View Full Version : The Secret Of Oz - new vid from Bill Still (The Money Masters)

19th October 2010, 06:04 AM
I gather this 114 minute video from Bill Still (The Money Masters- 1995) came out about a year ago, but it slipped below my radar, even though I hang out at gold/honest-money websites... huh?! I haven't watched it yet except for the trailer, but look forward to discussing further later.

@ amazon (135 customer reviews)- The Secret Of Oz (http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Oz-James-Robertson-UK/dp/B002WLS890/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8)

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

154 of 157 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Important films should not be censored by Amazon, November 20, 2009
By Ivan R. Martin "Ivan M." (New York City, USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Secret of Oz (DVD)
The Secret of Oz is a very timely documentary at this critical point in American history. Presenting monetary history in ancient and more recent times, it exposes the systemically flawed debt-money system to which the United States and most of the world is currently enslaved. Why should governments have to borrow money into existence from private banks (at interest) if government can simply create the money itself without debt or interest for the benefit of all citizens? Sovereign republics have a responsibility to issue debt-free money into circulation for the protection of the rights of individuals, specifically, the rights of liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Bill Still's film points out how today's money creation system primarily benefits a few elite bankers and financiers at the expense of the rest of humanity. It also offers several solutions to the problem which can not only get us back on track, but enable us to achieve unprecedented prosperity in a short amount of time. Gold is not the answer. The only way to restore free market capitalism, Constitutionally limited government, and individual liberty is for American government to take the power to create the national currency away from Wall Street and put it back where it belongs---in the hands of the people.

It is regrettable that a movie which examines this issue with such detail and clarity is being blocked from further sale by Amazon.com. They cite "performance issues" as the justification, but the seller has ample proof that he far exceeds the performance standards. This smacks to me of thinly veiled censorship.

As a longtime customer of Amazon, I am deeply disappointed with them for this action. I'm afraid I'll have to reconsider how much of my money I spend on purchases through this website.

[EDIT: I thank Amazon for having enough respect for its customers to do the right thing and reinstate The Secret of Oz on the website. Happy holidays to everyone.]
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Comment Comments (12)

74 of 74 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars An Outstanding and Important Film that everyone should see for the future of our country!, November 12, 2009
By C. Martin - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Secret of Oz (DVD)
After viewing Bill Still's award winning movie, "The Secret of Oz," you will never view "The Wizard of Oz" or our economy with the same child eyed unawareness as I once did.

The Secret of Oz is a terrific analogy and Bill walks us all the way to REAL solutions that can move us past naive HOPE, and into a fulfilling future, one without debt based money and one without the manipulations and flaws of a gold standard. Bill pulls back the curtain of history to show how money issues have been boxed in over time - Republican/ Democrat, Gold Standard/ DEBT based fiat.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Bill's movie, "The Secret of Oz" presents history in a fascinating way, he then picks up on author L. Frank Baum's symbolisms and spells them all out for you - The yellow brick road, the silver slippers, the Emerald City, the mindless Scarecrow, the heartless Tin Man, the cowardly Lion. Even the witches and flying monkeys have meanings that you will find fascinating.

Bill takes you on a trip around the world and through time, his journey returning us from the land of OZ back to the reality of Kansas. He spent a great deal of time and money bringing us this film, I highly encourage everyone to buy it and then show it to family and friends. Discuss it, but then ACT on it. Don't leave it to HOPE that others will jump up and save the day, for we must all seize it, because hope is but a dream, it requires ACTION to make dreams come true.

website: http://secretofoz.com/

4 min trailer:

114 min video:

19th October 2010, 08:16 AM
Just heard him on Jone's Monday podcast.

His suggestions for better money included:

1. No gold or other commodity backing. It is too easy to manipulate any commodity price.
2. Fiat issued by government (States) with no inflation (other than for population growth). Price inflation is fiat failure.
3. Interest charge for use of money.
4. No fractional reserve banking. Banks can only lend what they have.

Twisted Titan
19th October 2010, 08:49 AM
Just heard him on Jone's Monday podcast.

His suggestions for better money included:

1. No gold or other commodity backing. It is too easy to manipulate any commodity price.
2. Fiat issued by government (States) with no inflation (other than for population growth). Price inflation is fiat failure.3. Interest charge for use of money.
4. No fractional reserve banking. Banks can only lend what they have.

After all these years and the momumental body of work he has under his belt he still advocates placing control of money in the hands of the electorate. Who have proven they are compromised from the first day of service

The power to issue money should be in the hands of the people and that should be guarded as vigorously as the ownership of firearms.

To say otherwise you are either Delusional, Dishonest and work for them.


General of Darkness
19th October 2010, 09:33 AM
TT I agree with you but I would also go back to only MEN and LAND OWNERS can vote, they're the only ones with skin in the game. And for the record I'm not woman hating, I just think the majority of the time they vote with their emotions, that's how Obongo got elected.

19th October 2010, 09:38 AM
TT I agree with you but I would also go back to only MEN and LAND OWNERS can vote, they're the only ones with skin in the game. And for the record I'm not woman hating, I just think the majority of the time they vote with their emotions, that's how Obongo got elected.

amen! why do these morons that live in the apartment complexes all over get to vote on whether or not property taxes go up, bond initiatives pass, etc? they don't pay any of it, why should they get to vote on it? only people that actually pay the taxes should get to have a say in it.

Twisted Titan
19th October 2010, 09:48 AM
I agree.......

I believe only those with skin in th game get a vote.


19th October 2010, 10:02 AM
Just heard him on Jone's Monday podcast.

His suggestions for better money included:

1. No gold or other commodity backing. It is too easy to manipulate any commodity price.
2. Fiat issued by government (States) with no inflation (other than for population growth). Price inflation is fiat failure.
3. Interest charge for use of money.
4. No fractional reserve banking. Banks can only lend what they have.

I cross-linked these threads, as I was first made aware of this "Secret of Oz" video via this recent Corbett Report podcast: Corbett Report audio: What is the Essense of Money? Gold, etc (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/corbett-report-audio-what-is-the-essense-of-money-gold-etc/msg128567/#msg128567)


Featured Speakers/Commentators: Bill Still, Paul Grignon

Summary: What is the essence of money? Is it a store of value? Is it a medium of exchange? Should it be both, or should they be separated? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the history of William Jennings Bryan and the Populists, The Wizard of Oz, and the real nature of money.

MP3 - 1 hour, 55 MBs (http://www.radio4all.net/responder.php/download/46300/52137/67300/?url=http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode154_cross_of_gold.mp3)

It's a good discussion, but the first 15 mins are general news, so jump ahead to cut to the chase.

Beside's Still's videos, they also discuss Paul Grignon's (Money As Debt, Money As Debt 2 (http://www.moneyasdebt.net/)) ideas about a proper monetary system. He's also critical of the problems with gold backed money, and instead suggests a "self-issued credit" approach, which is the focus of Grignon's site: http://www.digitalcoin.info/

19th October 2010, 02:44 PM
He's a good writer, too:




General of Darkness
19th October 2010, 05:22 PM
Just got home and I was SO excited to watch it, and it's removed. Does anyone else have a link for the movie?

19th October 2010, 05:51 PM
Just got home and I was SO excited to watch it, and it's removed. Does anyone else have a link for the movie?

that's messed up! here's a gootube vid search, it's still out there on other venues,

General of Darkness
19th October 2010, 06:58 PM
Thanks Pat. I found this place providing the movie.


I AM ON A MAC, do have you're anti-virus up todate, just in care.