone with military-related PTSD.

so the end-result is, a mini-event that would have had NO IMPACT before 9-11, can now be used to induce a flood of anxiety among the general public.

a game that TPTB will be playing almost forever.

18th October 2010, 10:37 AM
Looking back it's hilarious since they were on terror alert level 11 and I casually drive past.

...I'm sure you meant to say that they were on Terror alert level 11 MILLION...